Adam Lambert is Music's #1 Sexiest Man of 2012
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Sunday, January 13, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, January 13, 2013
According to Billboard's votes, Adam Lambert is the Sexiest Man of 2012! (Adam got 26% of the votes!)

Source: Billboard

Source: Billboard
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Goes without saying....Absolutely 100% true.....
No-brainer. I can't think of anyonen else even close.
No news to me either:) He is so gorgeous and hot!
of course
Off Topic, but VERY relevant to Adam and to the discussion as of late about the changes he's made in management: This is about Katy Perry, who uses Direct Management Group ((DMG), that Adam chose a while ago to replace 19 Recordings. And for those still confused, RCA is still his LABEL. Even the entertainment blogs (including the "good" ones..) are a little confused about the "label" term. Bottom line, it sounds like DMG is going to be a good fit for Adam. If interested, read about what they've done for Katy Perry, although she's also been a driving factor in her own success. But having people who "get" and believe in you helps considerably. Very interesting read...
How Direct Management Group Helped Katy Perry Reach Her Goals
Absolutely no competition!
was this a new poll.? I missed it.
I didn't vote for this one either.
I don't think this is new but love seeing it again.
Glamberts are awesome!
Was there ever any question? OMG Yes!
@glitzylady. I read the KP article and it was quite informative. Adam is definitely an artist who is self driven with visions for his music galore! This new arrangement( without 19R ) sounds like a very good fit for Adam. Wishing him all the success he rightly deserves.
DEFINITELY no brainer.....
woohoo. ao true
Music's #1 Sexiest Man of 2012
Was there a moment's doubt?
No matter who they faced him with
He could knock them out.
Check this list of attributes.
The hair, eyes, nose and lips
The shoulders, legs and thighs
And, mercy, don't forget the hips!
His dorky giggle draws us in
I want to squeeze his cheeks,
I want to listen to him sing
For weeks and weeks and weeks.
Sexiest man of our time
Absolutely without dispute
He's devilishly handsome
And just totally downright cute!
Can't help it, I've been rhyming all night long!........JAK
Miley has gained again in the Seacrest poll.She was 3% behind BB,but now she's caught back uo to only 2% behind,;we could use some more votes for Adam now.
I think Glitzylady may have a typo in her comment above. Just to clarify things, Adam left 19 Management for DMG quite some time ago. It was his contract with 19 Recordings that just expired.
LOL, this isn't new, it's from June of 2012!
past, present, future...still the sexiest:D
@Anon 11:19 PM
No I wrote what I meant correctly but I can see your confusion, because of name similarities and different "arms" of 19 ENTERTAINMENT, that oversees Idol contestants in general. I can see that I wasn't clear. Sorry. He chose to go with DIRECT MANAGEMENT GROUP (DMG) while still with 19 RECORDINGS so has had two companies doing the same thing for him for awhile, and sharing the profits. He left 19 MANAGEMENT in August 2011. So you are correct in that regard. But my comment is also correct :)) . His record label is still RCA. Hence the confusion in general re "Label" etc..
I hope that is more clear!
@JAK, lol
Sexy's man, we all know this.
Sorry, Glitzylady, I think it is you that is a little confused about the arms of 19 Entertainment. 19 Recordings and DMG do not do the same things. 19 Recordings is not a mangement group like DMG or 19 Management so he did not have two companies doing the same thing.
Adam left 19 Management for DMG in 2011. DMG took over the management part. 19 Recordings licenses to other record labels but maintains control over the recording decisions.
If anyone wishes to read further on the difference between 19 Management and 19 Recordings:
the recording division of 19 Entertainment has dibs on signing any of the “American Idol” finalists and then places them with a label.
The deal allows 19 to have a say in the creative direction of the artist's music, while continuing to profit from sales.
Lambert split from 19 Management in August 2011 and is handled by Direct Management Group by the same team who manages Katy Perry. 19 Management manages such former "AI" contestants as Casey Abrams, Philip Phillips and Haley Reinhart.
This would be the contract with 19 Management:
The company can sign a management contract with any contestant it chooses, binding the contestant to pay 15 percent of his earnings, not including those from recording and merchandising contracts, to 19 Entertainment-related companies as a manager’s fee. The initial contract extends for three years, although 19 continues to collect a percentage of some of the contestant’s earnings for 10 years.
And this would be the contract with 19 Recordings:
A respectable recording contract for a new artist today would include an advance of $100,000 to $150,000, the agent said, although she noted that the “Idol” contract potentially binds the artist to the show’s producers for up to seven years, roughly twice as long as a typical first contract.
The bottom line is 19 Recordings did have a hand in what decisions Adam and RCA made about album direction, singles, etc. It is good that they are no longer involved and profiting from that segment.
Is there any doubt? No one even comes close. Sexy, gorgeous and smart too.
He us the sexiest man alive TODAY and not just in music. He is also the best singer we have today.
@Anon 1:48 PM
Mea Culpa :)
From what I've been reading 19 Management basically tell the artist what sort of music they want them to create, so in many respects the artist is limited and confined within these boundaries. Now that this contract has expired hopefully Adam will have greater control and freedom of expression to create the type of music he wants. Direct Management Group work with artists to help encourage them to reach their full potential giving the artist more freedom and scope to reach their goals such as in Kate Perry's case, so I certainly agree this will be a great thing for Adam's career.
@Anon 1:48 PM
Apparently everything I read up until now was also confused...Thanks for clearing it up...No wonder everyone, including the entertainment blogs are are confused.... :)))
Thanks, Glitzylady. It is confusing when there are multiple branches of a company in an industy we really don't know much about. Then add in the layer of what only happens with Idol contestants and it's even more confusing. At least we have it sorted out now ;)
1:48 PM anon
You are rocking the rhymes, I think that makes 4 on the blog today. Love them all, but I think Ode to Melvin is my favorite. lol
I love Melvin.
Glitzylady... Always with the great posts. I was actually a bit puzzled about this whole thing now I'm positive and very happy about the new changes.
A very informative post, thanks for sharing it.
Sorry for the glitch on my google account. Problem solved, no spamming intended.
Adam became music's sexiest man 2012 6 monthst ago at June. So, nothing new about it. But, I'm sure that nothing was changed:)
@1:48 PM, thank you for clarifying the differences and for the links. Makes sense now what all the different entities do.
Was there any doubt at all???
My Rock God!!!
JAK, You nailed it!
@glitzylady- thanks for the link on Katy perry- I will admit her songs are catchy and had no idea she wrote them. She to me is one of the most talented female artist today!. I saw her true hollywood story once like Adam.s Anyway, if this new management can do that for Katy the sky's the limit for Adam. If they believe in him like Katy- oh boy this year is going to be great for Adam. He's just so talented but has to choose mainstream songs at first think. Then go into his real deep self like the great music used to be.
More, more, more . . . Love it! xyz
He just does it to me! And i'm a very happily married woman. My imagination........never mind.
Sorry honey.
Since Adam came into my life almost 4 years ago {he really did, you know} I have asked myself,"What is it about him-besides his voice, that makes him so sexy to me?" If you had ever told me that a man ,a natural strawberry blond redhaired guy who wears makeup, dyes his hair,puts much effort into fashion and appearance and enjoys styles sometimes on the outlandish side, would capture my heart and libido and even invades my fantasies both when I'm awake and in dreamland, I would have laughed out loud and told you that you are crazy.But then nobody could have prepared me for his beautiful eyes, his lips etc.....and his sweetness and kindness that penetrated the TV cameras and my heart and soul the 3 times I saw him in person-even though those 3 times were so fleeting.There's just something about him- and years ago I thought there was something wrong with me for being so captivated by him -until I founf this site and "met" all of you!Who knew???Sexiest man alive? That is an understatement.
Some day, my life will be complete if I ever get the chance to hug him and thank him for all he has added to my life. {including helping me through loneliness following surgery and confined to a wheel chair over 7 months,finding joy in music again, financial struggles,the importance of staying positive and thankful for all my blessings and so many others too many to mention. }
Adam, you make me happy-and I love you for all you are.
Beautiful post Lorraine.
I think most of us fans struggle when people ask us what we see in Adam, its just too difficult to put into words, its the voice yes, but it is oh so much more than that.
What I find so hard to understand is why other people can't see what we do when they see him...
@ HK Thank you.
It does seem strange that so many do see Adam's special-ness and others don't. My daughter, who was practically born attached to earbuds and still attends concerts all over the state, doesn't care for Adam at all. She admits "yes he has a great voice,but..." Neither his looks nor music appeal to her. I wanted to buy her his albums and after she listened to them once, said "nevermind Mom, I don't really like them"....?
It's like Adam told Simon "Some people like it. some people don't!"
It's a puzzle.......JAK
@JAK - I agree completely. I have two sons who are very into music. They just don't get Adam. They will listen when I play his music and agree he has a good voice, but, same thing, would not buy or care for his music. I think musical taste is very personal and cannot be forced on to an individual (as much as we try!lol)..........nancdruuu2
As someone who has reached the age of 63 I can honestly say that I have only felt the kind of obsession I have for Adam for two other entertainers that I can think of.........first for me was Elvis and then I absolutely love Colin Firth especially as Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. The big difference however is that Adam age wise fits right in between my own children who are 32 and 30 so in some way I feel very maternal about him and always want the very best for, happiness, fame , fortune and all those good things. I feel very fortunate that Adam came into my life four years ago because he has certainly enriched it!
It seems from the comments here that people(and their family members) either like Adam and his music or they don't care for him at all. There seems to be no inbetween ground. Whatever the reasons, I guess those of us who are Adam fans can make the same comments about many of today's musical performers who are so popular. It probably depends on the age of the listener also and what the individual is used in music. I was a big Elvis fan and really have not had any interest as strong until Adam Lambert. There is just something special about his voice, his stage presence, his personality and a certain honesty that he exudes. He is never boring or uninteresting. He knows who he is and what he wants and goes for it with no apologies for any of it. I believe he will have longevity in the music industry when many of today's untalented, crass and inarticulate performers have faded into oblivion. Hoping that the third album will bring Adam the success and acceptance that he so deserves.
I'm approaching 62 and I've been following Adam since AI, what drew me in was Adam's amazing voice and his unique sense of humour, also the fact that I see him as a wonderful role model for LGBT youth, he has so many good qualities. Apart from being very handsome and charming he hasn't let it go to his head, he is so down to earth about it all. My 2 sons also in their 30's would not listen to Adam simply because they know how much I love his music even if they think he has a great voice they don't want to admit to it because anything I happen to like is in their eyes Mum's thing so they listen to their own favourites, usually heavy metal music, all I can say is thank goodness they no longer live at home because that music used to drive me insane.
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