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Hot and Sexy Adam Lambert Collage!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013

VIA MonikaLambert81


choons said...

very huggable boy!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yep! yep! Yep! Adam one sexy beast!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is perfection!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has unbelievable great posture! His parents taught him right to stand straight. Makes him always look so confident and gorgeous!Oh and all this wonderful skin we are seeing from Miami!

Magiclady said...

I agree about his posture, he always looks striking when walking, or doing most anything else...

Anonymous said...

Lovely, confident, proud man! YUM!!!!
Beautiful shoulders and arms, etc....

Anonymous said...

I tell you what he was looking mighty fine in Miami, sun kissed skin, highlights in the hair, the open shirts, showing him in black and gray too..One sexy, adorable, handsome man!


Anonymous said...

Love this collage of handsome tanned Adam letting some skin show! Yeah!! So sexy and confident looking. :)

Anonymous said...

Total agreement with all above comments! More Chestbert please! Love those broad, strong shoulders WOW!


Anonymous said...

Those lips are just unbelievably appealing.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I am really disappointed, shocked and yes, ashamed of all of you....all these comments about the wonders that nature bestowed on Adam. Nary a one about his charm, wit, magical voice....tsk tsk.... Carrying on about his lips, his perfection, the thoughts of hugging him, the exposure of skin, beautiful shoulders, arms, ch ch ch chest,
referring to him as I quote "one sexy beast".....(I'll be back to finish my scolding as soon as I get a towel for this drool problem I'm having).........^o^

Magiclady said...


Jadam NZ said...

Yep, JAKs on form to day. That was classic. Love Ya.

Anonymous said...

Sexy beast indeed

Anonymous said...

That dayum mouth

Anonymous said...


coloforadam said...

He just gets better.....and better....and ......


I'm at a loss for words. NO ONE else on this planet can do that..Every GD time!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK very funny, think we could use a laugh. Really honestly tho it that all you people care about is Adam's good looks I never even noticed how thick his hair is, what a sexy smile he has,beautiful teeth, straight shoulder's, hot Looooong legs, that chest those lips, oh never mine!!!! Sue

Adamluv said...

I agree with @MB - dayum!! And @JAK - LOL! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

JAK more scolding, I see it isn't going to do any good. I'm just dropping in for a quick, before I go to sleep, look at the photo collage again!

Some of you may remember my mentioning the fact that I can often "program" my dreams......wish me luck, I'm planning on sweet dreams tonight!

Anonymous said...

I especially like counting the freckles on his gorgeous lips on those close up shots.

funbunn40 said...

Yes,JAK, So much superficiality and attention paid to Adam's physical attributes instead of his artistic ability, tsk, tsk. Now where is that video with the lace up leather pants and Details mag shoot?

Anonymous said...

{{{HOT!!!}}} .... and that's just his voice .... haha!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blimey!! The Miami pics are beyond HYPNOTIC!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....well, it worked.....I did dream about Adam, but he was one of my pupils at Univ. of Fla. and I was teaching
English Lit.

Self hypnosis has it's limits! At least that's what neurologist said when I had my head examined 60 years ago! ^o^