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MetroNOW’s Top 10 Potential New Partners for Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 09, 2013

According to MetroNOW, here are the Top 10 people that Adam Lambert should date!

Dustin Lance Black
Christopher Rice
Chris Colfer
Gideon Glick
Mo Rocca
Davey Wavey
Alexander Wang
Ryan Steele
Eli Lieb

Dustin Lance Black tweeted in response to this story:

Source: MetroNOW


Anonymous said...

LOL, poor Adam. First people get involved in his breakup, now they are going to be involved in who they think he should date. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yup...very tacky!

Anonymous said...

Don't be so serious. I'm laughing Tommy is not on that list. How could he.

Anonymous said...

how come my list would be completely different?

good gawd ya'll let him enjoy being single, maybe he doesnt want to date.

or he may shock us, completely

Anonymous said...

I didnt see Kesha

Anonymous said...

I mean how could they leave Tommy out. Someone should tell them he's Adam's guitarist and his true love.

Anonymous said...

Let the poor guy have a few years of peace, and being single. He doesn't have time for a partner right now, I think he made that abundently clear.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Seacrest either.

Anonymous said...

Seacrest is very busy. That would not work out. Tommy is not so busy, lol.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how Adam is reacting to this? LOL!

Anonymous said...

LOL, the list is from a magazine that wouldn't be in on all the fandom jokes and cray talk.

Anonymous said...

WHY? is my only question about this ridiculous post. This type of article cheapens Adam's real contribution to the music industry and philanthropic activities. G...dd.m it, he's a real artist, a real person with real feelings, like everybody else. Talk about his upcoming events, CD, shows, etc.

Anonymous said...

Give me a fucking break! Ridiculous that Admin even posted this article!!

Anonymous said...

Dang!! I don't see any of our names on the list ....well it doesn't hurt to dream petal

Anonymous said...

Markus Molinari should definitely be on the list.

Anonymous said...

I have an ideal partner for Adam, but he is not on that list. He is someone Adam knows. I am not going to be tacky and mention his name, but will just wait and see what happens. I think Adam is more grounded when he has love in his life.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on and tell us who you think he should date. I'd say go back to his first love, Brad - but I heard he has a boyfriend now. Too bad

Anonymous said...

I see, Katy Perry and John Mayer split too earlier. The reason is surprise surprise " was nothing but their respectively busy schedules that led to the demise of their love". That's from PH site. Sorry, but not sorry, I still don't hate PH.

Anonymous said...

What about Cassidy.

Anonymous said...

Cassidy is a loser

Anonymous said...

He is the Rock God indeed!!!

That's why the world is shaking up!!!:)

People are crazy about him and it's a good sign:)))))

Keep on talking......


Anonymous said...

Is Jake Shears single. Adam kissed him and they had fun at Gaga's birthday party. Too much fun..

Anonymous said...

1:13 PM

Adam's reaction? He will run back to Sauli. If only he can make Sauli take him back. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli were just fine together, UNTIL their careers tore them apart.It really came to a head when Sauli got a golden opportunity for a faboulous chance to be on Finnish television. When would they ever be together. I am sure they had long talks about it, and Adam would not want Sauli to lose a chance of a lifetime. If Sauli's new job was in the USA, they might have had a chance, but that is inpossible, since he cannot work here. I hope they both find happiness without anyone trying to help them out. They are both gorgous looking men, who will have no problem finding someone themselves, in due time.

Anonymous said...

Sauli think they dont have time for each other?and he has a golden oportunity to work?no wonder adma lambert keep singing stay(for suali perhaps)get back together. anyway sauli cnanot work her ein the usa;sauli cnanot give adma lambert a biological child.

Anonymous said...

Now that they are both free and single then why not go on a date with each other? E.g. when they accidentally meet in Las Vegas?

BTW does anyone know if they still live together? Where's Sauli staying at the moment? With somebody or has he got a flat? And where?

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny. What is the matter that no one here has a sense of humor? This is just for fun, for crying out loud.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is already in Las Vegas, and Adam is on his way to Miami. I see nothing wrong with them dating once in a while, But I don't think their paths will cross very often.

Anonymous said...

larer on sauli is going back to finland his birthplace and do his thing- adam lamabert travelling usa and outsdie suali prepare to leave adam bec. he has his own new job now.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam moves on with his career and is happy. I don't know most of the guys (I assume they are guys) you mentioned, but we just want his happiness. Funny someone said Kesha. She'd probably hang out with Adam for a while....not too good for Adam. Be happy Adam!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 1.30... yeah right ? let's put ourselves on the list for a rebound love with Adam....

And as for Chris Colfer (Kurt in Glee)... let him enjoy his youth... I thought he already has a boyfriend. But I would love some more collaboration between those two... Hoping for a guestrole of Adam on Glee....

Anonymous said...

@5.52 Kesha was a very good student in high school and her environment was wondering why she did not continue studying in university.. Kesha gets along very well with Adam, so I think they can be fun friends ...and have a smooch once in a while...

Anonymous said...

she's back with the biological child shit - 3:09

Anonymous said...

This subject is pathetic and insulting to Adam. Adam is more than capable of finding his own boyfriend if that's what he wants to do. The media are exploiting the Adam and Sauli break-up for all its worth and there are people who are wallowing in it. If people really love Adam, how about showing some respect for him.

Anonymous said...

This has to be some of the wackiest comments ever. WTAF?

Anonymous said...

For some reason I lost any hope that Adam has any carrier anymore.I hope he will find love of his life until he has enough money for it.

funbunn40 said...

@ Glitzylady, Sign me up as Adam's personal chef! I can cook anything and just bought a Magic Bullet to pulverize veggies! I also clean as I go, so no extra cleaning for you!...@1:20PM,As insensitive as this "Partners for Adam "blog is I don't think it will devastate either one of them, as they have seen and heard it all, most things far worse and hurtful. They'll file it in the "Stupid basket"and not give it the time of day. When I first started following Adam I was shocked at the insensitivity and insulting things on the internet. Now I consider the source and how it reflects on the blogger instead of how it reflects on Sauli or Adam. I think Adam and Sauli realize their long, separations are interfering with giving their relationship the attention it needs and for each of them their careers are going to keep them so focused and busy. They may be better off not only without each other, but in any committed relationship now. It's easy to become disconnected with long absences from a partner. I'm also wondering if Sauli has already moved out. They may have disagreed on the decor for the new place and Adam would want to decorate it his way. haha Kidding

Anonymous said...

It was a mutual, unless you rather believe your own fantasies and I believe you do, opposed to the truth.i do not believe at this point Adam wants SK back at all, it as run its course and the romance is over for now anyways. He still loves him for a friend and they will be together from time to time, with friends ect. The constant stabs stabs at Adam are boring and absurd. When will it sink in that it is Adams site. No I din's hate SK stop playing that card, you make some people not want hear about him because of all the unfair lies about Adam. It's over,done finished, for now and maybe always. They are friend and will hang out with each other from time to time. They both are fine with it and are being very mature about it why can't some of you follow suit. Sue

Anonymous said...

Darn, think of the music and not who you can hitch Adam with. Yep, it's a trival sicko jest but deep down it's 'tacky', especially when it applies to Adam who is one classy intelligent talented beautifully spirited guy. It's all back to the homophobic underline
which I hold zero tolerance to. How dare anyone undermind and insult the Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is filming his show in the US & is doing it as of now!

Anonymous said...

Y'all taking this to seriously. To bad Matt Bomer is taken.

HK fan said...

Chris Colfer NO, Mika NO....

Have no idea who any of the others are!!

glitzylady said...

I agree: the article is just a bit of fluff but keeps Adam in the celeb news.. Adam would probably just laugh.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Chris G is way too nice. Adam's bf need to be more rough. Adam would wipe the floor with Chris.

Anonymous said...

If we must indulge in matchmaking, let's find a gay really talented kick-ass songwriter for adam's new beau! :-). JAK

Anonymous said...

"Adam would wipe the floor with Chris". Whoaaaaa! - now I've heard
everything! There must be a full moon somewhere!....nancdruuu2