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New (Old) - Adam Lambert on attending the Mnet Asian Music Awards and his diva tendencies

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

"Adam Lambert on attending the Mnet Asian Music Awards and his diva tendencies" - Hong Kong, 30 November 2012


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what a nice looking guy. He is a perfectional in his looks also.

Anonymous said...

With all this brouhaha with Les Miz, I'm just reminded of what Dr. Brian May tweeted:
"I hope those of you who are real fans of Adam don't expect him, as an artist, to be a dumb-ass with no opinions?"

Anonymous said...

Did Brian May really tweet that?

Anonymous said...

All real Glamberts know Adam has opinions and is not afraid to voice them. Can you imagine how different The X Factor would have been this year with Adam mentoring and judging. Iwould have returned to Idol also but thier loss. IMO Adam just ups the game when he is part of the scene. Also breaking ground in Asia for other Idols to follow. Congrats to Kris and Katy and wishing quick recovery. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's look in this video.......he is hot hot hot!


Anonymous said...

Wanting to do your job right does not brand you as a Diva. That word is thrown around too often in the wrong context. JAK

Anonymous said...

Gee, the sound was bad in that video clip - kept going from inaudible to ultra loud for me but still worth watching, of course.