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Eber Lambert Wishes Neil a Happy Birthday (New Neil Baby Picture!)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012


Anonymous said...

awww quit picking on baby boy #1. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam's face profile bears such a stark resemblance to his young Dad's. Hey Eber, you're sure you got the second martini calculation correct, looks a bit fishy to me! lol! Anyway, I'm none the wiser; maybe my computer geek son may be able to verify that; but at present he's way too busy to be a kaypoh. lol! Oh #1 son has stayed #1, hasn't he...true to form from the you say, he yells all day and night. lol! Actually I've learnt something...don't get angry or too upset when one's baby cries a lot. It might turn out positive! Probably that's why Neil is a wee bit negative...he didn't yell out all the woes from the start. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks a lot like a young Eber, especially if he had his natural hair colour.

Happy Birthday Neil; my daughter shares your birthday she turned the big 30 today.


Anonymous said...

Eber is a good-looking man and has two handsome sons. We have heard that Adam WAS the fussier baby. All that energy was finally put to good use. Cute, cute picture!
Happy Birthday, Neil!


Anonymous said...

God Eber was gorgeous! Such gorgeous parents and such wonderful brothers!
I love that Adam was a noisy baby! LOVE IT!!!!!
We Glamberts love you too!

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Neil was a gorgeous baby. Good-looks run in the family.

Anonymous said...

What a cute baby Neil was. Happy Birthday Neil! And Adam looks so much like his father, both so handsome. I wish Adam so much success in this new year.

HK fan said...

Whilst I can see Adam in this profile, I've always thought that he looks more like his mum....but with his dads build. I've never found Eber particularly good looking either.

Anonymous said...

It says a lot about Adam's roots that his dad honors both sons equally, lovingly tweeting their baby pics. After the "devil" babyhood with Son #1 in which Dad reports he squealed 24 hours straight, Dad must be ever grateful for Neil and Neil should give thanks to Mom and Dad for having the intestinal fortitude to hazard a second child. Happy Birthday, Neil. At least you didn't become Negated Neil. atm

Anonymous said...

You're quite sure it's "intestinal" not some other more related! My partner in your judgement!


Anonymous said...

Oh, both the Lambert sons were born on the 29th?
Serious Capricorn is expected to be quieter than gregarious Aquarius who loves friends around them.

glitzylady said...

Eber is very good looking in person. Pictures don't do him justice in my opinion. I've had several unexpected close up encounters with him...and I think he's pretty darn handsome. And Adam definitely got those broad shoulders from Eber. Adam is the perfect combination of Eber and Leila. Excellent genes for sure!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Neil from the Land of Oz. Your quite a guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the IMAGE....clone of Eber.
Look at Eber and you see Adam in the future. When I met Eber, who was so gracious and caring, I couldn't help but feel Adam's presence. So intelligent great sense of humor, amazing height and both darn incredibly beautiful handsome level headed guys.

Anonymous said...

yes anonymous dec 30, 2012 1:21 am... I was so shocked how much Adam looks like his father in this picture...

Anonymous said...

Adam's profile looks like Eber's profile in this photo but I think he looks more like his gorgeous mother - photos don't lie.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Neil. What a lovely bub you were. Hope you're celebrating your birthday in style.

Anonymous said...

Eber is a tall, wiser, witty and handsome guy...

Not perfect but they manage to have great kids indeed!:)

Well manners......

It's not easy to have kids but it's worth it at the end.......

Happy B-day Mr. Neil.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks a lot like his mother.
Eber, I just don't think so. Adam gets his height from his dad. Have to see more pictures of Eber when he was younger.

Anonymous said...

Adam does look a lot like Eber, and Eber is very handsome. Adam is a perfect mixture of mom and dad. Neil I can't figure out who he looks like.