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Latest Adam Lambert Tweets and Retweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 03, 2013


funbunn40 said...

OT.. Adam was briefly mentioned on TMZ tonight in reference to Vanilla Ice starting the fashion trends for hip hop artists. They were talking about Vanilla Ice's new hairdo with a light streak on top. Actually it seems more like Adam started the trend. He's usually the one that's the most fashion forward ahead of the pack.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I read some well known Tommycrays' twitter convos and Ashtrays and Heartbreaks = Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes the Robin Thicke video,yes I can see him singing with all those gorgeous naked women walking back and forth. He's a swinging, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be checking them all out tonight. Miley is my girl and Snoop is pretty good too.

Anonymous said...

My official reviews.....NO .... NO ... NO

#1......if the girls are semi naked guys don't get to be fully dressed.....discrimination....+......Don't like Thicke

#2.....daft punk synth is not music it's noise

#3.....Just more noise to me, if you can't hum it's not music.

be kind......keep in mind......I'm from a generation who
remembers REAL ..aka "old and cranky"

Anonymous said...

Not many have retweeted the Thicke video. Not interested.

Anonymous said...

Phillip Phillips? You've got to be kidding. Well, he does have fans. Let's work hard to get this job done, Glamberts! Vote, vote, vote!

go vote for Adam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam finds these polls important. I'm not on twitter and therefore am not seeking recognition or visibility, but Adam usually answers the crays who mostly do not vote for him. Maybe he is just unlucky when he chooses to answer or compliment someone on twitter. Like when he said to the girl who took a pic with him at the traffic lights, that she was adorable, and then later on it turned out that she supports the homophobic chicken restaurant.

Shiggles said...

JAK you took the words literally out of my mouth except that I'm Old and Creaky. :)))

Anonymous said...

6:14 I don't know many homophobic chickens, but it is obvious that she supports Adam and that's always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

@6:21 Yea, I suppose things have changed and Chick fil A is acceptable now. Glaad approves.

Anonymous said...

thicke video it too much-what is this burlesque-omg-almst like a porno music-song. NOT INTERESTED EITHER.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of a homophobic chicken, but I have observed first hand a lot of rooster on rooster action. Very passionate, but brief...^o^

Anonymous said... grandmother chastised them immediately, whacked them with a fly swatter. It only postponed the inevitable! Que sera sera !

Anonymous said...

Nile did some collab with Daft Punk on this album so be on the look out for it.

Anonymous said...

The Thicke song is OK but the clip is meh, especially the big dick part. I suppose the naked ones have been added for "interest" i.e. whatever sells.

Anonymous said...

Thet Thicke-shtick sounds better than it looks and that's not by much.

Anonymous said...

Did Adam really post the Thicke video??

Anonymous said...

Don't like the Thicke video at all and I agree with you @JAK.

Anonymous said...

It wrong for you to be showing naked video of nude women for children to watch,,,, ROBIN THICKE ft T.I & PHARRELL "Blurred Lines" - NAKED SCENES ,,,, I'm let the police know what kind of sick person you are. Do porn on your time,,,, not are time. You are very sick.

Anonymous said...

Well, I liked it...

Anonymous said...
