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Inside Edition covers Adam Lambert and Les Miserables Story (1/2/2013)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 02, 2013

And now we have the Inside Edition show chiming in!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, well when Adam can act half as well as Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman, if he's lucky, he might be cast in a musical film.

Anonymous said...

You know that filter that Adam claims to be missing - he should find it.

Anonymous said...

10:48 isnt there a kris allen site you should be on?

glitzylady said...

I think the people who comment (negatively) on the gossip media sites have discovered 24/7. Great. NOT.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Good for Adam. Great clips that show to people who know something about music that Adam is right. :) I'm a happy glambert!

Anonymous said...

Why are Kris Allen's fans always blamed when someone posts something someone else doesn't like? Surely Kris Allen's fans have more productive things to do than read and post on Adam's blogs.

Anonymous said...

Critical my ass!

Anonymous said...

Adam has come out rosy in the media now. Russell Crowe gives his opinion about the situation and he does it well. Adam doesn't need a filter, this is him and this is a trait I love. Who the hell was to be superficial even amongst the media.

Anonymous said...

Kris is going to be a dad. Congratualations Koala man.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me. If you find it so offensive and so wrong that Adam commented on a movie then please leave this website and take your nasty comments with you

Anonymous said...

10:55 it is right by your missing marbles I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Why are people told to get off the site if they have a negative opinion? Are you disowning Adam, he had a negative opinion and most of you applaud his right?

Anonymous said...

People are far too sensitive and far too judgemental. How can you insult someone who commented on a movie and the media!!! They have stooped to a new low by trashing someone just to get attention. Leave Adam alone. He has done nothing wrong

Anonymous said...

Something you have a habit of doing im sure. Turning people words against them. Adam commented on a movie and it wasn't a bad comment. Where the hell did you read that i was disowning Adam. How does defending someone make you disown them????

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of the big opera names have commented the film?

Les Miserables is a musical and if the director of the film thinks that good singing is not that relevant then it must be all about money (what else...) and therefore casting famous faces is the sole priority.

An average movie goer or critic won't hear the difference anyway and is only happy to slander Adam (who is gay!!! and too good looking for most men to treat him in a no-nonsense manner) whenever possible.

Anonymous said...

Some people are so precious on this site. Say something that somebody doesn't like and you're called a troll, a Kris Allen fan and/or to get off this site. The sooner this matter ceases to be news, the better.

Anonymous said...

Name a great actor with a great singing voice. There are certainly actresses with great singing voices .... Cher, Barbra Streisand, Julie Andrews and Bette Midler are the ones who immediately spring to mind but right at this point in time, I cannot name one actor with a fabulous voice. Perhaps someone else can.

Anonymous said...

IMO American Idol lost a great opportunity to have Adam as a judge. He said couple words about a movie he watched and the whole world media went cray crays. Crazys follow his every step. We got bunch of on this site. American Idol could have the highest rating in their history if they picked Adam as a judge. Some one should tweet to Nigel to tell him about this huge media coverage and they lost big business opportunity by not having Adam as a judge.

daydreamin said...

OMG I am so excited and shocked! I had to come here to say that my Summerthing video of Adam singing NCOE and Hot Stuff was listed as one of the fan fav's of 2012! Not only that but Adam tweeted this list!!
Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
You guys made a playlist of your fav performances of mine this year? thank you! …

daydreamin said...

Ok, back to business!
Here is a link to a bunch of tweets regarding an interview in Vietnam just now:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Short clip of Adam in Vietnam (at Press conference it looks like?)
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Hey admists all the waffle and meeting Kris and Adam on the Idol Tour, I have no problem sending congrats to the Allens on their new expected baby arrival. Adam has even extended his own wishes today.

Anonymous said...

The mere fact that Adam's opinion of a musical movie has struck a chord (haha) with so many says volumes about Adam's cred in the music and artistic world. Adam has officially made it. No one has said Adam doesn't know what he's talking about, it's just news because no one else has the guts to come out and say what Adam does. I think it's brilliant and says that Adam is the real deal and if anyone has a right to give an opinion on a musical film, it's someone like Adam Lambert who has devoted his entire life to music.
Adam's critique also illustrates he is a class act and people must enjoy hearing what he has to say.
Why else would it be all over the news!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to that clip.
Does anyone know who the blonde is in the picture on the back wall of the place where the interview was taking place?

Anonymous said...

It's a very slow news day.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, there are some offensive comments by some Glamberts directed at other Glamberts on this site.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally bored with this Les Miz stuff now.

Anonymous said...

@4:35 AM Yep, talk about flogging a dead horse.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam but I've decided to agree to disagree with him on this. Loved the movie and performances. So let's stop all the sniping here. We're not trying to solve the debt crisis.

Anonymous said...

@January 3, 2013 4:44 AM

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Well, I totally agree with Adam's opinion, I love the story of Les Miserables, but as a musical the singing makes my ears hurt.

Anonymous said...

Lol 5:02 are you Clay Aiken? I'm a hige Adam fan. Saw the film before he commented and I didn't really like it. The women all sang well imho - Amanda Seyfried, too. Hugh's singing was uneven, to be expected in a live singing performance. Russell Crowe's singing ruined the film for me. I had seen the musical and expected better singing.

If you hadn't seen the musical, it was probably easier to like this film. The musical soared on impressive sets and big singing. The movie gets it's emotive umph from close-ups. Newbies related to the story and tears. Those who loved the musical knew the story (no emotional surprises) and went in with different expectations. They were disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and no one's opinion is more important or right than others because opinions are subjective. For me, superb acting is more important than superb singing in a musical movie but let's all agree to disagree and move on from this tired and tedious subject.

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2013 5:17 AM

No, I'm not Clay Aiken LOL. I've seen Les Mis. the musical and loved it and I loved the movie too - no disappointment whatsoever.

Give it a rest, folks. This subject has become a total bore!

Anonymous said...

3:38a - that is Aurea (?sp) from Portugal - same person Adam dueted with at the previous Hennessey show

Anonymous said...

I really hope an opportunity comes along for a musical film with a special part for Adam, maybe something like 'The Ten Commandments' or 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. Adam would kill it!! No one would dare to question or poke fun of him them. Remember he who laughs first, laughs last.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind when actors who lack singing skills are cast in silly movies like Mamma Mia (Pierce Brosnan)...but a movie as serious as Les Miserables needs more talent...otherwise I think the show suffers.

Anonymous said...

Pic of rehearsal in Vietnam
Reyna ‏@RainOnMe83
Sound check! #Hennessey #Vietnam

Anonymous said...

Hi! Can someone tell me what means they where asked not to ask about Adams gender? I read on Adamtopia some interviewer said that. Does it mean his sex or his family or Sauli or what... I am very grateful if someone can explain it to me!! Have Adam asked not to ask questions before. I remember some interviewer said that he is special about that he answer all the questions.

tea said...

@4:35 AM I'm with you.

"We know how to talk it into the ground."

Anonymous said...

@5:25 AM - thanks for that. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice professional pics of Adam at the press conference in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

It was just on Good Morning America, that Lara Spencer segment "Pop Now" or something like that.... delivered by Lara while sitting at the desk with the panel, George S. & Elizabeth Vargas & Josh (& would be Sam Champion but he's on his honeymoon). Anyway, it was actually not bad at all... she simply used "singer" Adam Lambert, a victory in and of itself, and there really wasn't any snark... HOWEVER, the panel didn't really agree with Adam's assessment, but it was all very brief. Altho, it's getting accolades a plenty, and I think it makes Adam look rather silly. Many will know he had extrememly valid points, but not MOST, many but not MOST, and right now, IMHO, Adam needs to be catching fire with MOST. My personal opinion, his tweeting to begin with was completely unnecessary, but his life/career. I do think it will blow over indeed, but in a Kanye West "Imma let you finish Taylor" sort of way. Kanye's incident of course was horrible of Kanye, not drawing any comparisons there, just saying I think Adam's Les Mis-gate is poised to be a bit of a footnote attached to him... something I don't think he really needed as he is an excellent candidate for future film work. Sure, we dedicated fans want it to blow over, but Golden Globes are out now and it won't today folks, maybe tomorrow, let's cross our fingers. Just my POV, I'm nobody special.

Anonymous said...

Even more great pics of Adam at the press conference!

Anonymous said...

BTW, there was one tweet from either an opera singer or famous Broadway singer, I think an Opera singer. I am not an opera observer so the name wasn't recognizable to me, but I'm not particularly wordly :), but I believe it was someone whose opinions would hold validity and merit, and she completely agreed with Adam. Maybe someone else came across the tweet and can bring it over... for me it was a momentary suave on an open wound. Sure it ain that deep (the wound or the whole incident) just WHOLLY unnecessary and unavoidable IMHO. William has to go up against so much that is OUT of his control, why bring about nonsense WITHIN your control, that's more my POV than anything else really. Whatever, I'm sure I'm boring you :), I just think it's a bit of a shame. We all need filters! I need one, Honey Boo Boo needs one, Joe Biden needs one, Kanye West needs one, Clint Eastwood needs one, Anderson Cooper needs one... it is just simply life to employ your filter.

Anonymous said...

Adam hasn't said anything half of the movie critics haven't already said. This isn't an unheard of opinion, it's just more interesting from Adam than from some movie critic. Can we let it go now? Go argue it on some entertainment site, enough of it here.

Anonymous said...

I my 6:17 post I said William, I meant Adam Lambert. TV had story on about Prince William and Kate Middleton's pregnancy as I was typing, lol. There's another subject that will be endless in the media, ugh!

Some great opinions and observations here though. I was just reading the previous thread and actually am viewing things a little bit differently, for the better.

Anonymous said...

It's after 1:00am where I live so I'm out of here now. I just hope this subject has been dropped completely by the time I return tomorrow. There are many more interesting, positive things to discuss.

Anonymous said...

Someone keeps saying let the subject go. They should go to another post. After all this section is suposed to be about "Inside Edition covers Adam Lambert and Les Miserables Story (1/2/2013)"

Anonymous said...

7:08 AM I agree. When there is a photo or vid, isn't this comment section meant to deal with that subject? Or have I understood the meaning totally wrong? Should we talk always about Adam's voice and singing although the vid is named for instance "Adam bought a car" and there is a pic of Adam and the car, or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Agree you folks above me, and I will add to that: IT IS CALLED THE SCROLL BAR, oh, and a little thing called FREE WILL.

Anonymous said...

I am big Adam fan but yikes. I am just now watching the Inside Edition clip. Sure it is slanted, but they are also quoting exactly Adam's words, it aint too pretty :/. I'm glad some of you are eternal optimists where Adam's actions are concerned, he's going to need you. It will blow over sure, and probably quickly, but I'm sort of feeling like: Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark

Anonymous said...

@7:50 AM,

Of course it will leave a mark:) He is relevant that's why media exposed his opinion:)))

He is really big dear put that in your hallow brain of yours:)))

World explodes because Adam is a brilliant and intelligent celebrity and no one can do what he did!!!! He has guts and fierce... That's why they don't like him in America, he is real and no BS!!!! Like you do!!!! He!He! You are bot a fan and we know that dear!!!


Anonymous said...

At Canadian, I assure you, I am a huge, uber, unconditional fan. Of course you don't not have to accept this, of course. I am a fan with a brain and independent thoughts and feelings and points of view and opinions, I think Adam would like me a lot. I know you are a huge fan too by reading your comments over time, I'm glad Adam has a wonderful fan in you! :).

Anonymous said...

Canadian, your anti-american comments are getting old.

Anonymous said...

So it seems that Adam and his Les Mis comments made GMA pop news this morning and then Access Hollywood the one hour show with Kit Hoover today. Nothing about Adam is ever reported about his concerts in Asia or his New Year's Eve show, but let him voice his opinion about this movie, and all the media sites are on it. At least with his theater background, he knows what he is talking about it would seem. I don't think it's sour grapes(because he didn't get offered a role in the film) or any particular dislike of the lead actors/singers. Many of the reviews about the movie have said what Adam has pointed out. I haven't seen the movie yet, but loved the Broadway production as one of my favorites. Will Adam's comments reflect on him negatively? In the big picture, I doubt it. It's only the haters and homophobes whose comments I have read on other sites that are so disgusting and cruel that get me angry. We are entitled to our opinions esp. if you are able to back it up with credible experience or knowledge about the issue. If only more important national and international isssues would muster such interest and involvement where it really matters.

Anonymous said...

@8:41AM You summed it up beautifully!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should hurry back home to LA and do an interview to clear this mess up once and for all, it's so out of hand it ridiculous. I also suggest everyone coming to this site change the subject it is only adding fuel to the fire, enough opinions on this subject it's now turned very tacky verging on abuse towards Adam.

Anonymous said...

I saw the GMA Pop News segment, it was not bad at all, very brief. Do you remember that Adam actually did the Pop News segment with Lara, and the panel, a while back? Can't remember what was in the entertainment news that day that he covered with Lara, but I remember thinking he did a good job. Lara knows her stuff, she knows Adam has credibility and talent and charisma etc. (Lets hope that snit G Rancic doesn't report on it! Ick). I think Lara compiles/writes those segments herself, goon on ya Lara if so. No, I'm not her publicist :), I just appreciate that whole panel.

GLb said...

Is there any book on the pathology of (social) media because I'd surely love to read it! The man has expressed an opinion as a moviegoer who happens to be a very good singer (one once called "too theatrical" - HA!). My impression is that he did reacted like a Broadway "purist" (not so different from how other music purists have reacted to his singing). He should know that one could win a "debate" with other folks, but never with the (hysterical) media. I'm sure he's right... from where he stands, but:
From what I've seen online, the (Oscar-winning!) director had a certain artistic vision and he isn't a totally newbie in musicals. There are many interviews on YT where the live singing in this movie is addressed. Maybe Adam hadn't seen those interviews. He might have understood (or not) this non-broadway approach on a musical from a British director and Oxford Univ. alumnus. Maybe Tom Hooper didn't want "beauty and grace" on the big screan. "Power", yes. The raw power of emotions. I think Russell Crowe responded in a very classy way to what it might be Adam's Broadway-bound... well, obtuseness. I haven't seen the movie yet. I speak only from the point of view of someone who reads reviews and watches cast interviews before actually seeing a movie, not being afraid that it will spoil... anything. I don't need someone to tell me what to see or feel, but I do want to see where "things" are rooted /coming from and open my mind/soul to whatever "the creator" tries to convey. So, if one is interested in seeing beyond the tip of our glam-noses, here it is:

After that you can go back at hating the singing in Les Mis.

Adam is amazingly good at everything he does, even when he drops a clanger (at least from the social media's point of view). :-))

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam. If you want raw and real don't pre-record it, but get someone who can sing, otherwise, it's just an actor pretending to be a singer- which is not so real, is it? ;) In REAL life, people don't just break out into song. It doesn't look raw and real. It looks raw and really bad. JMO

Anonymous said...

Just LOL that there is a mess Adam needs to hurry back to the US to clear up. As soon as a Hollywood star gets arrested/pregnant/has a big movie release they will quickly move on to the next OTT story.

Anonymous said...

Oh there is no mess, LOL.

GLB, if you read Adam's actual comments, he said the idea of having the actor's sing live was cool. He said, but with that CAST, they should have sweetened the vocals or chose actors who could actual sound good live.

Amen to that!!
It's just a review on someone's Twitter of a movie they saw. Not a mess! LOL

Anonymous said...

GLB, this is 10:00. If you didn't understand my post, it proves that Adam DID know the intent of the director.

Anonymous said...

Well 9:45... that Tarrantino movie is stirring up a lot of controversy... lets hope Jamie Foxx drops a doozy comment or something

KIDDING... I'm just kidding... I don't wish the adorable Mr. Foxx any ill-will (although, he is quite capable all on his own of dropping a controversial comment :)!).

Anonymous said...

@GLb, I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from this one :).
I see your points, I see a lot of good points people have made on both sides (the way openminded people should be able to do :)).

Anonymous said...

I've listened to the previews of this movie and I still say Russell Crowes singing makes my ears hurt. It's raw all right, it's so raw it grates on my nerves.

Anonymous said...

10:06 am, twitter is still talking about Spike Lee's comments so it wouldn't take much ;) (But maybe Samuel L. Jackson is right and people are afraid to talk about the subject.)

tess4ADAM said...

JMO ... but maybe if the movie had been advertised as a musical "with a twist" people wouldn't have been taken aback so much by the 'raw reality' portrayed by the 'non singers' in it. Many people having already seen the Broadway version were probably expecting something on the same premise as 'West Side Story ... Music Man ... Grease ... et al' ... instead of being surprised by what was presented. It was after all the concept of the director & may have been better received by the unsuspecting movie goers if they had been 'pre-warned'?? Like I said ... JMO ... in any case ... I feel as though ADAM ... just like the myriads of others that did go to see it & were disappointed ... has just as much right to voice his opinion as anybody else!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

There were couple of reviews before the movie premiered basically saying that the movie is so different than the original musical and the critics weren't positive about LM the movie. But hardly people check out reviews.

Personally, I didn't like the previews of LM and read one review before all this. I wasn't that enthusiastic to watch LM but now out of curiosity caused by LM-gate I am going to see it tonight with bunch of my friends.

I'm sure a lot of people will the same. For those who just found out about Adam because of news coverage they will check out Adam's work as well.

Anonymous said...

This is not a mess with Adam's comments about Les Mis and he does not have to rush back to LA to do an interview to clarify his comments. Let's not make a big issue out of something really unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It's the entertainment shows that are blowing it out of proportion even with the way certain outlets have labeled the story. It's only a movie, not a national crisis. If only Adam would get all this recognition/publicity for his album, his collab with Queen, his concerts in Asia. So let's move on to something else like his appearance in Vietnam and the reception he received there. Can't wait to see any of the videos that come out of this concert. I never tire of watching them.

GLb said...

HaHaHa. @6am: Happy New Year, my friend! It seems you know me too well, don't you? :-)

@10.00am/10.04am: You, on the other hand, not so much. I admit my understanding is limited by... too many things to list here, BUT:
I believe neither your posts, nor Adam's tweets prove nothing, I'm afraid. The fact that one thinks "is cool" that Dali had painted clocks (elephants, ants, phalluses, etc.) doesn't mean that one understands Dali's symbolism, his reasons, or understands Dali himself for that matter. Does it? I might like IT, visually or otherwise, without grasping the "original meaning" (of IT). All I say here is that Hooper's "musical" might be more (or, if you like, less) than a Boadway musical. Adam said that he grew up with that musical and his expectations where high (at the height of a Broadway production I guess). He'd expected to see on the big screen a great musical film, great actors, great music, great singing. I'll be always with those who explain their standpoints. From his standpoint, he was most likely right. I don't particularly enjoy musical films and I can agree that bad singing could act as a pulling-out force, therefore ruining a movie experience. I just don't take Adam as the ultimate authority on musical films, even when he has very good arguments. That's just who I am. I've grown a tendency to mock the "cognoscenti". You see, I even mock myself quite a lot. :-)) Maybe, just maybe, that's why I linger here (one of the reasons, anyway). We all know how many connoisseurs are among the ..Berts. We all are self-proclaimed experts in everything Adam, aren't we? :-))

GLb said...

HaHaHa. Just read my previous comment and all I can say in my defence is... that's why I love Lambert's Broken English!
I guess one cannot be too smart/witty/funny/loving in a language that one does not fully master. :-)