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New Adam Lambert Baby Photos?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This collage of Adam Lambert next to pictures of a baby are making the rounds on Twitter.

The title of the tweet is "All habits come from childhood".

So, is the baby in the collage Adam Lambert?

Is the baby Adam Lambert? free polls 


Anonymous said...

I don't think it is meant to be. The post just says" all habits come from childhood". It's cute wether it is Adam or not

Anonymous said...

i saw this pic this morning. i was a bit confused as well.

the baby definitely looks like adam but why haven't we seen this picture before if it is adam?

Anonymous said...

Don't think the baby is Adam.

Anonymous said...

Naw, not Adam. Not believable after all this time has passed. Someone is showing off their sweetie by putting a hat on their baby to look like Adam.

Anonymous said...

not sure,but very cute!!?????

Anonymous said...

As long as the photos are cute!!:)

What the heck!!:)

Just show anything that will give us satisfaction indeed!:)

Rock on!!!


tess4ADAM said...

I LOVE these pics much better than some of the others that have been showing up on this site. ADAM looks Gorgeous & BB (ADAM or not) is a Sweetie. THANX for the post. Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Adamluv said...

Voted "no".

Anonymous said...

Who is bigger Mr. Bigger or Mr. Bigger's baby?

The baby is just a little Bigger.

Anonymous said...

cute baby photosof adam lambert -adam fond of hats.wearing a hat.

Anonymous said...

cute baby, not Adam