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Sauli Koskinen has updated his blog and shares new pictures!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Head over to Sauli's blog HERE to see the rest of the gorgeous pictures!


Anonymous said...

wow wow wow....thud.

Anonymous said...

He's so hot. Adam is so lucky.

Sauli is so lucky too!


Anonymous said...

Admin - PLEASE remove inappropriate comments, such as 7:04! Thank you.

choons said...

I think some of these pics are taken on the rooftop of their condo bldg.
Whole lotta handsome!

Anonymous said...

he writes so cute in his blogs.

Style: in your wardrobe

Anonymous said...

looks like pics are from their rooftop.

Anne Marie said...

WOW...I hope Adam sees these. Wonder if Adam was there for the shoot. What a georgous young man. I know Adam appreciates beauty, and he sure has it there in his partner.

funbunn40 said...

Sauli has such a beautiful, chiseled face and gorgeous eyes. No wonder Adam is so attracted to him! The camera certainly loves him. He and Adam make such a striking, beautiful couple. They really compliment each other and seem such a perfect match. They also don't let the ugliness in the world touch them.

Anonymous said...

I don't like too much eye make-up on the first photo.

Anonymous said...

Thx Admin for removing that nasty comment!

Anonymous said...

How come there are so many latest photos of Sauli everywhere?Sauli put a lot of photos on his blog before. But I never saw such an explosion on twitter and Adam's blogs.I woudn't be surprise if media will write the articles about it including PH!Does Adam have to make official announcement about his realtionship with Sauli?This is very stupid and I feel sorry for Adam. He is on the way to Asia.Tour will start in few days. And tour isn't just a fun for Adam and his band. We must support Adam.However, if Adam and Sauli broke up all of these photos don't help or support Adam. I know, most of you will say that I'm mistaken.And I hope that Adam and Sauli still on love.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is really hot! I totally love his eyes. Adam is lucky to of found him and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

I used Google translate, which isn't always accurate, but it sounds like Sauli is talking about the upcoming shows with Katrin.
Here is part of the translation:
"I'm so excited! It's been a while since the last time we are done with Katrin explore."

There are some great pics of Sauli in the white sweater.

Anonymous said...

like adam lambert -im fond of adam all the way- sauli i like him also-wish adam lambert has his own child look like hi has his voice also. real child;time for adam lambert has his own child.

Anonymous said...

Let's give this some clicks for this tweet from Sony!

Sony Music Global ‏@SonyMusicGlobal
Everybody's talking about @Rihanna's new single #Stay feat. @mikkyekko but @adamlambert is singing about it!

Anonymous said...

ot I watched AI and hide nor hair of Adam to be found not that I really thought there would be but it was fun to check out.Also if I hear Someone That I Use To Know one more time I will SCREAM !! lol There were some pretty good girl singers that went through.

Anonymous said...

@8:09PM You know the combination of drugs and vodka can be very tricky!Are you of of your mind?

Anonymous said...

all I can say about those pictures is hubba hubba.

Anonymous said...

And this is onre of the few reasons when so many stars start to take antidepressants!because their idiots fan try to be supportive or annoying with crazy ideas to help with past relationships!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful, chiseled Scandinavian face. Blue eyes, cheek bones, full lips. Ooohhh, baby.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the made-up eyes in the first pic. Smoldering and sexy.


Anonymous said...

@ 8:09. Don't count too much on a someday maybe biological child of Adam's having a great singing voice....there are 3generations of great singers who produced me and I sing like braying donkey!

Anonymous said...

I do not like the made up eyes at all. But the second pic is good. Sauli went a little over the edge from the clean cut man on BB to now. Lots of tats, nosering...certainly expresses himself differently than before. Will always like a la natural for men and women, esp men. Wonder if they are still a couple. Many rumors and that usually means there is some truth to them. He is such a nice guy like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hubba Hubba!.....I needed that I can go to bed with a smile on my face....Thanx...JAK :-))

Anonymous said...

8:30 pm. Rumors don't mean sh*t.

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW is right. Adam and Sauli are two of the most gorgeous men in the world.
Both have beautiful EYES!!! and everything else but those eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Photos from the roof of the condo taken yesterday say they are still together.

Anonymous said...

That is exsactly what these rumors are S--t! What your seeing now which did not watch now, was taped 3 or 4 months ago on the road so Adam would not be in it unless old tape, or mention of him by singing a song of his like already happened! If he on it would be in march sometimes or after, they knew he be out of time! May be he was there to talk to a producer about something! I feel it was some how idol related! Ii do not know what was said but it's about time one of these awful rediculously untrue slanderous remarks were removed, by the administrator! Guess it made them plenty mad, they wanted a perfectly harmless remark at top of this page removed for vengeance.ccorrection IDOL knew Ad was going out of town not out of time! Maybe taping for a later segment or wanted talk to him why he was with those contestants earlier! If these mean out and out slanderous mean things were not allowed to stay on here and fester, so that they accomplish what they want, they would finly go away! So many of the comments ate just plain crap and lies, they should be removed free speech is one thing but slandering one of the nicest celeb singers, out their is getting old! Sauli Looks very handsome in both picture's as Adam always does! Both striking men both Good Men too! Neither deserve the mess been on this site lately!correction some comments mean ones ARE Crap not ate crap! Sue

Anonymous said...

1st picture-don't like his eye makeup but everything else looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Life is good!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Valentine Homies. Love to You ALL!

Anonymous said...

Adam at home o_O

Anonymous said...

A beautiful young man, that determined jaw and steely look say "don't mess with me!" and look,
lip freckles.! perfect! JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't like the 1st photo at all - too much make-up - but the 2nd photo is great.

Anonymous said...

Sooo they are still friends :)

Anonymous said...

First photo almost made me swallow my gum.... yum ...yum!!!! I'd say Adsam and Sauli very lucky pair .... they have each other ..... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Aw Sauli looks happy here

Anonymous said...

How can it be that these photos do not support or help Adam? All I see here is Sauli doing his own thing, which he will continue to do whether he is with Adam or not.

Our speculation is probably less helpful to Adam right now than any pic of Sauli smiling could ever be.

Anonymous said...

3.55 AM
Yes,Valentine Homies = JUST FRIENDS

Anonymous said...

7:15 am...don´t start please!

Anonymous said...

No! homies=friends, valentine homies=love and friends

Anonymous said...

WOW! Sauli looks so stunning and gorgeous in these pics!! Green light in modeling for sure:)

Anonymous said...

Can we just agree on Friends with Benefits? ^o^

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks good. I like the idea of that first edge) picture. It is even better in black and white.

Anonymous said...

@7:43 am... is the first pic somewhere in black and white? or did you do tricks with your own computer?


Anonymous said...

he flaunts his relationship with Adam for the publicity. He knows how much attention Adam brings. why don't these celebrities quit flaunting all the time and do something important for the world.

Anonymous said...

7:52 am

HUH?? Who are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Wilma, I saw the black & white photo somewhere today. Sorry, I don´t remember where. In twitter? I post the link if I find it.

Anonymous said...

Black and white version

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pic!:) Sauli is breathtaking! Very much like the b&w version:) Happy Valentines to all Adam and Sauli supporters <3


Anonymous said...

Hommailla kotona (finnish language)

Anonymous said...

@ 7:52 a m

I agree with you more flaunting by celebrities.....I suggest Sauli become an astronaut ( he is physically fit and a compact size for a space ship) and Adam become a cardiologist (he definitely is qualified to heal broken hearts). They would both be doing important work for the betterment of the world! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Sauli!!! I totally see why he attracts Adam <3

Anonymous said...

All of you upthread crays - please tell me how Sauli furthering his career hurts Adam in any way. Jolie makes a movie, how does this hurt Pitt?

Anonymous said...

5:11 - Jolie and Pitt are both actors. Sauli is not a singer.

Anonymous said...

to 7.52 AM
Sauli had this career already before his relationship with Adam.
You should read his blogs and his fan's comments sometimes. He inspires and brings joy to many people around the world. Rare quality that a few can achieve nowadays.
But maybe your demand is that Sauli will stop wars and starvation around the world.