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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen breakup on News Block MTV Russia

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Socialite Life’s Favorite Charitable Celebrities: Vote For Your Favorite - Vote for Adam Lambert!
Singer Adam Lambert has lent his support to a bevy of causes such as It Gets Better Project, The Trevor Project, charity:water - just to name a few. I thoroughly love Adam for wearing his heart on his sleeve.


Anonymous said...

I guess everyone knows the name Adam Lambert by now.

Anonymous said...

thanks NKlovesAdam just voted. The clip just looks like an informative one.

Anonymous said...

OT I am posting this even though itis ot for 2 reasons...I know a lot of you have experienced natural disatersof late...and even though I wrote this for Joplin... I thought some of you could relate to it...the other is ..I need help...A friend ask me to write something for a project that will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce...for the 2nd anniversary of the tornado...I need an honest opinion from someone who doesn't love family....I was hoping someone would read it and let me know...good or bad ...what you think...I know some of ypu don't like things like this posted I apoligize in advance...for those of you have experienced youe own monster my heart goes out to you...rose petal
It was like any other day, when spring is in the air,
We went about our lives without the slightest care.
We worked we laughed we went to church
And bowed our heads in prayer,
If someone could have told us
If we had known that day,
That monsters weren’t just make-believe
And one was on its way.
It came roaring from the west
A black and hissing thing,
It had no arms to raise a sword
Or ears to hear the screams.
Its breath was like the ocean, a fierce and churning beast,
It opened up gaping mouth then began to feast.
Its hunger was a mighty one it could not satisfy
It killed and maimed across our world
And altered all our lives
It cared not for stature
But ravaged young and old
The poor and the innocent
The haggard and the bold.
And when the monster went away what it left behind
Was a thing of nightmares, horror undefined.
Land and homes were broken
Precious lives were lost
The monster had won the day
And we had paid the cost.
Some of us were frightened, while others stood their ground
Heroes were made that day from strangers coming round.
Ordinary people who did know your name
Held your hand and dried your eyes and knew you’d do the same.
Yes we came together and all stood as one,
We saw tomorrow in the light of the setting son.
So I tell you to be thankful and cherish every day
For the monster has not died but merely gone away....rose petal

Anonymous said...

PS...alsp apoligize for spelling, as usual forgot to proof bad...rose petal

tea said...

I can't figure out of there is multiple voting per person, does anyone know? If so, how?

Anonymous said...

Now that is make a spelling mistake in your apology for a mistake...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I voted, then went out of the site and went back in and voted again. It worked. Maybe if we hit refresh we can keep voting without going completely out and going back in. I'll try later. Adam has LOTS of votes, more than the others.

rose petal, thanks for the literary efforts! You are so creative. And don't sweat the spelling too much.


Anonymous said...

Very good Rose Petal...terrific imagery!


Anonymous said...

@rose petal - I am inspired by you and your talent - no need to apologize for anything!

Anonymous said...

@9:15 Very good poem Rose Petal. Thank you for posting it. I don't live in America, but I remember the Joplin tornado.

Anonymous said...

Check out Adam Lambert Style Breakdown: What’s Right, What’s Wrong, and How to Fix It: 

Anonymous said...

Check out this article:

"She is in a very serious, fake relationship with Adam Lambert and constantly asks her husband to wear guyliner."

Anonymous said...

Q Music Madness « Q104 Cleveland Winner of Championship Round @adamlambert!

Anonymous said...

This Sun #MiamiBeachPride join @SashaGradiva @Adamlambert take down the music stage for 60k friends

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH ..KAPUT...FINI .. The Freakin End .. OK? Wonder when Adam leaving for Miami . Looking forward to different type of news .

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal........I think I mentioned this to you once before when we discussed that tornado.....but reading this gave me the shivers.....I met that monster on April 12, crushed and devoured a good part of Muskogee, Okla. when I was a ten yr. old , and I've never forgotten the horror.
The date had a double struck just about the same time we had gotten news that President Roosevelt had died, then the power went out and the noise was deafening, we were afraid and crying......for our life and since he'd been the only president in my life
i thought the country wouldn't survive
without him. My mother and I were safe, but we sat in the dark for hours before my dad could get to us. It was a terrifying experience, but nowhere close to the Joplin devastation.

So, if you need an opinion from someone who doesn't love you, an impartial judge of the merits of your composition....I think it's great........but I do think I love you a little bit! :-)

tea said...

My Yahoo! browser won't let me vote more than the once. But my msn browser let's me refresh and vote again.

Anonymous said...

love love love adam lambert-my one and opnly favorite singer-the ebst best singer in my life time.

Anonymous said...

@JAK....DRG..CT...and everyone else
Thanks for your feedback, I'm never sure if what I write is as good as my family lets on. I could write Jack and Jill went up a hill, and they would say how original and great it that's not a bad thing. But since this was for a project, that is very dear to my friend, I wanted to make sure before i gave it to her. The way I look at it doesn't matter the size of the monster, they all bite. I don't live right in Joplin so I didn't lose my house. And I wasn't at the hospital when it hit, I was home but rushed to the hopital when I heard...I should say husband was with me. At least we tried, the roads were blocked and we could'nt get close. But we were able to get a friends, She and her adult son had just dug themselves out of the rubble. Crazy thing was I'd been to her house many times, but couldn't find where had been at first.We stayed for a little while to help with what we could, but my husband is not well and I had to get him home, he was getting to where he couldn't breath. The next morning we were al told to got Memorial Hall(Mercy employees), about 10 that morning it started to rain and rain. Before it ended every creek and stream were flooded. I didn't see the hospiltal (except on tv) for 3 days you could'nt get close. I have to tell you I don't think the most gifted writer could have described what Joplin looked like when our monster left. Don't mean to drag on...OT... but thanks again I fell better about giving it to her now....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I think I love u a little bit too ... I would have given anything to have a mom like u.. but I didn't so I tried to do the next best thing... I became a mom like u...rose petal

Anonymous said...

So sauli said they hardly have time for each other?no wonder adma lambert keep singing stay- try to pursuade sauli to stay.sauli has a golden opportunity to work in fenland cannot work in usa.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli on the red carpets were a highlight. Ama's, Idol etc. Also Queen concerts and Elton John's Oscars party. Lot's of good memories.

Anonymous said...

3:13 - you are so full of bs on every thread.

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal.....JAK you've made me cry!

That's the number 1 best compliment ever!!!!! <3

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal....p.s. Actually I'm almost the right age to have been your mother...I had wanted a couple more daughters. A full house of Little Women! I have an Amy and a Beth so you would have been stuck with Jo or Meg as a name!

When I fell in love with that book at 14 it was with my whole heart, it was very similar to my mother's life story....6 sisters in her family! Since my copy wore out from re-reading so often, many years ago my husband bought me a beautiful gold leaf edged illustrated copy for my birthday. When the salesperson at bookstore asked "how old is the child you are buying it for?" He replied
"She's 58!"

Anonymous said...

Wonderful poem, Rose Petal. Thanks so much for sharing. :)

funbunn40 said...

@rose petal, Such powerful, moving words, that describe the devastation,loss, and horror of the Joplin tragedy, but at the end, strength, hope and selfless humanity. Beautiful and inspiring words. A touching account that will be meaningful not only for your friend, but for those that lived thru' it. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Rose petal .. Its creative and impactful verb, reaches its goal, transmit in poetic language, the tragic event of Joplin! leads us with a load of astonishment, through a torrent of words that speak of pain, tears and agony where the understanding enters not, to these facts of natur! Your creation will do echoes of prayer! HH