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HD Videos: Adam Lambert on American Idol Finale 2013

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 16, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, May 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

This has now officially become my favorite duet ever! Adam's voice makes my heart melt and Angie sounds great with him. I hope on his next album he will do a duet with someone.

Anonymous said...

I watched this Adam-Angie duet three times already and as I've said Adam opened and closed the S12 show for me. lol! Okay, serious, super good show AI S12! You give S8 a terrific run for the money; but Adam is hard to beat. Perhaps if he's the judge next season, it might help turn the tables. Excellent job AI!


Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my .....JAK here......I've got you beat...4 times! I really love it! I keep clicking it on because I want it to last longer. Two other songs that hit me like that were when Adam sang Stay and Is This Love. I wish I could have all 3 on my iPad playlist. I agree, Excellent job!

Anonymous said...

Adam is gold up, down, all the way 'round.

glitzylady said...

This is COOL!!! From The Hollywood Reporter

'American Idol' Season 12 Finale: Adam Lambert Tops 5 Best Moments"

Excerpts: mentioning Adam:

"Adam Lambert returned, Jennifer Lopez worked the wind machine, and Randy Jackson was honored with a farewell package featuring dogs, not dawgs. With season 12 officially in the history books, American Idol pulled out all the stops to make the 2013 finale memorable"

(and the BEST part!!)

"1) Adam Lambert’s return to the stage to duet with Angie Miller on Sia’s “Titanium” was nothing short of perfection! Clearly, fans of the show miss seeing Lambert on the Idol stage -- perhaps he can return next year as a judge? "If they called me, I'd say, 'Where do I sign?'" he told reporters after the show. The moment was further amplified by the appearance of Miller’s personal Idol, Jessie J, and an invitation for the third place winner to join the singer in the UK. It's all about connections, after all..."

Anonymous said...

AI has acknowledged Adam as an important member of the fold. Not only does he open the S12 finale but also the extensive interview time accorded him. Yea Adam always feels very at home and happy on AI...used to be his favourite playground; now still a favourite but other big contenders are enticing him with tantalising distractions. lol! Not to worry, he never forgets the hand that feeds him.

Missed you a little bit, just a tiny bit. lol! Yea this duet is the best so far I've heard on AI. Also very very happy for Candice; she is the female equivalent of Adam, in the area of voice projection, singing and feeling the moments of the song and yes voice! Angie as No.3 is getting pretty good deals right from the start, on stage.


Anonymous said...

A brilliant song sung BRILLIANTLY. I would love to have a full copy of this duet. Any chance American Idol? Stunning!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice...flawless as usual. This song is a real showcase for a good voice.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. He is the best. He was the only reason I watched the show too.. No other reason. He is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so secure he can let others shine. He is a class act. And his voice is unparalleled. That show had one superstar tonight and that is Adam Lambert. Perfection in every way.

Anonymous said...

Was anyone but me upset that he didn't get to do a medley, and that they never really introduced him? Not only that but he was pretty much snubbed after the song. The only reason I turned the stupid show on was to see him. I quit watching after the 3rd week, I was so bored. At least the right person won, but I wont watch again unless he is a judge or mentor or something.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:51 PM
He came back on stage after the Jessie J and Angie song and was properly introduced and welcomed back to the Idol stage by Ryan Seacrest... A lot of people missed that part.... He was there to do a duet with Angie, to let her be the star, and not to perform by himself. As much as I would have LOVED that. :)) He's a class act for sure.. Very gracious and able to let someone else shine.. Although he shone very brightly tonight just by being Adam Lambert doing what he does best. The duet was SOOO beautiful.. and appreciated by a whole lot of people, not just us fans... Did you check out the article by the Hollywood Reporter above?? Stellar!!!! Nothing but high praise for his performance with Angie.

Anonymous said...

Who is the woman interviewing Adam? Sorry, just not sure. Adam was very complimentary towards her. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

10:51, no, you aren't the only one - if you read a couple of other threads there are other entitled fans that are upset this wasn't the Adam Lambert Show. If you look at it realistically though he was far from snubbed. Only one other Idol was on the finale. Everybody got very brief introductions. Adam was given the honor of introducing Jessie J when they could have given that job to Angie. I didn't think they were going to bring Adam back out at the end of Angie's segment but they did. And that is the point - it was about Angie. They did a segment on Adam last week. We got to hear a brand new song by Adam. Why is none of this good enough for you?

lorraine said...

@10:51 I thought it was kind of special that they didn't HAVE to introduce him. He needed no introduction--it was electrifying to just see him standing quietly at the piano while the camera came around and showed him standing there!!!! I cried just watching him perform and let Angie have the spotlight. So like him, and yet he is so amazing and has the ability to have anyone near him shine and excel. I haven't cared for Angie at all this season-but the duet with Adam made her seem stellar. Adam is like that...and why he is loved by so many.

Anonymous said...

@11:16 Why so confrontational with 10:51? Why can't people just say how they feel without a snarky answer like yours to her? Just let people say what they want. I agree with her. Watch your tone please. Freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

11:12, that was Pia Toscano from season 6.

Anonymous said...

11:22, that person asked if they were the only one so 10:16 gets to answer them, especially under your freedom of speech. I also find all the complaining that Adam was "snubbed" ridiculous and entitled. Snubbed would have been if they never asked him back again after Season 8.

leilani Aloha said...

Bravo Adam!!!
Beautiful duet ! Amazing vocals Adam & Angie!!!

Adam SHINES!!!!
Like Lammy said, " Adam opens & close finale " for me 2:):):)

Anonymous said...

11:24 TY for the answer - yes, Pia. Appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

11:28 Such kindness. Not! Don't care what you think with that tone.

daydreamin said...

I was at the Nokia theater today and saw this most amazing show! There is so much to tell and its an experience I will NEVER forget. I have never been to any Tv show taping so I was beyond excited. I only slept 2 hours the night before so I will tell as much as I can for now.

We got in line at about 9:50 am. There were probably aboutn100 people in line at the Nokia which is right across the street from the Staples Center which is where The Grammy's are held. At about 11:30 we got our seat assignments. The theater holds 7000. We were in the 22nd row on the right side which was in orchestra. In the row in front right in front of us were past idols Hailey Rineheart-Joshua Leddet-Casey Abram's and other who's name escapes me. Casey was so funny. When we were leaving at the end one of the guys with us said hello to Casey. Casey shook his hand then took the rubberband out of his hair (our guy has long curly hair and looks like a rocker) then took out his own cell phone and took a picture. He

Anonymous said...

THE REAL WINNER!!! Both of them!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert was the best part of the show. I love that the media has said such positive things about his performance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:37, you might want to try a little kindness and tone adjustment yourself.

glitzylady said...

So exciting!!! Can hardly wait to hear more!

tess4ADAM said...

@11:24 ... May I just correct you on one point ... Pia was on Idol after ADAM .. not before ... either season 9 or 10 ... really not sure. Hope you aren't offended ...
ADAM & Angie were the bright shining STARS of AI 12 Finale ... Over much too soon .. IMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

He then said goodbye to us and left...with that picture on his phone!

Sorry but I skipped forward so I will back up!

After we were given our tickets we were told to come back at 3:30 for seating which was also the same time the ore show red carpet was to begin. We had a leisurely lunch outside at Wolfgang Puck's just steps from the red carpet. Much of the time Jim Caniello and Pia Toscana were in their interview chairs with lots of security and press all around the red carpet. When Jim and Pia finally got up to go somewhere else we called out his name. He stopped smiled and waved. We continued eating when all of a sudden he (Jim Caniello) just walks up to our group of four and just starts chatting with us for about 10 minutes then taking pictures with us. We told him where we were from and that we were there to see the finale and esp Adam. He said he was hoping to interview him and that he was so excited to also be watching the show for his first time but that his seat would be somewhere in the back. He was just so sweet!

glitzylady said...

And one more "kudo" for Adam and Angie's performance. I have to say that the general tone of this article from the New York Times is pretty negative in regards to Idol in general, and if I were Idol and the contestants this year I wouldn't be too thrilled with a lot of what was said in the article...but Adam and Angie were given some praise...or what passes for praise in this reviewer's assessment of the Idol Finale..and Idol. It was downright giddy and effusive :)) compared to some of the other remarks by the author :))))

A Mild Final Showdown as ‘Idol’ Loses Its Spark: By JON CARAMANICA
Published: May 17, 2013

"The more impressive pairing of this-season contestant with a prior-season non-winner on Thursday night was Ms. Miller singing “Titanium” with Adam Lambert, two shamelessly emoting powerhouses going for broke.."

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful duet! Adam's voice was so tender and controlled and he brought in the power (as did Angie) for the buildup in the song. As usual, he sang with emotion and definitely let Angie have her moments. Adam is so generous and kind to other artists, it's really amazing that he has such a kind soul. Their harmonies were wonderful and I hope Angie appreciated the opportunity to sing with such talent as Adam. Then of course came the Jessie J. Duet and seemed to me it was all about Jessie at that point. I think Ryan could have paid more attention to Adam when they were all standing on the stage IMO! "It's nice to see you again Adam". Geez, how about a thank you!

Adam shined because his voice is that of an angel and it showed well tonight! Angie got special treatment getting to sing two duets with mega stars Adam and Jessie. Guess the producers really love her. Congrats to Candice..a well deserved win....Kree was great too. My fav of the evening....Adam!!! So glad Adam is getting very positive feedback from the media for his stellar performance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Leilani!
That's pretty much it, isn't it. The lower harmony that Adam sang, may be a little more difficult than the actual tune but Angie did a terrific job. Also, there is an unstated chemistry between Adam and Angie in their duet. To me it portrays a fierce young voice giving her all and Adam, the more polished, keeps it in control, the harmonisation that is. I like the flow of energy back and forth between them, riding on each other.


daydreamin said...

We next went to where the red carpet began. We watched the arrival of pretty much all past idol contestants/winners until we needed to get to our seats. Bo Bice-Devan-Lazarro-Danny Gokie-Curtis Finch to name a few. Once inside we saw others as well once they were all inside. Scotty McCreery- Taylor Hicks etc.

It was very interesting watching the very well oiled machine that is the American Idol Finale unfold. Everything was live except Mariah and then Keith Urban's new single performances were recorded Tuesday and Wednesday though they disappeared from their chairs during what you saw and we were told to act like it was a live performance and mimic was the fans were doing on tape.

The vocals were not nearly as clear as you saw on Tv so it was great to get back to our hotel and rewatch the show! I spotted Adam on the opposite side of the theater (Mariah's side) in I believe about the third row as well as Leila was there. He left about 3 songs or so before his duet walking to our side of the theater and disappearing backstage and I didn't see him return. I am guessing he was being interviewed or possibly just talking with the other performers.

Anonymous said...

Loved IT!!! Love them both!
Brilliant work,


daydreamin said...

I was not sure how Adam came across on Tv because it really felt to me as if were really letting Angie shine but I was so pleased when I watched the show back that he did his usual exceptional job. I too was very disappointed that the Jessie J performance was given more weight. I felt reaaly bad for Adam but felt better when he came back onstage after.

The pyrotechnics were amazing. Every time the flames shot up we could feel a huge blast of heat!

I'm sure I will think of more but its late and we are driving back home tomorrow so I will sign off for now.

Anonymous said...

Official Idol video of Adam and Angie's duet. give it some hits!

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of these music shows featuring the same acts over and over again. The few minutes Adam sang last night, were the best part of the show. I wasn't sure he was going to be on so I watched all night waiting. What a bore. I have to say the "Jersey Boys" medley was good, too. Nice seeing Frankie Valli.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what the 'half glass full' people here are trying to impart.

What I saw on my TV screen was a very rude Ryan Seacrest ignoring Adam completely. Asking Angie what is was like to sing with Jesse J.(who in my opinion was not about to make it about Angie AT ALL...don't really like her and her music anyway).

Hello? Angie sang with Adam too!!

I can forgive the non-introduction because I think that's prob the way it was intended BUT please... the Ryan slight was so obvious. The fact that the west coast feed had Adam's name included tells me that they know there was a screw-up.

Oh and yes...of course it was great to see Adam again. He always outshines. Just wanted more time,more mention...more respect.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin thanks for the live recap. I am getting spoiled. I hope you are going to be at the Life Ball. lol

Anonymous said...

daydreamin thanks for the live recap. I am getting spoiled. I hope you are going to be at the Life Ball. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is so modest. He totally underplayed his performance and kept his voice muted in order to let Angie be the star, yet his harmony was dead-perfect.

My only regret was that it wasn't long enough (due to Angie's apparent hero-worship of Jessie J) and that we couldn't just hear Adam sing a hit of his own.

Not enough Adam! In fact, when is he going on tour in the U.S. again...???

Anonymous said...

And don't get me started on the judging panel. Everyone performer gets a SO up to that point (including that Psy guy) except Adam. Then they get up for the Jesse J./Angie moment?

Anonymous said...

Ryan was rude. I saw it in NYC, so I must have seen the live feed. And I got pretty grouchy at the way he totally ignored Adam up on stage after the duets.

Anonymous said...

NM doesn't like Angie IMO. When Angie would look sexy she would be real jealous but when Amber dressed sexy she praised her. She gave the SO to Jesse J IMO not Angie. She was prob cringing when JJ invited Angie to the UK, it made my day.

Anonymous said...

Who is the female interviewer? A former Idol contestant? Both interviewers were very nice to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've just read that the female interviewer was Pia. Nice to see her again - she has a lovely voice.

Anonymous said...

I just love to see Adam on stage with a woman..he just kind of caresses them with his voice and being..this performance is magnifico

Anonymous said...

Please don't shoot me for stating my opinion, but Angie's voice does not do anything for me. Sure she is talented, but too 'generic', soundwise, lookwise, where's the IT factor?! Please enlighten me!

Anonymous said...

Ryan has a tough job bringing in the finale on thime - which didn't happen again last night. This is life. Adam can handle this better than anyone and Ryan knows that.

Anonymous said...

So, on the West coast feed they included Adam's full name in the introduction? How so exactly? East Coaster here (who, I can not tell a lie, was a little grouchy with how the scenario unfolded... but definitely over it this morning and glass completely almost full! :))

Please clarify on how Adam's name was added in West Coast airing. Many thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

we love you, adam! hope the heavens reward your talent and kindness with the fame you so deserve. proud to be your fans forever

Anonymous said...

Loved the Adam-Angie duet. He didn't overpower her and let Angie shine up there. Now for the rest of the show. Psy...forget him, what a waste of stage time. Mariah...was she lipsynching and it was pre-taped. Keith's number was also pre-taped. Why? He always does well with live performances. And JLO...another showoff number. Was she singing live? And I wonder why Candice and Kree sang those two ballads, so depressing as their final songs. I guess I just watched the show to see Adam perform and then for the winner. I think we all knew that Candice would win. Now let's see what type of album she does for her first release. But so glad overall that Adam is getting positive feedback about his appearance. Hoping it sparks a new interest in TRESPASSING and, of course, the third album when it is released. Now I am going to watch the vid again...can't get enough of it.

Anonymous said...


Read it on 'another' fan site. Reputable sources,imo. There would be enough time for a dub-over I guess. Twitter was probably the catalyst.

Anonymous said...


Me again.

Not sure if the dubbing over was just on the youtube vid or on the live don't quote me.

Anonymous said...

I think Angie has the IT factor. She's an attractive, sassy girl with a good voice. She's definitely not generic, and she and the gorgeous Adam complemented each other well in the duet.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam's tweet about Angie was very complimentary. He recognizes quality.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting New York Times article. They definately tell it like it is. I did not watch the show, just the Adam parts later on, but the NYT really gave it a bashing. Glad to hear that JHudson nailed it this time, because she tends to lose control of her voice and just screech about 80% of the time. Glad she did well. And of course, I love that last line of the NYT article that praised the Adam/Angie duet as one of the hightlights. Adam is getting positive attention from his short but powerful appearance. Angie has a great voice, but I'm not sure she has the IT factor. Her voice is really good, but not that different from many others. She'll probably out-sell Adam. LOL.

I have two sisters who have watched all the AI seasons religiously. They like Adam very much but are not crazy over him like I am. When I dare to suggest that the pre-season choice of contestants from various cities is carefully orchestrated to bring out a desired outcome, they get very defensive. They want to believe that the whole thing is just a natural result of the public's voting. The NYT article hinted strongly that this is not true. AI bosses did not want another WGWG, so it appears that weaker male candidates were chosen from the get-go. Hence a better chance at a girl winning in the end. And that's what happened.

Glad that Adam is getting good feedback in the media for short but oh so sweet performance.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam was 'snubbed' for sure.
He didn't for one moment overpower
Angie, letting her shine...being the professional he truly is.

Anonymous said...

He lost a little of the limelight and was very classy. Showed Mariah and Nikki how it is done. Plus some of the contestants need a lesson on how to gracefully step aside. True pro.

Anonymous said...

Did Tresspassong get any sales bump from this performance?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad a girl won this year and any one of the top 3 girls were prospective winners. The WGWG have been boring.

glamitup said...

I thought this was one of the most entertaining Idol finales in a long time! I was glued the whole time and I only started watching this year when it got down to the top 4. Adam and Angie outshined EVERYONE and I think this show had many steller performances. Those that are bashing Idol for their treatment of Adam need to look at the whole picture! This performance was to showcase Angie because this is her season! Adam knew his role and they knocked it out of the park!! There were so many former Idol contestants in the audience and they didn't get the invitation that Adam did. AI has been very good to Adam over the years. They see his true talent even though many want to hold him down! Funny how the first pan to the audience was of Adam and his mom!! He is such a class act!! Loved it!!

Anonymous said...

After listening to Adam and Angie's beautiful duet over and over, I have to say it truly melted my heart. They were both stellar! Adam's sweet smile at Angie at the piano - THUD! Adam you touch my very soul with your purity of heart and angelic quality of your amazing voice. There is no other like you!
It's hard to harbor any ill will against Idol when it allowed such a beautiful performance, so I won't. Congratulations again! ..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@DRG May 17, 2013 at 7:17 AM

Oh my DRG, you must be delicate, but you must inform your dear sisters that AI is so utterly orchestrated and "produced" and choreographed, etc. I am not that conspiracy type of person, I assure you that I am not, but one has only to be an observer and consumer of pop culture to see, as the years have unfolded now, to see that all of these reality shows (another of my favorites, SYTYCD in particular) are so utterly "cast" it's palpable. However, if one chooses not to understand that, it's still good fun to watch! I am not a cynic, this simply is the truth (I can't even put an IMHO there, because it's so obvious at this point :)). But no matter, AI has found amazing talent like Kelly, Carrie, Pickler, Adam, JHud, Daughtry... and many other's who are working professionals in some form of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Only watched the show for Adam. Have to admit though Candice was fantastic and Cree will make it big in Nashville for sure. Was confused as to why Angie managed to collar both Adam and Jessie J.
Can only assume RCA/SONY will give her a contract and Adam paved the way last night. I felt somehow the two worthy finalist got lost amongst the hype of JLO and Pitball
and I reckoned the budget was down low this year. Mind you, since Adam
on AI it can never be the same again.

Anonymous said...

Adam is class, pure and utter class. Our hearts thudded as we
wanted soooo much more of him tonight. He shine Bright as our diamond always.

Anonymous said...

Finally AI got it right at last!
Candace was stunning! We sweated
waiting for Adam in all he's glory
and popped our champagne as he hit the stage. Far toooo short and would have loved to have seen him as a guest on the show this season.
Adam has talent beyond everyone on that show tonight.

Anonymous said...

The delivery of Adam!
They felt its sweetness? They noticed her look seductive? They heard wonderful chant his voice? Gladly received his hug full of love and humanity? HH.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam! I rode for hours, twice, to see you on your world tour. Now I wouldn't walk to the corner (one house away).

The Frankensteinish hairdo doesn't look any better on you than it did on Rhianna. The cute boy-next-door with the golden voice is gone. The producers and songs you use on run-of-the-mill commercial pap.

You couldda gone indie and changed the music world -- another Bowie, another Plant, another Mercury. Instead of class and talent, you let trends and personal taste (questionable personable taste) make your decisions.

Sorry, folks. I used to haunt these pages once upon a time. After I started hearing cus from the first CD and seeing his Hollywood make-over -- well, "meh" is too strong a word.

anamylove said...

Excuse typos. Guess I don't care enough anymore to preview.

Anonymous said...

I'm from central illinois & I watched Idol last night only to see Adam.When Jessie J took over I also was very ticked off Adam was just dropped I don't care for Jessie J any way.I don't feel he got the proper treatment at all.He has helped Idol just as much as Idol has helped him.I don't hear the other past contestants talking about Idol & giving them the praise that he does.Adam even talks about them in other countries,Ryan did give Adam the snub.

Anonymous said...

was a great performance loved both of them, to think Angie is only 19 yr old.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I watched the live stream of the east coast broadcast on line and then watched it again on my tv when it aired on the west coast. I did not see any difference in the introduction of Adam. I saw nothing dubbed in. I think some people on the east coast stopped watching too soon and wrongly assumed Adam wasn't introduced. Personally I loved that we didn't initially see Adam with Angie and the little cheer that went up when the camera pulled back. Ryan had said the previous week that Adam was doing a duet the next week and they did bring Adam out when Angie and Jessie finished their duet.

As far as the show running over, that was scheduled. It was on my tv guide and it was announced ahead of time that it was not just two hours.

This show wasn't supposed to be about Adam, it is about the contestants. why is that so hard for people to understand?

But some of you will always find fault no matter what. Must be pretty depressing to be continually disappointed because you expect a shrine to Adam all the time.

daydreamin said...

Yes, JLO sang live and they announced in the beginning that the show would run over by 7 minutes.

Anonymous said...

"But some of you will always find fault no matter what. Must be pretty depressing to be continually disappointed because you expect a shrine to Adam all the time."

No shrine expected....but a proper introduction (like everyone else) and perhaps while Adam was standing there a little interaction. Ryan treated Adam like an afterthought,imo,...that's what I saw. Yeah,yeah, was about Angie....but the others artists who appeared with the other Idols got their recognition dues.

Anonymous said...

To those of you who thought that Adam was not given the same consideration as the other "guests" a great big THANK YOU! I was the first post to mention that I thought he had been "snubbed" (yes, I used that word). I said it because, as others noticed, he only sang part of one song and was then kind of pushed aside for Jesse J. How many of you heard Ryan say that JJ is Angie's "idol" and how upset she was when she thought JJ wouldn't be there. Rude, and a slap in the face to Adam, IMO. Yes, I understand that it was great to be asked to be a part of the finale, but treat everyone equally then. I have to admit, I did get a kick out of the screams and applause when the camera panned back, and all she had to say was "Adam". Every knew exactly who she meant. But if you noticed, after the other guest spots, as 3:23 said, there was almost no interaction with Adam, just JJ and Angie (and yes, I get that it was about Angie, not Adam, still) making Adam look like a 3rd wheel. I WAS thrilled to see him, don't get me wrong. I just think he deserved more respect than he got, that's all.

daydreamin said...

I'd be willing to bet that Adam wanted the light to shine on Angie and may have made the decision not to be introduced but there is no excuse for Ryan treating Adam like an afterthought IMO. Also didn't like the fact that Nicki and Mariah didn't stand after that but having been there, the acoustics were not as good as on tv which is always a problem on the show. There have been many times that the judges change their mind after a performance and actually really like the singers' voice. They have even apologized to them the following day.

Anonymous said...

Touching! To fly with the music of this wonderful duo which harmonize beautifully! HH