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Adam Lambert at The Rage Dreamgirls Revue

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In Los Angeles, last night.


Anonymous said...

Ignore the pics, like Adam was a troll (which he is).

Anonymous said...

Ot Trespassing Deluxe is $9.99 free shipping from CD Wow if anyone wants to order another one. I just sent it as a gift to a friend.

Anonymous said...

Adam shouldn't have his pic taken with these drag queens. Just makes things tougher for his career. And he needs to get rid of TJR. Once and for all. Very detrimental to career.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again!! People thinking they know whats right for Adam. Makes me laugh. I would hate people telling me how to run my life even if i was a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

@8:53AM Are you having fun? :)

Anonymous said...

I see Sutan. I love the drag queens. So much fun.

Anonymous said...

8:50 am Who are you to assume you know what is good for someones career. You want Adam to not be himself or to lock himself in a room until he has to sing just to further his career. Thats really sad

Anonymous said...

These are probably Adam's friends as is TJR. What kind of person drops their friends?....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Why shouldnt he have his pic taken with drag queens 8:50am. Are they bad people?

Anonymous said...

Yes i am 8:55am Thanks for asking

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, Adam himself is not the most tolerant person. Hollywood is not America. By the way, I like Ferras.

Anonymous said...

I wish i could do my makeup like drag queens. So cool!

Anonymous said...

I mean Adam only approves his way of life. Tolerant, huh?

Anonymous said...

Adam is a party boy to the core, and he has LOTS of friends, gay and straight. If any fan here is not used to these kinds of pictures by now, then I don't think you'll ever be happy as an Adam fan. I'm used to it and I accept it. It's one of the things that makes him so interesting and different from all the other run-of-the-mill performers. Give me this Adam who is exactly who he wants to be.



Anonymous said...

Mr I am a open book. Can you stop laying and come clear about your bf thing. And if that is how Adam wants to let people know he is single again it´s quite immature. Going clubs and drinking almoust every night lately. And it`s just as immature from Sauli too. They have been together 2 years now. You would think it means something but no. Mayby the adommy crays were right at the first place. Love doesn`t just die over night. Someone will say it`s not our business and they don`t need to say anything but if you are in public eye the rules a slighly different. Adam has spoke about his love so much so if he is a man he should be able to tell that it has come to end aswell. He don`t need to tell anything else. Thats their business. Simple announce it`s enough.

Anonymous said...

DRG, I agree. The point is, we should do what makes us happy. The question was, is Adam having fun?

Anonymous said...

I consider Adam's personal life none of my business !

Anonymous said...

ADAM owes the public a good performance that's all!

Anonymous said...

TJR is for TJR. He doesn't dismiss the rumors because he feeds off HIS fans. He doesn't care about Adam. If he did, he would set the record straight. If Adam can get rid of Monte for an album release, he has 100 times the reason to get rid of TJ. If he doesn't, TJR will keep Adam down. Constant reminder of the AMAs. And these pics of drag queens do not help Adam's career. Face it people.

Anonymous said...

The fringe people - keep encouraging A to keep TJR and pics like these. Then you can have Adam to yourself because he will never have the career he wants. I am fine with him being gay. I am not fine with TJ furthering his career feeding off Adommy. And private lives should remain private. Anyway, who cares? Adam doesn't respond to his true fans anyway. He doesn't care about some of us.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's AMA performance was great! Grow up!~nancdruuu2
(The Monte issue was a question of loyalty-beyond an album release.) drag queens scare you?

Anonymous said...

What is a club promoter: good looking, heavy partying, gets paid to get completely wasted. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Don`t you think it would be easier for him too just tell the truth. Is he going to avoid the question over the tour? It has to be tought for him. If he is honest it would be easier. He can say he don`t want to talk about it at all. But make excuses ...

Anonymous said...

It was a loyalty question tied in with the album release. Don't tell me to grow up. Get out of your fantasy world. Drag queens...ooh yeah, they scare me. What an idiotic response 9:28.

Anonymous said...

Why does this supportive site post drag queen pics? This turns off most if Adam's fans - the honest ones that will admit it. It is bad for his career!

Anonymous said...

Adam is not an artist at heart really. He should be a band manager or a club promoter instead.

Anonymous said...

I never hear about Adommy stuff unless it comes up here. I don't seek it out. I always figured Adam and Tommy thought it was all pretty amusing, and they just left it alone. They are not a couple. Adam's solo party-going is a jolt to many of us, but Sauli has been saying he'll be in Finland for quite a while, and actually is probably there now. Adam should be on his way to Korea by now. I can't imagine that all these club pix were just taken last night. I could be wrong, of course, because none of us really knows.

If Adam and Sauli are going through a cooling-off period, or are finding that so much time apart is hurting their relationship, well, they just have to work through it. If they want to stay together for the long haul, they'll find a way. If the relationship can't withstand so much time apart, or if they have found they are just not as compatible as they thought, well, that's something that they'll have to face as well. We fans love Sauli. At least most of us do. I think he's wonderful, smart, handsome, and seems like a good match for Adam. The strains of celebrity relationships are often hard.

The Helsinki show at the end of the tour should really show if there is anything to worry about. Surely there will be media coverage that would logically include Adam and Sauli together. If that happens, we can breathe a collective sigh of relief. If they are NOT seen together in Finland, then we know that they may have moved on. That show will tell us, because they will not be able to hide the reality of their current relationship. Finland loves Adam.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that after Adam made himself a fool by making out with kids, gave a shit how it made his boyfriend feel, he goes on like nothing has happened. This is the real Adam?

Anonymous said...

9:27 am Can you honestly blame him? With all the shit that you, his fans are saying. Making assumptions and accusations and being more concerned with his personal life rather than his music and saying that he cant be with his friends because it is bad for his career. Think before you say Adam doesnt care about his fans. I think its the other way round

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but just had to add that they sure looked happy with each other at Adam's b-day party, and that wasn't that long ago. And the Diva show after-oarty had them looking very "compatible." If "something" happened, it was very recent. Some here say that we shouldn't judge Adam's personal life or even look into it. The singing should be the only thing. But I, like many of you here, can't separate the two. I love Adam as a singer and as a person, and I care about both aspects of his life. Just can't help it.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody on this damn site actually know if Adam was kissing young boys or if he did break up with his BF. Have you all seen the proof. If he wants his fans to know about his personal life he will write a fucking biography.Get over it

Anonymous said...

TP should have been the album of the year. Better voice and music than anyone else. What is keeping A from going over the top? Prob the reveal of his private life. Unfortunately this world is narrow minded. Such a shame. He is the next big thing but Music industry won't allow him in because he is honest and yes, gay. Sad for America.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! This site is getting creepy -Adam not an artist ?!@#%? Something tells me I'm not in Kansas anymore.(sigh)..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam is a singer, not any of your family members so i dont think any of us have the right to butt into his personal life. Instead of feeding off Adams life, get your own

Anonymous said...

Where is the evidence of all this kissing that supposedly went on with these "kids?" Haven't seen nary a one. Hearsay, right? Not reliable information. The A&S relationship question is likely to come up on the tour. He'll have to answer it sometime.

9:41, huh?


Anonymous said...

Friends at clubs have been taking pictures with Adam forever, and just because Adam is now famous doesn't mean he drops his friends who would want to be with him more than ever. Adam, if anything, is true to himself, which is to be with people he feels comfortable with. Notice Sam Sparro and Sutan in the picture. These pics have nothing to do with Sauli, a separate issue of which we know nothing, and should not jump to conclusions or judge, as even in the best of relationships, anything can happen. Besides, its none of our business. Adam is doing nothing to compromise his integrity, as I see it here. Geez, can't a guy have some fun before he gets back in the grind for another six weeks? So, everybody here whose nose is bent, CHILL! Like JAK says, Adam owes us nothing but a good performance.

Anonymous said...

DRG - yes these pics were taken last nite. Adam is leaving on Friday. Sauli said he is leaving for Finland next week.

I think it's obvious they have split up and no doubt before Adam went to NYC. Fans have made way too much of their relationship. Adam always said he wasn't thinking about a long-term committment like marriage. They were just having fun.

Anonymous said...

The secon pic. Is that Sam Sparrow and Sutan?

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't seem like the cheating type and Sauli doesn't either. If the break-up is true, it's for reasons we don't know and may never know. Adam WILL be asked.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to give sauli more Attention.adam is just a ho

Anonymous said...

I didnt know that having fun with friends would make someone such a bad person. I suppose Adam should tell his friends that he is not allowed to come out and play because his fans say that it will ruin his career. Adam must be all alone so that his fans will be happy and he should tell his fans everything that happens in his life including when he goes to the toilet so that his fans wont be angry. Adam is not allowed to keep anything to himself because his fans wont allow it. Some glamberts are far too possessive. Sad, isnt it. If anyone is keeping Adam from going to the top, its the fans who run him down. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but dont tell Adam what to do and dont throw around accusations if you dont know the truth. If you dont know Adam Lambert by now, then you will never know him. I know im going to get alot of hateful comments for this. So be it

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everything is just fine, Sauli sounded VERY happy in his latest blog, on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

DRG 9:41 AM Sauli is not in Finland yet. He is coming next week. Those pics are from last night. There is a tweet that his bf was not there; Adam was with some friends.

I'm sure they are not together anymore. Something happened after the NY-trip; Sauli's last Hollywood-blog is written 31.1.13 and there he says the BD-party was best ever. And then came the pics and tweets from NY. And after Adam came to LA they have been seen on different clubs and bars. And Sauli was not on the pre-Grammys.

I was too invested to this story but starting to accept the end of it. Maybe it is what they hope before they tell it in public. I'm just so sorry if they pretend to be bf's because of the gigs, esp. the gig in Helsinki. I am selling my tickets next week and cancelling my hotel reservations. It would be just too painful to a hopeless romantic like me to be there.

carol said...

Why in the world do people so easily attack Tommy? I find him delightful, talented and very easy on the eyes. All people in this type of business are always trying to further their own careers. Why wouldn't they? It is what we all do in our own careers. Leave Adam alone to make his own decisions. He enjoys what he enjoys. He is all about people being comfortable being themselves. He is about love and quite frankly I'm reading a lot of hate comments.

Anonymous said...

Saying that having pictures taken with drag queens can ruin a career is actually very disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:04AM- Right On! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

10:10 am. Its very sad to hear you say that you will cancel your tickets because you think Adam and his bf have broken up. You are supposed to support his singing, not his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's latest blog entry was written yesterday - and at least he seems to be happy and satisfied with his life.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts. Just remember that you once love Adam because he is a great singer not because of his personal life and its heartbreaking to see that most of you dont give a damn about his music anymore. You are more concerned with who he goes to bed with at night.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Adam is having some fun before he leaves and goes on tour. Looks like a good time with friends, as it should be!

If some people cannot accept Adam for who he is and being true to himself, then I think they may need to find another entertainer to follow.

As far as Sauli and Adam if they are having problems hopefully they can work it out, if not then it was not meant to be. No one here has a right to demand or expect him to tell us what is going on regarding his personal relationships.

He is a person, just like all of us and has every right to his own privacy, he is the only one that has a right to determine what he shares with his fans or does not share with his fans.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sauli had enough too. The reason I don't want to go to the concert is not the bf situation. I think the concert is not going to be great. Adam is probably not liking it here. The other main reason is that I don't like the band. I've had enough of Tommy's attitude. If Adam brought the UK band to Helsinki and I might consider going.

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM
Cancelling your concert tickets because Adam and Sauli broke up is probably the silliest thing I have ever heard, but obviously you made some fantasy up in your head that had nothing to do with real life or Adam's music. You don't know that anything happened in NYC. Actually Adam was out clubbing and at other events without Sauli in the week before NYC as well. I think they broke up well before then. Lots of people wait awhile before telling friends and family (not to mention the public) when they break up a long term relationship. Both sides want to sit with the decision for awhile before facing a lot of questions.

Leilani Aloha said...

2 judemental? U not having fun seeing Adam happy with his friends from all shapes & colors? Sad:(

A reminder, we're all YOUNG once upon a time 2:)
partying, dancing, enjoying the good times, it's part of growing up friends:)

We have 1 life, right now right here,
so Enjoy & Live Life!!!

Adam's voice & Adam being Adam makes me happy!!!:)
Have fun Glamberts:) don't sulk 2 much, that ages U!
Stay Young @ HEART!!! :):):) & Be NICE to each other:)

Anonymous said...

@10:27AM You are not going to the concert to hear the best singer in the world because of Tommy and the band? First of all, Adam WANTS to go there or he wouldn't be going. And, I know the concert will be great because ADAM will be singing! Please reconsider because I know you will have the time of your life and I'd love to hear all about it. Please don't desert Adam. Re-think this.

tea said...

Is that Lee Cherry in the pic with Adam and Sam?

Anonymous said...

Adam was there to garner some press for this show and his friends in the show.

Anonymous said...

you guys are talking to the trolls on this site like they are really fans, rather funny, carry on.

Anonymous said...

10:40 AM
Oh lol. Adam was out drinking in several clubs and having fun with his friends. He wasn't working

Anonymous said...

omg, drama drama drama.bunch of weasels on here.

Anonymous said...

What "Tommy attitude?" I never seen him have a bad attitude.

Anonymous said...

Troll or not. It would end when one of them show some courage and just come clean! I can`t believe neither of them anymore. So full of them self bretending everything is just fine. FY FAN

Anonymous said...

I notice this is the same boring cray that has been on here forever. Why does everyone keep arguing with her? She does not matter.

Anonymous said...

@10:44 AM It seems that to Adam going clubs, partying and drinking is a work.

Anonymous said...

@10:52 AM Yeah Sauli wrote a happy blog and there was a happy old pic but they are not out together and he looks so sad in a new pic:

Anonymous said...

Why people are writing about Tommy, has he done something?

Anonymous said...

I don't mind if they have a break up, that happens a lot but the way Adam has behaved, I just cannot understand it. It they had break up before N.Y. that wouldn't be so bad alltough I think Adam was really stupid fooling around with kids like Oli and Cody.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is always the victim who needs the sympathy, because of the alleged haters. That is so bloody annoying. Sauli is completely opposite, although he too gets hate (a lot) he's not looking for compassion like Tommy is. I could put you a link to a website where you can read really nasty remarks of Sauli from the Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

10:54 AM
That's not fair - Adam works hard on his career and puts an incredible amount of energy into it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Does this never stop? Maybe there is something going on, who knows. Maybe something has happen and they need time to figure out how to move forward. OR....NOTHING has happened and there is some other explanation to all of this. I myself am opting for the second explanation.

HOWEVER, not Adam nor Sauli owe anyone here an explanation about their relationship. They may be public persons but that does not mean that they are stripped of the basic right to their privacy. Let them be however they choose to be and tell the world (aka everyone here who demands answers) in their own time.

God, no wonder it is hard to maintain a healthy relationship when you are a celebrity. With fandom comes the good, the bad and the UGLY.


Anonymous said...

@11:18 AM How Tommy is looking for compassion?

Anonymous said...

Mayby Adam get bored.. He is boring kind of gay. He did get that jolt of love for awhile. Sauli was there to take care of him and vice versa of course. Now the reality comes along it is not exiting anymore. He need to have that rush. I love Adam and I always will but he is not perfect. And I think that he is not capable of life lasting relationship. I love Adam more than Sauli but I think he isn`t treating him right. I feel sorry for Sauli bc when they announce their break up it will be very difficult for him. He`s from small country and there are many people who has just waited this to happen.

Anonymous said...

11:14 AM
I don't think Adam has done anything wrong or behaved badly. He is used to going to bars and making out casually with people. He has even talked about it. It's not a big deal and no one but the very hardcore fans ever got wind of it. People old enough to be in bars are old enough to be kissed.

Anonymous said...

@10:52 AM, It's no one's business.

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM
I think Adam may let Sauli announce the breakup in his own way. I'm sure he is sensitive to the fact that this is going to be harder for Sauli than for him.

Anonymous said...

@11:24 AM In his own way while he is acting like a single guy. That's very kind of him.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:22 and why would it have to be harder on Sauli? That is like assuming that Adam has been more important to Sauli than Sauli to Adam?

Anonymous said...

ops, I ment @ 11:24 whit the question about it being harder for Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss the part where Tommy asked for compassion? I can't quite figure out what he did that was so wrong. He is Adam's friend and also Sauli's. He has his own interests just as we all do. I enjoy watching Adam and his band. They just seem to fit so well. Yikes, lots of fussing going on.

Anonymous said...

There is no proof that Sauli's blog was written yesterday, I believe that it was just posted yesterday. We all knew he was going back to Finland for many reasons, while Adam was on tour. If you follow so closely their relationship, you should also know that they both arrange Sauli's time to coincide visiting Finland. The NYC concert was jam packed with Adam having to do interviews etc. No time to be with Sauli at all. That was when Sauli headed for Finland, a great arrangement for them both. I find it very hard for real glamberts to believe what all the trolls post. You are very gullible. It was tweeted by Reney that they were leaving today for the tour. Stop making up stories about Adam and his personal life. What is the most sensible thing to do when Adam tours, duh, to see that Sauli is happy visiting his family and friends, and check on his work in Finland. Adam never leaves Sauli high and dry when he tours.

Anonymous said...

Tommy whines that he gets hate and then he gets sympathy from his fans and Adam. Works every time.

Anonymous said...

I don`t know about who was more important to whom. What I meant was Adam get Glamberts symphaty. Adommy and other haters will let Sauli know that he is no longer loved by Adam if ever was. He will be accused to be gold digger and fame whore and what else. Finland is so little coutry and the guy community is even smaller. Sauli is well know there I assume. It would be hard for him continue his life. He is not a fan about being in public eye considering his private life. I hope he is strong and he will survive.

Anonymous said...

If Tommy was Sauli's friend he would not like his fans to call him finnshit famewhore etc. but instead he tweets those fans like a thank you and therefore encourages them to contunue their stupid name-calling.

Anonymous said...

Clubs pay celeb. to be there. It brings them crowd. If you haven't notice 30 secs. of Adam's video created tons of buzz. It may seem Adam was parting but he was working getting paid to promote and bring crowds to the establishment. IMO Adam and Sauli are together. Since Sauli called LA his home on his blog, he is busy with his work and Adam is busy with his. Probably both agreed to keep their private life private and out of the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Clubs pay celeb. to be there. It brings them crowd. If you haven't notice 30 secs. of Adam's video created tons of buzz. It may seem Adam was parting but he was working getting paid to promote and bring crowds to the establishment. IMO Adam and Sauli are together. Since Sauli called LA his home on his blog, he is busy with his work and Adam is busy with his. Probably both agreed to keep their private life private and out of the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Clubs pay celeb. to be there. It brings them crowd. If you haven't notice 30 secs. of Adam's video created tons of buzz. It may seem Adam was parting but he was working getting paid to promote and bring crowds to the establishment. IMO Adam and Sauli are together. Since Sauli called LA his home on his blog, he is busy with his work and Adam is busy with his. Probably both agreed to keep their private life private and out of the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Clubs pay celeb. to be there. It brings them crowd. If you haven't notice 30 secs. of Adam's video created tons of buzz. It may seem Adam was parting but he was working getting paid to promote and bring crowds to the establishment. IMO Adam and Sauli are together. Since Sauli called LA his home on his blog, he is busy with his work and Adam is busy with his. Probably both agreed to keep their private life private and out of the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Clubs pay celeb. to be there. It brings them crowd. If you haven't notice 30 secs. of Adam's video created tons of buzz. It may seem Adam was parting but he was working getting paid to promote and bring crowds to the establishment. IMO Adam and Sauli are together. Since Sauli called LA his home on his blog, he is busy with his work and Adam is busy with his. Probably both agreed to keep their private life private and out of the public eye.

Anonymous said...

@11:41 AM Lol we got the message!

Anonymous said...

@11:38, ok, I get what you mean. And I do agree to some extent. Especially the part about him being accused of horrible things. Thats been going on from the beginning and I can´t even begin to imagine how that must feel. And yes, Sauli is well known here in Finland AND he def. like his privacy.

well lets hope that there is nothing to worry about. And if there is I believe that he is strong enough. I am not denying that I will feel very bad for them both, and especially Sauli, if they do break up. Everything seemed fine just a little while ago and if there really are some sudden problems then they should not be impossible to overcome. People give up on their relationships way too easily nowadays. I just don´t get it. :(

Anonymous said...

Here is the thing. Doesn't matter if Adam split with Sauli or not. He needs to do what makes him happy. But TJR is a separate subject. He is not a great musician and yet idiots go to Adam's concerts to just see him. He feeds off of it and tries to get all the attention. A backup band is just that. They are there for the singer and spotlight Adam. TJR doesn't do that. Plus, why does he look goth and ridiculous? Yuck.

Anonymous said...

@11:22 AM It may be so. He was so enthusiastic for finding a love like a child who has a new toy.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is mentally strong and will be fine. He knows himself and has done nothing wrong at the expense of Adam. The Finns will welcome him if he returns.

And there are a lot of guys out there who would treat him more than well as a boyfriend, if Adam is not with him anymore.

Maybe Sauli get bored or has problems with trusting. Do you think that Stay was for Sauli? Well, hope they both are okay!

Anonymous said...

I agree with about people spliting up easily nowadays. I have been with the same man for 21 years. Nearly half of my life. The love isn`t the same all the time but i haven`t even once consider leaving (for real). People think that they have to be high all the time. Someday they find themselfs alone and lost bc they really are alone.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pay 50 euros even for a front row ticket to see Tommy and listen Adam praise his guitar skills. That shit plus the band intro is like half the show.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you think Sauli will be fine and he is wellcoming to Finland. It is possible of course the break up or time apart is because Sauli wants that. I also thought immededly when I heard Stay that it was for Sauli but I don`t know..

Anonymous said...

I don´t think that Sauli would have written in his blog that life is smiling if there is something terribly or irreversibly wrong. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM
Harder for Sauli because it affects his living situation and job situation. He's the one who uprooted his life for the relationship and now has to figure out his next steps.

Also, because I think it will be bigger news in Finland and people there will be bugging him with questions. It's only going to be a minor story here and Adam is going to be off the radar working on music rather than doing press.

Anonymous said...

11:24 AM are two different posters. Happened to post at the same time. I'm still saying that Adam doesn't owe anyone an explanation about his personal's no one's business.
However, if it's true, the breakup, I know that it's going to send some of you to the hospital (or worse) because you were so wrapped up in Adam and Sauli. I just hope that Adam doesn't start fooling around with user Tommy on stage again!

Poster: First 11:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Since when is Tommy a bad quitarist? He sounds fine to me. His quitar solos are great!
Well, it could be that this separation of A&S is just logistical because of their separate work schedules. They sure were getting along fine a short time ago.

Anonymous said...

10.04 giving you some love an agreement! Much to do about nothing as usual! All the hateful people on here need to mine their own business! Adam doing just fine, in the future Adam will hit the top! He different, fresh and unique which takes a bit longer in a commercially run music business! He doing spectacularly in Asia and many parts of the world! Read about half comments stopped same old same hater crap! Sauli and Adam may be just fine, maybe just need a bit time apart with friends! They will meet in Fenlamd! Maybe keep from a stale relationship! But whether they or together are not none of our business AT ALL, not even a bit! I agree the only thing hurts Adam is his so called fans running him down and telling him how run his career! Oh he not a club owner he a fabulous singer, but maybe someday he will invest in a club as a business venture like DA, who is an actor! You really need to stop all this crap about Sauli, quite sure he been out plenty with his friends, pap's are only gonna take pictures of him if he with Adam! Sauli had a blog, go there, not here Adam site here! I like Sauli but starting not to and do not want that, but that what you are causing! afdam has the right to be a friend to anyone he wants! American idol has drag queens all over it this year. Little I've watched of the thing! Taylor S. has a new boyfriend to hate on and write song on each week, go hate on her! Better yet stop hating on anyone you haters are rediculous!

Anonymous said...

Just because you're a bandmate doesn't mean you're a user. It's a job. You work in a band and you earn money. It's called making a living. That's not a crime, the last time I looked.

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM

" I'm just so sorry if they pretend to be bf's because of the gigs, esp. the gig in Helsinki. I am selling my tickets next week and cancelling my hotel reservations."

That gig is so big and it is all about business (at least 1 million euros). What is the best place to sell tickets?

Anonymous said...

I agree 12.29 I think everything ok!

Anonymous said...

"In his own way while he is acting like a single guy. That's very kind of him."
11:26 AM

Both Adam and Sauli have been out partying with their friends. We don't get as many pics of Sauli since he isn't a celeb there was a gay model who posted about a late night dance party at a bar with Sauli last week. So don't assume that he is sitting home crying.

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried about Sauli's financial situation at all. He will earn money like he has before he met Adam. Also, I think besides Adam, Sauli has friends in LA who are well off. Some of them are Finns who have careers in the US. Sauli is not a freeloader. Fans who accuse that he lived only on Adam's expence are lying.

Anonymous said...

12:20 PM I hope so and I think so too.

Anonymous said...

@11:26 AM, How does it affect Sauli job situation since he did the same job remotely?

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to start fresh. Get rid of the amateur band, esp TJ and start over. Then, get a new music director and go in a rock direction. That is the key to success. Album #2 was great but a new direction for #3 might be the ticket.

Anonymous said...

@12:30 PM "Fenlamd"??

Carol said...

I think Tommy is a great guitar player. His solos are excellent. We need to remember that the concert is rehearsed and Tommy doesn't just pull stuff out of his hat. Adam knows where he and Ashley are at all times. Adam is a strong enough personality that he is able to share the spotlight with others. Tommy a user. Why??Anyone in this situation would use it as a means to increase their worth and popularity. As far as his makeup, Don't like it, don't look. Personally I love it.

Anonymous said...

12PM Why do you think that Adam and Sauli will go to England to meet each other?

Anonymous said...

@12:33 PM I don't know but I have understood that it's difficult to sell those tickets forward. Adam isn't so popular in Finland that there would be people waiting in the line to have tickets.

Anonymous said...

I mean I agree 12.20! I sure toy can sale it on line easy! Sure someone be glad to it! You are rediculous! I would give anything at all to go to any if those wonderful concerts! You ate blowing a wonderful chance to see a fantastic concert over nothing! Most likely they are fine but if they or not it is their business. Only thing need concern yourself with us his performance! Boy Taylor S. lucky she does not have crazy, silly fansike this, she be in trouble has new boyfriend every week! I really doubt you have tickets and hotel room, be cause if you were a fran Like that you would not be this silly! But if uyou do have those tickets be kind enough to get them for sale, soon so others can enjoy a wonderful time you can just sit and sulk about something that none of your business! By the way bet you Sauli will be there!

Anonymous said...

TJR is not talented. He let fame go to his head and that head banging crap is not what Adam is about. I have to look. He is in the fricking band. I am not a troll just because I have true emotions and am not afraid to say the truth. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam supposed to give up touring, which happens to be livelyhood. Is Sauli never to go back to Finland to visit his family and friends, and his work also. This is one of Adams shortest tours, its not like he will be gone for 6 months. They are doing just fine, and being very sensible with their life style. Why can't most of you see that? I think a lot of the comments on here are very unkind to both of them.

Anonymous said...

12:39 PM

Lol well i don't really think he has much of a job anymore do you? I mean he used to work for his Dad in Finland and he quit to live with Adam. He has apparently stopped doing the Tutkas with Katri so all he has left are his blogs. If he has to support himself he is going to need to make some money. And I don't think he has a greencard to work in the US.

Anonymous said...

Don't you care that you are taking things out of context and at the end you will feel ignorant of things you don't know about basing your perception on couple of pictures!? Maybe this is planned so you can get on with your own personal life and leave these two to themselves to resolve things.

Anonymous said...

@1:01PM You wish.

Anonymous said...

1:01 pm Many people are trying to get new job opportunities in Hollywood. Why not Sauli?

Anonymous said...

1:09 PM
People from other countrys usually can't just move to the US and start working unless they have some special skill that is needed here. So I don't know what exactly he would be able to do to qualify. We will just have to wait and see

Anonymous said...

1:25 PM Sauli's employer is Finland's second largest newspaper. Some press stuff?

One thing to another. Sam Sparro was at the bar with his boyfriend (in the picture with Adam and Sutan).

Anonymous said...

@1:25 You said it, America needs skilled people.

Anonymous said...

For Adam that's not so deep, he is superficial and artificial...

Anonymous said...

This is blowen way out of proportion. Every thing is fine. Don't worry. Soon to be seen together. Adam is smart and so is Sauli. You can be in love, and still do your own thing. You cant't tie anyone down with purse strings. Again everything is fine. Love Adam so much as a fine person, and singer.

Anonymous said...

Change is uncomfortable,
Change is unsettling,
But for those who try to constantly to improve,
Change is necessary!

Anonymous said...

1:41, I guess you know Adam personally and have had lengthy discussions with him, so you know firsthand how superficial and artificial he is.

Anonymous said...

@2:20 yes, it's the year of the snake and snakes molt. Does Adam really believe the key to his success is Tommy. They ruined the US radio promo together. The dj's didn't buy it.

Anonymous said...

Now I crave booze.

Anonymous said...

Pure speculation, which I apologize in advance. I´ll do it this one time and then I quit. I try to respect both of them.

I think it all started in September during or before Fashion Weeks, remained in South Africa, and the trip to Bali was not so happy. And as if the condo was purchased to a man who is out of city a lot and does not want to leave the house alone.

Sauli didn´t look very happy in the photo from Diva´s red carpet, where Adam kissed him (he is kind of absent).

I hope that they would be together, but I do not believe it. We do not even know if they live together anymore. If they can´t solve their problems in the same city, is it going to be easier in skype then?

What happened? They get tired of each other? Adam has really big things in his career and Sauli´s own life was much smaller? Sauli does not trust anymore? Adam was afraid his age, and inquiries of getting married and does not want to commit yet? Or Adam fell in love with the fact that he got a sweet Sauli, whom he could show everywhere (I have a boyfriend)but wasn´t in love with real Sauli? Or has Adam a new Someone Special in New York, where Sauli has not gone after summer? Are they just friends without passion? This is not really my business and believe or not, I have a good life of my own and I really don´t even want to know.

The point is that the issues are complex and usually develop slowly. It would be a pleasure to see them together as a couple, but if not, I hope that both of them can get a good life and a lot of love.

Helsinki can be a farewell gig. In that case, it really is a city of milestones for Adam.

Anonymous said...

All these comments here about Adam and his personal life and relationship with Sauli are strictly speculation. No one here knows them personally and what has gone on recently in their lives. I don't know Adam and can only wish the best for him both in his personal and professional life. All I can say is that he is never boring or uninteresting. It seems he has lots of friends out in LA and Hollywood and loves to have fun. And why not? He will be out on tour for about 6 weeks and probably just wanted to go out before leaving. I don't believe any of the gossip or rumors that seem to run rampant here at times. Only when it comes from Adam's lips to our ears will I believe anything repeated on this site that seems to be negative or detrimental. And yes, let's focus on the music from the best vocal talent in the business today.

jt said...

Adam always liked Tommy from the beginning and he has been with Adam from day one and is very loyal.
Also, maybe Adam is fedup paying all the bills. I always thought that Adam deserved a man who is as successful as him or more successful. I don't think BF and Adam had very much in common besides the obvious and that probably has died a natural death. Adam is comfortable with more artisic people. If you remember old BF Brad Bell, he is a very intelligent and artisic person. Oh well it will all come out in the end and will not affect Adams career at all.

Anonymous said...

@3:27 I think you are trolling, but you sound like a typical Tommybert. The rhetoric is so familiar. Inside a Tommybert lives a tiny Bradbert too. They are like a matryoshka doll. They approve pretty much everyone except Finns.

Anonymous said...

3:40 well said

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam and Sauli are laughing their asses off reading all these ridiculous comments on blogs and twitter. Adam loves to create conversation and conversation he did create within his fandom. Well done, Adam! Keep it busy until the mini-concert starts on 17th!

Anonymous said...

@10:10 AM
Selling your tickets and cancelling your hotel reservations - that's PATHETIC!!! Well, at least that way, I REAL Adam fan will make excellent use of them, leaving you at home crying into your Sauli pictures.

Anonymous said...

Alright all you "trolls" out there. You are NOT entitled to have a negative opinion on this site!! When are you going to get that??

Anonymous said...

he has something going with Ms. Thang:))

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam has been reading any of these comments. He's been too busy partying...alone. (Alone, but not lonely).

Anonymous said...

Adam callin' out every woman on twitter. why don't he go get one????? him and Kelly rowland looked hot together on Divas. I'm all for Rowlabert.

Anonymous said...

AL needs to get his head hung in a pair of fishnets while still attached to a female.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Blondie have been all over each other before.

Anonymous said...

I think TJR, AD, and AL are having a three way on the freeway.

Anonymous said...

This topic has become a disgrace! There seems to be one troll in particular who keeps rehashing the same whinge over and over ad nauseam ..... all about Sauli and Tommy Joe. To those who have nothing else in their lives, QUIT being so invested in Adam's private life! Adam has said that no one knows anything about his private life and that's the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

Tickets still availabe to Helsinki concert. Especially vip seats. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

4:02 PM
Ew! What a NASTY person you are! Take a hike on your trike.

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam out and about enjoying himself! <3

Angela said...

I consider myself a kind, decent person-but I have to admit-I'm getting such a kick out of all this. And to think-it's strickly ALL over pure speculation!

Anonymous said...

Where is SUZ526? I wonder if she'll go to any one of the concerts in Europe!?

Anonymous said...

Comment...I wouldn't know where to begin wading thru all the bullshit. Rumor, innuendo,gossip all are alive and thriving on this thread. Also meanness and hate filled people. Stupidity is running rampant.

In reply to 9:29 A.M. Do I think Adam would find it easier to be honest and tell the truth? Honest about what? We have no idea what is happening in his private life.....I have not heard him make any statement that could brand him a liar.

I think many of the people who are posting on this thread are bitter unhappy people and are too invested in someone else's life and should instead examine their own. Obviously Adam does not need you as so called fans. Poisonous venom drips so easily from your fangs.

karma can't come soon enough.............JAK

Anonymous said...


Thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking too. Unless it comes from Adam directly these posted comments fall under the category of "gossip" IMO.


Anonymous said...

he would throw SK out before TJR. TJR is the first pretty kitty and will be the last.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:40 are u invested in the trolls life?

Anonymous said...

JAK, do you mean Adam does not need certain Saulbert fans anymore? How nice!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I mean Adam does not need any fans judging his PRIVATE life. How many ways can one say IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS?

Adamluv said...

@JAK - you expressed my sentiments exactly. I would only add "vile and despicable" as two more adjectives to describe some of the comments made towards Adam. . . . Adamluv

HK fan said...

Saulis last blog was written on 13th feb, and he seems happy and says life is smiling. and cancelling your concert you were never really a fan of Adams.

No hateful comments from me, I agree with a lot of what you said.

i have absolutely no idea what Tommy has to do with any of this. Attitude?????? if Tommy was any more laid bavck, he'd be on the floor.

I still can't believe that supposed fans of Adams believe a couple of tweets from 2 people they know shit all about over someone who they have followed for 4 years who has shown his amazing personality to us again and again.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv........JAK here

Those are good......actually I had about 20 more adjectives, but I rejected the temptation for OVERKILL! :))

I'm not doing well at attempting a Zen attitude.....peace and calm are not so easy to maintain!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:10AM Fuck you from the bottom of my heart!You are bitch and,please,take care about your own feelings.Don't blame Adam in any of your problems!"OMG!WHat can I do without Adam & Sauli?Adam is such is dick, he goes to the clubs, hase photos with fans!Poor Sauli!" Again, you are fucking idiot!
How about this?Do you have any idea what is Sauli doing when Adam is out of town?Adam is working. Most of these parties and photos are for media.However, do you remember what was the reason Adam and Sauli spent the night in jail in Finland? i think it was Sauli who made Adam jelauos and upset! Think about it!Just give this tickets to somebody who are real Adam's fan. But isn't such a snoby bitch like you.Sorry for spelling, but I am very upset and don't have time to check the spelling.
Hope you don't have any children. I would bring them my condolenses!

Anonymous said...

REWIND...Hello my lovely Glamberts isn't it great that Adam had such a fun birthday with family and friends. Working on new music to share with us. Rehearsing for the first single american idol performance ever in China with 3 sold out concerts. Happy February!!!

Anonymous said...

TJR is a damn fierce pretty kitty and should be puttin' his pawws all over the glorious Glam one whenever wherever.

Anonymous said...

no bitch whippin' on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this site is full of trolls, crazy people and critical fans.

Anonymous said...

Gosh what a bunch of garbage I have sat here & read why are these comments allowed on Adams site?Adam has been the same since before idol when I seen pictures of the musicals he was in.If you liked him then you should still like him he has not changed & I hope he never does.The person that is going to sell her ticket to Adams concert he is better off with out you with your attitude you would only bring the people down around you.I don't care if you go or not I just wish I could, I have been to 3 concerts & am so ready for another one.Again I ask why are these comments allowed on here slander against Adam,Sauli&freinds.blueeyes

glitzylady said...

I just cannot believe the BS I've been reading here. A few comments and I'm out of here.

1. Adam has lived in West Hollywood/LA for years. He has friends there. His friend Raga/Sutan is a pretty famous Drag Queen. I don't think Adam needs to abandon/ignore his friends just because he is now THE Adam Lambert. I admire that about him. We've known for a long time that Adam is a special guy. He's not a WGWG. Thank goodness. Its what makes him Adam Lambert. And one of the MANY reasons I like him :))

2. As far as I'm concerned, Adam and Sauli don't have to announce their every move and motivation for those moves, to Adam's fans, or Sauli's fans. It also doesn't have to mean anything that they do some activities separately. My husband and I don't do every single thing together. He has his separate interests, and I have mine. We have mutual friends..and friends that reflect our individual interests. We respect our differences, and celebrate those many things we share. We fortunately don't have a bunch of "fans' predicting that our relationship is failing if we aren't spending every waking minute together. Thank goodness for that.....Adam and Sauli deserve to live their private lives without all of this unfounded speculation.

3. To those who say that Adam and Sauli need to advise everyone what their relationship status is: It's called a "Private Life". And they have every right to keep it private. We don't need to know every little detail.

4. Adam and Sauli are both sweet, lovely men. The comments tearing them apart, both individually (particularly the disrespectful and even slanderous comments about Adam) and as a couple, are rude, weird, and I don't get where this is coming from. As far as we know, they're still together. Leave them alone.

I used to love to come here to 24/7. Lately, not so much.

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert: Valentine Homies. Love to You ALL!

Enough proof? Made it all up. They are fine.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:41 PM
I was just going to post that Tweet and Instagram picture of Adam and Sauli wishing us all a Happy Valentine's Day..

Please, may the wank re Adam and Sauli breaking up stop NOW. They seem to be together, happy, and in love.

Thank you. :)))))

Anonymous said...

Aaahaaahaa! So, how do you like you crow? Roasted? Baked? Grilled?

Anonymous said...

@11:41 PM So no breakup news yet :( I was so hopeful for Sauli.

Anonymous said...

quote "One measure of success is the number of things written about you that aren't true." unquote
(Cybill Shepherd)

By that criteria Adam has reached the pinnacle of success!

Anonymous said...

Just curious...did you sell your Helsinki concert tickets and cancel your hotel reservation?

Anonymous said...

At first, after going through half of the comments here, I asked myself "why, oh, why did I enter the comments section?"... then I was glad to see so many people here in more need of therapy than me. Now, I feel like coming back to a screwed up family.
Always look for the positive (especially in a familiar mess)!

Stella Centurion said...

I totally agree with Anonymous. We love Adam just the way he is!!