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Adam Lambert Arriving in Macau and Signing for Fans

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Thankful Adam had a safe trip he looks good after his long flight.Good luck at the Awards he is the best.blueeyes

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Fan club

Links to buy via @mmyy9: INROCK May 2013 (out April 15) is now available on CDJapan, YesAsia, HMV, Amazon, honto and Club Japan.
INROCK May 2013 on CDJapan YesAsia HMV Amazon
(Store links on Live Journal:

Anonymous said...

So Adam is conquering another territory, not bad...Adam, yea all the way to Mongolia. By the way, you already have an 'ally' there; Zhangwei your partner-in-crime is from inner Mongolia, I read. Little wonder why he could sing WWFM so powerfully; people there I heard like to sing high notes to the mountains, to hear their voice echo back. Hey try your hand at Macau jackpot but not poker, because people can read your face like the palm of their you say, nothing to hide; but in this case it's a bane not a boon. lol!


Anonymous said...

?????? whats Mongolia got to do with anything....

Anonymous said...

Lazy brain

Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Think ahead and clasp the reins
Relying heavily on someone's brain
Won't help you make it to the Mongolian plains lol!


Sure reminds me of: The rain in Spain
stays mainly in the!

Anonymous said...

Lord Dang!

Anonymous said...

Adam has trimmed down big time.
He looks beautiful.

Leilani Aloha said...

Hmmm.....anybody notice New tattoo on Adam's right wrist???

Anonymous said...

You mean the one that's been there for at least a month?

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. So gracious of Adam to autograh after such a long flight.

Anonymous said...

So glad he's there safe and sound. God, he looks thin, but in a good way. I think he feels good and is excited about the awards show. Can't wait to see how he looks on the red carpet. Clothes, hair, eyes, the works! Interesting to hear about the dancer who will perform with him. From what we've heard, Adam will be performing two songs. I hope we get some great vids of it all!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking super thin.

Anonymous said...

Adam is way too thin. He's lost the nice muscle tone he once had in his arms also. You can tell when he gets around average sized men how waif like he is. Too bad he'll never shake that fat kid image.

Anonymous said...

He does look quite thin .... but he looks happy... And sure was looking hot at pride .....rose petal

Anonymous said...

People! Just pick him apart. Are you truly fans and love Adam or do you just want to criticize. You sound like Mom's picking on their kids. He always looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Oh be quiet. If we didn't care about him, we wouldn't be concerned about his health. And being thin doesn't always mean healthy.

Anonymous said...

He looks fine on my computer. Probably our eyes got used to his more skin showing pictures in Maimi with tank tops and open shirts.

glitzylady said...

Oh good grief..Adam looks great! Perhaps we are so used to looking at heavy people any more that thin and fit looks "too" thin...I myself could stand to lose a few pounds so I'm not giving anyone a hard time, trust me...My hubby is a marathoner, has very little fat on his body and isn't all muscle-y either.. He's just fit and trim and very healthy... Assuming that Adam is healthy and happy too. :)))))))

Anonymous said...

very healthy adam lambert- his body like a male fashion model- good for him.

Anonymous said...

If he did a complete turn around and got sloppy fat and shaved his head you all would defend that also. So comical.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:05 AM

Anonymous said...

Love 'international' Adam. He is such a great ambassador for the US.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:29 a.m.

Think hard, wasn't there a way you could have rephrased that answer so that it didn't sound snarky?

Anonymous said...

Adam is probably a perfect weight for his height. His arms need toning, some curls with weights would give him bicep definition. But, maybe he doesn't want that look. The only time I ever remember him with toned arms was the Idol tour and he had "worked out" with weights for the last few weeks of Idol. Since then not a muscle in sight. But slight double chin is barely noticeable anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great, muscles or not! He got a another ratio that's great!!! Sue

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love love love that bit of more strawberry blond-ish hair showing in the more severely cut parts in back... absolutely delish!! Enjoy all ways Adam chooses to present himself at any time, anyplace, anywhere... but that shaved slightly strawberry blond thing happening right now, YUMO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lol's!

Anonymous said...

That's not the natural hair showing-it's the same dye job as the top tips.

Anonymous said...

Alright-time to stop arguing over the weight. On to the hair-lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam had nicely toned arms up till he met Sauli. Then he went crazy with the juicing and got really skinny. Then Sauli starting working out and looking more manly. Maybe that's why they broke up. Sauli was getting too ripped and not looking like a 16 yr old boy anymore.

Anonymous said...

Attention Admin, please remove that comment at 10:18 AM, it is way way over the line!! Thanks in advance for you consideration Admin.

Anonymous said...

@April 17, 2013 at 9:53 AM

9:49 here

Okay, cool. Still LOVE the look :)

Anonymous said...

@11:28:well there goes most of this forum then-lol.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:18 A.M.......oh, forget it, your comment is so dumb, it's not worth responding to.

Sigmund Fraud said...

Did you all know that psychologists make over $200 dollars an hour? In that case, Glamberts are a goldmine-lol!

daydreamin said...

Hmmm not sure how you all can tell he lost weight. He looks the same as always on my computer. Good for him if he lost some as long as he's not swinging back and forth with lots of weight gain and loss.

Anonymous said...

Love handles are pretty much gone! Face is thinner!
Plus he's showing his chest, tummy has tightened up. Thighs are slimmer. I've sketched a lot of naked men so I have a pretty good eye! Lol......but the only naked man I ever touched was my husband! Honest! ....JAK
I've led a very sheltered life!

Anonymous said...

His thighs are thinner alright. Down right skinny. Everyone used to comment on his great muscular thighs. His arms are girly now also, gone is the nice definition. Open your eyes people. His body has gotten skinny and not manly looking at all now. Guess that's the way he wants it.