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Adam Lambert with FAULT Magazine Editor Avo Yermagyan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 24, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 24, 2013


choons said...

Men in Black. Shady.

Anonymous said...

Avo wins the battle of the beards.

Anonymous said...

Not bad, they have their own Life Ball plane to ferry the cast; an impressive charity enterprise. Adam is returning to his theatre roots; must be nostalgic, a kind of home-coming/reunion for him.


Anonymous said...

Ah, somebody Adam probably already knew from his photo shoot with the magazine. I was wondering who that guy was. It's been a who's who list of people on that flight to Vienna

Anonymous said...

That's "the Sheik eye balling Adam", as someone put in an earlier thread. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Agree. I prefer Avo's beard to Melvin.

Anonymous said...

How about FAULT mag doing a whole spread on Adam as Ali Baba??? God knows I'd buy a copy!


Anonymous said...

Anons 9:10 and 5:24
Avo has probably had it a bit longer (or maybe it's a fake?) Adam's Melvin only a few days, weeks old, specially grown and groomed for this occasion, so not a fair battle, lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping baby Melvin is just temporary for the occasion, but he does look appropriately middle-eastern.. I cut 2 days off a beach stay to be home for this ustream. Don't feel guilty at all.......does that make me a bad person?
I was popping out with freckles at an alarming rate and at my age they have a tendency to gather together in group hugs and morph from freckles into "old age" spots! Keeps me broke buying prescription fade cream.

Happy viewing this afternoon to everyone! ..... JAK

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK glad you're back. Are you JAKtherymer on Youtube? Isn't it nice that as we age we no longer have to shave our legs or underarms? No hair grows there anymore. Kind of nice since it frees up that time to work on our newly found moustaches and beards.

@9:10 Avo is Armenian and their beards grow really fast and thick. Armenian women have to shave 2 times a day to stay looking feminine. (I'm Armenian btw.)

@Lam-my 9:17 Not theater, more like Zodiak.

Adamluv said...

@1:55 - LMAO at your "newly found moustaches and beards" comments. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Well, go watch Adam's Crawl Through Fire and others on the Zodiac Show and then tell me why it is not theatre! To me there is so much drama, visuals, like holding a flaming rod and exotic dancers and the whole scene portrays an event up to one's own interpretations. Zodiac glam rock theatre, I'd call it. Oh by the way, he had to crawl through fire to have it his way in some of his Zodiac performances, due to differences and angles in his theatric portrayals. Tunnel.


Anonymous said...

@ 1:55 p.m.......You got me! I do post on rare occasions on youtube as JAKtherhymer. It seemed a logical choice.
Yes, effortless smooth legs are great. My ethnic background is not a "hairy" one (Irish,Scot,English,Austrian)
so I don't fight stray hairs.....but thank heaven for eyebrow pencil and mascara! I've begun getting white in my eyebrows and eyelashes! They match what my husband calls my "Paula Deen hair". . . . JAK