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New Adam Lambert Interview Reveals He Wants To Show His Comedy Side in VH1 Divas

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 6, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 06, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam has a great sense of humor and a quick wit. So happy he wants to show this part of himself on T.V. Viewers will not only fall in love with his voice but his personality!

Anonymous said...

Adam ,not to worry you have a natural sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure does cracks me up with the 3 Microphones on VH1 Diva promos!!! Good job Adam!!!
Look forward to more & Adam on SNL!!!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Cuckoo is now on STAR 101.3 mediabase request form! Please request it!

Anonymous said...

Who is PSY?

Anonymous said...

Non-fans simply do not know about Adam's quick wit and smart sense of humor. They just don't see it. I hope that the Diva show will allow him to show that side of him. Hope the writers and producers give us a funny, smart, crazy side of Adam and non-fans will see and enjoy. I think it will happen. Lots of people say they love his voice, but they don't really know him. Knowing his personality makes all the difference.

PSY is the Korean guy who does the "Gangnam" style dance that became and huge hit.

Request CUCKOO, please!


Anonymous said...

Can someone give the link to request adam's cuckoo- thanks

Anonymous said...

Just type in on google star 101.3 mediabase request form.@1:54 or adamtopia has the link I think on daily news and information.

Anonymous said...

If you have text no. Please put it up, no computer, as I said before my daughters have all computers. Saw a new ad this morning it was a ATT ad. Showing different acts rehearsing. Shows Adam several times on the phone! Says you can watch them rehearsing now! I know Adam if funny and gifted in so many ways, hope producer work with him to bring that all out! Cannot wait for this show, I think AT&T has a link to the rehearsals going on now, don't know. They said you could watch them. If you have that text to request Adam song please put it up, be glad to do it, plenty! Sue

Anonymous said...

@2:58 The request line number for 101.3 is 800-800-1013, so you can text to that also I think. You can also tweet them your request if you have twitter and follow them.Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Just saw on TV today that even the oldest Sen. Simpson is dancing to Gangham style.
Quite happy that PSY is the biggest hit now over JB.

Anonymous said...

there should be role reversal. The DIVAS dress like men and ADAM dress like a woman in a skit. I bet that would get a rise out of alot of people.

Anonymous said...

bring cheeks and ex boyfriends into the skit.

Anonymous said...

We want to boost his career not sink it!