yes he got to open the curtain for the first time that night, a rather nice role!! Those 40 thieves did a spectacular job with their dance. I loved watching them.
How would you like to be there and see Clinton and SEJ and his partner in the audience? The whole night seemed so beautiful. Any figures on what was raised for Aids/Hiv?
Adam - You've got the key to our hearts!.THUD!>>nancdruuu2
I still can't believe Adam was there. An honor to sing the 2013 Life Ball song and to get to be the one to open the curtain for the big show.
Me too, something he will remember all his life!
yes he got to open the curtain for the first time that night, a rather nice role!! Those 40 thieves did a spectacular job with their dance. I loved watching them.
How would you like to be there and see Clinton and SEJ and his partner in the audience? The whole night seemed so beautiful. Any figures on what was raised for Aids/Hiv?
Clinton's white hair "glows" in the dark, just like mine! ...JAK
Bill Clinton and Adam Lambert have something in common - sexy sexy brains!!!
MGF (that one is going out to Adamluv and PRS ;))
@MGF - hey gurl!!!! Sexy brains is a turn - on! Love both those guys!Fun to watch the entire video since saw images I hadnt seen before. . . . Adamluv
clinton signs; leo-dog year
adam lambert -aquaruian-rooster year both honest and like able.
as an aquaruian born- famous and likeable.
10:11, I saw on twitter the preliminary net proceeds was over 2.4 million Euros!
@Adamluv - That phrase we used to bandy about still fits ... Sexy sexy brains indeed
MGF :)
Both Clinton and Adam are Year of the Dog!
@JAK .... cute. Your comment brought a big smile to my dial. :-D
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