Maybe I'm jumping the gun here ,but is a big announcement forthcoming ? A wedding ? or an engagement maybe ? Woo Woo ! What a georgeous union that would be .
OT - Adam was once again mentioned in the LA Times. On Tues. there was an article in the calendar section on Emblem3 - the 3 guy group from the XFactor that came in 3rd or 4th. " ........... these days it's often better to be a finalist ........ than an actual winner. Look at 1D, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry and ADAM LAMBERT (my caps) - all losers who ultimately ended up becoming bigger stars than the winners of their respective competitions". I'll drink to that!!!! . . . Adamluv
@Adamluv 1:34 PM Amen to that! (Waiting for more US shows....)
And so true re what the LA Times said. Who cares what place you come in during the show (although still pissed that Adam didn't "win" ...grumble, grumble...). What really matters is how you do AFTER the show is over..Talent..and charisma... wins out in the end.....
Adam said on Wendy he had no intentions of getting married. Besides it is not legal again in California. May be after the Supreme Court studies Prop 8. Haven't heard of any big announcement coming but off line last day or two. The Dark Side
I wish some would explain why RCA won't support a US and Canada tour? I can't believe that Adam would not sell out the same venues where he appeared for the Glam Nation Tour! It just does not make sense to me.
Love the way Adam is using his Instagram to keep all his Glamberts updated on his life. Even in slow times between performances, he always manages to keep us engaged. The energy just keeps flowing back and forth - never stops.
Someone must be working on soething for Adam. We have seen the list for the tour-non tour, for some time now. There is an ominous stop after march 2013. I know they want him to start his third album soon. I would love to see him with Queen again. He said if he did Queen again, he would like it to be new music, and not another tribute. If he could colaborate with Queen on his next album, it would be great. It might be risky, because the concert he just did, were all winner songs, that people know.
@Anon 2:44 PM Adam starts his overseas "not-a-tour" on Feb. 17th. The Grammys air on Feb. 10th. No particular reason to think he'll be there, but then again, wouldn't it be awesome?!! Maybe at least in the audience, or as a presenter?? One can always hope!
@Anon 3:00 PM Adam has recently alluded to "new projects" and of course has said he'll be working on "new music", perhaps his own and perhaps with Queen???!!!. I would suspect that IF he and Queen did a tour of sorts, with new music, they would definitely include many of the classic Queen music as well. He also said he has been in talks regarding various other things..when he was asked about movies, TV, etc.. LOTS of fabulous possibilities there. I'm very excited to think about what that all might mean. The sky's the limit for Adam right now...can hardly wait until we hear more about whatever he's doing next.
I don't think Adam will be doing much in January after the Viet Nam show except rehearse for the big tour dates in Feb. and March. The Grammys are on Sunday, February 10. Adam's first concert in Feb. is on Sunday, Feb. 17, in Seoul, Korea. If he WAS asked to be on the Grammys, there would be no conflict. I doubt he will be on the Grammys, but it sure would be nice if they'd let him at least present an award or something. Having him perform would be fantastic, but unlikely. TP was a significant album this year due to its #1 status and the uniqueness of that achievement. It would be nice if the Grammys showed some class and paid homage to that fact.
WELL, I'M sure not bored! The pix Adam posted are recent and very good. The top new one is tremendous of both of them. Adam's life is too interesting for me to ever get bored. I have never bought a ticket to Short Attention Span Theater.
I'm with you DRG! I'm NEVER bored since Adam became part of my life! He really keeps things interesting.
Personally, as far as his professional life is concerned, I'd really like a Queenbert tour in US with a mix of classic Queen songs and some new collaborations with Adam! This would be heaven on earth. Oh, and any new projects that will put his gorgeous self on the TV or Big Screen LOL! CT
sad to say but there is too little tv performance time to have those who are not nominated perform. the performing slots will go to nominees and likely winners. that is how the 'system' works. never mind that TP got very good critical reviews, the sad fact of no grammy nomination sucks big time. yet another bitter pill. but NEVER bored!
Adam needs to be careful using instagram. Advertisers can use these images and he will not be paid for them.
@Anon 4:33 PM I suspect Adam isn't too worried. Many of the pics he already gets from are from other sources anyway and the ones he posts of his own pics go everywhere. Easy for anyone to copy and use. I read about that the other day and thought it was interesting that they'd have to mention it...but I do understand that some people would take advantage of Instagram : (((
Sometimes I don't understand USA glamberts at all. You cry after a tour and you demand there to be concerts in your state, in your very own city... Seems like otherwise many of you won't be there...
But Adam has been doing plenty of concerts around the US during last spring and also during summer and fall... Why are you all crying? Why haven't you gone to those concerts???
I respect American glamberts for their devotion but there are also many devoted glamberts in other parts of the world. They are in no way less entitled to see Adam perform live than you are.
I have a feeling that Adam desires to fill stadiums in the US. He wants to make the new album soon and he yearns for it to become BIG. If the next album is succesful, he will be able to fill big arenas.
He doesn't want to do Glam Nation Tour again. He wants bigger...
It probably the same old gruppy drawer's that attack's everybody when they are saying nice things and trying to be happy, alway's negative and hateful! Whatever Adam are anyone else does she likes the opposite, of Adam does not meet her approval well not supporting him! That per son who is bored likes to bring down people and ruin their day! Does not matter if it's Christmas, does not care just let's trash someone, and bring them down! Of your bored fine other pictures and post them, none of those pictures are old. He only did Diva little over a week ago! Why is it necessary to bring everybody down, because you are not happy! If you are not same person that does that how am I to know, u do not sign ever, and u are usually not happy about anything! Due
Adam's taking a short break like many people are over the holidays. He has Bali coming up, then Viet Nam. THEN, a big string of shows in Feb. and Mar. He needs a little down time. If you're that bored so quickly, watch some great video of Adam or something. Just sharing with everyone here keeps me very connected to Adam even when he's not performing somewhere. He's NEVER boring.
Adam's life is never boring or uninteresting. I look forward to checking this site everyday just to see what has been added. But there can't always be something new every hour of every day. I guess right now Adam is moving into the new house(if that story is true) and getting things organized. Then he's off for the New Year's Eve concert which should be fun for him and the band. His life will always be so much more interesting than mine will ever be, but then I may have done things or been places too that interest my friends and family. I'd love for there to be some Queenbert concerts here in the states, but that may never happen. Maybe we just have to see what other projects or opportunities Adam has on his agenda and then eventually wait for the release of a third album some time later in 2013.
@Anon 6:25 PM I must respond to you : )) I don't believe any of us American Glamberts are crying because we aren't getting to go to a performance in every city in every state (your words..). Didn't happen the first time around either. Sheesh.
I AM extremely grateful for the concerts that HAVE happened in the US. BUT quite honestly, we haven't had all THAT many full-on full length Trespassing concerts. Many have been "radio sponsored" shows...some just a few songs, some full concerts. I've personally been very lucky to go to two full "Trespassing" concerts: Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, CA, and Fantasy Springs, also in CA, one radio promo (Bing Lounge in Portland-3 songs..), and recently was beyond thrilled to go to The VH1 Divas show (my Christmas present to me).
The BIG problem was this: I (and many others from all over the country in the case of the LA shows..) had to travel to Los Angeles, CA for the 2 full concerts (And the Divas show..), and also to Portland, OR for the Bing Lounge show (me)..All quite a distance from my Seattle, WA area home. For instance, LA is a 16 hour drive one way, if you don't stop, and 1,200 miles each way, so I flew each time..thankfully!! It also involves hotels, not cheap..but so worth it. Many cannot do that. And had to pass on the opportunities as they came up. Distances in the US West can be vast, as compared to distances in Europe, for example. There were relatively few west coast shows. And unless you live in California, either LA or San Francisco, you were out of luck, unless you could afford to travel. Of course there were other shows, here and there throughout the US, but that's an example of why many US (and Canadian) fans are rather sad. We don't wish to be selfish..we just want to see Adam too.
I'm not whining at all here, just stating facts..but I do feel badly for those many fans who could not go to one of the gigs Adam did this year. We were all waiting patiently and hopefully for the Trespassing Tour, but due to lack of radio play..and not the greatest sales of Trespassing...probably ALSO due to lack of radio play here, it seems we will not be getting one. I don't blame Adam at all. It just is what it is. So while I'm really excited for the people who WILL be getting more Adam in the months to come, we can still be a little sad that the US may not. And a few of us may cry and sniffle just a little. Adam must be just a tad bit disappointed too. I suspect we'll see some shows here and there in the US...but unfortunately many many fans here will most likely not see him live at all.
I do agree that Adam and his management would probably prefer bigger venues..I suspect they aren't always expecting large arenas tho. Yet. Some of the gigs in Asia coming up are not large...and some are. I'm just really thrilled that Adam is having such great success and popularity worldwide. He's doing so well, in spite of US radio..etc.. Darn them anyway..
glitzylady I was the happiest woman in the universe (what the heck I'm saying, I was ecstatic) when Brian and Roger decided that "the show must go on". If it hadn't been for their perseverance, after Sonisphere had been cancelled, the mini tour in Europe wouldn't have ever been organized. They did an EXTRAORDINARY thing, despite the majority of their fans' ultraconservative opinion, "Freddie can't be replaced", "Adam Lambert is a pop singer", despite their snarky comments, from simple nos to the most abject ones, Brian and Roger didn't give in. They didn't have to prove anything, they are legends, the pleasure to play again with a singer who surely reminded them of Freddie, was all that counted. But let us not deceive ourselves, even if a future America tour is possible, they playing others' songs even Adam's...unimaginable! New songs? Only if Brian and Roger were working now, writing new songs otherwise they would play only Queen classics.
@Pan I was for the most part responding to another comment, to @Anon 3:00 PM. I have no illusions that Adam and Queen will ever do a show with only new music, or Adam's music... They have however suggested that they MIGHT do something new with him..all speculation at this point. Who knows. I suspect IF they do, at some point in time, it might be one song.. or a couple. But IF they do a tour (or even a few shows here and there...and I am truly hoping for at least one here in the US, or maybe 2 or 3, because I unfortunately had to miss the European ones..but we'll see..) I would also assume we would get a full on QUEEN show..not a new-music-with-Adam show. I'm not sure you completely "heard" what I was saying..and in fact I believe I said the same thing you did for the most part. : )) I am personally DYING to see Adam and Queen together in concert live at some point, doing the shows they did this summer. I have no great need to hear new music from them unless they come up with something amazing, either with Adam or on their own. And if they do, hell yeah!!! Not only am I an Adam fan, I'm a huge Queen fan...and the two combined with Adam singing Queen songs is more than good enough for me!!!! To use an over-used, but appropriate word, EPIC!!! :))))
glitzylady Pity, great pity for you, for me that Brian is lured by "the call of the badgers" more than anything now. I admire his activism but a new song written by Brian May sung by Adam Lambert...EPIC as you said.
@Pan Yes..Dr. Bri is truly a wonderful man...I admire him so much. And currently the badgers need him just as much as we do, perhaps more. Bless his gentle and determined heart for being their "voice".. I'll wait more or less patiently until the need to do just a little more Queen music takes over again...hoping sooner than later..but whenever that happens, hoping to be there too..
Most people in most countries will never be able to afford to travel to Adam's shows. Some fans couldn't even afford to see Adam if he came to their city.
We shouldn't be-grudge anyone the opportunity to see Adam; we shouldn't get sarcastic with people who are upset that he's not coming to a town near them and, when we are well enough off to travel to see him in special circumstances, we should resist the urge to show off.
I'm afraid that I'm one of the UNfortunate Glamberts who will NEVER get to experience an ADAM LAMBERT performance LIVE for the simple reason that I am housebound & can only watch ADAM on TV/videos or perhaps movies one day if it's not in the too distant future. I gratefully rely on my fellow Glamberts who do go to his concerts here & worldwide & then post the videos on Ytube. THANK YOU ONE & ALL & BLESS YOUR HEARTS!! Love 'n Light ........ tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Adam posted couple of pictures on his Instagram:
Maybe I'm jumping the gun here ,but is a big announcement forthcoming ? A wedding ? or an engagement maybe ? Woo Woo ! What a georgeous union that would be .
Sorry , in my apparent excitement I misspelled Gorgeous .
Why are you expecting a big announcement? Have I missed something? I know they just moved.
Only big announcement I want is that Adam will be performing here in the states very soon. . . . Adamluv
Awww Adam and Sauli:) What a perfect couple...Their faces tell so much about their affection and love for one another. Soulmates!
OT - Adam was once again mentioned in the LA Times. On Tues. there was an article in the calendar section on Emblem3 - the 3 guy group from the XFactor that came in 3rd or 4th. " ........... these days it's often better to be a finalist ........ than an actual winner. Look at 1D, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry and ADAM LAMBERT (my caps) - all losers who ultimately ended up becoming bigger stars than the winners of their respective competitions". I'll drink to that!!!! . . . Adamluv
@Adamluv 1:34 PM
Amen to that! (Waiting for more US shows....)
And so true re what the LA Times said. Who cares what place you come in during the show (although still pissed that Adam didn't "win" ...grumble, grumble...). What really matters is how you do AFTER the show is over..Talent..and charisma... wins out in the end.....
I wish Adam will perform on Grammys. May be this is the big announcement.
Adam said on Wendy he had no intentions of getting married. Besides it is not legal again in California. May be after the Supreme Court studies Prop 8. Haven't heard of any big announcement coming but off line last day or two. The Dark Side
I wish some would explain why RCA won't support a US and Canada tour? I can't believe that Adam would not sell out the same venues where he appeared for the Glam Nation Tour! It just does not make sense to me.
Love the way Adam is using his Instagram to keep all his Glamberts updated on his life. Even in slow times between performances, he always manages to keep us engaged. The energy just keeps flowing back and forth - never stops.
same old photo same old news.Im staring to get bored.
2:12 pm
what old photo are you talking about??
@ 1:57 I believe Adam is travelling out of country during the Grammys.
Someone must be working on soething for Adam. We have seen the list for the tour-non tour, for some time now. There is an ominous stop after march 2013. I know they want him to start his third album soon. I would love to see him with Queen again. He said if he did Queen again, he would like it to be new music, and not another tribute. If he could colaborate with Queen on his next album, it would be great. It might be risky, because the concert he just did, were all winner songs, that people know.
@Anon 2:44 PM
Adam starts his overseas "not-a-tour" on Feb. 17th. The Grammys air on Feb. 10th. No particular reason to think he'll be there, but then again, wouldn't it be awesome?!! Maybe at least in the audience, or as a presenter?? One can always hope!
@Anon 3:00 PM
Adam has recently alluded to "new projects" and of course has said he'll be working on "new music", perhaps his own and perhaps with Queen???!!!. I would suspect that IF he and Queen did a tour of sorts, with new music, they would definitely include many of the classic Queen music as well. He also said he has been in talks regarding various other things..when he was asked about movies, TV, etc.. LOTS of fabulous possibilities there. I'm very excited to think about what that all might mean. The sky's the limit for Adam right now...can hardly wait until we hear more about whatever he's doing next.
I don't think Adam will be doing much in January after the Viet Nam show except rehearse for the big tour dates in Feb. and March. The Grammys are on Sunday, February 10. Adam's first concert in Feb. is on Sunday, Feb. 17, in Seoul, Korea. If he WAS asked to be on the Grammys, there would be no conflict. I doubt he will be on the Grammys, but it sure would be nice if they'd let him at least present an award or something. Having him perform would be fantastic, but unlikely. TP was a significant album this year due to its #1 status and the uniqueness of that achievement. It would be nice if the Grammys showed some class and paid homage to that fact.
WELL, I'M sure not bored! The pix Adam posted are recent and very good. The top new one is tremendous of both of them. Adam's life is too interesting for me to ever get bored. I have never bought a ticket to Short Attention Span Theater.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day!
ha ha DRG more like Sensory Overload Arena.
I'm with you DRG! I'm NEVER bored since Adam became part of my life! He really keeps things interesting.
Personally, as far as his professional life is concerned, I'd really like a Queenbert tour in US with a mix of classic Queen songs and some new collaborations with Adam! This would be heaven on earth. Oh, and any new projects that will put his gorgeous self on the TV or Big Screen LOL!
@ anon 2:12 PM --- Go get us some new pics and info. You don't have to wait for someone else to do it.
Imo this is a nice collection of pics.
sad to say but there is too little tv performance time to have those who are not nominated perform. the performing slots will go to nominees and likely winners. that is how the 'system' works. never mind that TP got very good critical reviews, the sad fact of no grammy nomination sucks big time. yet another bitter pill. but NEVER bored!
Adam needs to be careful using instagram. Advertisers can use these images and he will not be paid for them.
Love the first photo, what a gorgeous looking couple.
@Anon 4:33 PM
I suspect Adam isn't too worried. Many of the pics he already gets from are from other sources anyway and the ones he posts of his own pics go everywhere. Easy for anyone to copy and use. I read about that the other day and thought it was interesting that they'd have to mention it...but I do understand that some people would take advantage of Instagram : (((
Oh! Dear! What a lovely shot indeed!:)
Who is getting bored with my Rock God ha????
If u are Adams fan "BORED" is absolutely unacceptable here!!!:)
So just be quiet and live your pathetic life somewhere else!!! Who ever u are my dear:)
Sometimes I don't understand USA glamberts at all. You cry after a tour and you demand there to be concerts in your state, in your very own city... Seems like otherwise many of you won't be there...
But Adam has been doing plenty of concerts around the US during last spring and also during summer and fall... Why are you all crying? Why haven't you gone to those concerts???
I respect American glamberts for their devotion but there are also many devoted glamberts in other parts of the world. They are in no way less entitled to see Adam perform live than you are.
I have a feeling that Adam desires to fill stadiums in the US. He wants to make the new album soon and he yearns for it to become BIG. If the next album is succesful, he will be able to fill big arenas.
He doesn't want to do Glam Nation Tour again. He wants bigger...
It probably the same old gruppy drawer's that attack's everybody when they are saying nice things and trying to be happy, alway's negative and hateful! Whatever Adam are anyone else does she likes the opposite, of Adam does not meet her approval well not supporting him! That per son who is bored likes to bring down people and ruin their day! Does not matter if it's Christmas, does not care just let's trash someone, and bring them down! Of your bored fine other pictures and post them, none of those pictures are old. He only did Diva little over a week ago! Why is it necessary to bring everybody down, because you are not happy! If you are not same person that does that how am I to know, u do not sign ever, and u are usually not happy about anything! Due
6.42 is sue not due and I was referring to the bored person!
Adam's taking a short break like many people are over the holidays. He has Bali coming up, then Viet Nam. THEN, a big string of shows in Feb. and Mar. He needs a little down time. If you're that bored so quickly, watch some great video of Adam or something. Just sharing with everyone here keeps me very connected to Adam even when he's not performing somewhere. He's NEVER boring.
Adam's life is never boring or uninteresting. I look forward to checking this site everyday just to see what has been added. But there can't always be something new every hour of every day. I guess right now Adam is moving into the new house(if that story is true) and getting things organized. Then he's off for the New Year's Eve concert which should be fun for him and the band. His life will always be so much more interesting than mine will ever be, but then I may have done things or been places too that interest my friends and family. I'd love for there to be some Queenbert concerts here in the states, but that may never happen. Maybe we just have to see what other projects or opportunities Adam has on his agenda and then eventually wait for the release of a third album some time later in 2013.
@Anon 6:25 PM
I must respond to you : )) I don't believe any of us American Glamberts are crying because we aren't getting to go to a performance in every city in every state (your words..). Didn't happen the first time around either. Sheesh.
I AM extremely grateful for the concerts that HAVE happened in the US. BUT quite honestly, we haven't had all THAT many full-on full length Trespassing concerts. Many have been "radio sponsored" shows...some just a few songs, some full concerts. I've personally been very lucky to go to two full "Trespassing" concerts: Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, CA, and Fantasy Springs, also in CA, one radio promo (Bing Lounge in Portland-3 songs..), and recently was beyond thrilled to go to The VH1 Divas show (my Christmas present to me).
The BIG problem was this: I (and many others from all over the country in the case of the LA shows..) had to travel to Los Angeles, CA for the 2 full concerts (And the Divas show..), and also to Portland, OR for the Bing Lounge show (me)..All quite a distance from my Seattle, WA area home. For instance, LA is a 16 hour drive one way, if you don't stop, and 1,200 miles each way, so I flew each time..thankfully!! It also involves hotels, not cheap..but so worth it. Many cannot do that. And had to pass on the opportunities as they came up. Distances in the US West can be vast, as compared to distances in Europe, for example. There were relatively few west coast shows. And unless you live in California, either LA or San Francisco, you were out of luck, unless you could afford to travel. Of course there were other shows, here and there throughout the US, but that's an example of why many US (and Canadian) fans are rather sad. We don't wish to be selfish..we just want to see Adam too.
I'm not whining at all here, just stating facts..but I do feel badly for those many fans who could not go to one of the gigs Adam did this year. We were all waiting patiently and hopefully for the Trespassing Tour, but due to lack of radio play..and not the greatest sales of Trespassing...probably ALSO due to lack of radio play here, it seems we will not be getting one. I don't blame Adam at all. It just is what it is. So while I'm really excited for the people who WILL be getting more Adam in the months to come, we can still be a little sad that the US may not. And a few of us may cry and sniffle just a little. Adam must be just a tad bit disappointed too. I suspect we'll see some shows here and there in the US...but unfortunately many many fans here will most likely not see him live at all.
I do agree that Adam and his management would probably prefer bigger venues..I suspect they aren't always expecting large arenas tho. Yet. Some of the gigs in Asia coming up are not large...and some are. I'm just really thrilled that Adam is having such great success and popularity worldwide. He's doing so well, in spite of US radio..etc.. Darn them anyway..
I was the happiest woman in the universe (what the heck I'm saying, I was ecstatic) when Brian and Roger decided that "the show must go on". If it hadn't been for their perseverance, after Sonisphere had been cancelled, the mini tour in Europe wouldn't have ever been organized. They did an EXTRAORDINARY thing, despite the majority of their fans' ultraconservative opinion, "Freddie
can't be replaced", "Adam Lambert is a pop singer", despite their snarky comments, from simple nos to the most abject ones, Brian and Roger didn't give in. They didn't have to prove anything, they are legends, the pleasure to play again with a singer who surely reminded them of Freddie, was all that counted.
But let us not deceive ourselves, even if a future America tour is possible, they playing others' songs even Adam's...unimaginable! New songs? Only if Brian and Roger were working now, writing new songs
otherwise they would play only Queen classics.
I was for the most part responding to another comment, to @Anon 3:00 PM. I have no illusions that Adam and Queen will ever do a show with only new music, or Adam's music... They have however suggested that they MIGHT do something new with him..all speculation at this point. Who knows. I suspect IF they do, at some point in time, it might be one song.. or a couple. But IF they do a tour (or even a few shows here and there...and I am truly hoping for at least one here in the US, or maybe 2 or 3, because I unfortunately had to miss the European ones..but we'll see..) I would also assume we would get a full on QUEEN show..not a new-music-with-Adam show. I'm not sure you completely "heard" what I was saying..and in fact I believe I said the same thing you did for the most part. : )) I am personally DYING to see Adam and Queen together in concert live at some point, doing the shows they did this summer. I have no great need to hear new music from them unless they come up with something amazing, either with Adam or on their own. And if they do, hell yeah!!! Not only am I an Adam fan, I'm a huge Queen fan...and the two combined with Adam singing Queen songs is more than good enough for me!!!! To use an over-used, but appropriate word, EPIC!!! :))))
Pity, great pity for you, for me that Brian is lured by "the call of the badgers" more than anything now. I admire his activism but a new song written by Brian May sung by Adam Lambert...EPIC as you said.
Yes..Dr. Bri is truly a wonderful man...I admire him so much. And currently the badgers need him just as much as we do, perhaps more. Bless his gentle and determined heart for being their "voice".. I'll wait more or less patiently until the need to do just a little more Queen music takes over again...hoping sooner than later..but whenever that happens, hoping to be there too..
Most people in most countries will never be able to afford to travel to Adam's shows. Some fans couldn't even afford to see Adam if he came to their city.
We shouldn't be-grudge anyone the opportunity to see Adam; we shouldn't get sarcastic with people who are upset that he's not coming to a town near them and, when we are well enough off to travel to see him in special circumstances, we should resist the urge to show off.
I'm afraid that I'm one of the UNfortunate Glamberts who will NEVER get to experience an ADAM LAMBERT performance LIVE for the simple reason that I am housebound & can only watch ADAM on TV/videos or perhaps movies one day if it's not in the too distant future. I gratefully rely on my fellow Glamberts who do go to his concerts here & worldwide & then post the videos on Ytube. THANK YOU ONE & ALL & BLESS YOUR HEARTS!! Love 'n Light ........ tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
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