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Some HQ Professional Pictures from Life Ball

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, May 27, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 27, 2013

VIA Carina ‏@_ninni


glitzylady said...

Picture #2: Adam intensely side-glancing:
Moi: -> >--->-O

Anonymous said...

....thud x3.

Anonymous said...

The butterflies haven't left my stomach ever since I first laid eyes on this "hunka hunk a burnin' love".
This boy does not know how to quit, and don't want him to.

Anonymous said...

I want that car. oh, and the guy standing infront of it. lol

Anonymous said...

pic #2..need a pillow case with that face on it. Can you single ladies imagine waking up next to that?

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. gorgeous Adam and my favorite car !

Anonymous said...

@11:16 AM
What's single got to do with it? Can't stop what comes to mind. *wink*

Anonymous said...

@11;16 single and married ladies lol! Hot,hot, hot!

Magiclady said...

I'm with you where do I get one!
Dayam, that man is fine...

Anonymous said...

I put the second pic as my screen saver (for now) fills the whole screen and it is magnificent, I tell you..dear God, is there a more beautiful man alive..????

Anonymous said...

I bet he felt like a genie in a bottle. go and rub him the right way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GAWWWD ADAM! What are you trying to do to us? Oh you know what you're doing to us and you're loving every moment of it sexy beast....


Anonymous said...

@12:36..please, I'd LOVE to rub him anyway I can.....OMG..I'm turning myself on LOL

Catharine Sloper said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The picture with the car. That looks like the Sleep Walker jacket modified that he wore on the Jay Leno Show.

Anonymous said...

Cheeky Adam!:) Love the SEXY " Come hither" Look! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Adam's hairline... Thud!
I'm a sucker for beautiful, sexy hairlines...