Finally New Pictures: Adam Lambert in Bali
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012
Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012
Via @wibinugraha: Crew phoenix + pinguin with adam lambert #AdamLambertBali

Via @miyaa Had a great time interview adamlambert. Ended up talking about our tattoos #AdamLambertBali

Via @miyaa Had a great time interview adamlambert. Ended up talking about our tattoos #AdamLambertBali

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He looks so happy! Have a great 2013 Adam!
24/7 -- Whoever you are, you are amazing, keeping us abreast of everything that is Adam for the last 4 years! A wonderful 2013 to you as well!
My favourite is backkkkkkkkk!!!
Melvin is backkkkkkkkkk!!:)))
Thanks Adam love!!!:)
Is this lady interviewing him. She ran into him in a lounge with no people.
Is this the room where the concert will be with a bunch of tables? The map looks like table seating.
Do they call this venue the Ballroom, where Aam is with this lady?
Looks like the scruff is back....oh yeah I love it....alone in a room with Adam just sitting on a couch.......if only that were me....can anyone say dream come true of course that's not the only dream with Adam in it I'd like to come true ...but it'd be a great start ....rose petal
Yes thank you 24/7 for keeping us up on Adam Lambert. This is my one and only place to keep up with Adam news. Thank you, with out you I would be lost.
11:37 am...There´s always Adamtopia to keep up with Adam´s doings:) And I have to say that it is far more positive place to interact with Adam´s fans...guess the downside here is a possibility to be anonymous. Thank you for all those people here who are making an effort to keep this place positive and kind:)
Wish he would shave for these important events.
Who told Adam that he looks nice with facial hair? I would kill this person!
I agree..Adam looks so much better clean shaven!!Please,Adam,shave!On the VH-1 Diva show,he would have looked fab clean shaven;the show was great,but not the stubble,so PLEASE shave,Adam,please!
Melvin or no Melvin...gorgeous either way!Adam will do what ever the heck he wants!:) And that´s our Adam:)
11:47 AM I so agree. I lurk on both sites,but like Adamtopia (sorry) better, because of it's positiveness and it has also sooner the daily news (tweets etc.). When I started following Adam in 2010 I used to come here. I remember many nice people commenting with names: Eva from Sweden, Sanni from Finland, some norwegian guy etc. Where are they now? There are still some "old" nice and wise people left but I come here very seldom. Some threads turn so negative at times. It must be this anonymous -possibility. I was once near to start using a tag but at that time there were so many negative people (trolls etc.), so I decided to find something else and found Adamtopia.
But Adam gets better and better, as years go by. I like him shaved but he is handsome with or without Melvin.
1:36 PM - There is not only one person. You must then kill a lot of people, because what I've seen, many have tweeted to him that they like the facial hair and many have also commented the facial hair in pics positively in his Instagram.
@Anon 1:45 PM
I agree, I miss some of those who no longer comment here. Some left of their own accord, perhaps for the same reasons you gave, some were harassed to the point they had to leave, some still lurk but don't comment. I wish, too, that people would choose a tag and use it. A sign in would be a good idea in my opinion. I know that admin wants to keep it easy for people but perhaps it would help to reduce the negativity if everyone "owned" their own comments. Or maybe not. If nothing else, it would be easier to keep track of who said what! Either way, welcome back, even if for a moment. There are still many positive and kind people here, thank goodness!
IMO Adam looks a bit George Michael(ish) with facial hair... I guess I prefer him shaven, but what the hell do I know:DD
By the way, I think Adam looks fine with or without facial hair. MORE than fine... I particularly like his natural colored "scruff" that we've seen recently. But it's also wonderful to see his incredibly handsome face clean shaven. As the saying goes, I wouldn't kick him out of bed either if THAT would ever happen! LOL!!! The point is, in my eyes, he's pretty damn gorgeous either way..and its his face. I don't think he pays a whole lot of attention to what fans say re his facial hair. As we all know by now, Adam does what Adam wishes, which is something I admire about him.
I came home so tired last night from my daughters, had 2 hrs. Sleep night before! We had Christmas yesterday, gave grandson's one of their gifts a convertible yellow car, call it the gl car, they ran into everything they good with it. My little 18 months granddaughter, was adorable, running after them, finally got to ride! She was so happy with her gifts! But, even tho had it taped had to watch Adam on Logo again, facial hair are no facial hair that man is gorgeous! He's so talented is almost unworldly, that Diva show was so good, everyone was good without Adam would have been nothing special he made that show! Sue
From the video remixer who edited the viral Queen vs Adam Lambert "Tresspassing" video
Here's his new edit to the new WAWA remix of "Trespassing"
His other Adam Lambert remix videos:
Adam Lambert vs Michael Jackson - Cuckoo For Your Entertainment
Adam Lambert vs Queen - Trespassing (DJ DigiMark's Dusty Mixmash)
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He reminds me of a young George Michaels also.
I've been on this site for awhile now and I think that the majority of the comments are positive. We may disagree about Adam's hair colour, his Melvin etc. but it all comes from a good place. We love Adam because of his amazing talent, his good looks and his engaging personality. It's great that Adam has so many cheer leaders.
@ Anon 1:45 P.M.....JAK here.... I too miss our absent friends from that part of the globe, Eva, Sanni, also Elli and our Norwegian guy was Ronnie.
I don't know why we don't hear from them, but I remember them fondly. I have briefly peeked in at Adamtopia and it seems a very nice site, but argumentive and dysfunctional as this site often feels sort of like family or neighbors. We're happy for each other's good fortune (like getting tickets to Adam's shows or a meet and greet, especially if it includes a hug)
and though we don't really truly 'know' each other, when someone who uses a tag goes missing we wonder if they are okay,
worry if we know someone is ill and welcome them back....and disagree violently quite often, but those of us who live at 24/7 Glambert Lane have shared quite a bit. Do drop in occasionally and maybe it'll be on one of our milder days when we are not scratching and biting! :)
So sweet! I feel that way about our site too.
I love this fansite!
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