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Another Picture from Miami Gay Pride

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

Source: Hot Spots Magazine


Anonymous said...

I know some were questioning Adam's choice of outfits here.

I tell ya, this outfit is one artsy, gorgeous look! Very classy. Plus, he's tall and can pull it off. It really photographs beautifully, too.

He Looked Amazing!!

xo laura

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I love the outfit, and what's in it!

Anonymous said...

I adored that outfit, your right his height and posture I so envy I have a bad back, reason he looks so good on it. His cute pretty face can't hurt. Sue

Shaley said...

That open shirt & sexy chest hanging out is not helping my hot flashes...

Anonymous said...

Finally we get to see some skin!! Keep it up Adam....your so darn sexy to both men and women. Oh heck here's my name....Gini :)

Anonymous said...

damn u Adam and those hot chest shirts:) we are all better for it.

Shaley said...

@gini:yay!! Hi! *waves wildly* :-)

Anonymous said...

I think the spray on tan was like a costume and gave him the confidence to show off his chest more than he ever could before. Good for him. :)

Anonymous said...

Gasp. Pant. Tie my paws!

funbunn40 said...

Adam rocks the outfit and can wear anything with his looks and confidence. The spray tan looks so good, not too orange, just sun kissed. So gorgeous!!!

HK fan said...

If the spray tan means more chest pictures, then keep having them Adam!!!