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Miami Beach Gay Pride FULL Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 13, 2013

VIA Route7Productions1:

Kyle Collins does a full interview with Adam Lambert for Miami Beach Gay Pride.


Anonymous said...

Nice to be able to finally HEAR this interview. Funny that Adam wouldn't take off his sunglasses, since he'd had a late night. His hair in the back is really short and even looks like some of his natural strawberry blonde is showing. A new look perhaps? He's sure looking good!

coloforadam said...

My favorite 17:41 seconds of the week!! What a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

That settled the tan question I heard him say he got a spray tan before he came, it looks great and I believe hopefully that's harmless, never had one. However my youngest daughter gets them. When I feel ok sometimes I use tan towels from HSN shopping channel, they work good very natural looking. He looked great with that color. Sue

Anonymous said...

Interested to see what the performance is like. No band, no back up singers, only dancers. Means he must be singing to backing tracks. Understand now why he mentioned in an interview he would be "LIVE singing on Sunday". Hope there's good vids available.

leilani Aloha said...

Wow! Adam looks great! Glowing skin!!!
Miaimi Vice Look!:)

Rest of band may just show up tomorrow for the Live Performance!

Anonymous said...

wow he just doesn't want to talk about a new album does he? I wonder what is going on. Maybe Jamie wasn't suppose to tweet that stuff the other day.

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's golden glam modern, matches his golden strands of hair and goes well with his black outfit and tan. I'd probably like the organic songs a lot; Adam singing with minimal background music or just piano or guitar. Sounds a mix of ballads, dance/pop etc. on the cards. Maybe include a couple covers, like 'I Dream A Dream'.


Anonymous said...

What's amazing to me is that Adam is always sooo comfortable during interviews...ready with his answers immediately whether he intends to give the interviewer the answer he would like to hear or not. Adam sticks to his guns for sure. A real pro.


Anonymous said...

Adam looked gorgeous today. Great interview!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a lovely long interview. Adam's new "hairdo" and the gold sunnies!!!!!! O^O Sooooooo cool and just the right accessories for a mammoth hangover!!!!!!! :-D

daydreamin said...

Another great haircut Adam! I have my favorite but anything looks great on him...well, just about anything:)

Anonymous said...

So. Florida NBC 6 reported this press conference. Read & watch the embedded video:

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will be featured on AI where are they now? They have been featuring the performers after their performances.Someone said he was being filmed by AI in Asia but that could be for the China AI.

Anonymous said...

Pics. Video and report about this morning press conference:

Anonymous said...

Another well written article with cute picture of Adam:

Anonymous said...

Adam is always great in all interviews; a lot of practise helps also! I wish his 2nd album would have been a better success; after being present at his Helsinki concert I realised, how important it is for a singer to be able to afford big screens, professional sound control ++ at the concerts, only the hardcore fans close to the stage were able to fully enjoy the concert, us having remote seats it was partly a dissappointment, I wish him success with the album no 3!

Anonymous said...

11:23 link is very interesting it covers his bling and clothes.

Anonymous said...

One fan tweets her recap at the press conference:

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at the interviewers short pants.I am going to the Pittsburgh pride festival I hope it is as busy as this one.The concert itself you have to pay for which I don't mind at all. Can't wait!! It will be the5th time I will have seen Adam.One AI, three GNT and now this TP theme. woots. See y'all there.

Anonymous said...

12:24 I'll see your three GNT's and AI and raise you two casinos. lol

Anonymous said...

Love the interviewer when he was trying to get more info about the "new album".... Seems that the people were more interested to take pictures of Adam, than to interview him...

Nice interview though.

Anonymous said...

@11:43 PM
I was in Helsinki-concert too and agree totally. I heard many people saying and read somewhere that there should have been screens. Many were disappointed and said he was bald and thought also that he did not sing all high notes by himself but had to get help from the back up singers. Could that be due to the sound systems?

I don't know. I was quite back and was fortunate to know all his songs and had seen the live streams and knew what to expect. And danced and sung and waved with him. If I had been some random fan, I would not had been so thrilled. So that was not the best possible PR-situation for him.

Anonymous said...

There weren't that many people at the interview? Just journalists?

Virtually no questions from the audience...

Anonymous said...

The most important to me is hearing him sing live!!!:)

Screen or not I just imagine him singing in front of me!!!!:)

No complaint at all.....

He is the whole package and I'm definitely in love with his unbelievable talent....


Pan said...

What about you, dear, let's forget the "many..." thing, you were there, besides not having screens, does the hall have also sound problems? So big problems that poor Adam , the singer who can cover 4 octaves has to be "helped" by his 2 Maria Callases to hardly reach the high notes?
What about listening to those songs again and when you finally figure out which is/are they, come back and we'll have a serious and as intelligent as we can discussion! Waaaiting!
Lam-my, dear, I haven't forgotten you, it's just harder and harder for me to come here and face so much hypocrisy and irrationality!

Anonymous said...

I thought that the band is with him in Miami?

Anonymous said...

Adam speaks and thunder roars!!!!!
Loved the interview and the venue.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Lovin you from Oz ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Pan dear!
I know, you never forget me and I appreciate your parachuting down for a hi! every now and then. I'm looking forward to Adam's "organic" songs sung with his organic voice! I heard it's 3 1/2 octave, some say 5! So your 4 is a pretty safe bet. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Heard on AO that he'll be singing four songs and two encores. This was never meant to be a full-set show with the whole band, etc. Just Adam and the dancers and recorded back-up music. That's fine with me. It will sound great! I never assumed this wold be a full-out show with the whole band. His interview was very good. Actually, about AI, he never said absolutely NO for AI, but it doesn't sound likely. I wish he be on and sing SOMETHING from TP. Most of the viewing audience have never heard even one song from that incredible album. Oh, well. Next year.


Anonymous said...

Somethings coming . .haven't started thinking about new CD . .hmmmmmmmmmmm . what's up with that . . .
Adam's doen't like to lie so he said he could not talk about it. . .Hope all is OK.

Anonymous said...

Adam sang Never Close Our Eyes on Idol last year.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Adam didn't have any hits on this album. It got so many excellent reviews.

Anonymous said...

In the articale in the Miami paper it said he would be there with 17 people, his band, backup singers and dancers.

Anonymous said...

5:53, You're right! I forgot. He did sing NCOE on AI last year!

6:19, I heard that at the Pittsburgh Pride event on June 15, he'll be there with the whole band, etc. But not in the Miami event. It will be great anyway!


Anonymous said...


I have been away for over a week and I'm trying to catch up with all news concerning Adam. What were you referring to regarding Jamie's tweet about the album. I'm wondering because I thought Adam's answer was strange when he was asked about his next album in this interview.


Anonymous said...

Adam sounds fabulous with or without a band. I've heard him sing with a backing tape & he sounded fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I am in the group that thinks distancing from AI is a good one, esp if they decided not to have Adam judge, and then if they want to have him come back and sing to up viewership? have not watched the show at all, but there are more impt things than being on AI to do. (and yes, agree w/ whoever said he sang NCOE last year and it did not 'take off' after that. Wish singles Adam had co-written were the ones that were put up first

Anonymous said...

It cost mucho dollars to take the band everywhere.

Anonymous said...

@8:53 I loved your 'strawberry blonde' mention. So much better than the 'ginger' reference I read recently. (Somehow I reckon Robert Redford would'nt have enjoyed being called 'ginger' and yet his hair color was so similar to Adams).

Anonymous said...

To all you people wondering why his songs from Trespassing never "took off" in the US, it's extremely plain and simple: Blame it on the US radios for NOT playing them. All the songs that are charting are being played ad nauseum on radio. And THAT's why they are charting. Plain and simple. The US may be more open when it comes to equal rights for LGBT than other countries, but certainly NOT when it comes to radio playing. Adam's music is being played in east European countries as well as in Asia and Adam is extremely well loved in those countries. It's just a matter of radio playing guys, plain and simple, really.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe it is the performers responsibility to have a wide screen, abroad they usually always have them! I remember people saying I cannot believe an arena that big does not have a screen! That was Finland's fault and you also should have had a sound system to carry all through the arena. Adam has a huge voice, if you could not hear it your sound system has real problems. Stop blaming the singer for your problems, funny these are the only two u have heard so far, complain here. Adam said on another interview, one interview there why does not want talk about album he said he does not want to let car out if the bag. On this one I believe he said, I haven't recorded anything yet working on stuff, maybe when u record some I may be willing to talk some about it. When asked he had not toured much here he said you guys need to buy more albums just being honest. After that he said we are laying out a blue print and trying to figure it all out, about the album. In other words he trying to get a formula that works, was talking about what was on radio now had changed! Stop worrying about he already said a new album coming and new recordings right now he at the figuring it all out stage although he said he knew what direction it was going in, but he will try out many things are what he thinks works! He had good success abroad with trespassing, but he wants American success too. Telling you he gonna say very little about that album until he way into the recording part of it. Last album he was much same way this ones gonna be even more so he trying to figure it all out. I do not believe anything wrong he just not talking about it very little until its way into the process, as he even stated until he starts recording and probably way into that as he stated! I just gonna let him work on it, he stated he laid out the blue prints for the album and figuring it all out. There was also another sing writer a week ago said could not wait to start writing with Adam! That Jamie guy was probably working with him on what direction some songs should take! He was closed mouth about the other one but this one will be even more so, as he stated does not want to let the cat out if the bag. Doing a new album not just having someone Artie for you, is a lot if nerve racking work! Bit al gum and games at all. Sorry for mistakes and long one Sue! Gonna listen to his great music hour not worry about new album, will know more about it in time.there will be one!!

Anonymous said...

You do realize you repeat yourself again and again in same comment.

coloforadam said...

(I of course meant best "MINUTES" in comment #2) Thanks for not ranting on me!!! lol coloforadam

Anonymous said...

That looks like the most uncomfortable sofa/couch I've ever seen!