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ADAM LAMBERT in US Weekly. Jan 21, 2013 - "Feud of the Week"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 24, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 24, 2013

Straighten below by Adam Lambert Fan Club:


tea said...


Anonymous said...

yawn... neat picture of Adam, comon put your dukes up. It didn't sound like Adam was whinning either. lol

Anonymous said...

When will this stupid thing be done with,ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Good Pic of Adam!! (glass half full ;))

Anonymous said...

Oscars time... probably will come again I bet

Anonymous said...

Why is it that some journalists are always busy trying to make Adam look bad? Lack of self-confidence or just a malicious frame of mind?

Adam never whines and his comments were extremely articulate and to the point. And kindly put.

Anonymous said...

It's not just Adam. Look at the Beyonce NA thing... it's the current modern state of Journalism, especially entertainment oriented journalism where they really go fo sensationalism, quick sound bites, attention and ratings and hit getting coverage. I am a realist and fully understand this is the way of the world and it's not worth getting upset over, but without getting too deep (lol) it's really bumming me out, this sort of BS coverage of stories, events, incidents, happenings...

Anonymous said...

Today´s journalism...:( Adam is a strong man who can deal with this or anything else along the way:) He´s grounded and loved very much in personal life as well as in professional life:) Walk that walk like you don´t give a f*** Adam!

Anonymous said...

Anything for sensationalism . . . no more shame.

Anonymous said...

Leave it alone press, would you. So stupid and waste of energy.

Anonymous said...

Like I said on a different thread, Adam and Russell should sing a live duet together, have fun, make friends, joke a little, and move on. This is all so stupid.

Journalists must sell stories, and apparently, this one still has legs. Interesting, and good, that Adam is considered worthy of this attention.


Anonymous said...

I love your posts DRG, but I actually don't think this is so great for Adam. I admire his honestly and being true to himself, but there's also business savvy, which Adam has always shown so much of, I hope he learns a lesson from this. I am normally SOOOO not that type, the mothering or business "manager-ing" type with Adam, but this has not been good for him, I don't care what anyone says, fan friend or foe. Just my opinion. And with Oscar season in full swing, I expect this story to pop up again. Adam will have to deal with it. I am not a troll, I am a huge fan, and although I agree with him (less than stellar singing was completely distracting!!!! I don't even think AH was very good) I hope he thinks of his career long term next time he's feeling all tweety. To end on a positive note, he does look good in that picture they used!

Anonymous said...

All Press is good Press, As long as Adam is a tweeter he is going to find trouble, get over it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should think twice before they tweet.

Anonymous said...

The worst anyone can do to one's career is create or invite enemies. It's the use of "PRETENDING" in caps that created all the buzz. It invited all this brouhaha. He should know better and avoid pitfalls like this.
It's the same when he was on the red carpet and was asked who was the worst dressed and he fell into the bait and answered Miranda Lambert!!! I cringed. And now Blake and Miranda are one of the power couple in music receiving all awards left and right.
Hoping he has learned his lesson not to be impulsive as he is and know the consequences.

Anonymous said...

3:55 so all Miranda and Blakes power came from Adam saying her dress was ugly? Every other critic also said it was ugly and he was there as a fashion critic.

Anonymous said...

yes Adam never use the word PRETENDING in caps again !! 3:55 has cringed many times over this.

Anonymous said...

I guess they need Adam's name to make money!haha

tess4ADAM said...

From what I read it was the SINGING that was bad NOT the ACTING!! So what's the big deal? They're NOT SINGERS ... ADAM is right ... as Russell proved by his video ... studio recording WOULD have been BETTER-ER!! ADAM said the ACTING was GREAT but the RAW vocals were DISTRACTING!! Doesn't anyone know how to READ anymore??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Well if people didn't know who Adam is they should know by now.All is good.

Anonymous said...

With respect, Adam DID use the word PRETENDING in capital letters. If he hadn't used the word pretending - either in lower case or capitals - his comment wouldn't have attracted the attention it has. The actors weren't PRETENDING to be singers. They were hired to ACT in the movie and sing live, and that's what they did. If you have a complaint about that, direct your complaint to the producer of Les Miserables, not the actors.

Anonymous said...

2:02 AM here.

How do I know that Adam used the word PRETENDING in capital letters? I know because I follow him on Twitter.

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