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New (Old) Adam Lambert Short Clips from the Kansai Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 7, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 07, 2013

Uploaded today VIA lambert adayasu


Anonymous said...

This just in. (I guess. Can't find it anywhere else on here) Sauli and Adam officially broke up. I'm sad.


Anonymous said...

Oh well. My bad. Feel like a dummy. Just found article. I'm still sad tho.


Anonymous said...

@ just peachy....JAK here

Sad is okay........being vindictive, suicidal, blaming Sauli, blaming Adam, blaming cheating, blaming alcohol is not okay. Weeping, wailing, despair, dropping Adam to punish him, wishing Sauli had never happened, days of darkness because the fairy tale happy ending did not come true is not okay. Assuming that Adam is a sex crazed, careless fool who is shacking up with every male he is photographed with
Is not okay,

Sad is okay.....just not for too long......<3

Anonymous said...

JAK sounds to me like you never lost a loved one. Just how long shuld we be sad?

Anonymous said...

@ 3:01 pm......JAK here

Who's dead?.....Did I miss something?

And since I am the oldest member left of a very large family
I have lost dozens of loved ones, now I have a small circle, only 6 left to cherish for the relatively short time I have left.
Don't talk to me about loss.

Adam and Sauli are alive and well, I am sorry things didn't work out for them, but do you really think grieving
makes sense over a dating couple who move on?
I think you missed the point of my comment...I was addressing all the hateful things that are being said about Adam and Sauli too.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said, JAK ..... thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love how politely JAK tells someone to STFU.
She's the best!!!!!!
Team JAK ! !

Adamluv said...

May I join Team JAK as well? . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Me three! Team JAK!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow a team! I'm liking the line up. However you are aware sports are out, my body, all achin' n wracked with pain would not cooperate, the only part of me that seems to work well is.....the a debating team! We could have t-shirts and challenge the Weasels to a debate.....the losing side would have to agree to STFU for a whole week of glorious peace in the Land of Lambert! Sounds good to me......JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK - is this your first comment with an obscenity in it? Or did I just miss some before? Not complaining at all just an observation. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.......JAK here.....probably....I am a bit of a prude, believe it or not......However in this case I was inspired by 6:17 p.m. Growing up in my home I never heard a swear word (and my dad was military...imagine the self control he had) I was a late bloomer at the use of naughty words.....I was 37 before I enjoyed the relief of busting loose aloud with my first! I had a Pontiac Tempest that stalled in the middle of almost every intersection, so one day I exploded with a loud S**T! My 10 and 13 year old girls in the backseat were completely silent waiting for lightning to strike me dead. When it
didn't, my 10 year old asked "when can I swear? I told her when she was 37!

it's still my favorite "go to" word for extreme exasperation!

Adamluv said...

@JAK - when I left for college the worse swear word I knew was "S***". My dad only used hell and damn, and never forget the day my non swearing mom complained about our "sh****" little front door. It became a famous story in our house for years. At this point in my life, I now swear a whole lot! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv........I fear in my old age I am developing a fondness for and reputation for developing a "potty mouth".
I feel no shame....if I can't break
free at 77, then when?........JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK - had to keep a clean mouth for years as a teacher but now making up for lost time! . . . Adamluv