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2013 Chinese Music Awards: Adam Lambert accepts The Most popular International singer award

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam! Truly a major award and so well deserved. When you accept your GLAAD award next month, I hope that the person introducing you will mention this incredible feat. This is China we're talking about, awarding this international award. Now, that's what is called promoting proudly and with immense talent the LGBT worldwide.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I don't think this award is that big of a deal. It's good promotion for him in China though and I hope that he can turn this into money somehow, since we know they don't really sell much music due to piracy.

Anonymous said...

Really no big deal?! It is like the Grammys here in the U.S. with just tons more people watching it. A huge honor for Adam and so proud of him!

Anonymous said...

Really no big deal?! It is like the Grammys here in the U.S. with just tons more people watching it. A huge honor for Adam and so proud of him!

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post,maybe that comment at 9:02 deserved it.

Adamluv said...

This is a big deal and so happy for Adam.

tea said...

YAY! Congratulations Adam.
Thank you Chinese fans for the love you have shown Adam.

Anonymous said...

OMG adam lambert an international best singer- got an award-great true talent-love it.

Anonymous said...

congratulation adam lambert- now asian people knws the real talent -world wide best singer today. asian people in asian countries -or al over the world will buy adam lambert music.i turelly have a right guess- this eyar is adam lambert good year.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how the winner was selected? No, I didn't think so. Lol

Anonymous said...

Folks pay no attention to lol the one that puts it in front if her name. She totally belittles every single thing Adam does, I mean everything it is her goal in life. When someone here said it was leaked the large amount one if the three for net game china got and it was a lot she went in and on how she was sure Adam did it for feee the other person said if course he did not do it for free, would not pay one not the other. Anyway that just one small exsample if anything great happens she gonna make sure we know it no big deal! Not trying to cause trouble I heard her or him do it over and over it really hurts my feelings for Adam. I so so proud of Adam this was a fabulous wonderful big honor for him. Sue

Anonymous said...

Lol you have no idea how that puck these awards either and you know it!

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, the award is for Favorite International Artist, not best artist in the world.

Anonymous said...

sue, you are hilarious!

anyone who thinks adam got millions of dollars for a one minute, badly filmed video is an idiot.

I like adam and I support him but you people are completely delusional in what you think is happening with his career.

Anonymous said...

9.58 or lol I know it is you because you went in and on about how unprofessional the endorsement was. I saw all thee together the ad looked fine, and any endorsement in China gonna bring good money! I do not recall ever saying a million. It was a huge game launch and he will make good money off of it. You are jealous and very delusional.Adam great award so proud of you. Suspect this will sale a few if those games too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Favorite International Artist - World
Artist! Whatever! He WON! Let's not nitpick to belittle Adam's accomplishment! Why are some people so petty? I'll never understand it. Does anybody think they can sing better than Adam? Well then, step up to the plate - Lets hear it!

Anonymous said...

It was a hell of a big award in a huge country a very large honor, none from American idol as ever gotten award like this ever that u know of. China is a huge Country and Adam doing extremely well there. I not delusional or not picking. This is a very great honor anyone does not think so is very wrong! That was that I know of. I very happy and very proud of this good man Adam Lambert way to go Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

Be careful, Sue, Kelly Clarkson has won international awards for sure.

Anonymous said...

Fellow Glamberts, I giggle, grin from ear to ear, and get choked up to realize how large the stage Adam is conquering, one country at a time. With China Music Award for Most Popular International Singer, many more people now recognize Adam for what he has become, "World Superstar".
Besides extolling his spectacular vocal and performing talents, Adam here is recognized for braving the cruelties of discrimination, as he challenges us not just to look past this orientation but to appreciate it for what makes us who we are: human beings in all of our diversity. How is this so? Whether meaning to or not, the announcer's mentioning the eyeliner, nail polish, his flamboyance--in a sense, what marks him as gay--underscores a badge of courage--for that's what it takes to wear it proudly, at times to his career's detriment, and to defend it without apology. By his example of pride and courage, Adam teaches and enlightens. The award may not have said so in so many words, but sometimes meaning is lost in translation. atm

Anonymous said...

There is so much sadness going on this week & yet some people chose to argue & be hateful on this site.Adam won so that was a big deal he won over taylor Swift,Psy,Keisha so why would any one say this was not big.Enjoy the happiness there has been so little these last few days congrats to Adam prayers go out to all of the people that are suffering.blueeyes

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Adam. The actual award looks colourful and interesting and should grace his home beautifully. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, your commenting is like soulfood, nourishing, envigourating and most of all good for the soul!
And it leaves you hungry for more... :):):)