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Xin Msn Video: ADAM LAMBERT at Singapore Press Conference 3-7-13

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 7, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, March 07, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! Open shirt Adam!!!
Adam's Adorable, Beautiful inside & outside with his Precious smiles!!!
Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!
Awwwwww, just wanna hug him:):):)

Anonymous said...

Super sexy interview. <3

Anonymous said...

You just gotta love this man - so endearing, so sweet and humble and, of course, there's his good looks and incredible voice. What a package!

Anonymous said...

I watch his performances' videos few times and I do the same thing with his interview videos. His speaking voice is as great as his singing voice. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Yea very sweet, to the point, refreshing a nutshell professional. I like this concept Adam is propounding; that is to take control of oneself is to surrender to the universe...Mmm quite deep and not so easy to do and not quite sure how to go about it. lol! Hey regarding the projected movie I suggested: 'Haunted Raffles Lighthouse' can be part comedy like you said and you can sing in the century-old lighthouse off-shore Singapore harbour, where the Merlion is spouting water into the sea. Your voice will resonate in the tall, supposedly haunted lighthouse where the beacon light shimmers to guide ships into our beautiful deep harbour. Yea in the film, people think the purported ghost is making a comeback and launch investigations etc etc. Hey Adam why don't you produce this movie yourself. I'm serious. You can make it funny combined with suspense. People in this region like ghost apparition stories. According to rumours, whistling and footsteps have been heard in the antique lighthouse. Rumours only, don't quote me. Get more info from the lighthouse caretaker...maybe he was the one whistling. lol!


choons said...

I love watching him talk and be natural. I love his fleeting, ever-changing expressions and gestures. I love his voice , his laugh. I love his face. He's magic and he melts my heart.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could see the press conference interview. All I get is a black screen. I've tried several times but it won't work:(

I hope we get some SG vids from the concert tonight !


Anonymous said...

I just wanna bite his chin!!:) LOL

Just adorable to watch and listen to him eh!:)


Anonymous said...

He takes my breath away he is so adorable and well spoken...and beautiful ,,handsome and just awesome

Anonymous said...

Great interview but I couldn't take my eyes off his chin. Is there a little round band-aid on it? Maybe the camera angle or the light. Whatever, he's gorgeous. Love the shirt. The little flip-flops so cute and informal.

tea said...

Watching and listening to his interviews always finds me smiling thru them. He seems to make himself so vulnerable at times. I hope his resolve to control when he surrenders gives him more strength and self assurance.
Rock on! Adam.

Anonymous said...

So charming, so kind, so articulate and smart. So confident, yet so self-effacing in other ways. Idol is indeed a double-edged sword. Hope that stigma fades with time. Do all the biggest successful alums from Idol suffer from that stigma? Adam is so grateful to Idol, but you can tell he really wants to put it behind him and move on to the point where people don't associate him with it so much. I can't blame him.

I love watching and hearing him speak. I love how his body moves, so senuual and fluid. He has beautiful body control, and he is so aware of how he looks when he moves. And his speaking voice is like butter and honey. He has a perfect laugh, just enough, without being too much. Shall I go on???? LOL!


Anonymous said...

Simply the best of the best, in everything. He is beautiful in every way.

Anonymous said...

So humble and down to earth. Doesn't let all this fame go to his head. Thats waht I like. And a million other things about Adam to. Gosh I love that mabn.

Anonymous said...

Two things Adam probably would like to be mentioned less during any print article or a press conference: American Idol(although it opened the door to his music career) and "openly gay performer". Let's just focus on his vocal talent and his amazing stage presence. And, of course, there are the qualities that endear him to all of us who are fans: he is articulate, charming, honest, humble and so handsome. He is the total package and probably the best performer in the music business today. Can't wait for the release of his third album hoping it will bring him the ultimate success and recognition that he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Adam is older and wiser than a Bieber, Chris Brown, etc. who at their young ages just don't know how to conduct themselves both professionally and personally as seen in recent incidents. Hopefully with time and experience they will change for the better. Adam has traits they should develop. This includes being charming, witty, humble, smart, and well spoken . He is mesmerizing on stage and gives wonderful interviews that make sense. He can be introspective and is so focused on what he wants in life and his career. Just love this man and admire him so much in a business filled with untalented, crass, egotistical performers who think the world revovles around them.

Anonymous said...

I have never known Adam to put other artists down, calling them untalented, crass, or egotistical. Instead he does his best to compliment or encourage them. As far as Justin Bieber goes, he is still very young and I heard Adam say in an interview what a great young guy he is and how well he seems to handle his success. The interviews I've seen of Justin Bieber he comes across as a genuinely sweet young guy, you can't blame him for being young and I'm sure as he matures he will be wiser but isn't that the same for all of us. Thanks to Adam I've come to appreciate modern artists such a Rhianna, Bruno Mars, Katie Perry, and even Nicky Minaj. You can argue that they are not as good as Adam but anyone who manages to make a successful career in todays music industry has to be doing something right, and it's good to see Adam who obviously draws inspiration from fellow artists appreciate them for who they are and what they have contributed to the industry. Adam has the right attitude, and this should take him far.

Anonymous said...

@DRG... Why can't you simply enjoy Adam for his talent instead of dissecting him as you are, his movements, his body, his voice like butter and honey, are you serious! Sounds like you have him under some sort of microscope. I think your clearly obsessed in an unhealthy way. I feel sorry for Adam being viewed and observed so closely. In fact he did say in an interview that he doesn't mind fans giving him a hug but he feels uncomfortable when they get to close and who can blame him, as he said he values having some personal space, so if you really support him get a grip on yourself.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:31 AM
Quite honestly, @DRG is one of the nicest posters here (and there are many IMO). And I agree with everything she said. Are we just a little bit obsessed with Adam?? Hell yes! And proud of it. :))) Because he is a fabulous singer and human being. We are fans of Adam Lambert. This is an Adam Lambert fansite. And this should be a "safe place" to talk about WHY we adore him. For anyone. What do you expect to hear?? I would MUCH prefer to hear what we LOVE about him, as opposed to what we think he should change. Stating what we love about him does not equal obsession by the way...

Anonymous said...


You're kidding right?

There was absolutely nothing wrong with @DRG's post. It expressed what many of us feel....myself included.

Adam's a big boy....he knows at this point of his career that he has passionate fans who not only appreciate his magnificent voice and stellar performing skills....but the other attributes he so deliciously displays.

Anonymous said...

Great interview...he is so articulate, humble and charming. Love to listen to him and what he has to say. And he looked so handsome at this press conference also. He has this positive, confident attitude and is willing to spread his wings and try so much more in different aspects of the business. Love this man!

Anonymous said...

** 11:31 AM (not PM)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:31 PM
This is what Adam said re the interview you are probably talking about. I had concerns myself about this personal space etc.. when I heard that interview..just a few days later I coincidentally happened to catch this "twitter party takeover" that he did in London last year (about 9 months ago..) ..and miracle of miracles, he answered me...twice! I felt MUCH better about my hug after this:

Here is what he said: !!!!...

@glitzylady (to Adam..)
You recently said in an interview that fans crossed boundaries when asking for a hug? Is that true? If so, I feel bad because I was one of those blessed with one of your famous hugs and apologize if what you said is true. Thanks you so much for your unwavering generosity to your fans. We appreciate it so much! #Trespassing

I love giving hugs! except for when my jackets get big makeup smudges from fans’ faces..or when i get the odd neck sniff/lick.

Thanks Adam! I’m relieved to hear that! Phew!! I’ll treasure that hug always! you’re the best!

hug away–just protect the fashion – no face plants… lol

Transcript of the twitter party:

glitzylady said...

Ooops! I just said @Anon 11:31 PM my comment directly above...

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady..As usual you have jumped in to prove your point taking up half the space on this site to do so. My comment was directed at DRG, who is free to get back to me herself if she chooses. I'm not taking back anything I said, I'm entitled to my opinion and to comment on how her post came across to me. My honest opinion is that I feel she was going a bit overboard. If you disagree that's fine but don't try to bully me into submission as you often do with others on this site.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:25 PM
You are indeed free to say whatever you wish here..and so am I.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:31 AM

You told @DRG to:

".....get a grip on yourself."

That's an opinion?

I see it as more of an order.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 PM..My opinion was just that an opinion, if you wish to turn it into something that is wasn't then that's your problem. You seem to be rather touchy and I also notice that you don't seem to mind trying to order me. I'm not easily offended so say what you like, I have more important things to do rather than waste my time arguing with narrow mindedness.

Anonymous said...

@12:57 AM

I'm not touchy. Just didn't think it was necessary for you to 'school' @DRG on her behavior/attitude where Adam is concerned. Most of us are here for the same reason....Adam. Some intensely...some...not as much.

Don't recall ordering you to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Oops,I did it again...
**12:47 PM**

While I'm here...

truce....this is not going anywhere.

You say what you want....

And I'm not narrow-minded BTW.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady..From Anon...11:31 AM...Regarding your post with the transcript of your encounter with Adam, I too have met Adam in person and yes I also received a hug and a handshake, however I did not throw myself at him. Adam is a lovely down to earth person, however, some of the fans were virtually throwing themselves at him, although he was very patient with them, one of them ended up tipping his water bottle sitting at his table over him and over his jacket. Adam appeared to be a little upset, but managed to remain calm, another fan sat on the table trying to have her photo taken with him almost breaking the table. Adam had to ask her to please not sit on the table, he offered to allow her to take photos once he had finished his signing with other fans. Adam is very obliging and tries his best to please people and therefore, I really think that people need to understand that Adam deserves to be treated with more respect he is not merely an object for them to take advantage, he is a lovely person who tries hard to please his fans. At the very least, people should give him that respect, he surely deserves it.

Anonymous said...

oh we go again........I'm heading back to my textbooks, it's much less disturbing reading about the Russian Revolution than just how much admiration for Adam is considered proper. To much, you are criticized, too little, you are criticized. The difference between an opinion and a slam! Too contentious for me...I'm gone! JAK

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:35 PM
I agree completely that Adam deserves respect. And I suspect that most people who are fortunate enough to meet him believe that too. And act accordingly. It's unfortunate that there are a few who get carried away. I shared my twitter convo here only to enlighten. I suspect that Adam specifically answered my question because he wished to do the same, to set a few boundaries and "hugging guidelines" for fans but in a humorous way. He's such a sweetheart to his fans but I'm sure there are those who try his patience and cross the lines of appropriate behavior at times. I was genuinely concerned that he felt that the hugs he was giving (and getting..) were uncomfortable for him, were intruding upon and invading his personal space, and I really wondered if that was the case. In the interview I had heard just before the 4Music twitter party it sounded a little bit like that might be the case.. But apparently only when things are carried a little too far. No licking and sniffing his neck..etc. Good advice for anyone!!

Anonymous said...

It's a shame there are some bullies on this site and I am not referring to @glitzylady. Why not a bully bullies a bully?