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More Pictures from Last Night at the Revolver Video Bar in West Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 27, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, January 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

I'm tired just watching all this. PARTAAAY! Adam can look so many different ways. It's amazing. I saw someome on twitter say "congratulations on your face'Adam. " I totally agree with that . He's stunning

Anonymous said...

My daughter just asked me why all the great guys are gays?? LOL!!!

She has gay friends that all gentlemen and really nice guys....

I said to her, time will come the right person for you he! he!


Anonymous said...

Yes, all the 'great guys' are gay!

Anonymous said...

ADAM has become so flawless, amazing!!!

Magiclady said...

Wow that first guy is a doll! Still, Adam draws your eye from everything around him.
He seems to be having a great birthday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to shave.

Anonymous said...

Great pics but agree, Adam needs to shave .... every day.

Anonymous said...

Adam NEEDS to do whatever Adam WANTS to do!!!

Magiclady said...


Anonymous said...

Adam hanging with some cute guys.

Anonymous said...

More nice pictures. I saw one of them on twitter and he had like 20 hashtags complimenting Adam :)