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ET Canada on Adam Lambert and Les Miserables

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Adam is all over the news! Even Canada is covering this story!

ET Canada Jan 2, 2013 from Lolly on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Canadian son of course!!!!


tea said...

Lordy, It seems the media wants Adam to be connected to Les Miserables into eternity.

Anonymous said...

All the important topics Adam speaks about, and the media runs with this..Go figure, but at least he is in the news!! Yay!!


Anonymous said...

Lol. This is so awesome! You go Adam, make them think! :D

Anonymous said...

AUSTRALIA buzzing with the activity hitting big time stating
ADAM called Russell's singing
'crap'!!!!! Russell, being the Aussie he is, responded to Adam
man to man style. End result has been super positive for Adam and given him incredible media coverage
worldwide. Way to go Russell too!

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion Adam was correct in his comments and obviously Mr Crowe felt likewise.

Anonymous said...

adam had very similar thoughts to many reviewers yes, but reviewers aren't looking to be cast in film roles eventually!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I wonder why Adam was not given a role in this musical; he might have in his own humble, persuasive way averted this less polished score, as aptly critiqued by Adam. He said he grew up with Les Mis musical and being a theatre expert himself, of course will have developed much higher expectations of the movie musical.
Anyway, I just watched Another One Bites The Dust, Suz video; Super and in his own playful way thwarted the audience who echoed his singing, only until the very last high sizzling note when everyone gave up. Fun, lol!


Anonymous said...

Out of subject.Does anybody know about Adam trip in VN? What is going on? Does he have any interviews? Didn't see many photos so far:(

Anonymous said...

There's no role fit for him in Les Miz, either he's too young or too old for any of the role so there's no way he could have landed a role.

Anonymous said...

Time for SNL to invite ADAM and Russell Crow and settle it there.
This would be the right time to come calling, hot stuff.
Then let ADAM prove it to all with a sing-off. LOL!


Anonymous said...

A sing-off?? That would be really silly. It's not about Adam v. Russell. Russell agreed with Adam. In any event, it's way overdue that this subject be thrown out the window, never to return because surely there must be more worthy news items than this.

Anonymous said...

That's a funny applicable idea re SNL!

Anonymous said...

Interesting article here .....

Anonymous said...

Gee, there are some immature people on this blog.

Anonymous said...

It'll be interesting to read the feedback if Adam ever lands himself a role in a musical movie.

Anonymous said...

@9:55 - Do you watch SNL? Any sense of humor?

Anonymous said...

I looked up, that casting of characters for Les Mis started in 2011...Adam was 29 years old; with expert makeup etc, there is high possibility he could land a role, with his magnificent operatic delivery; like we heard him sing...Who Wants To Live Forever in the recent concert with Queen. He touched people's heart with his passion. His singing brought Brian May to tears in...We Will Rock You. That he is "too young or old"...I don't buy that! I'm not saying he must get a role as such; that's the producer's / director's choice and they have every right to cast who they think best suits a role.


Anonymous said...

They rightly chose actors, Adam is not an actor, no matter how you project every talent to be in his scope. They should have dubbed some of the parts or as Adam suggested fixed the clinkers with the help of sound techs.

Anonymous said...

Well "Adam is not an actor" is arguable, not a movie actor per se; but he got very good reviews as a stage actor; for example in The Ten Commandments, he upstaged the main actor and got the best review for that musical...stage actor is still an actor! probably he might have to adjust to close-up cameras. Well Adam seems to have got it right on the latest Divas sketch and also his NCOE and BTIKM videos; even the small part of Time For Miracles shows his talent for natural acting.


Anonymous said...

I watched Les miserables last night to see what all the hype was about. It is by far the most boring movie i have ever watched. Watching grass grow would be more entertaing. Its hilarious that the US media has nothing better to do than trash someone who commented on a movie.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my Adam's acting was not praised in The Ten Commandments, his singing was. Have you watched it? Acting was on a par with rest of cast who were panned and play considered a flop.

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was excellent. I saw the play once with my daughter and had no idea what was going on and didn't know the music. HJ and RC are riveting in this movie and I loved the music. AH was good but she was barely even in the movie. JMO

Anonymous said...

I only saw Adam's video...Are You Listening and maybe a couple others, but saw the actual movie, not musical, quite a long time ago. Adam himself said he got very good reviews but did not hear him say specifically that the review was only on his singing. In my layman term, if Adam got the best review for his role as Joshua, his acting / emoting would have to be considered as well. His singing probably got higher acclamation. I think for him to upstage the main veteran actor too says a lot about his overall role singing and acting. Because even if he sang very well, without the emoting / acting, he might not have gotten the best or one of the best reviews for the musical. The acting has to be tied in close-nit with the singing in a musical.


Anonymous said...

Who ever goes to see this movie and thinks it sounds great must be tone deaf. Russell Crowes singing grates on your nerves and so does Hugh Jackmans. Adam is far more astute than people give him credit for, he has given an honest opinion, most professionals within the entertainment industry are coming out agreeing with him. I see this as a positive thing, it proves Adam is not just another AI contestant but a seasoned veteran who happens to know far more than people give him credit for. The voices should have been sweetened and I myself find them very distracting.

Anonymous said...

I guess a lot of people don't read his tweets . . .if they did they would know that Adam praises a lot of people and this review was only 1/3 negative . . .

Anonymous said...

I trust one day in the future Adam will return to musical theatre.

Anonymous said...

Why should Adam return to musial theatre, sounds like you don't have much faith in him just like the rest of the US. The world recognises his talent and his taking it on by storm, name any other artist who has managed this, especially without any air-play from the States, who seem to love to try and cut him down. Well, Adam refuses to be cut down, I so admire him for this. Everyone who hears Adam sing live are blown away by his talent and suddenly the fact that he is gay simply doesn't matter any more, except for the states who seem to be so bloody homophobic.

Anonymous said...

I've just been speaking with a friend of mine who went to Les Miserables today and she raved about how wonderful it is. I guess you either love musical theatre in all its forms or you don't like it and find it boring. I, for one, can't wait to see this movie.

Anonymous said...

'Actors PRETENDING to be singers' - that was a low blow and totally unwarranted.

Anonymous said...

@3:39 AM. When you go to see this movie, do me a favour, try and at least appreciate why Adam made the comments he did, then you may be able to understand why he said what he did. If your a true fan of Adam's at least try to understand his musical background in theatre and why he felt the singing should be sweetened, before slamming him.

@3:44 AM. I think your taking Adam's words out of context, your leaving out the fact that Adam also gave a lot of praise to Anne Hathaway and other singers. Also your overlooking the fact that Adam is entitled to have an opinion and if you are a true fan of his that needs to be respected. If your going to judge anyone at least have the decency to acknowledge what Adam said in it's entirety.

Anonymous said...

if there is ever going to be a sing off in SNL, it should be between Hugh Jackman and Adam Lambert.

Hugh Jackman did a hilarious duet with Neil Patrick Harris in which they were "roasting each other" during the Tony Awards..

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who posted that this would be a PRIME opportunity for Adam to be on SNL. Les Miz is a high-profile movie with A-list stars. Adam's comments are getting major buzz. What a fun show it would be for Adam to do some Les Miz-type singing and comedy on SNL. He would do a great job. He can make fun of himself and has good comic timing. It would be fun is Russell or Ann would do something with him on the show. BUT, he could hangle it himself, too. SNL loves this kind of stuff. It's timely and edgy. All this being said, it probably won't happen, UNLESS UNLESS we put the idea in SNL's head.


Anonymous said...

@DRG, you really have a great great point!!!!! That sort of scenario is RIGHT up their alley!! I'm not on twitter, you people are should tweet it (I am giggling at the irony of what I just said regarding twitter :))

Anonymous said...

@January 3, 2013 4:04 AM

We true fans will respect Adam's entire comment(s)... but that is not the point, a more relevant point of concern is that most casual or non fans will NOT! Sound bite society and all that stuff. WE WILL, of course, most will not, and punchlines are bound to ensue, and what a needless shame that is if so, and a further impediment to people realizing the true brilliance of this multi-talented young artist

Anonymous said...

I simply despise the term TRUE FAN !
It has obviously come to mean the people who think Adam is incapable of doing anything wrong. How stupid is that. Everyone makes a mistake now and then. Adam is realizing now he shoulda kept his mouth shut. Think before you speak, that applies to everyone without exception.

Anonymous said...

@January 3, 2013 7:59 AM

YES YES YES YES. My goodness YES! Now THAT is a voice of reason imho. I was just blabbering on in a thread a few back that I didn't know why it was bothering me that some fans were insisting on turning a blind eye to what should probably be flat out considered a misstep on Adam's part? Maybe it wasn't, but with some there is absolutely no accepting the mere possibility that it was a misstep. I think one issue for me is that I have actually come to RESPECT many posters on this site, and when they refuse to at least entertain the possibility of Adam's actions being less than stellar, in some weird way it diminishes the credibility of their perspective for me. Okay, okay, now that IS getting too deep :), I'll own it, lol. But it's true for me also, just my POV.

Anonymous said...

8:05 here: Which is NOT to say that Adam shouldn't be himself COMPLETELY, he should, and with that (the human condition) comes faltering, less than thought through decisions blah blah blah... that's not part of my point, that's life, I admire Adam ENTIRELY, but I also acknowledge the "human-ness" in him, as it just seems stubborn, counter-productive and rather silly to me not to do so.

Anonymous said...

Try reading the MTV thing it was pretty good, Adam said he spent and entire year praising other artist, and one critique it goes viral. He qualified his opinions some more, was not mean or unkind and he never I mean never called out HJ and Russell C. Only thing he did not do was fish about him like he did the other's! I do not think this hurts him, he has a right to his opinion he was not trying to be counter productive! I do not know how many times I have heard people in media say no publicity is bad publicity, they were even referring to Adam, about not mentioning award show! Even if it seems bad at the time! Producers are noticing Adam, that have not! I have not seen the movie, because of my Bach cannot sit through 3 hrs. Probably! I did hear a little bit of Russell C. Singing the score, of you do not think Adam could blow that awful crap away you are completely tone def! I know should not judge by that but, also many people saying same thing as Adam! One person said he and his wife walked out after 30 minutes the vocals so distracting! The reason why Rock of ages more or less did not do much is because, they used acorns that could not sing! If you think Adam could not act with some work, with some help adjusting to the role like they all do I think your wrong! Adam did not say these cements because he was trying get a role he was being honest! He constantly praises people nobody cares, but an honest critique goes nuts, and they put it rude he did not say it rudely, or call out these particular actors, that the media's doing! He had a right, he a human being, has a voice! I guarantee you more producer notice him now than before, as somebody of importance! That was in rock of ages again use actors cannot sing! The way Adam and the band was attacked over a little skit the other day, does bring in question real fans! Then when he got great reviews, on his side again, that really hurt me! I am sure you know who this is!!

Anonymous said...

I think 24/7 should close these threads. Continuing this topic is just as bad as the media, it just keeps the whole thing going and it's very unfair on Adam. How about discussing the new videos of Adam's press conference, he's done a fabulous job talking to the press, but I suppose some people can't help themselves the negative topics are always so more juicy, really it's a form of abuse towards the very person who represents this site, Adam deserves better than this total BS.