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Les Miserables Producer and Director Respond to Adam Lambert's Comments

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 11, 2013

The producer didn't have anything nice to say about Adam Lambert but the director gave a fair response. Read their responses below:

"What does he know about musical theatre? It was a naive and silly comment. He's an idiot," Producer Cameron Mackintosh said.

Director Tom Hooper said: "I got the impression that he was quite surprised about his comments becoming a global story. I very much wanted to record live to allow the vocals to remain in a raw state... which embrace imperfection and let the emotions in."

Source: belfasttelegraph


Anonymous said...

What a rude and pompous man that Mackinosh.....doesn't know Adam AT ALL...confirmed by the statement "What does he know about musical theatre?".

Anonymous said...

The director's response is a fair one, explaining why he chose to keep the voices natural or raw, however, the producer's comments were ignorant given the fact that Adam knows far more about musical theatre than he realises and was therefore speaking from a wealth of experience. Adam's comments were straight to the point but he was being honest,he acknowledged that the 2 actors were great but pretending to be singers which clearly they are not. As far as the producer referring to Adam as being an idiot, the producer is only showing himself up to be extremely rude and offensive and in my opinion he owes Adam an apology.

Anonymous said...

Someone should send Mr. Mac. youtube vids of Adam's 'Brigadoon','The Ten Commandments' and other musical theatre performances. THEN I'd like to see a retraction.

Mr. Hooper's response was not offensive.

Anonymous said...

9:43 AM
Yes, I agree, rude and pompous, and extremely arrogant. Fancy coming out slamming someone like this without knowing all the facts, I hope someone points this out to him. Maybe someone can tweet him a copy of Adam singing Brigadoon, surely this will force him to choke on his words.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the someone is going to be us glamberts. He won't be able to forget Adam even if he tried.

Anonymous said...

Go get him ladies. I agree with rude and pompous for Mackinosh. I'm still a little shocked at the big response to Adam's comments. I don't think his comments were vicious, it was only his opinion and he was right. Goes to show how really big Adam is getting, some people just don't know it yet.

Anonymous said...

Can this damn story disappear now!! Its getting tiring and old. It was a comment about a movie.Surely there are more serious things that the media can pick up on.

glitzylady said...

I didn't see a place to leave comments at the bottom of the article. Which is probably both a good and bad thing. Unfair to Adam because there is no way to give his "side" of the story. I actually left a comment on the same article from another source. It was polite but informative. And respectful to all involved. I hope if fans do leave comments that they will rise above the level of comment that Mr. Mackintosh made about Adam and simply inform, not insult Mr. M. I realize the temptation is there tho.

This article itself has gone viral, just like Adam's original tweets did. Its amazing to me that just a few of Adam's words have gone around the world so many times. He has way more clout than we think he does apparently, and no doubt he has been shocked to know that himself. My opinion is that no matter what anyone knows or thinks about Adam, they definitely know his name. Publicity is everything these days. And I think this will ultimately be a positive thing for him.

As to Mr. Mackintosh's rather uninformed (about Adam and his background..) and in my opinion, arrogant and rude remarks re Adam, I suspect he knows a WHOLE lot more about Adam now than he did just two days ago. A LOT more.. I know the man is a big time producer and director of musicals and knows his stuff, but he obviously knew very little about Adam up until now. I also believe we Adam fans shouldn't throw out insults to Mr. M. in defense of Adam but it doesn't hurt to inform the man that his assumption that Adam knows nothing about musical theater is unfounded.

All of us have the right to an opinion, whether we be someone famous or just a fan of musical theater..or of Adam Lambert. Everyone's opinions and feelings are valid if given from the heart and are carefully considered. One doesn't have to be an expert in the field to give an "educated" and honest review or critique. It was Mr. Mackintosh's right to say what he said. But it was also Adam's right was well. And the right of the director of "Les Miserables" to present the film as he did. He also had to know that not everyone would like the way the vocals were presented. So I'm sure it came as no surprise to him that not everyone liked that particular aspect of it. Its just rather interesting that Adam is the one whose words are being repeated worldwide as the voice of criticism of the movie. And also unfortunate that his words of praise for the movie and some individual singers are NOT being heard. The media loves a story and they love conflict. We don't often hear "the rest of the story".

Anonymous said...

The producer is an idiot and seems quite insecure. He looks very small putting Adam down without even knowing anything about Adam's experience in musical theater. The director seems like a fair man who has obviously read Adam's comments and even explained his point of view as to why he had the the non-singers sing. Even though the movie is making a lot of money, comments are still being made, not just because of Adam, but all the other negative reviews. However, it's Adam's name we read about. I'm kind of ashamed to admit I'm enjoying the whole thing! Maybe the next time a movie musical comes out, the producer and director will ask Adam to give it a glowing review!!......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Adams remarks still getting so much press. I also wonder if his remarks haven't produced a greater interest in this movie. The directors remarks is just a way of getting his name in the news. Adams remarks haven't hurt anyone so I hope we don't get too many snarky remarks on these award shows. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

If anyone chooses to leave a comment explaining Adam's theater experience, PLEASE be diplomatic and polite. It will only hurt Adam if we are rude.


glitzylady said...

This is my comment that I posted yesterday in response to Mr. Mackintosh's comments and the article in general. Different publication but the same article, which is apparently being published in multiple sources.

"I found director Tom Hooper to be reasonable in his explanation of why he chose to film the visuals and vocals the way he did. His vision, his movie: fair enough. BUT, I also understood the feelings behind Adam Lambert’s comments on twitter, explaining his reaction upon seeing the film, a musical favorite of his for many years. His feeling (and his resulting twitter comments..only a few of which were reported by the media unfortunately: the positive ones of praise were mostly left out of the media blogs & stories) was that his own individual movie experience would have been enhanced and more satisfying to him personally to have vocals more in keeping with what we would expect to hear in a musical theater environment, as is more typical of “Les Miserables”. Most of us, including Adam, can certainly appreciate the power and beauty, and emotional impact of an accomplished singer. Seems to me that he is entitled to his opinion, as we all are as private citizens, movie goers, and those of us who know and enjoy musical theater. I do feel that Mr. Mackintosh was perhaps a bit too harsh in his comments, calling Mr. Lambert an “idiot, naive, and silly”, (but again, entitled to his opinion). However, his rhetorical question “What does he [Adam Lambert] know about musical theater?” is another story ) . Ooops. The answer is: quite a bit actually, sir. As others have indicated, he has 20 years of experience and vocal training (including Opera) in that particular musical genre. Naive and silly and an idiot? I don’t think so. Passionate about one of his favorite musicals? Very definitely. He voiced nothing different than some other reviewers/movie critics in the weeks since release, to be fair. And quite honestly, what difference does it make to most people, whether or not Adam, or anyone else for that matter agrees with the director. It’s an art form and we have our own perspectives on whether it pleases us or not… As the old saying goes: Beauty is in the eye (or in this case, ear..) of the beholder."

Jadam NZ said...

Perfect Glitzylady.

Anonymous said...

At least now Mr. Adam Lambert, you know that you are a GLOBAL SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!

You were surprised how many millions of people are interested to hear from you!!!!

But you are still humble and I love you for that!!!:))))

I'm just rocking out here!!!!:)


choons said...

Adam knows (and we know) that it is possible to be an excellent, trained singer and to bring out true, raw emotion. That is perfection. The director's response about raw, imperfect emotion is just rhetoric - using "empowering" words to cover his ass.

Anonymous said...

I think the sales were good the first week, but fail off a whole lot, the second week. Think sales did plunge quite a bit after lot went to see it, and word of mouth and reviews, not because of Adam! Adam probably helped it at first, some that we're not going went to see what it was all about! Lots people were going anyway. After critics and lots of people. Comments not to bother, and so on fell off, the sales! Someone said was 106 million world wide first week! 6 million second week! Have no idea third week! Many large movies like that have made way, way more! Consider the big salaries these actors are getting, took lots of money to make. Do not believe they are clearings lots of money if those sales figures are accurate! Will be paid per view, of course I guess! And cd's! Probably what made him mad! But that would be the movies fault, Adam probably helped at first! If that guys remarks ends up on E or any news shows , we definitely need to tweet in Adam's defense! Yes it is time to let this bull go, singing important to Adam he made a comment, he has a right! That man to say he knows nothing about musical theatre, shows he knows zero, about Adam! He does need to be politely caleed down about it, not rudely like him. Yes I wish this movie thing over, but like I always say I will defend Adam when he unjustly attacked, if any tv news pick this up, we do need to tweet and defend him especially E! Hopefully they will not, but as they said the other day on E controversy is their pay check! If anyone wants to attack me for that it's your problem, I am just as tired of this as any of you, but I will never stand still and let him be unjustly talked about like this! I do not know how get comment in, to him or I would but any comments need to be polite not rude are you are reaching his very small level! Could you sit back and let someone in your family be talked to like this, all of you profess to love Adam and if that is so how can we sit back and ignore ignorance towards him! I hope the damn thing does and I am not trying to keep it alive, but I will not ignore that kind of unfairness to Adam! If anyone knows how to get comment in, let me know! Any comments need to be level headed, but not kissing his ass! I think he is a real coward, throwing that insult out ther and the blog or whatever it is, and not letting anyone comment back, he knows 0 about Adam except for the comment he made, this one really got me mad, because you would think a Hollywood producer would have more class than, that he does not!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Mackintosh is a very successful and powerful producer. While it is unfortunate he made a statement without knowing what he was talking about I hope fans won't be making the situation worse with rude comments back to him.

Anonymous said...

If they make any jokes at award shows stills gets his name out there, hopefully not! These artsy farthy movies alway's get awards whether they deserve them or not! I am sure like Adam said there were good things about the movie, but in a musical one would expect great singing! Sue

Anonymous said...

Why not allow ADAM interpret the Les Miz' nominated song at the Oscars?
Let them all be amazed.
Of course, wishful thinking on my part.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am not sure if the nominated song is by a male.
Really this dream should come true.

xyz (also 12:30)

Anonymous said...

Sucess does not give him the right to be cruel, Adam done quite well for himself to! He was not cruel in anyway no matter what anyone says! Of course no one should ever be rude to anyone! He was very rude and stupid and because he is a big time producer gives him no passes! It would make it worse, to be hateful so any comments should just point out Adam's experience in the theatre, at what he meant by what he sai, and that he certainly did have the credits to know what he talking about in a nice way only, being rude would not help a thing at all! But why is it ok for him to be rude to Adam, because he a big time producer, Adam a highly rated singer, he was called an idiot wrongly! Sue

Anonymous said...

I can't blame the producer to reacted like that and make himself worst than an idiot he! he! It's his baby and it really hurt him though he!he!

Poor Producer you just made yourself a fool indeed!!!

He knew now that Adam is a big fish and a global superstar ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

The directors response is very reasonable so is RC. The other guy is probably an anal tempermental guy. I don't really want to be disrespectful to him, he is a knight and while I might not respect him right now I do respect his title in England.

Anonymous said...

I just had another listen to Adam singing 'Come to me, Bend to me', from Brigadoon. I had chills just listening to his beautiful voice. There's nothing naive or silly about someone who has the voice of an angel. I know Adam loves what he is doing right now singing pop music and I love his albums both FYE and TP, but I rather hope he has a chance to perform on Broadway some time in the future, I'm sure he'd receive rave reviews and prove beyond any criticisms that he is a master when it comes to musical theatre.

Anonymous said...

Not a great review of Les Miz by a major UK news outlet:

Anonymous said...

Apparently Mr.Macintosh is actually Sir Cameron Macintosh, he has been knighted for his achievements as a producer and his entrepenorial skills within the musical theatre world. Interestingly he is also an out and proud gay man who has contributed an enormous amount help the LGBT community, he also has a partner who he has lived with for a number of years.

I find all this information interesting because it seems to me that Sir Cameron Macintosh and Adam share a lot in common, while I totally object to his comments regarding Adam, I hope somehow they can manage to meet one day to talk this over, perhaps if he knew more about Adam he would not be so harsh.

Anonymous said...

I think Mackintosh probably made a mistake we all have made, saying something without having all the facts. We wouldn't know Adam has a musical theatre background if we weren't fans. A good reminder to think about what you are about to say.

Anonymous said...

This movie got 7 Oscar Nominations. It was a piece of shit movie and I don't understand how does this nomination procedures work.

Another movie that I really hated it and it got 3 Oscar nominations is The Master. What a piece of crap is this movie. I tried to erase it from my brain but Oscar gave it a recognition.

I bet all the horrible movies get Oscar Nominations from now on and all the good movies get Raspberry awards.

Anonymous said...

Mackintosh is an arrogant person cause he got Knighthood title and he created bunch of musicals that won him bunch of awards.

Too bad he doesn't live up to the real concept and meaning of what he created.

That's why giving someone too much praises, awards, and titles isn't a good thing. It gets into their heads.

He is Simon Cowell to the power of 1000 and he thinks Adam isn't worthy cause he hasn't achieved what he has achieved.

Anonymous said...

This movie is getting a lot of BAD revues. Adam's remark has been blown out of porportion. Sounds like the producer is a wee bit sure Adam is right. Me thinks he protests too much. Dosen't know anything about musical theater. Did he mean Adam huh? Adam's dad pointed out a scathing revue yesterday that is written by a critic.

Anonymous said...

1:57 PM
I agree with what you say, it sounds as if his success as a producer has gone to his head.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip, Cameron.

Anonymous said...

This man is a very big fish in the big ocean of musical theatre.
Adam is a very tiny fish in a small puddle of musical theatre. It is perfectly reasonable that he assumed Adam's was not an educated comment. Methinks Adam's fans doth protest too much. I am pretty sure Adam wants this to die down and go away so don't fan the flames and make things worse. Be calm outwardly, seethe inwardly if you must. I doubt the suggestion to send youtubes of The Ten Commandments would help a bit. It was a colossal flop. I know a reviewer praised Adam's voice, but it was still a flop, this man has had myriad successes in the theatre world. Be reasonable. Be mad at him quietly, he finances musicals, keep that in mind for Adam's future.

Anonymous said...

This knight guy producer is not right this time,! Adam is sucessful, everybody had successes and some up and downs at least the talented ones it is not all creme all the time! He may be a big deal in musical T. But he not a big deal as a human being! RC who always been a hot head, showed way more class, and the director than him. He may be a big Fish and Adam little in musicaT. But Adam is as a big singing talent, and he knows about singing. He said you do not have to be a good singer. Obviously u do not to win awards or get nominated for a musical, in this case! That movies ticket sales at this point are not good, so some people ate not agreeing with him, and the little fish is right and has the right to his opinion, whether the big knight jerk likes it or not! Doubt we will hurt Adam, they did not have the guts to take opinions! Also closed them on the movie, so pretty sure not all the comments were good when they took comment section of movie down, closed it, someone here did not like the destruction of the bad singing and wanted to comment on it!o

Anonymous said...

Why would the big fishes even care (so much) about Adam's comments when the industry has treated him as an outsider and an oddball ? It is unfortunate that Adam pissed off some big names but why ishould he be made a scapegoat for the scathing reviews and falling sales.

Anonymous said...

The only thing good that has come out of this for Adam is that he learns a lesson. His critique should not have mattered IF he dropped the 'PRETENDING" word which was even in caps. There are always consequences when you release a negative comment more so in the social media. Twitter is an octopus, rather multi pus, because it's more than 8 tentacles.

Anonymous said...

Adam is respected by quite a few people! vh1 certainly seems too, PLL, and many more have many lovely things to say about him!just the othe day on Lynsey Parker review the guy in LA who she was talking too, who did not know Frank Ocean, and she explained wi he was said but I love Adam lambert he just so, so talented! One of ladies in pitch perfect known Adam long tecsaid Adam the most fabulous ham being ever, and other girl Adam is great! Many people say many good things about him not everybody thinks he is a odd ball, lots people think he different a unique, also that CeCe from X factor Cushing about Adam! People unique and different and not cookie cutter like Adam do have a harder time, but sooner later the reward will be great! They would have jumped on this whether he said pretend or not, maybe a bit less but still would have! As far as pisding off this producer this kind if producer only goes for the GJ, the RC ect. Whether they can sing or not doubt made much difference! Someday he find some producer that will give a real singer, that not yet an a list actor a chance,, like they did JH! Sometime you just have to be true to yourself. That movie is getting not so good reviews now and sales are not good now it's not Adam's fault he helped it for few that would not go to see it, I suspect the big time critics have more to do with that not Adam. That movie sinking or swimming sure is not Adam little reviews fault! To try put that out there now is stupid! I would say it more word of mouth, saying skip it, that doing it! There one in here, that is more critical of Adam than is enemies, you do not need agree with everything he has to say but, acting like he does nothing right sure is not right! There are many out therethat realize he different, but also very talented!

tess4ADAM said...

A comment can be made regarding this article quoting Sir Mackintosh without directing it at him. I responded to it without any name-calling unlike Sir M. by simply pointing out that everyone in a free country has the right to give an opinion freely without being bashed & bullied like ADAM has been. I then pointed out some facts that are well-known by us Glamberts about ADAM's Musical creds. I also suggested that perhaps Sir M. & Mr. Hooper should listen to ADAM sing BEFORE they decide to present another movie musical & the reviews would be much different ... IMHO!! Hope this gets through to them but I highly doubt it.

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

This is simple they hate Adams opinion because Adam is one damn magnificent and right now no one can top that!!!


GLb said...

"A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?"

Anonymous said...

This too will pass .... eventually!

Anonymous said...

It'll pass faster if everyone quits talking about it!