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Adam Lambert on Les Miserables: "Anne Hathaway was so good - had me tearing up"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

More tweets from Adam Lambert on the movie Les Miserables and the press he got from his previous tweets.


Anonymous said...

Is Adam bipolar ?

choons said...

No, he was just repeating what he said earlier but which the media chose to ignore.
He expresses himself well but I think twitter with its limitations lets people only read snippets and even though he strung his thoughts together in many twitters, not everyone read them all.

Anonymous said...

I think this subject should be canned.

glitzylady said...

Exactly. The media only repeated the tweets that could cause the most drama. As usual.

Anonymous said...

as adam has said on more than one occasion, the media loves to focus on the negative. way to keep the story alive adam!

Anonymous said...

Who is he debating with? The ghost of Christmas past? Someone should take away is twitter after long flights.

Anonymous said...

@7:42 PM
Adam LOVES Twitter.

Anonymous said...

brilliant way to get folks checking his twitter to see a queen song and "another one bites the dust" -- such a sense of humor it probably went past most people.

Anonymous said...

Bipolar? Take away his Twitter after long flights? Hummm, I thought it was very clearly a continuation of his earlier thoughts and he is quite rightly enjoying the discussion. He has a brilliant mind and he seems to love this type of processing. Interesting to read for most of us into him, I suspect.

Cheers, Adam!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I am über fan, I promise you ... But we have to cope with fact that he fucked up big .... This was not Susan Boyle cd, this was a-list situation ... And a modern (sickening) sound bite media

Anonymous said...

Well, if you or I were to express our opinion in a tweet, no one would care. But obviously Adam Lambert is a Super Star because his opinion generated tons of articles by media around the world- many sensationalized or really not accurate! And each article generated many pro/con comments. When Adam speaks people sit up and listen. Ha!Way to go Adam!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:10 PM,

Are you???:(

Adam has sense of humor and you don't get it!!:)


Anonymous said...

everything was blowing over why the new tweets are beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Adam should just know that unlike other artists, there are tons of people in the US who have still not digested (after 4 years!!!) the fact that he has a successful international career. And whenever they can jump on one of his tweets, they tear him up. Russell Crowe tweeting was great. Should have put an end to the saga right there and then. If you tweet more Adam, please tweet about your upcoming gigs and projects.

Anonymous said...

a new article already on the new tweets.

Anonymous said...

please see Crowe's full tweet ... & the "hhhmmmm" part after talking about Hooper wanting it raw & real ... Crowe was dissing Adam ... Saying "duh" Adam ... Check it out fans

Anonymous said...

Why get so angry over a movie you don't like. He is not following his It's not that deep anthem.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:15 PM
What are you referring to? This IS Russell Crow's FULL tweet on the matter..There is no "Hmmmmmm"...He was just explaining why it was done the way it was: The director wanted it done that way. I can visualize a "shrug" but no diss to Adam.

1 Jan Russell Crowe ‏@russellcrowe
@Brunettemom123 @adamlambert I don't disagree with Adam,sure it could have been sweetened,Hooper wanted it raw and real,that's how it is

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying that GL before that got out of hand.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

8:15 here ... I am happy to be wrong!!!!! But Glitzy at 8:28, ur great but ur being naive ... Media not ever gonna behave responsibly, Adam has to contend with that reality!! My gosh, we all need to understand this! Geez

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:28 PM
Adam has explained that he was disappointed in some of the casting. He was hoping for better vocals by stronger singers. . He also explained originally that the same people could have sounded a little richer and fuller with their vocals if they had "sweetened" the sound in the studio before the final release of the film. Adam, like we who have seen the "Broadway" or Broadway touring version type Les Miserables musicals, for instance, are used to better and stronger voices. Nothing wrong with saying that. He wasn't criticizing the actors per se, but the director's choice to present it that way. More "realistic" and grittier. It doesn't seem like he hated the movie..He just had certain expectations that were not met by the director's interpretation. He has a right to feel that way. Others have made the same comments, and they haven't been splashed all over the media. His original tweets were just a commentary and his sharing WITH HIS FOLLOWERS of his impression of the movie. I'm sure he had no idea there would be such a massive bruhaha over what he had to say. I suspect what he is trying to say now IS "Its not that deep people!"

Anonymous said...

@8.15PM Get over it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Russell Crowe's tweet.

Anonymous said...

OT I wonder what our other guy Sauli thinks of all this Adam drama all the time? Just a thought. lol

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:15 PM and 8:36 PM
I'm not naive at all. Just because I try to be tactful and reasonably polite doesn't mean I'm oblivious. I know all about the media. I live in the US after all : )) I know they love any chance to sensationalize whatever they can. And stir up trouble between 2 celebs.

Anonymous said...

What a load of bollocks this is! Way overdue to tweet about other things, Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:15 again (sorry I'll work on tag) ... I still say to your slightly revised comments Glitzylady that you are being a bit naive here, which is not normally your m.o.
The media nowadays is ALWAYS gonna go headlines only and sound bite only ... Even solid media outlets .... adam knows this and has to live a bit within those constraints to further flourish in his career in states. I think he is exceptional incomparable talent .… but to some degree Adam has to play the game, which he is actually quite good at!!! He needs to remember Madge's advice to keep eyes on prize!

Anonymous said...

I just absolutely love Adam's dad twitter messages.

Anonymous said...

oh no now the dad is in on it?

Anonymous said...

Is there even more talk about this than the fight last year?

Anonymous said...

tweeting to only HIS FOLLOWERS Glitzylady?? C'mon now?? That's as cringeworthy as Adam putting PRETENDING in all caps! Naive might just fit

Anonymous said...

sure it ain't that deep ... Unless you are trying to get cast in films somewhere down the road, which I'd guess was in Adam's mind's eyes?!!!

glitzylady said...

Moving on...

Here's Adam's dad Eber's comment on the whole thing. Apparently he's naive too. And I'm in very good company... Fine with me.... ;))))

Adam LambertVerified ‏@adamlambert
My movie review has gone viral. U can spend a whole year praising artists for inspiring work, but one critique gets all the attention. Funny

Miles Tougeaux
@adamlambert Nobody bitches when you like something. Lots of people bitch when you dont. …

Anonymous said...

Actually it's rather insulting to say the actors were PRETENDING to be singers. I'm sure they've never claimed to be singers and if they have, they're probably misguided but I haven't seen the movie yet.

Anonymous said...

8:56 the plot thickens. LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the ever brilliant and amusing Eber IS acknowledging truth, not looking through rosé colored glasses, acknowledging "stuff" with brief elegance and humor, but ACKNOWLEDGING it, ugh, look at me using all caps in an OTT manor now ;)

Anonymous said...

actually I am actually going to vote in some polls and make some radio reguests NOW. Y'all can actually do the same.

Anonymous said...

I'm more keen to see the movie than ever now. :)

Anonymous said...

I am 9:10 only actually, "actually" just a coincidence, lol. Good points being made, keep open mind.

funbunn40 said...

I just put my 2 cents in on the Yahoo link. So aggravated at these people that know nothing about Adam, other than he's gay and didn't win Idol. The narticle even posted a link to the minor drunken scuffle that Adam and Sauli had over a year ago last Christmas. I'm so sick of the petty, sensationalizing reporting and anon posters that look for any negativity concerning Adam, most likely because he's gay. I shouldn't let it bother me, but it's so unjustified and blown out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

actually I never go to those sites anymore and my ulcer is healing nicely. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam had to get the sh*t all started again. I only have one back Adam.

Anonymous said...

What does he have to lose at this point?

He should just let it all out, maybe he will get couple of T.V. talk show appearances and such. He might even appear on SNL. Cause other avenues he took for his 2nd album, Trespassing, and his fans supported him didn't garner him any mega T.V. appearances.

IMO Adam should tweet more about this at this point.

Anonymous said...

exactly 9:34, I agree :(. I am always gonna support and be huge fan, but sheesh

Anonymous said...

Let's hope there are no more singing movies for a while.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to see this movie tomorrow with 9 of my friends.

I think if this didn't happen either I would have gone to see it with one of my friends by the end of this month or would have waited to watch it on NetFlix.

funbunn40 said...

I also would never classify Glitzylady as naive. I happen to agree that Adam is entitled to his opinions and most that follow him on twitter are his fans, with the exception maybe of the trolls and some media that love controversy and any opportunity to take a jab at Adam This whole thing is being blown totally out of proportion and I'm over it, now anticipating his concert in Vietnam with the welcoming fans so excited to see him.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I think some of you worry way too much. Don't you realize how many people are now googling Adam and discovering more about this amazing, talented man? There is truth in the saying "There is no such thing as bad publicity." Controversities create interest. We feel the sting of the negative comments because we love Adam, but so many more positive things will come of this. Don't worry!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

you are over it, I am as well, his fans are highly motivated to be over it ... The key is how much the nauseating media is over it and the news cycle issues ... And how much relevant industry people are over it (& what their memories are like). Love (& naïveté) is blind.

Anonymous said...

ok xo laura I like your comment and you are probally right.

Anonymous said...

I love what he said here:

"Those raw and real moments when characters broke down or were expressing the ugliness of the human condition were superb. However..."

Trying to send a message that the movie tried to convey the ugliness of human condition as we notice that his comment about the movie went viral and his positive opinions of other artists through out the years were ignored by the media.

Isn't the media bullying him every time he does or says something that isn't positive?


Anonymous said...

he shoulda put the brigadoon come to me bend to me audio YT in place of Another one bites the dust ... That'd legit shut down and shut up the REASONABLE naysayer peeps. I just love that brigadoon rendition of Adams, truly life altering

Anonymous said...

Adam is targeted by the media to be bullied. They magnify every little thing he does to slam him and this is a different kind of bullying.

glitzylady said...

I'm not worried about Adam at all. He'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

I love it that he linked Another One Bites The Dust. Yes, Adam go get them.

Anonymous said...

I loved that he linked AOBTDust too, but seriously, you fans on twitter, go tweet Brigadoon CTMBTM to media outlets or TPTB, it is more relevant piece to current situation. (& it is a situation, lets not be foolish)

Anonymous said...

At the onset, I was on the negative about this but I see the light somehow and take this now as more on the positive side of news worthiness.
Maybe because I refuse to read comments on celebrity news sites after reading most on the first day over at another blogsite which were not as bad as I expected.
This is not that bad at all and good could come out of this publicity.
This is ADAM's annual end of the year fireworks.
I'm somehow used to it and thought 2013 would pass without one.
How wrong I was just minutes to go and BANG!


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think he is bipolar which has episodes of manic and depressive and normalcy but rather mono polar, for he exhibits only the manic state why he is a performer on the stratosphere level.

Anonymous said...

No way Adam is bipolar. Perfectionists aren't bipolar but he is more anxious. Bipolars are messy and Adam isn't. He is perfectionist. He has sensitive hearing. Most musicians have sensitive ears. That's why he is so much bothered by the low level of singing in this musical movie.

I was bothered when I saw the promo of it at the theater way before Adam's tweets and I wasn't too thrilled to see it on big screen. But now I'll go see it tomorrow with bunch of my friends.

I think a lot of people will be curious to see him live at his concerts. There might be more concerts planned out for this none-tour tour!

Anonymous said...

I am bipolar and none of you know what you are talking about.

One of the reasons I am not on twitter and personally think it is one of the worst ideas of recent years. It's bad enough having to listen to off the wall open up your mouth and let your brains fall out from people you know. But to read the opinions and thoughts of millions around the world will send everyone into therapy. Ever hear of Silence is Golden. What moves humans to wish to share every thought with the immediate world. Stupid is as stupid does. Where's Forrest's Momma when you need her?

Anonymous said...

Adam, just STFU and sing.

Anonymous said...

God knows how many sites around the world are lapping this up. They're certainly not confined to America. I feel for Russell Crowe who's copping the brunt of the criticism but he's taken the criticism like the mature man he is.

Anonymous said...

Adam has far from f***ed up. It was a damn movie comment. People need to get a life. Im from Africa, and alot of people here cannot believe that people in the US get into so much trouble for commenting on a movie

Anonymous said...

Adam makes me laugh. Nothing will get him down

daydreamin said...

@laura and @Glitzylady, I couldn't agree more.

Anon 7:45 good point!!

Hi @choons! Long time no post!

Adam had no way of knowing this one tweet would get so much media. He was expressing an opinion that he thought was important because he has certain expectations and apparently wanted to hear what we (the fans) thought. Of course media is out to sensationalize cuz that's what sells.

I do appreciate Adam's beautifully worded comeback! It's so true.

daydreamin said...

Adam should take this time to tweet more links to his great performances. On second thought, the media and others might say he is too self absorbed. Oh brother!

I think he will only become MORE respected for this. Could you see Beiber saying something like this? Uh, NOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

I've got to see this movie for myself to see what all the hoo haa is about.

Anonymous said...

It'd make a welcome change to see some music footage.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have known the brouhaha that his tweet with the specific word "PRETENDING" in caps would create. A less loaded, innocuous word like "trying" would have made the point, but would not have sufficed to express fully what must have been an affront to ears weaned on the best vocals Les Miz and musical art had to offer. It is a craft in which he is intimately invested, and like a mama bear protecting its young Adam had to be ferocious in its defense. That the consummate actor Russell Crowe in professional manner defended the rant is an indication that he understood Adam's compulsion for perfection in one's art, and that vindicating Adam amid the "feeding frenzy" was the right thing to do. With RC's caveat and Adam's spotlight on the Les Miz's pros and cons, a movie that may not have been on people's radar before may now appear in view. Once again, however, we are reminded of how much Adam is a lightning rod for controversy. If that also means he becomes fodder for the ignorant haters, Adam's attitude is that they're welcome to use up all their venom; they're far too beneath to touch him. atm

Anonymous said...

atm 12:46 AM.
You have summed up this situation extremely well and I totally with you.

Anonymous said...

Well said Eber!

Anonymous said...

Now Adams 'bipolar'! Then the 'Messiah'!

Anonymous said...

Well, IF there's ANY country left out there who doesn't know Adam Lambert, they sure as blazes do now! AND it's all positive. Way to go Adam!

Pan said...

From"over the hills and far away" I'm quite amused by the change of tone of your permanent trolls, or are they new ones? Suddenly some "fans" have become motherly/
fatherly concerned, hypocritically worried about Adam's future career, their hearts are broken, Adam "is rude" , he "screwed up" big time , "somebody should take away his twitter" etc.
They chose to be less primitive and aggressive, they are playing the sketch of political correctness now, hoping that we'll forget that freedom of expression is equally important, that polite opinions are opinions, that if it hadn't been for freedom of speech they couldn't have posted homophobic, full of hate posts.
Garbage, in a word.
I wonder , why is Adam 24/7 the only forum(blog) with so many anonymous posters? Where are the rules all posters should obey? Why isn't a tag considered an attack to privacy on all the other forums and blogs?

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, 3:45 AM.
I agree with a lot of what you say, however as much as I consider myself to be a loyal fan of Adam's, the reason I have chosen to remain anonymous is due to the negativity that I find on this site. It is disturbing though to see posts coming through from people who claim to be Adam's fans while at the same time appear to be turning on him over his right to give an honest opinion.

Anonymous said...

Pan. 3:45 AM
Sorry, I have sent my previous post to glitzylady when I meant to send it to you, sorry for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

I see we have mental health professionals here now. As well as publicists.

Anonymous said...

There is no way Adam has Bipolar, my son suffers from this condition and I can tell you it's not much fun. Many people get high on life or passionate about there work and interests, this is perfectly normal and healthy. It amazes me how people can make such ignorant, stupid comments. I really think it's time to move on from this topic and show some interest and support for Adam's Vietnam Concert.

Anonymous said...

5:44 am, I'm sorry to hear about your son. Mental illness runs in my family and I know how difficult it is to deal with at times and how stigmatizing it can be. People toss about words they don't understand too lightly and too insultingly. The day will come when the mentally ill will receive the same respect as other groups such as the physically challenged.

Anonymous said...

@Funnbunn- I put my 2 cents in on the yahoo link as well. Out of 400 and something ( only read a few positive comments. Yahoo readers never like Adam it seems. Big mistake on going there.

Anonymous said...

Adam will come out of all this just fine. If the non-fans who are responding, either postively or negatively, will somehow hear more of his music, or hear him speak in conversations unrelated to this movie, they might be curious enough to give his a second chance with his music.


Anonymous said...

6:53 AM.
Thank you, I appreciate what you say, my son is doing fine now but I have to say it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times. Being an Adam fan has really done a lot to help me take my mind off things and I also appreciate the difficulties that Adam has been forced to overcome due to his orientation, I admire his courage so much, and can't help feeling inspired by him.