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GLAAD and Adam Lambert featured in San Francisco Chronicle today

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 13, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 13, 2013

Scans Via @NoAngelPF


Anonymous said...

A very well-written article by SF Chronicle. Quite recently, another article challenged that Adam did not deserve this Glaad Award because he didn't do anything outstanding for LGBT people. And so I countered that by saying his main goal is still his music/singing. But in his own natural way of being so open and honest about his sexuality, he has given courage and meaning to teenagers who otherwise, groping in the dark, scared, confused, bullied, may be prompted in their despair, with no one to turn to or relate to, to do the unthinkable. Here Adam acts as a brightly-lit lamp on a lampstand to show them the correct path in their maze of life. So yes, he would have saved many young LGBT people just by being who he is and not necessary to be ostentatious about it. He's very deserving of the 2 Glaad Awards. Congratulations Adam!


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Anonymous said...

Well said, Lam-my! The GLAAD award was so well deserved and graciously received by Adam.

But, I gotta ask the San Fransisco Cronicle ... WHAT IS WITH THAT PICTURE OF ADAM? Ha...Good Lord, there were hundreds of beautiful pics taken of him throughout the night. Your picture selection ability sucks.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
I didn't pay attention to the picture; so since you pointed it out so vehemently lol! I went back to look and yes, lo and behold he looks flabbergasted! lol! Not congruent to that lamp on the lampstand glow I visualised of him. lol! Good question, what is with that picture...But indirectly it caught your attention and my subsequent response. lol!


daydreamin said...

It was truly amazing to see these families affected by inequality.

Part 1:

Here is my story about my night at the Glaad media awards (I am writing this in a bit of a hurry, so please excuse me! ):

Glaad media awards
When we arrived, we were told to go into a ballroom that had 3 bars. The red carpet was inside this room much to my surprise. There were a few people lining up along the red carpet and a few people/couples were having their pics taken and giving interviews. We were only there for about 20 minutes when we see Adam and his mom at the beginning of the red carpet. They seemed to be coming out of a room, but it was hard to tell for sure. Adam was on the red carpet for a good 10 or 15 minutes and it was only maybe 20 or 25 feet long! He was clearly the one to photograph and interview. When he came to the end of the carpet there were probably about 15 or so Glamberts there to congratulate him. He greeted us at that point. Leila walked past me first so I handed her a Mother's Day gift of earrings I made for her and I told her that since Adam usually gets all the gifts, and since it was Mother's Day I would instead give something to her. She was so sweet and appreciative. That's when Adam commented on how nice we looked. Besides him, I couldn't believe how young Leila looked. She sat 2 rows in front of me at one of the GNT shows and she looked young there, but wow, she looked even younger and thinner here. I have to say, Adam looked so much thinner than the last time I saw him at Jingle Ball in December! The camera DOES add weight (that's my alibi too :))!
He seemed in a rush to get to the bar about 20 feet away, so off they went. One of my friends and I decided to get a drink, so we got into a fairly long line of about 10 people and low and behold, there is Adam and Leila in front of the line. My friend didn't want to look like we purposely got in that line just because Adam was there, so we moved to the adjacent bar. Adam got himself a drink and walked off somewhere. Just as my friend and I got to the front of the line, they closed all the bars and told us we all needed to go upstairs and get seated for the event. We got on the escalator and I turned around to look for the rest of our party and see Adam and Leila about 10 people behind us. We all started for the same entrance to the ballroom where the event was taking place. Adam was stopped by several fans to take pictures. He was so gracious! I didn't want to bother him for a pic though because the show was about to begin. He was 4 diagonal tables away though I was still about 40 feet away and it was pretty dark. He was in the front row of course and I was in the last row. I think there were 4 long rows of tables.
We were served our meal and had wine and another pre-made drink that were waiting for us at our table. We ate throughout the show. Oh, by the way, another friend that paid for one of the more expensive seats was at the table next to Adam. She told us that when Adam got his dessert, he bit into the chocolate cake (with banana in the middle), he moved his tongue across his teeth and she saw him say to his mom "yum!-a moment worth sharing:))

glitzylady said...

WOW! Thanks for the first-person account of the GLAAD awards! I can't even imagine how exciting it was to be there...Again: WOW!!!!

daydreamin said...

A good article on all the guests at GLAAD:
Click H E R E

daydreamin said...

Thanks Glitzylady:) My part 2 dissappeared? I'll wait a bit before I repost. I guess it was too long!

glitzylady said...

I did get the chance to read part 2 before it disappeared. I suspect admin will have to find it to repost, so I think if I were you I'd just go ahead and post it again.. Yes, those long posts sometimes go to spam on blogger......obviously your post isn't spam! I've had mine do that too from time to time...

daydreamin said...

Will do Glitzy.

You've seen the video's so you know what happened during the show. I just wanted to mention that the ex-mayor of San Francisco (and now the Lieutenant Governor of California) said in his speech that he was there to see Adam!
,After the show, we went back to the bar(s) where there was a DJ playing dance music and some of the guests like James and Jaymes from American Idol were talking to anyone who wanted to take pics or chat. They were apparently chosen to take their shirts off for whomever bid the highest amount (for charity). The winner won a kiss seen here: Click H E R E Several glamberts danced as a group. A couple of the ladies asked the DJ to play some Adam music, but he either didn't have any or wouldn't! Another friend of mine happened to see Adam and Leila walk through the lobby, presumably to their room, but we don't know for sure. We never saw him after that. We received gift bags which had an Adam Lambert t-shirt inside and some other random things. All in all it was a very fun event. I met more people that I knew from twitter which is always fun.
Oh, one more thing I thought that was something I will never forget was the restroom situation. We had to walk a bit to get to it. While walking, we passed a large room with makeup, costumes etc where the honored guests apparently go to "touch up". The next room was where we saw Adam and Leila and some other guests. We were told it was the "green room" and had to have a pass to go inside-NOT that we were trying to go inside! It was pretty obvious since Adam was in there! So finally, we passed a long line of men waiting to use the mens restroom. Get this: we then got to the women's restroom where there was no one in line but on the door was a piece of paper taped over "women" that read "Gender neutral". Hmmm, we weren't sure what to expect. Well, the guys were coming over from the long line of the men's room to the "gender neutral" restroom as well as the transgendered in their gorgeous gowns. They came and went and it was no big deal:)
What a fun night!

Anonymous said...

To be THAT close to Adam and for THAT long, I would have starved...would NOT have been able to eat or swallow (cause my mouth would have been wide open all the time, due to the jaw dropping vicinity of AFL --- ) nor to take my eyes off him!!! Ok, maybe a little wine (in his honour!), that I can do with my eyes still totally focused on him (with my fingers wrapped around the wineglass --- could somebody please pour me some more wine??!)

And your present for Leila, you make jewelry, wau! Aww, what a sweatheart you are!

Waiting for part 2 with my wine glass... (just kidding) :))))

Anonymous said...

And part 2 is here, too! Thank you again, @daydreamin!
Sweat dreams!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
I got an even more appropriate word for the picture in the article...thunderstruck! lol! But whatever...struck or not, he still looks handsome. lol!


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much daydreamin !

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - What a great account of your wonderful day! I can't imagine being that close to Adam! Thank you for sharing!...nancdruuu2
(LOL! The picture of Adam struck by lightening and still looking good!)

Anonymous said...

Not all transgendered people wear gowns.

tea said...

Adam has grown so much in so many ways since American Idol. I'm proud to tell everyone and anyone I'm a fan of his. He's being swept in more directions than he thought possible and handling it all beautifully. Rock On, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam's Glaad Award

Lamp on the lampstand
Shines...teenagers navigate
Safely through the dark


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Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, daydreamin!!! I can't imagine being so close to Adam! I've never met him in person, not a Meet & Greet, nothing. I'd be SO nervous! He is beautiful and wonderful in every way.


Anonymous said...

Thanks daydreamin


Anonymous said...

11:17 PM -- YEAH! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT PIC? It seems that some parts of the US just can't come to grips with the fact that Adam Lambert is a respected and popular artist worldwide. They always seem to seek out the worst pics of him, no matter the thousands of great pics around to choose from for their articles. WHY???

Anonymous said...

Adam has 2,000,455 followers on twitter!!!

carolynj said...

Daydreamin, thanks for sharing your evening with us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks from me too .... great review felt like I was really there .... and to get a complement from Adam on how nice u looked... dang girl way to go !!!!...rose petal

Anonymous said...

7:35, of course a paper like the San Francisco Chronical would purposely pick the worst photo as part of the on going conspiracy against Adam. I bet they looked at all the fan photos from all the events over the past year (to get to thousands) and went with this atrocious one.

Anonymous said...

11:17, my sentiments exactly. "A picture is worth a thousand words" and this one says a lot about the agenda behind this choice of photo.

Adam's cry "Whataya want from me?" illustrates the dichotomy of praise from the prose but not so subtle dig from the picture, and succinctly drives home the rhetoric and the humor of his question. (No mundane but brilliant speech, as Adam seems incapable of ordinary where it matters. Kudos, BB!!!!)

"Change is gonna come", but cannot come soon enough. atm

Anonymous said...

The article's heading "Stars Recognized For Changing How Portrayed In the Media" should have completed the paper's true thoughts--"And This One Is Doing Its Best To Make Sure The Status Quo Doesn't Change By Dissing Them With Publishing Their Worst Photos." atm

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daydreamin! Fun and lovely story about that big night,

Magiclady said...


Thank so much for the run down. Almost felt like I was there.I have met Leila a couple of times(Fantasy Springs at the gift shop and L.A.Live in the elevator with Neil) She is always very gracious. I have never met Adam though and would die if I were able to speak to him! You are one lucky lady, I am envious! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your detailed account of the night, wow, do I envy you being that close to Adam for that long of a time. I just couldn't even imagine what that would have been like. Nice to hear that the Lieutenant Governor of California said he was there to see Adam!

Article wasn't too bad, I think they could have wrote more about Adam, but then again I am bias, needless to say. Its hard to believe with all the pictures of Adam that night they couldn't have picked a better one to put in the article, I mean come on!


Anonymous said...

atm 10:08am .... LOL!

I guess a lot of us noticed that crazy picture. Too funny!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The two guys at the GLAAD Awards auction were on Amazing Race, not American Idol. They are Chippendales dancers and one of them is gay.

Anonymous said...

Gavin Newsome is worse than Jerry Brown (if that's possible) and will run for Governor. That takes California further down the pit it's in. So sad for such a beautiful state. Highest state tax, highest unemployment rate, highest # of people on welfare and food stamps. The rest of us get to pay for the freeloaders.

Cali Gal

Anonymous said...

You mean the paper actually did it on purpose to diss Adam...well, I have learnt something. I was wondering why Adam did not actually hold the award in his hand on stage and even in the photo, he held them inconspicuously, unlike the way he did with the recent 'warrior award', so proudly. Adam is indeed sincere and true about helping to lead the LGBT community. I like your knowledgeable comments atm.


Anonymous said...

This photo was taken before he was given the awards.

Anonymous said...

hey Cali Gal - why do I get the idea you're a repulsive republican?And all the freeloaders are you and your rich friends that pay taxes at a much lowerer rate than us middle/lower class people. Or pay zero!

Anonymous said...

as long as the article was fair I'll ignore the picture. He looks a little skeered is all. lol

Anonymous said...

I kind of got that idea also,
it's a bitch to have to pitch in and help the disabled, poor and hungry kids. And shame on those people who have lost their jobs.
I'm all for supervised welfare, but no welfare, no-way.

tess4ADAM said...

Thanx @daydreamin for the great account of your fabulous experience with our Glam King & his gorgeous Mom. I enjoyed every word ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

When I reposted my part 2 I forgot to go back and refix my James and Jaymes from American Idol to Amazing Race. I didn't think I needed to identify that one was gay and one wasn't. Didn't see the need. They were scorching HOT and that's what mattered to me. I guess so much so that I forgot to re-fix my story.

Gavin Newsom was governor at the same time the rest of the country was in a down economy. I don't blame him for everything. I do however, blame our stale 2 party system for not acting like adults and making compromises in the name of getting out of a bad economy and doing what's best for it's citizens. Instead some choose to purposely NOT compromise because they are so darned afraid of the other party looking better than them and therefore, gaining more votes. I think Gavin Newsom did a pretty decent job. That's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I seriously love you daydreamin!

daydreamin said...

Haha anon 10:59 Luv ya right back! Sorry, some people just seriously piss me off.

daydreamin said...

Jumping back in just to mention that a friend won 4 tix to the American Idol finale and invited me!! This is seriously the best week EVER! I'm leaving in the morning. I've never done anything like this before and am sooooooo excited especially knowing Adam will be singing! All the other stars being there won't hurt either. I just hope our seats aren't in the nosebleed section LOL! I wish I could bring all of you along! A section for 24/7

Anonymous said...

I don't see a problem with the photo used. But it is ridiculous to think the paper had thousands of photos to chose from. This photo is by the paper's photographer. They would have had to pay to use a photo by another photographer.

glitzylady said...

Have a GREAT time at the Idol Finale! Best week ever: definitely!!!!

HK fan said...

wow daydreamin, lucky you....again! not in the least bit jealous;)
remember we'll all be waiting for your recap.....tell us what you're wearing, we'll look out for you in the audience.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin -
Sooooo happy for you!!
I get a nosebleed just thinking of the times you've seen Adam for reals!!! YAY!!!
Good luck, ENJOY and can't wait for yr recap, AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:44
If the photographer is that bad, maybe they should have bought a better pic and deduct the cost from his/her salary or commission.
And I'm sure a decent, skillful photographer takes tens of pictures and chooses the best possible...unless he/she on purpose wants to shock, create bad feelings etc