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New Adam Lambert Tweets

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adore him for always just being himself! He's the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam! You are real, honest, and live your life by being who you are. Millions love you for it. You are an example of shinning lamp for those who look up to you.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lmabert.......such class!


Anonymous said...

Total class! He is just a phenomenal human being in every way! I adore him, always and forever! A very rare soul!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam totally deserves this award! So happy for him! I don't get his first tweet. Can anyone explain it to me!


lorraine said...

Like so many of us have said repeatedly, this man we love and admire so much ,was raised well. Adam knows how to stay above all the ugliness- and spreads his light and love throughout the world.It's no wonder his voice, his persona and his very being transcend language barriers, cultures, genders, political agendas and all the rest...he's simply a beautiful soul.

Anonymous said...

who's the playa he's callin' out in the tweet? I say don't hate the playa who can play harder.

Anonymous said...

The only way I have ever heard that statement is " Don't hate the sinner , just hate the sin". He probably has another meaning. Unless he was referring to all the comments about him in yesterdays twitter. About whether he should have received the GLAAD award. Meaning don't hate him for getting the award, just hate the way that the game is played . usually quite political, as in most awards. (like the grammys) He did not ask for the award, but what could he do? cause huge problems with the GLAAD people? They have already thought that he hasn't always backed them, thinking more about his own career, and not represent them politically.

daydreamin said...

Good point 5:02. You might have something there...

Anonymous said...

don't play the player that can play better than you.

Anonymous said...

Adam always so perceptive! Congrats too for the award. China loves Adam! His gay and proud, intelligent, outstandingly talented
and class to the max. Beautiful man! Long Dang indeed.

Anonymous said...

Of course Adams's referring to that comment. He doesn't need to go into detail. Short and sweet and beautifully said in response.
Now moving on.

Anonymous said...

Love the moniker......Lord Dang. Oh dear, my imagination is in overdrive!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have a different slant on the tweet. I first read it I immediately thought of the publisher we lambasted. I think he may have meant hate the publishing game that gets in ugly digs to get readers and controversy. Hate the nature of the business that feeds off celebrities.

Anonymous said...

Dont hate the sinner, hate the sin is the crap homophobes use to try and hide their homophobia.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam really meant by that tweet, my fist impression was the Norman vent thing? So sad he had to discover that on such a wonderful time in China. He's a more forgiving person than I could ever be! He must feel somewhat stabbed in the back after after all he did perform for free in Miami out of the goodness of his heart. I personaly would be heartbroken if someone wrote an article right afterwards like that. Adam you rock and you are so strong!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't know what you are talking about. Ignorance is bliss.
Adam couldn't say it any plainer. Don't hate him.

Anonymous said...

I think he might have meant don't blame him, blame the game of how is supposed to act in the gay community - the usual he's too gay for some, not gay enough for others. In this case enough for GLAAD and not enough for the publisher of the paper.

Anonymous said...

I am not on tweeter but did the twitter people tweet nice things to Adam sfter that publisher came out with the story? I hope so, you know he had to be walking the red carpet and performing with that BS going thru his head. It was after such a nice weekend, my heart was broken over it.

Anonymous said...

@7:49 You made me laugh - so cute- tweeter people- I'm so new to this twitter thing,i have no clue what I'm doing, but I do know you get first hand info immediately anything Adam and click on the links. I think Adam is more into twitter and tweets, but if he clicked on the stories like I do- he would see the whole article and comments like we do. Does that make any sense- twitter is also like a big newspaper not just tweets


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, my darling ADAM!
You deserve every award.
So proud of you, BB.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam for the awards. He deserves respect and not unfair criticism by crazies.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Adam's tweet means but I have no love for the bulimic publisher.

HK fan said...

The tweet is obviously in respone to the SFGN article....

99% of comments on the article and other articles that picked the story up were in favour, and very much so of Adam.

Anonymous said...

7:39 you dont know what you are talking about. Have heard many a religious nut say that very thing about gays so STFU.