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Full Clip of Adam Lambert at Chinese Music Awards

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

and here's the LIVE version of Adam receiving the award:


tess4ADAM said...

Tears of Love, Joy & Pride for you ADAM ... to quote Paula "Take it all in"! THIS is only ONE of your shining moments!! Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I was so lucky to have caught this whole thing live-stream this morning. Just happened to be on the computer at the right time. Adam was awesome as usual

OT: All to familiar words lately, but my thoughts and prayers to all involved in the Texas explosion


Anonymous said...

that award is so unusual, I love it.

Anonymous said...

I am from Texas we were just talking about it, the whole town just about blew up. Fortunately kids were out if school thank God that probably saved many lives some probably lost a parent or both do not know it really bad! The Texas explosion. Sue

Anonymous said...

@Sue and all effected by the tragedy in Texas, I offer my love and prayers at this terrible time. So much sadness this week to witness.
Love and Light,

Anonymous said...

Thank you 12.31 it did not affect me personally thank God, but it was awful and I very sad for those poor people! It just make it so plain we should hold dear every minute there been three big tragedies this week alone. We need to try be as happy as we can. I know I am guilty of letting certain people here get to me and its human nature, as hard as I fight it some stuff here gets to me. This is what important human life here one minute maybe not the next. Again so proud of Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

What an honor for Adam and the exposure to millions isn't bad either! As usual he looked and sounded magnificent.

My heart goes out to all the people effected by the tragedy in Texas.


Anonymous said...

This is great!!!!!!!!! From that girls reaction I don't think she knew what sing my face off means. LOL

Anonymous said...

My Hero!!!!!!!!!

World Superstarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!:)

Take it all in my dear!!!

You deserved it!!!!

Love u


Anonymous said...

So exciting that he received the award. Yes, World Superstar is correct. USA just doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Wo Aini Adam !! (is this written correctly ?? )

funbunn40 said...

So proud of Adam,a legitimate super star! As exciting as his award and Asian success, it is not as important as the news of the terrible loss of life and more injuries in Texas and the recent Boston tragedy.My heart and prayers go out to all. Treasure each moment with your loved ones.Nothing in life is certain.