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Recent Tweets: Adam Lambert in NYC, and saw Lindsay Lohan's new movie

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 7, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 07, 2012


Anonymous said...

I love Adam - always so kind to others. Poor LL certainly has her problems! Loved her in Parent Trap and Mean Girls despite everything else!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Lindsay lohan... I'm gonna pray for her.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so kind and diplomatic. Linday is certainly a mess right now. Maybe she'll pull out of it.


Anonymous said...

Whaddup Adam . . .wish I could be in NYC to see you . . . say hi to Carson Kressley . . .wait till he sees you....

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that Adam has kindness for Lindsy while others trashing her. That's our guy! The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Agree. Lindsay has an illness and that is that. Hope she decides to take a better path for herself. Trashing her is cruel.

Anonymous said...

Love ADAM for his understanding and compassion which is what Lindsay needs and not trashing or any put down.
Truly a man with a golden heart and enlightened soul.
Proud of you, ADAM!