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Great MTV Article: "Adam Lambert Is The Crown Prince Of Glam At The Chinese Music Awards"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

All hail Adam Lambert, the Prince of Glam!



Anonymous said...

Tres chic mon ami.......JAK

Anne Marie said...

Adam looks so much better with the tan and a lot less makeup. Looks very sauve and glamorous.

Anonymous said...

Would be beyond the realm of reality if People magazine printed this photo and a short note of his winning the award in china? ... Sigh ....I guess so. JAK :-(

Anonymous said...

I think he is showing the world that he could also be a model, as well as a singer. Love the new touch of his hand in his pocket and no gloves.

Anonymous said...

Adam is perfection. Love his look! Can you imagine this good looking man walking up to you? THUD

Anonymous said...

Another glam title so now it's Prince Glam. My favourite prince is Prince Adam Charming, used that before. I also called him, Valiant knight of the night; okay lots more. But fast forward, now he's Lord Dang; the nice 'lady-in-waiting' curtsied to him last night and got a friendly courteous kiss, she seemed stunned, like she didn't expect it from this Prince Glam riding in from the wild wild west. lol! Also, Lord Dang or Dr Glam! my latest. Hmm, handsome doctor that works wonders to deflate or inflate your blood pressure, whichever suits you better. Or execute a sifu 'surgery' which he did impromptu last night by removing the dancers not tumours. lol!


Anonymous said...

Beyond spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I agree..

I also think People should use this picture when Adam is on their cover in the "Sexiest Man Alive Issue"!

He is beyond gorgeous, I don't think there is a word in the dictionary that can describe him..


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite ever, ever, ever look of Adam and that is really saying a whole lot. Really LOVED the performance outfit too, he was looking fine! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't take a good look at the colourful doll-like award; perhaps he didn't understand what it stood for. It's a battle warrior, wearing lots of flags, probably denoting the territories conquered...appropriate award for Adam who is making conquests one territory at a time. The last territory I presume will be the wild wild west! lol! Very nice hand-crafted, costumed warrior doll...the hero/prince doll also wears a pair of long fierce 'cockroach feelers'. My Mom always took us to see this kind of ancient battle films; and I always wondered how these warriors were going to fight wearing such a lot of cumbersome regalia. lol! But I think it's to show his enemies how commanding he was with all those conquered flags on his back. As for the 'cockroach feelers' not sure' Perhaps it's a warrior status symbol or maybe for instinctively feeling his way like what a real cockroach uses it for. No, definitely not the latter. lol!


Anonymous said...

AND doesn't he look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Whoah, what a man!

Cuckoo is playing right now on the radio : ). I`ve heard it everyday in this week, and also TP and beautiful WWFM.

Love, M

Leilani Aloha said...

Distinguished Sophisticated Elegant Handsome
Lord Adam Lambert!!!

Yes Lammy nice one on the Chinese Warrior Doll Award, very appropriate for our "Gorgeous Warrior "
Adam the Conqueror :):):)
Yay! so so proud of his achievements!

Anonymous said...

M thanks for the report and it is nice just to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Leilani!
If Adam were actually to don this warrior costume, whoa! And these warriors in the Chinese opera wear high platform shoes...much like his 'Beth' song, platforms. And there may not be enough space on his back for all the territory flags he has conquered, lol! Adam should delve a little into Chinese classic theatre; it'll interest him and even inspire him. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

humorous comments at the MTV site on this article.

Anonymous said...

I think those flags and 'feelers'/whips worn by the ancient warriors/generals depicted in Chinese opera probably denote rank rather than territories; much like the stars, medals, insignias worn by present day generals.


Anonymous said...

Have been sick, just woke up and then
THIS in front of my eyes!!!

So solemnly, beautifully and statuelike HANDSOME - please don't mock me, when I say this, sometimes tears just run down my cheeks, cause this young man just moves me so deeply AND it's such a wonderful, core shaking emotion... I'm sure the golden lady in the background agrees with me, she's all stunned, too! :):):)

funbunn40 said...

@Lam-my Thankyou so much for the info on the Chinese Warrior doll. I thought it was so beautiful when i saw Adam holding it and not the usual glass, lucite or metal ones seen at award shows. Cockroaches have existed almost since time began and are practically indestructible. The huge Palmetto bugs that live in palm and banana trees in tropical climates have those long antennaes and live thru' anything. Maybe it symbolizes being indestructible.

funbunn40 said...

I also love his looks at the award show. A more natural look that is so appealing. I heard he will stay until April 21st. Hopefully to see the sights and get another Hong Kong suit. @M happy to hear that Adam is on the radio. Are you in the US? If so the radio play would be a miracle! @JAK, I'm wiyh you with People needing to put Adam on the cover.

lorraine said...

This picture with Adam on the cover of People magazine would sell out in all the supermarkets all over the U.S. in seconds!! The man is so beautiful.....

Anonymous said...

Hey funbunn!
Wow not bad, you appreciate that warrior doll award. It makes a very striking piece placed in a glass case with a light to bring out the minute details; these special dolls are done by hand because the little pieces have to be crafted, sewn delicately. About cockroaches, yea they're a bit unsightly; but like you say, indestructible...that's quite relevant as far as Adam goes, but not the unsightly bit, definitely not. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I ´m from Finland, Adam has been played on the radio since the first single : ) - more after S I think, and it continues. M

Anonymous said...

Are we all proud of him???:)

Patience and determination are paid off!!!!:)

Thanks to all the support from the real fans indeed!!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my @9:45 PM .... AGREE!! :-D And thanks for your detailed description of the Award. It looks very special in the photos of Adam holding it. It should grace his home beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Adam, looks amazing in the photo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for Adam winning the well deserved award! The picture of Adam is absolutely gorgeous! I bought Cosmopolitan ONLY because there was an itty bitty picture of Adam in the magazine - something about his hair being like Hallie Berry. For a full size picture of Adam on the cover of a magazine, I would pay anything! A face and body like his should be seen everywhere just like a voice like his should be heard everywhere! Hail to the Prince Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea good idea about, grace his home; especially that's a new home...hmm a new first international award for his new home; a befitting house-warming gift. Wow, come to think of it, Adam needs to set aside a room to display his numerous awards and this one will stand out; it's different, colourful and meaningful...glam warrior. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

JAK, I so agree with People magazine putting that pic of Adam on the cover and the sexiest man alive. That issue would break all their records for sales. REALLY! I wish they'd think of it. Hint, hint. The picture is beyond words beautiful. I'm glad to learn about the meaning of the award Adam got. I hope it is explained to him. He does appreciate things like that. Each part of the award has meaning. I also get choked up sometimes when I see a picture of Adam like this. Just classically handsome. He just looks smart, too. So glad to hear Adam is getting some radio play. Let's hope his new music will really hit the charts (with our help, of course!)


Anonymous said...

The "Prince of Glam" looks stunning and very elegant,as always.
I'm so happy for him and his successes-he surely deserves them, and a whole lot more of them.
America "WAKE UP".

Anonymous said...

So stylish,so suave, so handsome... there just aren't enough words to describe Adam in these pictures. Wow, what a way to start the morning looking at these pictures of Adam at the Chinese Music Awards. I like the hair, the less makeup and the suit and shirt he is wearing. He just gets better looking every time you see pictures of him. And I also hope that the third album gets radio play and brings him the success he so deserves in the music world.

Anonymous said...

Adam lambert-prince of glam;
Adam lambert americas prince;
in uk prince william.beutiful name PRINCE LAMBERT; ADAM LAMBERT.

Anonymous said...

Abso-f_ _ _kin-lutely stunningly beautiful and gorgeously handsome!
However, his eyes look sad... He definitely is glam, but the glitter in his eyes is missing...

Anonymous said...

Look at Adam when he smiles his eyes always light up beautifully, I have alway's admired and noticed that, quite striking it is! Adam just got a smolder going in here also quite striking! Sue

Anonymous said...

Love It!!

choons said...


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite pic of Adam so far. He really looks royal. My hubby looked at it and said looks like he could be James Bond! So happy to hear that Finland is playing lots of Adam's music,thanks you Finns you are great as well as your radio stations that actually play his music!

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:33 pm Thanks Glampal : ) M

glitzylady said...

Sorry, but I MUST say it:

Gorgeous, so handsome. And model-worthy.

Anonymous said...

So very gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

The CMA doll can also represent a celestial being/spirit/immortal; I notice it is holding a staff-like duster; that is a symbol for driving away evil, dusting the place clean of evil spirits to allow good vibes/luck to flow in. These Chinese operas dwell on supernatural themes and are staged at festivities to drive out evil and bring good luck. So the warrior or immortal whichever is your preference still suits Adam who is often called rock god! lol! He looks pretty celestial posing next to that golden sculpture. Adam winning it as his first major award is indeed an auspicious omen.


Shaley said...

So breathtakingly handsome!
It's been a fun ride with Adam and his clothing & make-up choices over the past few years, but I must say I'm so happy he's evolved into the dashingly handsome man he is today. He seems to have learned to "dress for the occasion", so to speak. Stylish and sophisticated at the appropriate times, more rawk star and carefree when doing his thing on stage;)

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley.......JAK here

It does occasionally stun the most casual jeans and tee he is a heart racing delight....but when he appears dressed for formal occasions....his natural good looks are revved up to a point where it takes your breath away.

He is a sight to behold!!! ^o^.......\o/......<3

Shaley said...

So true;)
My hubby caught me google eying one of the red carpet pics, so I just had to show him:p His reaction was "nice jawline". :-) Even straight men can't help but recognize his beauty!

Anonymous said...

I think my heart had a few extra beats after looking at the "stylishly handsome" Adam Lambert in this suit. He knows how to dress to impress for this special awards show. He just gets better looking each time we see another picture of him looking so stylish and sophisticated. He could walk down any runway for a top designer and sell whatever he was wearing. I just love this look on him and hope we see it more often.

Anonymous said...

Such a perfectly gorgeous man in this pic! However I long for his HAPPY SMILEY EYES...

tess4ADAM said...

Such a complete PLEASURE to read all these GREAT comments on this thread ... the BEST in such a long time. ADAM's beauty seems to make him stand out from the background in this pic ... so dashing & chic ... LOVE this pic ABOVE all others ... must add it to my collection .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

hey gang ... I would bet the farm that Adam will continue to go quite left of center here and there for the more "mainstream" events/appearances ... Who knows, but just a feeling after following him for so long... So I wouldn't hold your breath for Adam to be the poster boy for Emily Post Proper and appropriate dressing!! And that's part of why I love him sooooo much when not talking about his talent. I only want to sit back and enjoy the ride and take in how he chooses to present himself whenever and however. I am not a troll but rather an UBER FAN who enjoys allowing Adam to be exactly who he is deep at his core, Just my opinion there.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:25pm
Threads keep changing so fast... wish more peeps could have read your post!
Re Adam I totally think (and feel) like you!