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More New Adam Lambert Pictures from Singapore

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 8, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 08, 2013

VIA kaseandpoint

VIA Kase Amer

VIA margaritahairlessankles Best. Night. EVER. I have so much to say, and not enough words to express what I feel <3 #adamlambert #wagsingapore #wag #weareglamily #myidol thank you so much <3 @realadamlambert

VIA margaritahairlessankles


Anonymous said...

wow loved the Singapore show and all the fans. I hope he gets back there again soon.

Anonymous said...

those flip- flops are so cool.

Anonymous said...

Are these people fans or friends? Adam is having a fabulous time there. I`m glad he is happy again. The relationship doesn`t suit him very well. Now he can be free with his emotions. The partership doesn`t do for everyone and I think Adam is one of them. I hope his good mood last and they are not too pushy in Finland. Their media don`t understand their situation I think. Mayby not fans there also.. But they will soon..

Anonymous said...

11:19 yes they will, be it fact or fiction because some people are such instigators.

Anonymous said...

11:19 pm...where in these pics do see Adam soooo happy?? In most of them he looks tired and maybe a bit bored.

Anonymous said...

@11:37 PM .... Your post doesn't make any sense. If ADAM were tired & bored ... he wouldn't be out with the crowd ... and he certainly wouldn't be taking pictures ... illogical conclusion on your part ... IMO

Anonymous said...

This is 11:19. I really like Sauli and I hope he is happy as well. And I think they are friends. And I like Tommy but I have never thought that they are nothing more but friends. But if someone still believe A and S are together.. There is nothing to suport this idea (exept they haven`t said it outloud). They don`t talk about them anymore att all. And I don`t say this in a mean way. I`m glad they found eachother and were in love for a while.

Anonymous said...

I can't see Adam lasting in any single relationship for long, he has too much of a roving eye, and is surrounded with temptation all the time so not surprising if he and Sauli are no longer an item. Nothing wrong with this as long as both parties are honest with each other and know where they stand.

Anonymous said...

Why are these types of comments only made under the posts of pics with male fans and not under the ones with female fans? The comments for pics with female fans are all how cute, how lucky, etc. When any male fan is in a pic the comments are Adam must be cheating or he can't be monogomous, etc. This is ridiculous. Some of the males in previous pics have been Adam's friends, most are just fans. Why can't Adam take pics with male fans or male friends without comments assuming Adam is having sex with the people in the photos? Something is wrong with you if that is what you always assume of Adam in these pictures.

Anonymous said...

12:00 am...well I think that´s were you´re wrong. Adam is doing his job even when not on stage. Fanbase is everything when building and maintaining a career. Won´t have a fanbase if sitting in a hotel room, even if tired. To me he doesn´t look that enthusiastic. Seen him happier in a lot pics and these aren´t the ones. Not at all to do with him being in relationship or not.

Anonymous said...

12:38 am Finally a comment that I can agree on completely! Wisely said! Keep it up:)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli have never spoken much about their relationship. Sauli has answered some questions while on the current trip to Finland that refer to their relationship together.

You have nothing real to prove they are no longer together.

Anonymous said...

12:42 am


Anonymous said...

Look at the thread "NEW PICTURE FROM INDONESIA"...that´s were he´s HAPPY:)

Anonymous said...

First people say they want Adam to have more male fans and more gay fans, then when they show up in photos people say Adam must be having sex with them. That is really disrespectful to Adam.

We all want a chance to have our picture taken with Adam someday. We are lucky Adam is so willing to do that, even we have heard the handlers say he doesn't have time. Have some respect for Adam and stop saying any fan photos with guys must be proof he is having sex with them.

Anonymous said...

12:50 AM It is disrespectful and gross. People seem to make Adam some sort of object that doesn´t have feelings what so ever. Just a machine that keeps on going. So sick!

Anonymous said...

I`m so glad that Sauli knows the truth and doesn´t make a big deal out of these fan pics:)Comes with the territory. And for Adam not being able to be in a monogamous relationship is a load of BS. He said he can. I choose to believe him.

Anonymous said...

I've witnessed first hand how selfish fans can be when it comes to Adam. Standing in line at a CD signing gave me a chance to see another side to what it's like to be in Adam's shoes as a celebrity. I can understand fans excitement but I really wish they would show some respect for Adam instead of being so damn pushy. At one point Adam had a bottle of water on his table when a fan knocked it over as a result it spilt all over Adam and all over his jacket. Adam got up out of his chair trying to dry off his jacket, he looked a bit upset but did a good job of remaining calm. Then a women sat on the table Adam was seated at, the table looked as if it was going to break, Adam had to ask her to get off the table, she wanted her photo taken with him, he asked her to wait until after the signing and told her he would then allow her to have a photo with him. He looked tired and I wouldn't blame him for wanting to get out of there quickly, but I was very impressed with how he handled it all. The store should have had more security to control the fans and I noticed the next store Adam went too they did step up with security measures.

Anonymous said...

This is getting really tiring. ALL the comments about Adam and Sauli not being together are coming from malicious assholes who have no respect to EITHER of them.

It may well be that they won't stay together the rest of their lives but it is up to them to let world know about their decisions. We are not supposed to playing any weird guessing games around here.

And I know they would have told us by now if something was wrong. So everything is just fine between them and they are as happily in love as ever.

Anonymous said...

The point I was trying to make with my post above at 1:35 AM, was that Adam is not an object and that he deserves to be treated with more respect. He has a job that he loves but it's not always as glamorous as it seems, he tries hard to be generous to his fans, the least they can do is to give him some respect in return.

Anonymous said...

1:41 am
Exactly! We are all humans..although others are wayyy more talented than others:)Let´s show Adam respect and support him to express his talent and share it with us. We shouldn´t wear him out!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:38 AM.. Malicious assholes, you sound like one yourself, people are entitled to have an opinion, although granted respect is important, but if you retaliate by referring to people as Malicious your just going to keep this whole saga going.

Anonymous said...

The problem is many here can't make respectful comments of their opinions and they are really just malicious comments. Meant either to hurt Adam or to stir up a response from the rest of us reading here. Malicious either way.

Anonymous said...

Is that blond guy who is in many pictures with Adam Brandon? (I saw on twitter that someone tweeted that fandom know Adam's new hook up was a guy called Brandon).

I would also say that Adam doesn't look happy, more bored or tiresome.

Anonymous said...

1:48 AM

Ok, so this is how you see it:

ALL the comments about Adam and Sauli not being together are coming from WELL-MEANING TRUE FANS who have NOTHING BUT respect to BOTH of them.

Anonymous said...

2:17 am LOOOOOL!! Twitter: a place of truth and nothing but the truth!!! Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

One headline in Magazine in Finland was that "Sauli is waiting Adam In Finland". Well he said that of course he is going to Adam's concert because he could arranged his timetable so that he can go.

Anonymous said...

2:27 AM I think that guy Brandon or not could well be Adam's hook up. Adam love's sex and if Sauli and he are not any more together so what's wrong with it?

Anonymous said...

I hope this farce is soon over and they tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

I think most comments about Adam and Sauli's relationship are simply out of concern, hoping they are both ok. I don't see anything wrong with people being curious as long as they show respect towards A&S. No one really knows what goes on between couples, relationships are hard work they have their ups and downs but if it's meant to last it will and if not then perhaps as sad as it may be sometimes the best thing is to part ways.

Anonymous said...

@11:19 Happy again? Are you kidding me. He looks depressed.

Anonymous said...

@11:19 Happy again? Are you kidding me. He looks depressed.

Anonymous said...

2:17 is a troll and 2:31 might be too. I've only seen one person on twitter saying Adam hooked up with Brandon and 2:17 is probably that same troll. I'm not going to use their twitter name but here is one of their posts on twitter about why they are tweeting the cheating garbage to Adam:
"but how would that be fun? I want some kind of reaction from him"

That's the kind of sick troll that tries to stir up trouble with this cheating garbage.

Anonymous said...

There is no problem between Adam and Sauli. Some trolls have jumped all over it, are making things up and now have a few real fans wondering what is going on. Don't fall for their comments where they try to appear to be another commenter or to be making an innocent comment. What kind of person is Adam? Adam would not be lying and deceiving his fans, but these trolls are laughing at people who are worried about Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

That blond guy looks a bit like Sauli. A very little bit.

Anonymous said...

@2:53 AM Adam that kind of guy who has troubles to keep his pants on when cute boys are around him.

Anonymous said...

2:31 nothing wrong with it if they´re not together anymore, but that wasn´t my point!!! My point being... don´t believe evertything said on Twitter. You might as well use your head!

Anonymous said...

2:59 am...did you try eagerly and he let you down??Get a grib, will ya!

Anonymous said...

@2:53 AM You don't have to be a troll to see that thing have changed in their relationship if they still are in relationship.

Anonymous said...

Is this love? Not.

Anonymous said...

The only think they have left is Adam liking Saulis instagram pictures. And he is liking all off them. I personally would be more convinced if he like somo of them. When he is liking everything it seems to me like pattern.

Anonymous said...

3:20 am...I understand your thinking now that you´re 12 years old, but when you grow up you see things differently and don´t put too much emphasis on social media:)

Anonymous said...

Blah this love is turning ugly.

Anonymous said...

3:35 m
No... their love isn´t ugly! But know it all people are!

Anonymous said...

I have wondered, why there are always propotionally so many pics of gay men posing with Adam after the concerts. They definitely must be a minority in the audience! Are they extraordinary big fans of Adam´s music or is it just very important for them to get their "Adam and me" -pics published in internet so we all can see and be impressed.

Anonymous said...

Go back and look, there are way more pictures of Adam with women rather than men. And besides, since when is a photo with Adam proof of sex? If so I have plenty of lucky female friends who are going to be happy to hear their fan pic with Adam means they had sex with him.

If you are reading this much into fan pictures and twitter comments and which photos Adam likes and when he did it then you have some serious issues that you should probably get some help with.

Anonymous said...

3:13, we only see a tiny bit of their relationship. I haven't seen any change in the little bit of their relationship we get to see. All I see are trolls and fans buying into what the trolls made up.

Anonymous said...

I left this site a few hours ago and just came back to catch up on events and videos, I can't believe this topic regarding Adam and Sauli is still going on. Seems some people just love stirring up trouble for the sake of it.

Anonymous said...

Before Adam respected their relationship. He didn't fool around with boys like in NYC, flirted with fan boys or posed with a same guy in several pictures to make sure we get the picture.

Anonymous said...

I don't think these guys in these pics are Adam's type he looks bored as if he is just going along with them being friendly for the sake of it, there just fans Adam's being polite and that's about it.

Anonymous said...

Adam did not fool around with boys in NYC. The same trolls kept asking Adam and his friends about it and Adam finally told one of them to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Are the adommy crays still able to hold on their fantasy?

Anonymous said...

@4:22 AM He certainly did. We have pictures where he is with Oli and Cody.

Anonymous said...

I just hope this is soon over.

Anonymous said...

@12:38 AM, I Agree!

Anonymous said...

@12:50 AM, I agree with you too!

Anonymous said...

4:27 and those pics look exactly like all the other fan pics!

Anonymous said...

Here is what Adam tweeted to one of the trolls saying Adam cheated in NYC. I'm not including the troll's name because they don't need anymore attention.

"Jeez, get a life and quit spamming my page w hateful bullshit. U have no factual anything."

If you don't believe Adam I don't know what to tell you.

Anonymous said...

These pictures reminds me of GNT tour.

Anonymous said...

@2:42 AM, At last!! A common sense post about Adam and Sauli's relationship. Some fans think that Adam and Sauli belong together based on how cute and sexy they look together. Relationships are much deeper than that, if looks was the case then all the beautiful sexy people in the entertainment business and the real world would still be married to their first beautiful sexy love for more than a minute. It would be nice if Adam and Sauli are still together, that is if they are compatible, if not then it's time for them to move on with their lives. In my heart I'm rooting for them, but two dominant personalities together is....well, difficult. Thanks for your post!

Anonymous said...

@4:23 AM I don't know but now the Adommy hate list includes Terrance and Johnny:

Anonymous said...

If Sauli Stays it's a Miracle.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I will repeat it again. I will not believe any rumors or comments about Adam and Sauli's relatiionship except the truth that comes directly from Adam. And so far, he has chosen not to say anything about it. Adam likes to go out and have fun with friends and automatically it turns into all these comments about a breakup,etc. Give it a rest already. I guess this is the price someone who is in the public eye(esp music) has to pay as far as privacy in his personal life. Why can't Adam just enjoy his success on these concert tours and have some fun as he socializes with friends? If he seems to look unhappy or bored, maybe he is just tired having all these concert dates one after the other,is constantly being asked for a picture and just needs to rest up and relax. Hopefully all will go well in Finland for him.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks in some pictures lost. Not at all like when he was happy with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

To be in tour is a hard work. You should always be on your best, be friendly and smile to fans not matter how tired you are or how how feel inside.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at the posters here who are "sure" that Adam and Sauli have broken up because it's so "obvious." Huh? They are apart a lot due to their own jobs and responsibilities, like lots of couples are. There is no evidence of their breaking up. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Perceptions are not facts. Just because they are not publicly fawning all over each other all the time doesn't mean they're not together. Adam tweeted proudly about Sauli's new TV show. Sauli said he'll be at Adam's concert. You can read all kinds of things into their relationship if you have a big imagination. I choose to believe in facts. BTW, there is no evidence of Adam be "cozy" with anyone in NYC. Hearsay is not fact.

Adam seems to go to gay clubs a lot after this shows, regardless of what city he's in. Sounds fine to me. He's comfortable there and gets his pic taken with lots of gay guys. Why? Because there are lots of gay guys in gay clubs. No brainer.

Pics are deceiving. One second, Adam can be smiling away and the next second, when the pic is taken, he stops smiling for just a second. Doesn't mean he's bored or sad. Could mean it's just an ill-timed picture.

Adam is on a busy tour, doing his job, networking and fan-pleasing. Now THAT'S a fact I can believe.


Anonymous said...

DRG, you are making too much sense ;)

Anonymous said...

DRG You are wise. Why should we speculate things we don`t know. I have been in a relationship over 20 years and I know there are good times and bad times in every relationship. And beeing in public eye isn`t helping. They both seem to be happy so why wouldn`t we as well. They are a pair or friends thats fine by me as long as neither of them are hurting the other one. I love both of them and after Helsinki gig they are both coming to LA!

Anonymous said...

DRG, I always like reading your comments. Go girl!

Anonymous said...

How stupid people can be?

Anonymous said...

Ignore the crays. It's there way to stir bulls for attention.

Anonymous said...

It seems everyone has an opinion of something they no nothing about, if there was a problem eventually fans would soon find out, in the mean time it's all just speculation, best to leave Adam's private life for Adam to work out. He certainly appears to be happy enough to me and so does Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam told a fan 'you don't have factual anything'. Meaning just to create stories from pictures, videos, or even his live shows is idiotic. He said when he is on stage he is a performer. There are things happening in ones life that is personal and private. IMO all entertainers have this right to keep part of their life private for their own sanity. Leave Adam's private life alone and enjoy his music.

Anonymous said...

LOVE ADAM LAMBERT- as a singer adam lambert love by the people -love by his fans europe-and asia.adam lambert is single either he has a boyfriend or not?-it doesnt matter ITS ALL ABOUT HIS MUSIC .LEAVE HIS PRIVATE LIFE--ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP -HES FREE TO CHOOSE WHO HE WANTS. EITHER STICK TO IT OR NOT. AGAIN its all about his music folks. understand.

Anonymous said...

Ignore the one sentence none sense crays' comments. They do this for enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

I (3:45) don´t know, if you (3:58) were answering me, but I for once want to emphasize, that I really didn´t intend to say, that the pics with Adam were a proof of sex! I simply meant, that these gay fans were extraordinary eager to show their pics. Don´t read in my post more than there was.
And think that English is not the mother language of all of us before condemning.

Anonymous said...

it looks like the blond guy in these pictures has a big ole boyfriend!! wow I hope some of you people on here put this much time and concern in to your own children and family. Bizarre thread again. LOL

Anonymous said...

adam lambert fre to have frinds any nationality- gays-straight -lesbian-men nd women;UNDERSTAND .

Anonymous said...

it's the short guy in the blue plaid shirt who people thought adam was with - not this blond guy. they met at universal studios, facebook friended each other, went backstage to adam's concert and back to his hotel for an afterparty.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's NOT all about his music. Why do you think the mags talking about what celebrities wear,eat,and who they date sell so well ? And pics of the most popular ones are in such demand they sell for many thouands of dollars? cause,for most ppl, when you are a fan of an entertainer you know that what you see on stage or screen is a performance and you want to know that this performer is not superhuman but is probably very much like anyone else just with a particular talent that causes them to stand out from the avg person . I love Adam as a performer, but I also like to see him out and about ,shopping , clubbing , who he's dating , etc Some folks carry it to the extreme and I think it can become dangerous . I have a feeling that Adam instigates a lot of this himself . He is very aware of the reaction of the fans when he allows certain types of pics to be published.and he loves to keep them talking .All this gives him a good giggle . This is my opinion only , just the way it looks to me.

Anonymous said...

When Adam "allows" photos to be published? If Adam takes a photo with a fan he no longer has control over it. The photos with female fans look exactly like the photos with male fans and most people are pretty excited and quick to post their photo. Maybe Adam should just stop taking photos with fans altogether so then people would have nothing to speculate over.

Anonymous said...

9:33 am...You and I think alike:) Luckily Adam´s close ones know the name of the game:) It´s all for the business.

Anonymous said...

i don't see anyone going crazy over adam taking a random photo with a fan - guy or girl. it's when someone says adam is kissing them, or inviting them to his hotel, or asking them to get together that people get interested.

Anonymous said...

Yes and people can say whatever the hell they want on internet about Adam and there´s always someone stupid enough to believe!! It´s a ticket to fame for someone...I guess gotta try something when lacking an actual talent.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't kissing anybody in the pictures with fans.

Anonymous said...

no, i was talking about the guys in nyc about the kissing. the guys in these pictures were invited back to adam's hotel - the pics are by the pool.

Anonymous said...

@9:20 AM Well could be, at least Adam looks happier with the guy with blue plaid shirt than with the blond guy...

Anonymous said...

Oh my...this thread is just beyond CRAZY! I´m so glad Adam has a very close circle of loved ones and friends that are sane!

Anonymous said...

I just hope Sauli gives Adam a goodbye kick to his ass if he has not already done it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, pics by the pool - the whole band was there, really scandalous.

Anonymous said...

This so stupid. The relationship is their business but I`m starting to really wish they would come clear about their situation bc I can`t read speculations about them anymore. :( I don`t understand why the seacret if you act like single anyway. If you like to hide break up for some reason you should act like it as well. This way they both look like fools. What`s the point? If it`s the Helsinki gig Adam can always cancel it.

Anonymous said...

10:06 am
I think Sauli is very confident and has a healthy self-esteem; we all see the good influence he has on Adam:) He´s more than capable of handling his relationship. Many people tend to think if Adam and him no longer are together, it´s initiated by Adam. Might not be so.

Anonymous said...

10:14 AM
Lol well that pic was taken the night before the concert, not after the concert.

Anonymous said...

10:16 AM
Adam needs the money from the Helsinki gig - lol. he isn't going to cancel it. No one is paying attention to this drama except a few crazy fans.

Anonymous said...

10:17 AM

I agree with you. I don't think people should think that Sauli is some poor victim. There is nothing at all to indicate that.

Anonymous said...

So you think Sauli is the one who left Adam? Why do you think that? Has Adam done something do diserve this?

Anonymous said...

And Finnish media!

Anonymous said...

10:30 am...Actually I think that there is no leaving what so ever. I think they´re still a couple. I haven´t seen or heard anything that indicates otherwise. This is just big drama here and people´s mind games.

Anonymous said...

If this is how little you think of Adam, why are you still a fan??? Why can't Adam have pictures taken without someone jumping to conclusions with the worst thought of him?

I watched the NYC twitter thing happen. First a drunk college boy tweeted what was surely a joke about his friend and Adam making out. I've made jokes about Adam being my new boyfriend and I've seen other fans make jokes along the same lines as the drunk college boy. Some nosy glamberts then started tweeting the drunk college boy asking questions. At first he got made and said get off my feed and deleted the tweet about Adam. But fans and then trolls kept tweeting him. So then the drunk college boy and his friends started making smart ass replies and escalating the story. It was probably pretty funny to them to do that. And now some of you are thinking this whole ridiculous story must be true. It's from drunk college boys annoyed by nosy fans on their feed.

These latest pics are nothing to deserve scandal either. Some very lucky fans got to go backstage and then got to hang with Adam and for sure Brian at the bar and by the pool. One of the guys is a performer from the US. We don't know if he has friends in common with Adam, Terrance and Johnny or not. Any of us would be thrilled to get to hang out with Adam. Why assume that anything scandalous happened?

I think it is really sad that so many "fans" have so little respect for Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM
I think what indicates it is the three weeks of Adam non stop partying before he left for his tour and no Sauli except for Adam's birthday. Meanwhile there are pictures and posts about Sauli partying with other people.

Anonymous said...

These relationship threads are AGAIN the most popular ones! This is so going to a wrong direction...away from his music:(

Anonymous said...

10:46 AM

I don't think there was anything about the NYC kissing twitter that indicated it was a joke. It was a pretty straightforward tweet about Adam kissing two of his friends. They didn't think it was some big deal - just laughing about how gay it was. Adam is very well known for kissing guys in bars. It's not exactly hard to believe.

Anonymous said...

10:46 am
You and I don´t agree on this:) They most certainly weren´t partying non stop as you implied:) They just might have had precious boyfriend time where nobody else wasn´t invited at all:)

Anonymous said...

Helsinki gig is the biggest one. Adam is not going to cancel it and people have already bought their tickets and can't cancel that. Of course they can sell their tickets like someone said she would do but its not easy.

Anonymous said...

Adam goes clubbing at Rasputin with Xander Tarigo on January 27, he spends Jan 30 thru Feb 2nd partying in NYC, at Bootsy Bellows on Feb 5, with Sam Sparro and Raja on Feb 12. He spends Feb 8 and 9 at a bunch of pre-Grammy partys. We have pictures of Adam on other days having dinner with Danielle, shopping at Joyrich, going to a charity event with Marcus, at Riff’s birthday party, having dinner in Burbank after a day of rehearsals. Sauli is at none of these events but is seen out partying with other friends.

Three guys in NYC all say Adam was making out at a gay bar. A cute gay guy from Russia meets Adam at one of the Grammy partys and says Adam asked him to go sightseeing in Moscow.

Before Adam leaves on his trip he is asked if he has valentines day plans and he say no. Then he tweets a pic of him and sauli having dinner and calls sauli his “homie” ie friend.

But go on believing they are secretly having lots of wonderful boyfriend time. Lol

Anonymous said...

11:12 am
Oh wow! You are waaayyyy too interested in Adam´s life!!!!! Maybe you should concentrate on your own. SCARY!

Anonymous said...

@11:08 AM And what ever is the state of their relationship Sauli has said that he is going to see Adam's concert. I'm sure he wants it to be a happy event.

Anonymous said...

nice pictures, glad Adam can unwind with friends after a show. I want a pair of those flippy- flops.

Anonymous said...

@11:12 AM Lol amazing how can you remember all that but I think you are quite accurate.

Anonymous said...

11:12, now that you have documented some public apperances can you document any of their private time? Can you document their public appearances in the two weeks prior to the last Fantasy Springs or the two weeks prior to Vh1 Divas? Is there any evidence to support they were or weren't together in those time frames?

BTW, in that interview Adam is asked about Sunday, NOT Valentines Day. Beyonce just called her baby her homie so clearly that can't mean love. And sometimes sightseeing is just sightseeing.

You seem to have an adenda that you want them to break up so keep on with your delusional hoping.

Anonymous said...

11:24 am

Yes Sauli certainly wants Adam´s show to be a success in Finland:) Why wouldn´t he????

Anonymous said...

They are somekind of friends. Time will tell how close. It benefits them both not to tell the truth yet. Adam don`t want the focus on that matter while touring and Sauli while he is in Finland. They are both going to LA after helsinki gig together or seperetly. I think then we will know are they together or not. Things are chanced that for sure. What`s the reason that I don`t know. It could be also Sauli`s decision to go seperate ways.. I think this kind of love (very maddly in love at first) usually ends because this kind of feeling never last.. But they have expierinced that and it`s beautiful thing and I`m happy for them. I just fish they both find permanet happiness some point in their lives.

Anonymous said...

The jury is still out. When they make an announcement of a break up, then I believe it. Not before.

Anonymous said...

@12:09 I think you are right this is not a good time to tell the truth for neither of them but especially Adam's behaviour is so obvious that I feel bad if they have to pretend in Finland.

Anonymous said...

It's also embarrassing to read Finnish magazines articles like "Sauli is waiting for Adam" or "Adam's love Sauli Koskinen".

Anonymous said...

11:22 quite scary indeed.

Anonymous said...

@11:12AM Get yourself a boyfriend or something. Go adopt a dog. Don't parade on other's private life. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS BASICALLY!

Anonymous said...

it is sad Sauli's own fans are starting such trouble for him. Do they ever shut up?

Anonymous said...

1:05 no they never shut up. basically they are on here browbeating us for info about A&S that we don't know and thanks to this behavior A&S will be sharing less and less with us fans and that is how it should go down I do believe. Plus 11:12 is just our routine know it all troll.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that Adam is make a joke of himself.

Anonymous said...

Of course speculations will end when the truth is out.

Anonymous said...

it's sad you are making a joke out of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Kids kids...calm down!

Anonymous said...

It's sad that Adam is not man enough to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

@1:50 Yeah he is just making a fool of himself and Sauli.

JAK said...

JAK here...I would like to address two different themes on this thread. #1. If you go out seperately with different friends your relationship is doomed. That finishes me. For 50+ years my husband has gone out with friends from his work or his golf buddies. I don't know them. For same length of time I have gone out with teacher friends, shopping friends, theater and museum friends, he doesn't know them. He's gone to golf resorts all over the country with his friends, I've gone to Europe with mine.

Together we go out with family and each other.

#2.Mad first love never lasts. Not so....frequently it does. We are closing in on 60 years of first and only love. He still nibbles the back of my neck while I'm cooking and gets swatted with a spatula, there is a love note by my chair every morning when I get up, we hold hands in movies and at restaurants, in the summer we skinny dip in backyard pool by starlight, I give him foot massages and write him naughty poetry and if you have a good sense of humor "romance" can be hilarious! \o/ \o/

Anonymous said...


Thank you!!

Where are the rest of the sane people?? I MISS YOU!

Anonymous said...

Probably too late to say Troll Alert!

Anonymous said...

1:59 lol way too late but you tried.

Anonymous said...

1:59 pm

Naaaah! I´d say you´re just on time!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

1:52 soooo when did Sauli have his voice box removed?

Anonymous said...

2:05 pm


Anonymous said...

I see 11:12 still hasn't documented the public appearances before Fantasy Springs or before VH1 Divas to see if Adam and Sauli were displaying together or breakup behaviors then.

Trolls don't know what is going on, they just repeat garbage. Adam had to tell that one to stop (at 4:39 am) Why would I believe any of their garbage.

Anonymous said...

One thing which has also changed is that Adam doesn't mention his relationship or boyfriend in interviews.

Anonymous said...

1:09 am
Okay... why answer a question if not asked??? Private is private, work is work! It´s time for privacy talk and time for work talk. Now it´s time for work. They have thought this through together and don´t need anybody´s advice. He still has a mother, doesn´t he?? Haven´t heard him mention her for a looooong time. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

@3:08 Adam has before seemed to be proud of the fact that he has a boyfriend and that he is in love but not any more. His behaviour has changed.

Anonymous said...

I dont really care to speculate about whether or not Sauli and Adam are together or not .I just wanna know Who is that absolutely SMOKIN HOT guy in the blue plaid shirt is.

Anonymous said...

Brandon? Oli? Cody?