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Adam Lambert Mention on E!News

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 17, 2013

VIA Jacquelyn Boulton:

Adam Lambert mentioned on E!News 4/17/13 on Hula Hooping with Kelly Osborne


Anonymous said...

who in the hell does she think she is....oh wait a minute I like her I have to get out of my arguing mode from the other thread. lol Keep up the hulahooping Adam you look great and so does kelly.

choons said...

Sauli was in Miami on Tuesday ... photo on his twitter page.

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam both people are cutie pies, yea got to get out of that mood too! Now maybe I will really go to bed are just away from here awhile! Sue

Anonymous said...

This is great tidbit, see it as such ... IMHO


Anonymous said...

@9:03 PM
I think Sauli was in Malibu not Miami or have I missed something...

Anonymous said...

This is great tidbit, see it as such ... IMHO


daydreamin said...

Sauli was in Malibu on Tuesday. Not Miami.
Click H E R E

@Anon 8:47 LOL!

Anonymous said...

He looks happy! Both are content and happy! I am glad for them! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sauli's pants, so similar to Adam's combat pants, but of course smaller... AND so much tighter, like he wants them...LOL, LOL, LOL

Anonymous said...

Sauli's heart belongs to Niko. Adam deserves more than that. Love Adam.

Anonymous said...

I echo your comments Sue - Both Adam and Sauli are content and happy - all is good!

Anonymous said...

Niko is married with his wife Sofia. So sauli's heart doesn't belong to him.

From finland

choons said...

sorry I stand corrected, Malibu it is.
thanks. apologies for changing the direction opf the thread.
Back to Adam. over and out.

Anonymous said...

Nice little mention of Adam. I bet he looks mmmmmm mmmmmmm doing the hoola hoop.