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Dailymail: Take that Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 24, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 24, 2013

VIA Dailymail:

He took the criticism with surprisingly good grace.

But it appears Russell Crowe was determined to have the last laugh on his critic Adam Lambert after he posted a studio recording of his showpiece Les Miserables song online.


Anonymous said...

Sounds better than most of the singers on American Idol.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie, don't plan to, so I have no idea how this compares.....but I really have no plan to listen to this again. I think Russell Crowe is an exceptional actor....that's my review.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Betcha it's a long time before Adam critiques another movie even though I an certain he had no idea of it getting so much attention. Can't imagine anyone else's remarks about a musical getting so much press. Adam darlin, to quote Mariah, you have arrived! The Dark Side. Lols

Anonymous said...

Brilliant movie but I agree with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Having seen the movie twice and now hearing RC's studio recording I do hear a difference in his tone. His voice is much smoother sounding. In the movie his voice is more coarse and rougher and also more emotional sounding. I suppose that's what the producer wanted, "raw" sounding and compared to he studio recording that's what it was. However, I'm with Adam all the way. I went to Les Mis to see a musical and was disappointed with SOME of the vocals. The acting, however, was great.


Anonymous said...

All this fuzz shows to me that Adam is a remarkable man with remarkable opinions:)

Anonymous said...

Wonder what his point was. I'll be nice. He is a fantastic actor. Adam is a fantastic singer with an incredible ear for music. Adam has arrived is right, loving it.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think this a "last laugh" sort of thing on Russell's part (makes it sound like he was bothered by it or something). I don't think he's reading into it that much. It's more of a casual "since you mentioned it and just in case you were it is" sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the publicity Adam has created will help Russell's singing career. ;)

Anonymous said...

2:32 that's exactly what I thought.

Shiggles said...

JAK, Glitzylady, DRG, CT and the many more of us on this site who appreciate good music...Please google MY Way Andre Rieu and watch the You-tube video. If it doesn't move you to some degree, then there's definitely something wrong with me.

Anonymous said...

This has proved how Adam's opinion has shaken many big egos. Or this is just only how they exploit his opinion to make a bit more profit from the movie. Either way, sad story.

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe wouldn't know a good film score if he were hit in the forehead with a sack of nickels.

Anonymous said...

for everytime the name Adam Lambert is mentioned, a dollar should go into a jar. chiching

Anonymous said...

your opinions really do matter dahliiiiiing.

Anonymous said...

Have not listened yet but I guess it's Russell's way of showing ADAM he is right that it should be "sweetened" in the studio rather than singing live while shooting and that this is how he would actually sound as ADAM has suggested and is it acceptable now?

Anonymous said...

I think Russel just proved Adam was right!


tess4ADAM said...

I agree ... this proves ADAM's original critique ... it should have been studio recorded instead of RAW vocals by NON singers!! THANX! Russ!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam's right again! Thanks RC!

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe just proved that Adam Lambert was absolutely right. Crowe does sound better when his voice is recorded in a studio. And that's all that Adam Lambert meant by his comments on the movie. Duh!

Anonymous said...

Was there any doubt that Adam is gifted!!!!! My gosh!!!!

He is a Global Superstar and his name is very important to media he!he!

Very intelligent and articulate indeed!!!

Opinionated and he always make sense....
Love my Rock God!!!



Anonymous said...

This movie is in its fourth week and isn't doing very well in sales. It got couple of Golden Globes and Oscar nominations and they have to pay these high profile movie stars. I believe each one of these high profile stars gets paid in range of 30 to 60 million dollars for their acts.

They are trying to find ways to get free publicity. They are using Adam's name again to create buzz for the movie in the news until the Oscar night when they get bunch more exposure which is good for the movie.

Ugh, the politics of entertainment industry especially Hollywood is cut throat!

Anonymous said...

Are they ever get over it??

Anonymous said...

The movie in third week made 0.1 million, very bad!

Anonymous said...

at 6:21 PM I think you're only looking at the domestic box office. Worldwide, the movie's thus far made over 283 million dollars on a reported production budget of about 60 million dollars which is pretty fantastic, all things considered. 30 mil a piece for the 3 actors in this who IMO could possibly command anything close to that is pretty extravagant for a movie like this. I don't think the actors are taking the kind of salary you think they are. Once a movie makes over 200% of their budget in the box office, it's generally considered a success. It seems like the movie has done very well for itself to me. I don't think they feel the need to beef up ticket sales right now. It'll certainly break 300 mill by Oscar night which, again, is fantastic for them.

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe is my favorite actor he does not have to prove any thing to any one I am surprised if he felt he had to in any way.Adam Lambert is my favorite singer,entertainer he does not have to feel he has to prove his self to any one both men already have done that for years they are both great in what they do.I do feel Russell did well by acting & not being a singer to me his acting can not be beat.

Anonymous said...

Adam has my total respect for speaking giving his opinion. America needs to lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'd like to hear Adam sing this rather passion-filled Les Mis song which seems a bit dead-pan to me even in this 'sweetened' version. But I guess it's not so fair to critique, based on a video; one has to get the whole feel of the musical and the director had said he wanted it to sound "raw". Yes "raw" does sound reasonable to me but it's still a musical in its very essence; and therefore the technique/skill with regard singing has to be given high priority as well; rightly pointed out by Adam. In any case Russell Crowe did not disagree with what Adam said; so what exactly is the fuss about...


funbunn40 said...

`As much as I like Russell Crowe, I think he was miscast for this role. He sings great in his Rock band, but if you've ever seen the theatrical production, 25th, 10th anniversary editon, the part of Javert needs a richer,more powerful voice. The character was obsessed,driven and forceful and Russell was just miscast. Just my opinion and have to agree with Adam, but Adam capitalizing PRETENDING to sing, may have been a little strong, inviting controversy. That one word did cause me to think, Oh Adam here it comes, like when he laughed at Susan Boyle's rendition of Wild Horses. It was insensitive the way he shared it, but he's always entitled to voice his opinion, maybe a little more tactfully.

Anonymous said...

@3:34PM What a nasty thing to say. No doubt the actors in Les Mis. had to sing for those making the movie who obviously thought the actors were up for the job, otherwise they wouldn't have been hired. Sure, Russell Crowe doesn't have the best voice in the world but without a doubt, he's a superb actor.

I'm going to see the movie with an open mind.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles....JAK here

I watched the Andre Rieu video of My Way. Superb...I love when an artist can make the violin 'sing'.
Sometimes when Brian May is playing his red guitar I hear it singing too. What a joy it must be to be a skilled musician. I am too poorly coordinated, I took piano lessons and can peck out the right keys, but I wouldn't call it music! Where was that Rieu concert filmed? That theater is fantastic!