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Fan Video: "Love wins over glamour" - Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 25, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, May 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

So much glamour and I simply love Adam's Open Sesame yell at the beautiful dome-shaped architectural structure...romantic. Very upbeat hit song; only one suggestion, perhaps have a couple of moments for Adam to wail his rock screams a cappella in the song. Also, since Adam is donning such a beautiful costume, if only they could put him on an elevated platform and move him around out to the audience and let him wail some of his high notes from above there. Anyway, excellence all round, a lot of thought, hard work and expertise put into it. The Ali Baba costume stands out for me. Adam has the height, posture and looks to carry it beautifully.


Anonymous said...

Adam is just plain and simply the BOMB, no matter on which stage he appears! I am thinking that all those stars and famous people were just loving getting a piece of him!

daydreamin said...

I think this about says it all:
Click Here

daydreamin said...

Lifeball pro pics;
Click Here

Anonymous said...

@1:02am . . .so funny I was on that streaming site . . . .and the pics are beautiful . .I wonder if he gets to keep costume?

Anonymous said...

just when you think he can't possibly get any better..HE DOES!!!

Anonymous said...

For some reason I was under the impression that the opening act would be a short skit, or play, and that Adam would arrive on stage in a ship with his gold. Next, to be chased by thieves in a swashbuckling adventurous fight across the stage. After seeing the performance, then this ending would have been nice, after winning the battle, he would sing the song, then say Open Sesame! The girls come out dancing around him while he's sitting on his throne surrounded by his men and his treasure chest of gold. That's what I had envisioned the opening to be that kind of fantasy. Adam did a marvelous job singing and looked every bit of the part as Ali Baba, though.

Anonymous said...

I think this was a wonderful showcase for Adam! He sounded spectacular, looked beyond gorgeous, and performed like he usually does - sheer perfection! I thought he was absolutely thrilling and I was overwhelmed with his flawless performance! No one is like him and can do what he does! It seemed like everybody loved him and how could they not! There are no words to describe the gift that is Adam that are printable. He's one gorgeous incredible talent! I'm so grateful for these videos and pictures! Thanks worldwide Glamberts! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Obviously you saw the costume sketches, they were just the designer's fantasy. Most sketches are like that to sell a production number idea of how character should be dressed. BTW the thieves weren't his men, they were his enemies in the story of Ali Baba.

tea said...

The Lifeball pro pics are PERFECT and exactly the kind of pics I was hoping for.

Thanx for all the info you brought to 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Lyndsey Parker's take on Love Wins Over Glamour

Anonymous said...

4:29, that's not how the traditional story of Ali Baba goes. Also, links were here to the description of the Opening
Ceremony and what it would look like. Not sure why you thought your version would happen.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounded so good

Anonymous said...

Magical Ali Baba!! Goosebumps every time, I´m so proud of Adam,


Anonymous said...

What a stunning performance at an
incredible event! Adam looks like a beautiful peacock strutting that stage in all his glory and commanding 40 'cute' thieves. Incredible vocal and visual explosion of magical classy international wonderment. No wonder we love him so darn much.

Anonymous said...

Had that Mardi Gras feel to the max again today. Adam's such a professional mastermind that conquers wherever he goes.

Anonymous said...

Oz is soooooo proud of Adam! Darn we love him heaps.

Anne Marie said...

I read on another site that his whole costume came out of his closet. The coat he already had, and he had it decorated with someone in LA, the beads and sequins probably he either got at a big discount or even free, because they support the aids charity. His boots were his, and were spray painted and had some glitzy stuff added. He had to buy the turban, and then the same guy who did the coat added sequin and bead patches to the turban. So the whole outfit is his. I imagine that the people involved in this production had to provide their own costumes, or a lot of the donated money would have gone to costumes and not to the aids charity. Adam did a spectacular job with how he pulled together what he wore. He also co-wrote the song with two other guys, who wrote last years song. Most people just heard and saw the finished product, but that was Adam behind the scenes too, putting in 100% of his time and imagination. What a talented guy, with not just his singing!!! Of course he was not the only one of the stars to contribute their time and talent, but I think he just might be the best.

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie

If what you read is true about Adam creating his own costume...that's incredible! I hadn't heard that but just assumed LufeBall made the costumes for the performers. Well, they didn't have to spend too much money on the 40 Thieves! LOL! It was an exquisite costume IMO. Adam 's performance was spot on and he looked drop dead gorgeous! The whole LifeBall was completely amazing.

I love "Love Wins Over Glamour" and I hope they release it on iTunes quickly.


glitzylady said...

I FINALLY got to see and hear Adam sing "Love Wins Over Glamour": WOW!! I've been traveling and finally had a chance to sit down at the laptop that I brought with me this morning (here on the West Coast). Tried to watch on my iPhone yesterday while on the road (I wasn't driving at that point :)) .. but just not the same. I REALLY like the song, although rather wish the commentators had not interjected their comments during his performance. So looking forward to seeing the song come up on iTunes for purchase.

It was also SO clear that Adam has the extensive Musical Theater background: so comfortable and professional in his presentation and powerful stage presence. We need more of Adam on stage, IMHO, in a musical theater production of epic proportions... Someday, sooner or later, this will happen.

Anonymous said...

He did an amazing job as usual. Just one question. Was this the first time he has lip synced and was it absolutely necessary? Couldn't they have had him sing live with background music piped in? I was shocked actually and disappointed. I wanted him never to lip sync. But great performance and a stunning vocal track. He looked great.

Anonymous said...

even tho I didn't get to see the pink carpet . . I liked his black outfit with his harlem pants . .

glitzylady said...

Whether Adam lip-synced or not, he sang the song and did a FABULOUS job doing it. Do we know for sure one way or the other?? He was part of the production for Life Ball, and I assume he did what was asked of him. He wasn't calling the shots. He was a performer. I suspect, if he didn't sing live, that it wasn't his idea. It makes no difference to me really. Perhaps the size of the production called for a pre-recorded track so that everything would flow well, with no sound/mic cut-outs.. I'm just so thrilled for him that he was there..and performed flawlessly once again.

Anonymous said...

It was very cold that night, 46 degrees. Might have been too cold for Adam to sing live, but we still heard his powerful voice, he has to do what he has to do, and he carefully guards his voice.Made no difference to me, loved it. He was lucky that he could wear more clothes than most, might have had long johns underneath, LOL. He said he had to be there to be part of this show.

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden because of the Mariah Carey fiasco about lip synching on Idol and then her pitchy performance with Miguel on GMA, this whole issue of lip synching has become a major issue with performers and now even Adam. It has been said that he always performs live, no lip synching. But he may have had background pre-recorded tracks for this huge production number since he did not have a band or his backup singers with him. Is that a logical assumption to make? It seems that most performers on stage today lip synch:Bieber, Christina A, Selena G, JLO, etc. How can you do all that dancing around on stage, keep your breath and still sing hitting some of those high notes in tune. I have never seen Adam in a live performance, but from all the vids shown and his appearances on various entertainment shows, he has always performed live without any hint of lip synching. He did a fabulous job on this production number and carried it off beautifully. I agree that we need more of Adam on stage, the Broadway stage for me,either in some musical revival or a new production written specifically with him in mind for the lead. I'd pay any price for a ticket to see that show. Right now I guess I will have to wait for the new album and watch for any vids that we get for the upcoming concert appearances he will be making over the summer.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you tweet and ask the man directly did you lipsync and if so, why?!
He probably will give an honest answer.

HK fan said...

I can believe that about the costume, if you look closely there's a strong chance it is his sleepwalker coat, exactly the same, fit, cut, shape, little belt in the front, the way it moves when he walks etc.