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Happy 31st Birthday to Adam Lambert (Hungarian Glamberts' letters to him)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 27, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, January 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow, so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely letters to Adam. They are all so heartfelt and amazing. The Unity Award Adam will receive from the We Are Family Foundation should see some of these comments from international fans because Adam has touched so many lives and brought so many people together to form friendships. The Unity Award is so perfect for Adam and what he represents as a wonderful human being.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully done and expressed many of my sentiments. Adam has brought so much joy to my life.

Anonymous said...

If you ever doubt Adam's huge sucess both as a man an a artists watch these video's! The more the ignorant in America try to bring him down the more they protect and lLove him, Adam is blessed in mlllions of way's he is a brave soul and he will win out, big in next few year's he very different takes a while, there is ups and down. abroad it gonna be mostly up's they love and respect him and his music, they may like other music too, but what stands out with Adam is he is a tool model to many young one's abroad both gay and straight, you need not be gay to be bullied but it's really bad with the lovely gay children, Adam stands out as a role model, a musician and a lovely human being! He will be here a long time the world wide Glamberts will see to that! Us too of course!! That was what stand out with Adam he such a role model, not tool, damn phone! Sure there more. Sue

Anonymous said...

I believe that if Adam saw this tears would stream down his face at the love this video shows.

choons said...

At about 12:30 on this vid is a really good cover of BTIKM! impressive.
Great collection of love letters to Adam - imagine being loved so specifically by so many.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, so heartfelt.

Anonymous said...

WTH? They did such a good meaningful job on this Video. I am at lost for words.

Anonymous said...

Adam has shirley had an impact on so many around the world. His music,his voice of reason to so many who may feel differant and how he enpowers them to rise above it.Even though I am much older than these fans it makes me feel good that Adam is such a great and positive influence on these young fans. What he has instilled in them they will carry for the rest of their life. God I pray that will have a positive impact on the future of this planet.

Anonymous said...

There are just no words for this beautiful and loving tribute to Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful birthday gift to Adam from Hungary's Glamberts. There will not be a dry eye from anyone who sees this, so heartfelt and effusive the love and emotion for Adam, who they recognize is a rare gem of an artist and man. This makes me so proud of Adam, my heart bursts with joy. Watch to the end which shows the brand new baby Adam's face, his eyes already so commanding and earnest, as if he already knew what he wanted and was raring to go. To now, the last photo of grown-up Adam, a handsome and man in command, living out his purpose and destiny. Precious message on his birthday. Adam, you deserve all this adulation. Happy Birthday and may you have all your wishes come true, as you have made our own wishes for a beautiful muse come true. atm

Anonymous said...

wow this was really heartfelt- thanks hungarian glamberts- your amazing!!! Is there a birthday video from here in america- anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Simply lovely.....JAK

lorraine said...

My birthday wish for Adam is that he sees this video from the young Hungarian fans -and realizes, just a little, the impact he has on so many of us all over the world---and that in moments when he may feel frustrated or down, he remembers these beautiful, heartfelt messages and knows he is loved and cherished.Happy birthday, dear Adam

Anonymous said...

Words can't express how beautiful and heartfelt this video is. I wish Adam could see it and realize how meaningful his music is to so many people. It's amazing how many fans all over the globe really "get" Adam. It only took one song, one connection with Adam to understand the sincere human he is within. With so many celebrities out there who are only in the business to make money, Adam stands out as someone real and beautiful who only wants to sing and inspire us with his haunting music. I hope he knows how much he is loved by all us fans. Happy Birthday Adam and thanks for your beautiful message of love in your music that lifts us up and keeps us going in your bright light. We all love you so much! nancdruuu2