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Adam Lambert's Latest Weibo Post

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 29, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

ni Hao to you too Adam and all your Glam fans in China.

Anonymous said... hao! / you're good...zhao arn / good morning. That's right Adam, a Chinese term a day rocks your mind, up up and away! lol!
I hope Adam succeeds in building his huge China fan empire some day. Hmm Zhangwei...please help your sifu! Good for your prospects too.


daydreamin said...

Byron Cooke's latest tweet:

Byron Cooke ‏@Byroncooke 32m
Finally saw #PitchPerfect on the flight back to Australia. Loved this bit >

Anonymous said...

Love that bit too, Byron!

Anonymous said...

Adam Ni Hao:)
Wo ai ni! Love U!!!

Anonymous said... see the people here are enthusiastically helping you with your Mandarin. lol! Okay 2 more: xie xie / thank you and chai chian / goodbye. lol! Okay 2 a day is faster in achieving your goal, one, a bit slow. lol! These last two will come in handy after a terrific concert in China. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam... this will make your lovely lady or gentleman fans fall head-over-heels over you: ni hao piao liang / you are so beautiful...Okay a bit too much already. Mmm I have just increased it by one; but you are sooo smart, no problem,!


Anonymous said...

If you haven't Liked the AT&T Live Proud page, go do it now. Ask your friends to do the same, it benefits The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. AT&T will donate $1 per Like, up to a total of $50,000. There are 5,300 Likes so far. We have a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Would love to meet @alidol and thank this fan personally, who selflessly shares so much info to this fandom - and there are so many such Adam fans also on this site!
My deepest gratitude to alidol and to all Adam info sharing fans!

Hoping for more relaxed and fun times also here @AI 24/7 - we used to call this AI 24/7 Paradise, remember?

Anonymous said...

Onya (abbreviation of "good on you" - Oz speak) Byron. :-D And thanks for the heads-up, daydreamin.

Anonymous said...

So fun to see Adam weibo-ing his Chinese fans. The more he does it in Chinese, the more they'll love it! It's a fanbase that he must KEEP forever.

Been reading and hearing about Jason Collins, the pro basketball player who just came out as gay after many years in the NBA. He is getting mostly positive feedback, but there are some negatives, too. It was brave of his to come out. We'll see how the NBA and the fans ultimately accept him now. He is the first active player to come out in ALL major sports. I give him credit. BUT, Adam came out BEFORE his big fame and still became the first openly gay to get a #1 album on Billboard on a major label. Maybe someday, athletes won't be afraid to be openly gay BEFORE their big sports success.

Just one more example of Adam's courage.


Anonymous said...

wow AT&T Facebook likes up to 7.6k Please like if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

@DRG - Yes, bravo to Jason! It makes you wonder how many people are afraid to come out! Is it just me, but it seems since Adam bravely came out to the public, many more have followed! Times - they are a changing, but the haters will never go away at least not in my lifetime. Let's pray for the future
when no one has to be afraid to be who they are.

Leilani Aloha said...

Ha! Ha! Yes, Lammy, let help adam with mandarin lessons:) one phrase a day! LOL

"Adam , Ni Hern Chung Ming"
Adam, you are Brilliant" !!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the times are changing. Still too much hate but every public person who comes out makes it a little easier for the next. Looking forward to the day nobody cares what your orientation is.

Anonymous said...

That will be a long time coming. People still care what color your skin is.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I have been searching high and low for an assistant tutor; you know, I fumble a lot too; or perhaps not an assistant, you seem a worthy partner-in-crime! Yes we will Manderinise Adam! My version: ni hao chung ming / you are!


Adamluv said...

@5:56 - unfortunately you are right.

Anonymous said...

I am finding out what is like to be a minority in my country.
I have lived in my community 30 years and have watched it become a Hispanic community, my husband and I are the only non Hispanic family on our street. Friends who have fled keep asking us why we stay. I say, it's my home. I feel no animosity from my neighbors, though most of them do not speak English. Their children are noisy and beautiful and play in my yard, that's fine with me. Since my husband and I are
retired and home all day we frequently are called upon
by a child who is alone until a parent gets home from work and come to us for scraped knees or a minor accident. I clean them up and bandage them up.
My husband is helpful if asked to assist in anyway and is rewarded with dishes of fantastic food being brought to our door. As the only pale people on the street we do
not experience automatic dislike from our neighbors.

However, one thing occurred recently that stopped me in my tracks. A woman whose children I had helped many times, thanked me and very sincerely said Mrs M. you are such a nice person, I feel so bad that you and your
husband will be going to Hell when you die! I said, why are we going to Hell? She said, because you are not Catholic, but I pray for you anyway! I said, well, thanks!


Anonymous said...

You are doing exactly what Jesus wants everybody to do: Love thy neighbour as thyself; to me this is the best way to achieve eternal life of our soul with God. Jesus said: "Whatever you do to the least of me, you do it unto me." The least here means anybody, children, adults and even people you don't know. It's not easy at all. Yes we love and help our 'neighbour' but often times the self in us tends to be stronger. Somehow most Mothers and Fathers with children seem to attain this level more naturally; they often love their children more than themselves. Having said that, your friend whose children you help, may be interpreting the Bible in a very literal, a bit antiquated sense; I don't think she meant it with any malice. Continue helping to care for the children, even hers too; she might see it from a different light and you would have achieved what Jesus wants us to do.


Anonymous said...

Just to add on to my above comment; I render help whenever it's needed of me and whenever possible; the religious part is not my main focus when I have to help someone; much like what you are doing.


Anonymous said...


"Somehow most Mothers and Fathers with children seem to attain this level more naturally; they often love their children more than themselves." LOL!

Now you're really ridiculous and so narrow-minded with your interpretation of Jesus' command, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. And please, before I proceed, take your own advise. Your interpretation is twisted. Jesus said there's NO MERIT in loving those who can love you back (family and loved ones) because it is expected of us.

The merit is when you go out of your way and love those who cannot love you back or pay you back - the strangers. And to complete that second greatest commandment, Jesus asks us to love our neighbor as ourselves and even the ENEMY!

Go and help someone no matter what race, color or creed. Loving your neighbor is how you show you love God.

Anonymous said...

You have tunnel-vision syndrome or one-track mind. I have stated very clearly; show love or give help to anyone when needed, even those whom we don't know. God loves children a lot as shown in this well-known quote. Jesus said: "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not..." Suffer, meaning allow. Yes it's the parents' duty but many parents have gone astray, awry regarding this sacred duty of theirs to their children. So God will bless those who make deep sacrifices just so their children will be well brought up, educated and able to contribute back to the circle of life. It's counted because God encompasses love, be it shown to one's own or others. Charity begins at home. It's also the intention, that God looks at when one loves or helps another. Like Adam says: All is Love.


Anonymous said...


Again, you're too ridiculous, just twisting and keep twisting meaning and words. You skipped the biblical phrase what Jesus said about MERIT and proceeded to another not in the same context of loving your neighbor.

You keep spinning your own spin as if to rebut but you're simply filibustering. The worst thing, is you think you have the last word and winning, in your eyes, that is.

Loving your child is already expected and an obligation, not a MERIT why you sin if you don't. Not giving love to others or strangers is not necessarily a sin depending on the situation.

Love thy neighbor as thyself - thyself is mentioned and not as a command because it is already a given you love yourself and whatever is yours including your children.

It's your tunnel vision and single-mindedness of having to win an argument even how twisted.

Anonymous said...

Okay since you want to stress so much on merit...even if you think there's no merit in God's eyes regarding parenting because it's the parents' duty...let's take Adam as an example. He is so well brought up by his parents; you mean God doesn't give credit for that? Indirectly aren't his parents also helping those 'strangers' via Adam...millions of them through his music and strength in character instilled in him by his parents. It's a chain/domino/ pass it on, effect. View it from a long-term basis. So parents are also helping 'strangers' / people they don't know at all, through their children in later years. By the way why do you still keep tracking me, we don't agree most of the to others who see eye to eye with you. You keep pestering me with your questions which can be found in your own brain if you dig a little deeper. I think it's been quite a while, close to 2 years now. I've never approached you, in fact I try to avoid you, you remind me of a leech, won't let go. I will just say this to you if you keep pestering me with your downright obsessive, boring and quarrel-baiting questions. I'd just say: Go fly a kite!!


Anonymous said...

Tell it to the marines! I paraphrased Jesus' words about merit, it's not mine. It's so simple and yet you don't get it with your twisted logic. Come down from your high horse, TWISTER!