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Adam Lambert Aims to Entertain

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 11, 2013

Posted at : Monday, March 11, 2013

VIA @ALambertFans_SG


Anonymous said...

This instance of someone asking about what lifestyle Adam is promoting is completely blown out of proportion. Adam has been here twice before; even did the Adommy thing on stage and no one asked him this kind of unwelcome, unnecessary question; because people in Singapore are broad-minded and far too busy to note who is gay and what kind of lifestyle they promote. lol! Goodness gracious! We have better things to do! We have our own gay entertainers working harmoniously with everyone else all our lives. In fact, this is the first time a small church organisation member suddenly asked an entertainer such a strange question. We don't delve much in this gay issue matter generally. We live and let live...our general motto and outlook in life. So why this time? Okay, this Star Theatre is owned by a church organisation and they use it to accommodate their congregation whenever they need to. But when it's not in use for that purpose they let it out for other purposes such as for it's in actual fact a business venue not a 'church'. In fact Adam doesn't even have to answer the question. The business management of this church organisation has let it out for the concert and am quite sure has been paid for the use of their theatre. It's all legal and it's one of those church-goers making the unwarranted complaint. Bottom line: Adam, Singapore, a democratic country has a good strong secular government. Religion does not come into play in government decision-making. Most of all, Singapore Glamberts love you!! Actually I loved your concert and the way you are so dedicated to your art. My little let-down was because I love your voice and singing technique so much, just wished they had gotten a lot more attention and shine instead of it being drowned out at times. I will see you again if you come next year! A new album!


Anonymous said...

A few complain and the news picks it up and totally blows it out of proportion just like the AMA's, Les Miz etc. Controversy makes such good news.......


Anonymous said...

Adam's concerts are always exciting, but it does get very noisy especially if younger fans are up the front waving their arms around it can get a bit much, I sometimes think staying at home and seeing the concert on you-tube can be just as good if not better in some cases.

Anonymous said...

Love Singapore! Internationally Adam is loved. Again, the US is where the hype arises and people need to gain acceptance and airplay, not overseas. Plus international audiences seem to be younger.

Anonymous said...

Heck no. Adam live is the most amazing moment ever!

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the fans who travel all over the world for Adam. There's lots of them.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, never expected someone to understand what I'm saying...But next year if Adam comes around I'm going to make doubly sure I get first few rows...can feel his presence a lot more. Thank you. :)


glitzylady said...

Adam Live is the best. And I agree, the first few rows, if you can do it, is magical. But even from the back rows...incredible. With good sound all around: Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Time For Miracles?!? Did he sing that live? I must see it!

Anonymous said...

I actually think this write up was great!! Thought about it for a minute, re-read it, yep, I think it's really an excellent write up.

Go Adam Lambert! (who continues to gloriously be nothing other than what he purported from the get-go!! Not without flaws, as no human being is, but unwilling to be defined by them either, as is every human being's perogative. Go Adam go, your talent defines you. Where there is skill, luck is not needed!)

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my March 11, 2013 at 5:56 AM

Saw Adam for GNT in a large venue: Magical

Saw Adam in an intimate venue: Magical Beyond


Anonymous said...

Yes he did Time For Miracles but in a much lower key like a sing-along style. But we have heard him sing with killer high notes; so again didn't get a lot out of that, the expectation is there; still good though. In fact he only did one killer high note at the end of Fever, partially smothered by the loud band. He may be cutting down on his extreme high notes to preserve his voice, fair enough.


Anonymous said...

The best way to see Adam live is to go as early as possible and be prepared to stay there the entire day that way you might just be lucky enough to get up the front row but even then there are no guarantees, I hate standing room only, seems the promoters of these concerts want to squeeze as many people in to these venues as possible, with very little consideration for peoples comfort.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:37AM ... But let's not forget how beneficial those young fans are to Adam's career. That is simply an inescapable fact (happily so IMHO). It is the exact demographic he needs to build. I am not among that demographic, but would be nothing but thrilled to see more and more of that demographic represented in any area of any venue Adam plays (In any country!!) IMHO that demographic, or any paying supporting enjoying adoring demographic for that matter, should never be seen as "it can get a bit much". Just my point of view, hope I shared it respectfully. :)

Anonymous said...

@March 11 5:45, SO TRUE

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, he did! It sounded quite well. Sing-along style is good too, ten times better than CD/Synth style... I'm not dissing any of his songs. I've learned to live (drive) with some of the new ones. ;-)
I'm glad people like(d) TFM.
That should have been his first single! (and I do like FYE) I think TFM is one of the most beautiful ballads. Ever! I'm so very happy he decided to perform it live.


Anonymous said...

The Singapore concert seats are all numbered with a price range. I got the highest range but could have chosen the wrong block, too near the the sound consul so the band came off very loud. It's a beautiful theatre. The second tier might have been better, closer to the stage and further from the sound consul. I also think more ballads would have been a better balance; only WWFM was the only full slow ballad, OOL partial. The rest all dance/pop and the band sounded the same to me right through the concert. GNT had more variety in terms of arrangements, tempo.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to put this out there respectfully & delicately: Perhaps Adam is trying to hook a certain fanbase by NOT devoting too much of his live shows to Ballads. Similarly, a lot of the praise Trespassing did receive stateside was for it's being one of the best Pop Funk Dance albums of the year! Even in entertainment outlets & Media forums considered more traditionally mainstream & well respected - Trespassing (the album) did get some high praise for it's dance tracks, which was great. And for a more personal opinion here, just my own viewpoint, based on no industry expertise whatsoever but rather just a pop culture observer, it isn't ballads that will cultivate a growing fanbse in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my.....JAK at your "sound" experience! I too always bought the so called best front row seat tickets......learned a valuable lesson years ago when my girls and I were seated front row left about 15 feet from a "speaker" as big as the bathroom in my house! When the concert started I thought my head would explode! I was ready to leave, but one daughter went into ladies room and came back with toilet tissue! I crammed huge wads into my ears
(Even my deaf ear) and sat thru entire concert with tissue flapping on each side of my head from the air conditioning vents!

Anonymous said...

i agree, adam needs the young fanbase for long-term longevity- all ages can support him and I love to see those in their teens and 20s along with the rest of us (in my 50's) at his concerts. The diversity in who goes to his concerts is fantastic, never had an issue and I've gone to many, incl the Queen shows in London.

Anonymous said...

Ballads tend to showcase his voice quality and range and WWFM is a pop ballad and that got him his Grammy nomination and appeals to the young and older fans. Yes he wants to attract younger fans with dance/pop/ funk; good strategy. The type of songs is not my priority; it's his singing and voice. Like he did some rock songs with high-powered vocals on his GNT; that appeals to the young and I like them a lot too. So my point is not more ballads, rather to be able to feel/hear his voice with his well-honed singing technique/skill and to balance off the mostly dance/pop/funk. Frankly for me, it's the singer not the song that applies in Adam's case.


Anonymous said...

Lammy is that the first time you have seen Adam in concert.Sounds like you was disappointed so sorry I have seen him twice I was in the front & loved every second of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened to my reply to JAK. It was published here a while ago. So I'll write to her again.


Anonymous said...

So glad someone knows what I've been trying to get across. I went early to buy my tickets to get the front rows but the whole front block was taken up by the Adam fan club who had the privilege to buy the tickets one week before the actual sale of the tickets. Someone did grouse that it was not fair...well I guess that's business and perks. Thanks pal! lol!


Anonymous said...

Yes my first Adam concert; but I've been to several other concerts. Thanks for the kind thoughts. :)


Anonymous said...

Your points haven't been lost on me Lam-my, thanks for sharing. You articulated your priorities and preferences well, I enjoy all POV's. I have personal preferences as well of course, but like 9:26AM I see the undebatable reality about what demographic is necessary to procure longevity (and sales) and defer to Adam, his team, and industry advisors as to how Adam might best negotiate that and make it happen. I can indeed wrap my head around your point that for you it's the singer and not the songs etc., I'm just not so sure that is the case for American pop music powers that be at this time (for charting and such). Sure the likes of singers like longtimer Timberlake and newbie's like Kesha or Katy Perry can put out a single and it will get instant radio play regardless of the quality of the track... for them it can be "the singer not the song" and we've seen plenty of evidence of that stateside on pop charts recently. But sadly Adam isn't there yet it seems by all public accounts, and honestly, what showcases the qualities of his voice aren't going to necessarily glean chart success (which IMHO Adam has't given up on yet in US, but that's just an opinion of course). I don't think Adam has the luxury at this time of navigating his career without deference to "the song". Perhaps he picks his playlist for his live shows based on what he feels will garner him furter interest from various demographics and music buyers and pop culture consumers. Just guessing of course.

Jadam said...

Hi All, to Lam-my and JAK I hear what you are saying girls. MY one and only experience seeing Adam live was whe I took my dughter with me to Sydney Australia (I am in NZ) and at the time I booked our tickets it looked like he wasnt going to do NZ, costly lesson for being impatient. Anyway back to the point.
I insisted on being right up the front, right next to this enormous speaker, my girl tried to talk me out of staying there, but I wouldnt have it. I wanted to see ever detail.
In doing this I deafened myself and for most of Adams set my ears were already effected and I was getting that "Chipmunk" sound,I was sooo disappointed. I would not make that mistake again.
We live and learn dont we?

HK fan said...

Not quite etting your points lam-my...
Pop/rock concerts are always loud!!!
Singers have to try and get a fine balance between fast/mid tempo and ballad songs. As much as you personally may like the ballads, too many can kill the atmosphere of the concert, of the type of singer (pop/rock) that Adam is. Maybe if you're going to see someone like Michael Buble, he can get away with far more ballads.
TFM was done as a softer/gentler song without the rock vibe, and I think it was intended as the big ballad of the evening instead of Underneath.
I was about 10-12 feet from the front at the HK concert, and I was standing to the side towards a speaker, I didn't have a problem with the sound, could hear every word, (yes the band was loud, but they didn't drown him out).
If I had the choice I would always choose closer to the stage, nothing beats seeing him up close..and maybe catching one of those eyebeams.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm could these remarks be filed under "bigger is not always better"?......JAK

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your experience; now officially we have something in common. That is, we saw Adam live, first time and it didn't turn out as we expected. lol! Well, at least mine wasn't as bad as how you described yours and JAK had to stuff her ears! lol! I heard Adam's voice powering above the din and I heard his rock-scream at the end of Fever briefly; but he has cut down on his killer high notes a lot; sang FYE, TFM in lower key. It's my expectations of songs he sang with powerful high notes, not met. I guess these are better done in a studio. He could be taking advice from voice experts; which he should for the health of his precious voice. I was not directly in front of the sound consul, about four rows away and that sound consul is slightly beneath ground level, kind of embedded, looks sophisticated. The theatre acoustics is super. I think in my case, I couldn't hear his full voice and I miss all the vibrato and delicate nuances, smothered by the band and the loudness. I would have loved Adam do some acoustic songs...remember on GNT, Monte was on his guitar when Adam sang WWFM, Aftermath, Broken Open; and Soaked with his pianist, can't remember her name. GNT might go down as one of his best. Yes someone said he wants to cater to younger fans...I've nothing against that; it's the right strategy. As far as Singapore goes, the youngsters here play piano, violin, guitar etc, their parents splurge on them; like I did mine, in other fields. These youngster musicians and a few well-known local stage performers, an opera singer too, were right up front. They would have thoroughly enjoyed Adam's acoustic singing. I certainly would have loved that; a mix would have made it for me, rather than more or less same right through. Anyway, I'll continue enjoying his cds/dvds. Jadam, JAK...Thanks a lot!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your perspectives. I like how you keep referring back to my points of view and build on them, or defer; yes we should use this thread as an example thread on how to carry out a discussion properly. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my March 11 6:42 PM

12:29 Here (& March 11 6:52AM & March 11 8:43AM :))

Yes, our discourse was fun, engaging and enlightening. I enjoyed your comments about the string musicians. My child just played his brass instrument with strings for the first time in an orchestra setting this weekend (complicated music too) and I'd bet most of the kids on that stage are budding appreciators of quality music & musicianship (In New England)... wish all their contemporaries were as well, lol, maybe they'd buy more of Adam's music! And maybe just maybe concert tickets! :). That section of GNT with Monte you referenced was great indeed, thinking about it even now as I type. I wonder, outloud here, if it is a specific, planned commercial success strategy of Adam's to keep it light on the Ballads ... or if he's just in a different place himself with this Trespassing era tour??? He himself does seem (and I can only get this vibe through a screen of course :), what do I know?) to be thoroughly enjoying his show in it's current form. He said in that wonderful recent interview that his STAGE SHOW was HIS creation and set of preferences, crafted obviously with the fans in mind, existing ones and probably on the fence ones, but he really seems to me, only my view here, to be having a blast with his concert/stage show in it's current incarnation. Well anyway, it's been fun. It's nice when someone isn't so rigid (like a few posters I could name here but won't, not regulars really anyway) and I find my not being so rigid really allows me to grow each and every day. Thanks, it's been fun. Real life beckons :).

Anonymous said...

You must have been so proud, thrilled to see your child play his brass instrument in an orchestra setting with other budding musicians on stage for the first time! :)
