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Another View of Adam Lambert Live in Bali ~ Trespassing and Never Close Our Eyes

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Adam Lambert Performs in Hotel Mulia Bali concert.


Anonymous said...

A quote from someone from another site:

"I saw Les Mis last night and I won't be seeing it a second time. My husband (who didn't know about Adam's comments) wanted to leave early on because he couldn't handle the singing.
When you have seen this musical on stage performed by incredible singers, the voices in the film are difficult to listen to. Found myself chuckling more often than I was touched by emotion which certainly ruined the movie for me.
Of course, don't doubt that this movie will receive some awards. My advice: Don't bother!"

"ADAM, you have destroyed my ability to listen to second rate singing. Not because of your comments but because of the delight I have felt listening to your beautiful voice for the last four years."

Anonymous said...

2012 Music Daily News Awards Winners

ALBUM of the Year goes to Trespassing by ADAM LAMBERT
This is the former American Idol contestant’s second studio album and was released on May 15th. It is truly an amazing album, which not only our readers, but we highly recommend. There are a couple of tunes in there that are definitely worth buying it. Make sure to check it out and congratulations to Adam Lambert.

SONG of the Year goes to “Blow Me (One Last Kiss)” by Pink.
The song was leaked before its original release day in late July and it suddenly became a hit and a well-played song on the radio. It was the first single off Pink’s latest album, The Truth About Love, and it is as catchy as a pop song can be. We love it!

VIDEO of the Year goes to “Gangnam Style” by PSY. There was no other way to have this award go to anyone else. The video not only made the dance and the Korean singer famous, but it has reached a YouTube milestone by taking in a whooping 1 billion views. That is crazy. Oppa!

Anonymous said...

From Pat Milmlow’s Facebook:

"Happy New Year guys what an amazing way to open the NEW YEAR spending it with ADAM LAMBERT, we were so close I could nearly touch him.
The guy is amazing live, his voice gave me chills. His dancers you have to see to believe, they were extraordinary, his back up singers rocked the house, the drummer was on the far side of the stage and he had energy plus and a fabulous smile, the organist/dancer/singer was entertaining just by himself lol, the lead guitarist was brilliant.

I can’t tell you how excited I was when Adam 1st came on stage, felt like a 16 year old again, he gave 150% from the moment he walked on stage till he left and his voice live is something quite special, god he looks like Elvis, guys whether you like Adam Lambert or not if you get the chance go see him perform, he’s just brilliant!"

Anonymous said...

Adam gave the Bali crowd a party they didn't really expect. It started out with them all sitting down quiety and he quickly got them on their feet and dancing. Now THAT'S are New Year's Eve party! It was a great show, despite our angst-ing about the silly skit. Adam, you are the best.

Love the story posted here from the woman who saw Les Miz with her husband and not liking the singing either. Adam, you have raised the bar SO HIGH. Singers that I used to think were so good, now just sound mediocre. I think the consensus on Les Miz may wind up on Adam's side.


Anonymous said...

I know I am such a baby, when it comes to Adam! I know the remarks of some of these people on this movie, do not matter! Most are same people posting over and over, they real care. Itching about the actor's or mOvie they want to get to Adam, make him seem unimportant,and this and that! USA today just put one up about this movie thing, 20 minutes ago, about 4or 5 comments when I looked same person or so agreeing with themselves I am sure! That he took time out putting eyeshadow and glitter on to comment, and how he a nobody! I know it's getting boring, to me too! But they were all negative usually plenty taking up for him! I do not know how to do that one, you all are
U h more savy doing these things than me, please put a good comment or two on there, I know they do not matter, but it hurts me to see him not have anyone taking Up for him as many have done, it just came out so probably nobody but the trolls, that look for anything to run him down makin remarks, please just give him a few good comments, his fans should always have his back, he definitely not a nobody, it hurts to hear, I know they do not matter, a couple good comments please! Been out less than 30 minutes trolls jumped all over it, they do. Or care about this movie, they want to rum Adam down, imagine some are of fans of fallen Idol's! Please just few comments even tho they do not matter, we're fans and we should have his back!! Sure made mistakes but, please give Adam a boost, USA today! It's on front Page here now! Sue

lorraine said...

Went to see Les Mis last night with my husband.....
We have seen the play 3 times-in New York, Los Angeles and here in San Diego several years ago. The music was so compelling and beautiful, it captured our hearts and lifted the story to unforgettable heights.
To see the movie was a major disappointment and had us both saying that Adam was right on the mark. The story is so powerful that it's hard to say that seeing it was a total waste of time, {my husband is one of the few who even read Victor Hugo's book.} However, it would have been so much better to have actors who could sing.or as Crowe said, to have "sweetened" the music. After reading Russell Crowe's response to Adam's honest appraisal of the film,I am reminded why I admire him {Crowe}as an actor..He is one of my favorite actors {he's up there with Morgan Freeman for me}and I especially loved his performance in A Beautiful Mind.Having said all this, it is very reassuring to me to know that 2 of my favorite artists {Adam and Russell} have the courage and integrity to say what they really feel.
Happy New Year,folks.....

Anonymous said...

I did not like Russell before, always knew he was a fine actor, but seemed full of himself! But have real respect for him now! Sue

Anonymous said...

Please put a good comment, on the USA today site just cam out top of page! I know there plenty of nonsense, but he had many taking up for him, on other sites just one here ! It just came out! Do not know how are I be all over them! 7 comments one really good one, there only out for Adam doubt if any of these loosers could spell movie! That was do not know how to get a comment in sure you do!

Anonymous said...

I know what u mean my husband and I were talking about that last night.... I said it wasn't fair for someone with no talent and no one knows to give Adam a hard time be us they don't like who he is....he said darlin that's what make Adam so special he doesn't care what they think and you'll cant stand what they say.... Takes someone pretty special to look st life that way... And to have so many people to love and defend him....I think he's right he usually is.... Peace light and love to all .....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@glammerati: There were only 700 people in the venue. Real intimate. Well worth the price.

@glammerati: Night to remember! Thanks @adamlambert for welcoming 2013 with us in Bali. Those at the front were Glamberts coming from all over the world!

@glammerati: We were at our places. It was Adam who suggested there was lots of space in front of the stage & clearly only Glamberts just rushed there.

‏@glammerati: He’s so beautiful! A girl in mini skirt got too excited & scrambled on stage to try to get at him. Can’t blame her. Didn’t get that footage
@nyhome: You know you’re Cuckoo when you’re glued to a twitter list thinking you’re attending a concert!…LMAO

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe was magnificent in A Beautiful Mind together with the beautiful Jennifer Connelly.
It's in that movie that I consider him one of the finest actors of our time.
He should have won the Oscars then back to back after Gladiator except for that telephone incident at the hotel.
Have more respect for him now with his no nonsense very reasonable response.


Anonymous said...

I read few responses on Adam comments and Russel tweet. Didn't know that so many people don't like Adam.However, some of these angry notes sounds the same. It looks like same people made few comments.Also,they know so much about Adam. Do, if you hate somebody why do you follow this person? It's a kind of funny and a kind of sad

Anonymous said...

Found out that Russell Crowe was the lead singer for two different bands, 30 Odd Foot of Grunts and The Ordinary Fear of God, but I guess he is not good enough for musicals.
It's been suggested that this should be a good time now to invite both Adam and Russell to SNL.

Anonymous said...

They do not give a damn about this movie, it a few of the same over and over, that are trashing I suspect it's the one that got pussed their idol, some of them are was dropped by RCA, they started trashing Adam around more than usual! Actually everyone of the top 4 Adam's year except Adam was dropped, of Adam's year!Adam album may not have done fabulous here, even tho it's getting best album all over the place here, but done very well many areas abroad! Also has certainly done and sold better than cooked and especially Kris here, Kris virtually sold hardly anything! The difference is Adam has the world sales to fall back on! They are good! CU, sold well here. Of ing at all world wide beyond. Orth America maybe a little in England! He has those world sales and. O matter what that will save him! For years to come I think! They turn a bolide eye to that! They use any excuse to trash Adam, they see his name they go at it! He still had no. 1 album! He getting no.1 everywhere end of year! If he was the nothing, they try to say he is, you think the entire friggin world would jump on this story, I really doubt it. He plenty big! Their the ones that are jealous not Adam! Adam praised AH, keep saying he jealous, of her and lots Of other crap! They are. Or even listening to what he said, same people just want to trash him! Killed them he did the Diva show, he wants to be a diva! Think a few loosers, that have no life, cannot stand his sucess, oppose to their idols failure! Sure kris will do fine, he still performs! Did any one put I good comments, there had been plenty! Usa today needs some! It is same few going to every site! They do it here!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:20 PM You know the criticism is all bullsh#t, why do you get so heated up? You drag in Kris Allen so often on your rants, you are doing the same thing the haters do.
Your blood pressure must stay sky high. can't you calm down? We know you are a fan of Adam's, but by carrying on the way you do, you lose credibility. Quit putting down other people. Ugly comments roll off Adam's back like water off a duck's feathers. It goes with the territory, he understands that. But for your own sake, cool down. We get it! Take it easy!

Anonymous said...

I can't keep up with Glamberts whether it's time to hate or like Kris Allen. Are we supposed to like him now? A couple of years ago it was the opposite. I wonder who make the rules in this fandom.

Anonymous said...

@xyz ....A Beautiful Mind is my fave movie of all time and phone incident or not, it was an absolute disgrace that he didn't win the Oscar for his role in that movie. It's about actors' onscreen performances, not their offscreen lives though it was a silly thing to do to throw a phone at someone. He's a hot-heated fellow but seems to have mellowed a little with the passing years.

Russell was is the musical, The Rocky Horror Picture Show when he was much younger and he has had bands of his own which haven't been successful. He doesn't have a good singing voice but I love his speaking voice. I'm looking forward to seeing him play Noah in the upcoming movie, Noah.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you completely that it was a disgrace Russell not winning for he absolutely deserved that second consecutive Oscar for that touching portrayal in A Beautiful Mind, a favorite of mine as well, but the Academy is also about politics.

I kind of think that Russell fell for the charms of Jennifer Connelly during their shooting as he obviously didn't try to hide it during interviews after the film was shot.
But he was already in a long time relationship with his ex-wife now Danielle, if I'm not mistaken, while Jennifer was wooed by a co-star in the same film and eventually were a couple.

I still remember Tom Hanks as the next presenter, cannot hide his delight in maintaining his record of back-to-back Best Actor award that same Oscar night when Russell was passed over.


Anonymous said...

So odd that we get a vid of a skit and all people can do is tear it and Adam apart and now we get vid of Adam's performances and it's all about Russell Crowe. So weird.