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More Videos From Adam Lambert Live in Bali

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Video by glammerati:

This is Adam Lambert's explosive live concert at an exclusive New Year Eve party held on 31st December 2013 at the Grand Mulia, Nusa Dua, Bali.


Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like this was a great night for Adam and everyone who was there. Adam is in beautiful form as always. Looking forward to seeing more videos. The silly, fun skit was just a small part of a crazy party. Adam never dissapoints!

xo laura

glitzylady said...

Its great to finally be getting some vids from the Bali concert!

I've posted this (below) in a couple of previous threads, but wanted to be sure people see this response of Russell Crowe's when asked about Adam's review/critique of Les Miserables. It was fair, respectful, and honest:

Karen S. ‏@Brunettemom123
@russellcrowe Not sure if you saw @adamlambert's comments about Les Miserables. He was pretty opinionated.

Russell CroweVerified
@Brunettemom123 @adamlambert I don't disagree with Adam,sure it could have been sweetened,Hooper wanted it raw and real,that's how it is

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
I thought the whole thing was a sorry mess. Completely disorganized and amateurish. The dancers are so distracting and gross, the background singers wander aimlessly and Adam, I just don't know what he was thinking.
I can't believe any of this was rehearsed, it looked like everyone was drunk at the beginning of the evening. I assume the audience was too. This is the only video of Adam I never want to see again. Don't bother to yell at me, I'm already gone.

Anonymous said...

Crowded stage.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam never reviews his performances. If he would view them these backup pigs and annoying dancer(forgot his name) never ever appeared on the stage again.

Anonymous said...

My personal opinion that Adam wants to make few $$$$$ during the next year, finish his carrier, and live with Sauli happily ever after!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looked and sounded great!! (considering audio it was recorded on)

I do agree the stage was CROWDED. I also think the interlude for his first costume change works. The "skit"... not so much IMO.

Glad to see Russell Crowe understood Adam's comments. Note everything Adam says is a "slam" (get with the program mass media).

Anonymous said...

From what we've learned over the years, Adam is a loyal friend. Unfortunately, hiring friends does not always lead to the best choices. I was so impressed last year with his promotional performances in the UK with the stand-in band and of course when he performed with Queen. Knowing what a perfectionist he is, I'm surprised he doesn't demand that his performances now are just as polished. From what we see on recent concert videos, the production looks messy and distracts from his spectacular talent.

Anonymous said...

I think I would have to agree with several of the comments here. Some of Adam's performances during these Trespassing concerts do seem messy and disorganized with distractions at times from the backup singers and now the dancers. They don't seem as polished as other performances he's done. Maybe the stage was too small, but any production should focus on Adam's voice. I guess he was paid big bucks to perform in Bali on New Year's Eve and took this opportunity to be there with Sauli also. Somehow I think he needs to refocus his career moves with these non-tour Trespassing concerts and re-evaluate some of the criticisms that have evolved from these performances. I only want the best for Adam since he is just so talented and deserves to be doing much better than he is right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm a longtime fan and I don't care for these shows either. Disappointing for all the reasons already mentioned.

Anonymous said...

wow, I really liked that "Pop that Lock" performance... Loved both dancers, Tommy's moment to shine, the back up singers, the band and of course Mr Adam Lambert himself !

Thank you Indonesian (I think)video ninja...

Anonymous said...

I think his voice was top-notch in this show. He sang great. The stage was small and the room was a banquet-style room, not a concert hall. They did the best they could. I think on a bigger, real stage, it all would have come together better. These one-offs are sometimes in odd venues. I'm not as bothered by the dancers and back-ups as many of you are. I think they're fun to watch most of the time. I personally don't think Adam will have them forever. He's trying to make money, and these gigs probably pay well. I think 2013 will bring some new ideas and looks from Adam, along with the new music. I love him just as much as ever.
And I repeat, his vocals were GREAT!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and the silly skit was just a tiny part of the show. His set list was quite long. The skit isn't something to keep fussing about, IMO>


Anonymous said...

hey y'all trolls hurry hurry hurry over to the Vietnam thread and look at the review of this concert. Read it and weep.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam won't take Johnny to Russia. Jails are full of Johnnys.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is looking to make a lot of money from this gig, why take the two tons of joy and the dancers. He has to pay them!!!

5:13 If he's going to keep the dancers, Johnny MUST go to Russia!