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New Front Front View Video: Adam Lambert Performing "Fever" at Hennessy Artistry

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 7, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 07, 2012

Shanghai, China 12.02.12


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam enjoys his show tonight too. I am looking forward to clips.

Anonymous said...

This is worse than his kissing Tommy. At least Tommy didn't swish. Adam what are you thinking?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but actions like this are what might turn away potential fans. We don't need to see this kind of sashaying on the stage. If you know the song and its lyrics, you don't need to have it acted out in front of you. Come on Adam. You've come such a long way since kissing Tommy and the AMA show. Don't take a step backwards with Johnny and his "dancing".

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE this performance!! Adam, Terrence, and Johnny did a marvelous job! I hope Adam keeps them on his shows!...LB

Anonymous said...

I get happy with those high notes. I need cold shower now. hehehe

Anonymous said...

More great video! Thanks!
Sashay boys!

Anonymous said...

Good lord. Could the dancer on Fever be any more over the top? It's just ridiculous looking. He takes the attention away from Adam, instead of adding to the performance.

Anonymous said...

Don't they know that Asians are reserved and conservative people???
Just what are they thinking???
Clean up you act, not another AMA!!!

HK fan said...

Love Terrance, great mover, so sexy and gorgeous smile, just can't warm up to Johnny though.