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Adam Lambert with Taylor Hicks

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 19, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, May 19, 2013

VIA @taylorhicks: Great to see @adamlambert during the #idolfinale! He rocked Titanium with @AngieAI12! #Glambert


Anonymous said...

Two Losers! Lol

Anonymous said...

Luckily, Adam is a very beautiful loser.

Anonymous said...

Are you projecting yourself, anon.?

Anonymous said...

Out if 120 contestants over the years I would have to disagree with anon 9:46 they are both making a mark in the music business. Guess your favorites not invited to the Finale. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

@9:46 AM, Jealous Much?

Anonymous said...

Adams look is: "And this guy won?!?!

Anonymous said...

Adam saying . . .I had that color hair last year !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is he?

Anonymous said...

It was a great duet with Angie and Adam and should have tons more views then it does. Please get watching it. Love Taylor and if I get to Vegas he is one of the shows I would like to see.

Anonymous said...

Season 5 (2006) winner
Taylor Hicks

Season 8 (2009) Winner
Adam Lambert (unofficial but true
we all know this even Simon Cowell said so)

So anon @9:46 you are the loser !!!!

Anonymous said...

I sure don't know all the stars and celebs in the world, but honestly, I have never heard of 9:46 AM. Please tell us about yourself so we can appreciate how much of a winner you are.

This is a nice pic of Taylor and Adam. It's a very nice tweet from Taylor.

Anonymous said...

@9:46 you must love being a slug without identifying yourself

Anonymous said...

what difference does it make if you sign Anonymous . . .you could sign "Sunshine" what the diff????

I sign Anon and I only have nice things to say . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey @9:46!:) I know how you feel and sorry for your lost indeed!!

My sincere condolence to you:(!!


Anonymous said...

JAK here....for some strange reason,
Adam's curly thumb amuses me. It's cute!
I didn't watch idol Taylor's year, I'll look him up on google.
I only watched seasons 6-7-8-9 and I have several favorites from those years I still "follow". Mainly....our boy!

Anonymous said...

All media coverage of Adam's perf. on Idol is compiled under AO link below:

Anonymous said...

Adam actually looks really thin next to Taylor and he has trimmed down a lot.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Taylor, but he seems to have a nice career even if he is not a big star. He is doing better than kris or cook or lee IMO. None of these guys are ever going to be on the radio again or make millions.

Anonymous said...

OT . . .just want to see Prince on Billboard awards . . .does anyone know what time he will perform????

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hicks looks like older brother of George Clooney. My fav. On his season was Katherine McPhee. Was shocked when he won. Loved her performances on Idol but hated Simon's critics of hers. Didn't vote for anyone on Idol until Adam's season. Only voted for Adam and I doubt anyone else can blow me away like Adam. Hasn't happened since season 8.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 11:31 AM
I'm heading over there

Anonymous said...

Taylor owns a restaurant and I read that it generates quiet bit of cash. He is also current resident in Las Vegas having shows almost every night.

Adamluv said...

Was happy that Taylor Hicks won his season And to @10:27 - you are probably just trying to be funny? but it just comes across as very mean spirited. Speaking of past winners, read that Kris Allen needs a second surgery on his hand as a result of that car crash last year. Not good news for a guitar player but he says he will do just fine. Only wish him the best. . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Taylor Hicks is 36. George Clooney is 52. Just FYI...

Taylor had grey hair when he was on Idol... Prematurely grey...

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I was cruisin on twitter seeing what's happening in the fandom lately. I think the bandberts aka Tommycrays are slowly losing their minds. The oddest claim I read was that Adam's music didn't get radioplay because he came from Idol. I'm not a huge Idol fan myself but it seemed that Trespassing sales went up after the Idol duet. After the Adam and Tommy radio promo tour the sales went down, lol.

glitzylady said...

Adam's latest Instagram:

Adam with Riff (so cute!!!!) ..and Tommy. I suppose all hell is going to break loose now : /

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, what do you mean? We can be civilized.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I bet Adam saw the Tommycrays getting super frustrated. That's why he posted the pic, to calm them down. :)

Anonymous said...

TP official lyric video is over two million now. Keep giving the A&A duet from AI some views. Vote on the MTY O Awards.

glitzylady said...

And another Instagram from Adam:

"@sutanamrull and I all smized out"

Both guys looking VERY VERY good!!!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Well you are totally missing the point. People from idol in recent years have a lot of trouble getting their music played on radio because idol isn't the young demographic radio wants to attract. Of course getting a tv promo spot helps sales. And tommy has nothing to do with anything.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:25 PM
AND.....Some in the music biz are prejudiced against anyone from a Music Reality Show, ie American Idol, The Voice, etc....becoming stars. Or getting music played. Their feeling is that those contestants "haven't worked as hard as others to get their chance..they haven't put in the time, the effort..." etc. Which in Adam's case, and others too, is complete and utter BS, but its a common belief, or misconception. A bit of jealousy involved I suspect. For instance, I recall a certain popular teen singer was discovered on the internet, on You Tube. Anywaaaay......Adam has commented more than once about the "Idol Bias" in the music industry. It's real. Obviously, some have overcome it..Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Chris Daughtry.....and Adam Lambert is doing VERY VERY well.. But the bias still remains in some minds...

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against Tommy and Adam being friends, but I think Tommy and the stage gay fan service has not helped Adam's career at all. How do you explain Adam did not get radio play after the wide US promo tour he did for Trespassing?

Anonymous said...

I maybe wrong but I have not seen anyone from any of the other reality shows make it. ldol is the only one who has produced genuine stars.....KC, D, CU, JH, and of course AL plus many more who are doing quite well.


Anonymous said...

Tommy didn't write the songs. Don't blame him.

daydreamin said...

Taylor sat behind Adam at the finale.

HK fan said...

The bias in the US seems to be mainly against the US reality show stars... they don't seem to have a problem with overseas ones.
Carly Ray Jepsen was a finalist from Canadas The Voice, One Direction came 3rd on UK X factor, Leona Lewis Cher Lloyrd, Olly Murs, little mix etc all come from UK (x factor.pop idol) and have had, or are all getting US radio play.
with Adam I think its more than the Idol factor, the feedback from radio DJ's about Trespassing when it came out was overwhelmingly positive, many of them stating their favourites (which were often the singles), which they prompt;y never played. I think the order not to play Adam mostly comes from higer up the chain than the Dj's.

Anonymous said...

Most radio stations now have a corporately decided playlist and djs can't deviate from it. Some stations even have a prerecorded playlist automatically playing and no dj. It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

@4:13 Thanks for the info. I think it's pointless to do radio promo then, or it's cheaper just to send the cd to them.

Anonymous said...

2:00 pm is right, only American idol winners or finalists are having a huge success in the music industry. We don't hear anything about winners of x factor and the voice, so that's means a lot. I will always watch idol, because I knew Adam Lambert there and I will always very grateful to the show for it. Adam Lambert the best idol ever for me.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info and link,


glitzylady said...

Obviously singers overcome the US music reality show bias..but it's a factor. One of several that Adam has to deal with. I suspect one of those factors is his perceived fan base in the US. And perhaps that "other" factor...which hopefully will diminish with time. It's very true that the playlists on at least the main Top 40 stations are set by the powers that be and the DJ's have little to no power over what they play. That has been shared by the DJ's themselves over and over again, both publicly and privately in conversations... Hoping for better radio play next time around. And REALLY looking forward to Adam's new music...

Anonymous said...

@HK fan, I think you hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Adam gracious with the picture here. Taylor Hicks was unknown outside the US, and I'm not sure even how well known he was in the US?

Anonymous said...

Adam is well loved internationally
and yet the US still need to super embrace the genius wonderment of him. Adam is the ultimate entertainer without any doubt. So glad he stays real and true to himself and not downfall into the old insincerities many do to make a the $$$$. Adams a class act.

Anonymous said...

Adam is who is he is and that's the beauty of him. Thank god he doesn't chnge.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

higher up suits involved in lack of radio play, we are naive if we think it is not a huge part of issue, period.

Anonymous said...

Music Industry's a giant game and Adams a player. (Amongst the hype comes the frustration). Bloody darn incredible player whose above ALL the rest, but promotionals and airplay are the ultimate. Hoping to see US promotional and major acceptance so when the new album released it hits the country like wildfire.

Anonymous said...

sorry, all comes down to the OWNERS of radio Stations.
They tell DJs who & what to play!!!

Guess who are the OWNERS???? :(
That's why Adam's songs are not on radio!!!
Bias, discrimate, etc.,,,,,,,,,,sad, when it's not about Talent anymore, $$$$ talks!

Anonymous said...

If Justin Beiber gets to be judge next season on AI, you guys that watch AI have fun with that one being a judge.

Anonymous said...

no way jose- never watch the AI ai never learn thier lesson; twive low rating- boring -boring-with out adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

The communications networks decide who will and won't be played on their stations. By the way Ryan Seacrest is affiliated with the largest of these networks.

Another fact which makes a difference is many people just don't like Adam's music. My grown children do not. They agree, yes, he has a good voice, but do not listen to his music at all. There is no prejudice against him, they just simply don't care to hear him sing. Not everyone is interested in him or his career. I don't understand them and they don't understand my fascination.

So I am not expecting a sudden revelation and a day when he will be a musical sensation. Tastes differ. I think most of todays big stars are mostly marginally talented and never purchase any of their music. There are a few recording artists I like and I am content with them, Adam being foremost.

Anonymous said...

Justin Beiber an Idol judge. Oh PUHLEEZ!!! And $25M to secure him. That's RIDICULOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

If Adam isn't a judge on American Idol, I have zero interest in the show. They can make Queen Elizabeth and the Pope judges and I still would have no interest.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a portion of the Billboard Music Awards Show. What a waste of time. Who wants to see lip synching, auto-tuned performers with gyrating dancers and pyrotechnics all around getting awards? Thank goodness for artists like Adam Lambert who actually perform live and do an amazing job as we just saw on Idol. Why hasn't he received the recognition and success he so deserves over these untalented, crass, inarticulate individuals we see over and over on these shows? And Adam is not a loser...far from it. Kris Allen did win, but we haven't heard much from him in his career. But best of luck to him onMonday for the second surgery on his hand injured in the car crash. I believe that Adam Lambert will have longevity in some aspect of the music business long after most of the others have faded into oblivion because he is one talented, intelligent, charming, honest individual who truly knows who he is and what he wants.

Anonymous said...

most people don't like Adam's music because they never hear it.

Anonymous said...

8:40PM- I like what you had to say in your comments and agree with the remark about Adam not getting the recognition and success he deserves. Maybe his performance with Angie on Idol will open the eyes and ears of some of the viewing audience to have a second listen to his music. And my stomach just turned reading the comment about Bieber as a possible judge on Idol for $25million..utterly ridiculous to even consider him. Take that money and donate it to charity instead. If they don't consider Adam(and he said he would be interested),then the producers of Idol are clueless.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the gyrating dancers over Adam and Tommy interaction any day.

Anonymous said...

You guys search for Alex Jones article about Clear Channel. He is a great whistle blower of what is going on around the world about politics and corporations. I found his research about recent incident in Boston very eye opening. He talks about things that we don't hear on mainstream media.

Anonymous said...

I've read enough about the Clear Channel to give me the shivers. This was when I was researching Romney!

glitzylady said...

We had a major discussion here on 24/7 last year about Clear Channel and who owns it, controls it, etc. Frustrating to say the least.

In a nutshell, they own most, if not all, of the Top 40 stations in the country (US). They decide what gets played on the radio to a certain extent. Money changes hands to get music played, particularly if you aren't well established and "popular" already. Its about $$$$$$$$.

There is a certain demographic that is targeted: younger listeners for the most part. Even tho quote unquote "young people don't listen to radio anymore" they still go for the radio promotions for free tickets to concerts etc. So they still listen for that. Top 40 radio is going to target those whose concerts and other events they promote.

Adam did his radio promo at many of their stations last year. The DJ's loved him AND his music but also had very little say in what they played. Generally none. More than one DJ pretty much said that their hands were tied. I believe them. Radio play was sadly minimal for Trespassing era songs. They said they "didn't get enough requests" when asked why they didn't play Adam Lambert's music. Um...Because no one heard his music. Because they didn't play it. So no one COULD hear it. Not hard to figure out. Hoping for better next time.

For Adam (and others), Radio is still relevant in that spins (plays) are still important for Billboard charting. And Billboard charting is still relevant to being considered for the music awards and shows. And for consideration in being played on Top 40 radio... so we can hear Adam's new music more. In fact hear it at all. The way music is 'charted' appears to be changing. You Tube hits, Vevo hits, Twitter hits.... etc. are starting to count.

Social media is changing the music business. As is digital music versus CD's, which are also on their way out, as is evidenced by the dwindling number of "record stores" and # of CDs stocked at places like Target, Best Buy, and Walmart. But for now, that's how it works.

A few years from now, probably radio will be less relevant, less weighted. But in the meantime, radio play would be a big help to Adam to get his music out there to be heard. All part of the big picture. It really is a shame that much of Adam's hard work doing his radio promos fell on mostly deaf ears. Because the ones who really needed to hear it weren't listening. Or weren't allowed to listen. At least in radio land. Shame on the "powers that be" for ignoring him.

Sorry. Sore subject. :(((

Thinking VERY positive thoughts for Era 3...

Anonymous said...

It would take a miracle for adam to ever get radio play again. I doubt they are even going to attempt it. He is looking for other kinds of work like plays or tv gigs now.

Anonymous said...

It is about money, not discrimination. And if money isn't working for you, you better hope for a breakthrough hit like Carly Rae Jepsen, Goyte or Macklemore.

Anonymous said...

If Adam doesn't get radio play for any singles from the third album, he will probably do more of the international concerts. It was such a shame that after all those radio promo tours and interviews, he still did not get his single played on the radio. He must be so frustrated after working so hard on Trespassing with some of the best in the music business. Let's just hope that the third time is the charm.

Anonymous said...

Better Than I know Myself was VERY radio and Top 40 friendly, and actually, quite "earwormy"! I firmly firmly believe that if it had gotten a bit more radio play within the first 3/4 weeks of its release as a single it would have caught on with the tweens, teens and is just the sort of song that crowd would obsess over and take to heart and it had a great hook which is always important. NCOE our eyes was in keeping with some music that was being played on radio at the time of its release, but BTIKM was very Top 40 friendly and I am convinced it would have garnered requests from the under 25 crowd if they heard it! Trespassing was not as radio friendly, I admit, but if Justin Timberlake had released it, it would get played and then pull in requests. I know Adam Lambert isn't Justin Timberlake, I'm just saying. That duet Pink has on the radio right now with FUN's lead singer is soooo meh IMO, but it got instant radio play! Heavy sigh. What bums me out more 'though, is that Adam probably does need to release as his first single next album something totally "earwormy" instead of some quality song that might be better. I feel, JMO (and I am only a consumer/observer and not an industry insider) that he will have to totally come right out of the gate with a single that is "catchy" or Lovey-Dovey or angsty ballad instead of what he might personally find gratifying.

Anonymous said...

And also @May 19, 2013 at 8:31 PM

I do see what you are saying about your grown children not enjoying Adam's music etc... I don't have grown children but my life puts me in a circumstance where I interact daily and/or weekly with people 10 to 30, many of them don't dig Adam's music, but a good number of them have liked his singles... and I firmly believe that all of that is sort of beside the point anyway... if a song is played on radio, IT CATCHES ON, IT JUST DOES!! BTIKM myself was a perfect formula for radio play. There is something to this notion of SUITS choreographing Top 40 radio, because Adam is so much of what the more conservative among them fear. He is all of his wonderful left-of-center-ness (not safe like a Neil Patrick Harris etc.) but yet he is lovely, charming, smart, well spoken, appropriate, sensible... woman raising children adore him and are teaching their children to see and feel and absorb the best of what Adam has to offer... I used to write in the blogospher that those PTB don't like that Adam makes weak in the knees your wife, your mother, your sister, your aunt, your daughter and maybe just maybe your brother and nephew and son too... makes weak in the knees the librarian, the grocer, the postal worker, the skateboarder, the prom queen, the band dude, the nurse, and maybe the doctor and butcher and cop and enlisted service man too!! Adam represents so much of what (in pop culture I am speaking of here, pop culture and music) of what The Powers That Be DO NOT WANT to "catch on".

If you think I am overthinking that, you are entitled to your opinion, but I have shared with you mine! (not an entirely uninformed one might I add, at the risk of tooting my own horn).

Having said all of that, I would love nothing more than to see Adam produce a third album, and then play the game (at which quite frankly he is so good) release as its first single something so Pop-py and catchy and ear-worm-y that it pulled in the U.S. under 30 crowd in such a way that radio stations looked foolish and suspect by NOT playing it. Too hopeful and optimistic on my part, maybe... but I never say never!

Anonymous said...

If I could "make" something happen for Adam, it would be that he become the favorite musical guest on one of the younger hosts late night shows. Trade quips with Kimmel or Fallon and sing singles from his album....he needs exposure and guest shots are his best bet, since radio is giving him a cold shoulder......JAK