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New Adam Lambert Tweet and Picture: "Glamiami"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Whoa Adam, this is my favourite glam chic aerating singlet and studded shorts. You sure look sexy sexy handsome...hmm! Hey China girls get ready for the return of your beau! Oooh-la-la!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love him like this. A big sweetie pie.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so hot and sexy in his shorts! You can have him on loan, but you must return him to us China girls so don't get too cozy with him!
(Just kidding!haha)...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam, aren't your feet hot? Where are your sandals?

JAK here...I have my DELL-A back, she is through "hibernating" ????

The Miami Beach Pride looked mah - va - lous !!!
Adam looked yummy and relaxed. Crowd looked happy but overwhelming.....not my cup of tea! Crowd Phobia!

News from Boston heart wrenching, more innocents suffering for senseless hatred. So grateful our Glamily family members are safe. it's very unsettling to accept the fact that there is no place to be safe from man made tragedy much less nature's force and upheavals.

Anonymous said...

At first it looks like he's all alone walking incognito, but good to see Adam has security with him... (same thing in the golf car pic, a thread up)

Anonymous said...

LOL he does love those shorts.

I loved the gold mirrored sunglasses. Hope we see those again.

Anonymous said...

OT....cannot believe the insensitivity of j.Beiber's remark
Written in the visitors book at Anne Franks memorial in Amsterdam. Doesn't he have any common sense? He's not that young!

Anonymous said...

...meant to say colf cart - sorry for typo

Aren't those shoes the Roman type sandals (can't enlarge the pic right now)... :)

Anonymous said...

That's what we thought when we heard what he wrote .....really
Adam looking fine as always .... I to am glad all are all safe...
And very thankful for our Adam.... somehow he makes this crazy world we live seem a little better....rose petal

Anonymous said...

What did Biebs say?

Anonymous said...

Bieber wrote in the visitors' book that he though she was a great person and maybe she would have been a "belieber." I don't think he meant anything disrespectful by it. He was just thinking of her as a young teenage girl who likely would have been a fan. And maybe she would have. I'm not condemning Biebs for this. He didn't intend it to be mean-spirited IMO.


Anonymous said...

very very love the look

Anonymous said...

@ 8:07. JAK here....maybe so, I can't see them well enough.......but if so, ankle high wouldn't be very cool, especially leather sandals! Miami is pretty hot.

Speaking of hot, I'm sure the shorts helped capture some ocean breezes!

Anonymous said...

8:01 and 8:30
Beiber had just finished touring her home and inside her room she had pictures of her "idols" on the wall, much like celeb posters of today. It's not a stretch for a 19 year old to think "hey, maybe she'd have one of my posters on her wall too". He was being disrespectful. he was being a young adult; one who sadly has to live under a microscope.The media likes to take bits and pieces of stories and use them to inflame...once again, it looks like they did a great job creating BS anger and hatred.

Anonymous said...

8:01 and 8:30
Beiber had just finished touring her home and inside her room she had pictures of her "idols" on the wall, much like celeb posters of today. It's not a stretch for a 19 year old to think "hey, maybe she'd have one of my posters on her wall too". He wasn't being disrespectful. he was being a young adult; one who sadly has to live under a microscope.The media likes to take bits and pieces of stories and use them to inflame...once again, it looks like they did a great job creating BS anger and hatred.

Anonymous said...

8:01 and 8:30
Beiber had just finished touring her home and inside her room she had pictures of her "idols" on the wall, much like celeb posters of today. It's not a stretch for a 19 year old to think "hey, maybe she'd have one of my posters on her wall too". He wasn't being disrespectful. He was being a young adult; one who sadly has to live under a microscope.The media likes to take bits and pieces of stories and use them to inflame...once again, it looks like they did a great job creating a level of anger and hatred towards this young man from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

@8:01 ... that doesn't explain what he wrote on all the other memorial visitors books ... the Alamo .. Vietnam ... Ford theater .. UNKNOWN Soldier .. check all those out ... some of his remarks were ALL about himself. He's old enough to know better ... JMO

Anonymous said...

I didn't find his remarks insulting maybe just a little immature. He thought she was a great person just like his fans are. JMO

Afamluv said...

What made his remark so insensitive is that he made it all about himself. The LA district attorney as we speak is considering charging him for the physical assault on his neighbor who made the mistake of confronting him about driving over 100 miles an hour in the neighborhood where he lives. Also a couple times threatening to beat up someone only to have his bodyguards restrain him. Maybe since so much of this happens here in LA we hear about it. He has become a little punk rapper wannabe in recent years. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam raised the temperature in Miami by several degrees to make it even hotter with those studded shorts and shirt. He did look sexy and so usual. Amid all the tragedy in Boston, it is a nice break to come here and look at some great pictures of one of my favorites. And as far as Bieber, he is an immature, self-centered young man who needs to have stayed in school and learned some history lessons or at least have someone around him to provide a bit more support and guidance. You know that saying "Open mouth, insert foot". Well, he has done it more than once and you can't keep excusing it because of his age. But in today's society no one takes the blame for anything anymore and it just shows the lack of knowledge and learning some of the young people today possess.

Anonymous said...

This is rose petal....8:30....I can see your point .... but my husband and I felt it was a little off... Our reasoning was that she could have been so many things including a fan of someone like JB... but it was not to be ....her story is a very tragic one.... and we felt it should have been more about her and not about him ...and his fandom....but what the hell do we know... I've nothing against JB....but agree he should have a little more guidance.... and maybe a tour of the camp where she died.... JMO

Anonymous said...

Bieber's a weasel. He now has his name in history along side Anne Frank and everyone who sees his name will remember him.

Anonymous said...

Please take this bieber stuff where it belongs, nothing to do with Adam fan site!

(imo his name should not even be mentioned anywhere near Adam's, Adam is in a totally different league)

Anonymous said...

Well said and how right u r ...I'm done with JB... just stating point of view ....done now thanks for reality check... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I've signed one of those pages in Amsterdam and read many of the previous entries, his was way out of line, particularly after he'd taken the tour.