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Finnish Glambert telling her Glamstory

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 20, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

you're right Adam is the best, and his feelings come from his heart.i'm so happy you got to meet him. i hope you will be happy.

Anonymous said...

All the Norm Kents who do not know and appreciate Adam need to see this video.

Adam has saved many lives by simply being himself and by telling discouraged young people it is okay to be different.......


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This girl is just of millions who Adam has inspired and helped and saved. Millions that he will never meet in person but who he has touched in the most profound way. I love this video. I want the whole world to see it.


Anonymous said...

Why wasn't Adam singing?

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy Adam has touched that girl's life in a positive way and helped her to realize she was important and relevant. I wish she had played Adam's beautiful version of "Stay".

Anonymous said...

From now on when Norm Kent writes an article about Adam, he's going to have to include instructions whether it is or is not okay with him that his site crash.

Anonymous said...

Aww...very emotional! Adam has that rare gift that touches people in a deep profound way. I agree, Norm Kent, the jerk, should see this video!


Anonymous said...

Others may say there are others more deserving than Adam of the recognition for advancing the cause of the LGBTQ community, belittling him for flagrantly ending up on the cover of his magazine, and being falsely honored by a distinguished award. How many of them, though, have had this said of them: that they impacted so many lives as to become a better human being; to become advocates for change themselves, or to meant so much that they saved them from oblivion?

The self-serving celebrity whose status could be milked for publicity and the big bucks is one man's idea of Adam Lambert, shared by many others. This view sells people short and insults them for being stupefied by whatever they may perceive: his charisma, uber talents, intelligence, wit, scintillating personality, or mesmerizing beauty.

This girl possibly might have been captured by all that, but more importantly beyond that, she saw the authenticity of his art and being's heart and soul, the genuineness of his love for a fellow human being, and his compassion for those persecuted for being different. It's what stayed her hand from destroying herself, and she tells her story and teaches eloquently the power of Adam's love in her life.

Note to the Norm Kents of the world: your kind of game is up, gone the way of the dinosaur. "Les jeux sont fait." atm

Anonymous said...

wow atm I hope you made a comment like that on the SFGN site.

Anonymous said...

What was the name of that song?

Anonymous said...


Jadam NZ said...

That was lovely, wish all Adams critics could see these videos.
3.47, if you aren't familiar with that song "Stay" maybe you haven't heard Adams version, Google it. It is breathtaking.

Adamluv said...

Such a simple idea - "it's ok to be different" but what a powerful message it sends. Wish all people, young and old, could hear it and know they are OK. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wima......You are SOOOOOO beautiful. Oh my god! and now we all know that you are beautiful on the inside too!!!!! Love who you are because you are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

And WILMA is just one in a million reasons that Adam should get any award. He is saving people's lives simply because of who he is. What other artist today is doing that?

Anonymous said...

Norm Kent & others like him are bullies!!! & we all have to stand together & put a STOP to ignorance!!!

Love & Acceptance is all we need!

Anonymous said...

I am, of course, happy that a message from Adam encourages young people, but, surely some of these young people have parents, friends, relatives who offer love and understanding. Encouragement and acceptance. Perhaps I'm a skeptic, but I think some of these rescue stories are possibly drama. I had extremely dramatic teens who could feign despair and be giggling on their phones in an instant.
If a child is truly desperate and a simple caring message from a celebrity makes a life changing difference I would insist it be followed with therapy.

Anonymous said...

This was very touching...TY Wilma. Adam can be that therapy, can't you all see? He can help people and he want's to do that - so that is wonderful.
Kiitos Wilma tästä, mulla oli ainakin kyyneleet silmissä, kun tätä katsoin - hyvää jatkoa sulle. t.Sara

Anonymous said...

8:50 pm

A VOICE OF REASON AND HEALTH! THANK YOU! Of course it´s wonderful what Adam does, but he also encourages people to surround you with trustworthy and loving people, who connect with you in real life. Thank you Adam for being a role model and encouraging people:)

Anonymous said...

Love to Wilma!
You brave girl, lot´s of happiness to You, M

Anonymous said...

I love you Wilma. You are a very beautiful and brave girl. You see in Adam what we all see. A beautiful man who is not afraid to be vulnerable and show us his true self. By admitting he is different and saying that it's "okay" he is including everyone in the Glamily. Adam is all about including everyone in his circle. He is all about spreading love and inner peace to all his fans. That's just one reason we adore Adam. If the haters don't get it - that's their problem. Welcome to this site where we celebrate love and peace and hope. Take Care! Love, nancdruuu2