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Tommy Ratliff's Throwbackthursday Picture

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 2, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, May 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

The one unfortunate original member of Adam's backup band is TJR. Adam at least looks great in this pic!

Anonymous said...

Loved the Early Show appearance. Adam looked so great. He was absolutely amazing and so positive. Monte was a good director too. Imagine a new band for Adam; I do.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a throwback. LP on drums.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the star, TJR. You need to step down and leave the band so Adam's career will take off. You are weighing him down. It is not about you. And the Adommy cray are ruining everything. You are a constant bad reminder of what went wrong for Adam. Leave plz. Do it for your friend, Adam & us.

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm lucky I don't read about or know anything about the Adommy crays. I ignore them completely. Too bad others can't do the same. Tommy's career began with Adam and he has no reason to leave. If he does, it will be Adam's decision. I LOVE this old pic. Great memories, but more great memories to come.

Anonymous said...

That's a damn fine picture!

Anonymous said...

I also loved Adam's appearance on the Early Show. He looked so good and sounded amazing. He was very positive and personable during the interview. Adam has come a long way since then hasn't he and his style has also evolved.

Anonymous said...

Such unfortunate, unhappy and lifeless souls gathering here this lovely day. (And within only 6 posts.)

Anonymous said...

Well the band is unemployed right now, unless they have picked up another gig. I guess this is part of being a musician, you have to save your money for rainy days.
My guess is, that Adam will pick from people he knows first, instead of better talent.

Anonymous said...

Totally an Elvis moment for Adam in this pic!

Anonymous said...

12:07 "of what went wrong for Adam" ! Did I miss something???

Anonymous said...

What went wrong!? TJ told A to do whatever he wanted with him at the AMAs. Thanks, Tommy and yeah, a straight guy would def tell a guy to kiss and grab him. TJ isn't straight.
I love Adam. I dislike Tommy immensely. Ruining Adam.

Anonymous said...

Lol well you don't need to worry because Adam doesn't need a band anymore. If he csn land a Broadway gig he will jump on it and never look back.

Anonymous said...

TJR needs to tell his little cray fans to stop hating on Adam. He also needs to discourage those nuts from taking the spotlight off Adam. TJ is an attention hog and is not good for Adam or his career. Adam needs to fire him now. Anyone that thinks TJ is a friend of Adams is delusional. So is A if he is thinking so. If he can get rid of Monte for what he did, reasons for TJ are 100 times that. TJ is the weak link.

Anonymous said...

1:18 pm

Little ignorant here...what did Monte do??

Anonymous said...

two crays on one thread oh my my.I hope Adam has a band when I see him in June, lol

Anonymous said...

grrreat picture !!

Anonymous said...

Legendary duo. in the company of Plant and Page and Perry and Tyler.

Anonymous said...

I think Monte went behind the back of the Glam God and sold music without his permission.

Anonymous said...

two Sex Gods ready to devour anything you put in front of them.

Anonymous said...

secret lovers is what they are. and will probably stay that way for many many many years.

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't use a band in either Miami or his China gigs. He prob will for Pittsburgh and San Diego but that seems like it is it for them.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the star. Remember that. Also remember that bandmates are interchangeable. They are NOT important. The man has a voice and a mike. All he needs. If he likes T for some reason, okay. His choice. But switching T out and getting people like he had in China would benefit him. And better backup vocalists and dancers. Switch it out!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is turning his back on TJ. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't ruined and is and international star. He just received favorite international artist in China, is nominated against big names in Hungary and is receiving the DV award next week. That is is course a drop in the bucket he also done lots if things in America sense then.that one thing that happened four years ago Adam still here and thriving in many directions and internationally a whole lot more than I can say for some from idols who are opening outlet malls and plying little bars. Adam is a solo artist, the band his secondary he will use different bands at different times his own with he sees fit! If he wants Tommy than that's who he will have. I do not think Adam has any intentions on doing broadway right now, someday he will if he chooses. Such stupid unkind untrue uninformed remarks by the same people over and over. Adam of course looks great in that picture and he doing just fine!

Anonymous said...

will Adam take the band with him to the Life Ball?? Does anyone know? I think he is going to perform there, right? I don't really understand that Life Ball. The promos looked fab from last year. I want to go, waaaa.

Anonymous said...

The AT&T Facebook likes are up to 8k. We are doing a great job and thanks to any international fans that are helping. The Trevor project is such a good cause. My computer won't let me copy and paste, if anyone has the link would you post it every now and then. Thanks. On my way to Crocker Park Apple store to get a new computer.

tea said...

OMG! Adam AI

tea said...

Adam to be on American Idol Finale.

Sorry about the sloppy previous post, my excitement caused it.

Anonymous said...

I loved it when things were a little more rock . I loved Adam's look too-Not so perfect and that IS a damn fine picture TJR

Anonymous said...

Well that would be exciting to see adam on the idol finale !

Anonymous said...

Adams the Boss man. I am not a Adommy kray. Tommy is not responsible for the AMA's, Adam chose to interpret the song. Old news. Tommy posted this on his own site for his fans. Someone decided to bring it over here which invited the crazies to post all the negative responses. Adam makes the choices in his career. The nasty comments won't change anything

Anonymous said...

and yes I took the bait and responded

Anonymous said...

3:38 and it was a good comment!!

Anonymous said...

yes! I can see Adam doing a duet with Paul Jolley or Angie. The article says him and J hud haven't committed yet.

Anonymous said...

3:38 a great comment in a nutshell.

tea said...

Another article with the same info that Adam may be on American Idol Finale. This better not turn out to be more hocus pocus like what Idol did about the possibility of Adam being a judge.

Anonymous said...

Why all the hate for Tommy? Adam appreciated his loyalty and has said so. Adam will make his own decisions about his band and, if that includes Tommy, it's HIS decision.
Am very excited about the possibility of Adam being on the AI finale, but it's not a done deal. It would definitely be the only time I watch AI, if he's on. But, I won't hold my breath and will just wait to see if he accepts the offer.

glitzylady said...

Re who posted the picture here: the only person who posts thread topics is the owner/administrator of this blog. It's her decision. What is said here is not her fault. It's a great picture from the early days of Adam's post-Idol career. He looks so handsome, and so do Tommy and Longineau. I adore Adam and he's my reason for being here. But we've met some other musicians along the way. The drama has been created by a relative few deluded fans. I've met Tommy a few times, purely by chance and I like him. I've met other band members, etc. as well. Each of them is talented in their own way. I would imagine there will be changes along the way and I leave entirely up to Adam. It's been an amazing and wild ride so far: THAT I suspect will NEVER change and I wouldn't have it any other way. How about we just sit back and ENJOY !!!! That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!!

AND OMG!!! Adam on the Idol FINALE!!! I've had this feeling that would happen so YAAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why all the hate on Tommy? I had no idea Adam's career was ruined. TJR, you stay right where you are. I like Tommy immensely and I think the stage chemistry says it all. They play very well off each other. Adam is a great talent and he will do what is best for him.

Anonymous said...

Oh, God! I hope it's true that Adam is the Idol finale!!! What a treat for the viewing audience, many of whom lost track of him after. They deserve to see him in all his glory. The show needs him, too. His appearance would really boost the show!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

As for Tommy, I have absolutely nothing against him. I think he's an accomplished guitarist who has gotten better and better since we've known him. I think the Adommy crays are fewer in number than it may seem. The average listener isn't even aware of all that stuff, and I choose to ignor it completely.

DRG (praying for the Idol finale)


Anonymous said...

Well they only just found out that they had an extra week on air, because the judges did not use their save card. So this is a last minute thing. When I saw that last week I hoped that they would call Adam. Would that make it for the finale about May 30th? I hope he takes the opportunity. He did say he didn't have any new song to promote, but I think he could sing anything from trespassing, that was upbeat and shows off his voice.
they should be announcing who will be in the finale, although I thought that was already settled with a female singer not Hudson/

Anonymous said...

I also think Tommy is an accomplished guitarist and has gotten better and better as time goes on. I really enjoy his playing and I must admit I haven't really seen any bad press about Adam because of Tommy. What are you talking about? He does his job and he does it very well. He is a guitarist and Adam is the boss. I would say what happens on stage is probably Adam's decision.

Anonymous said...

I guess the AI Finale will be on May 16th. Hope Adam gets to be on it.

Anonymous said...

Wish Adam would change his avatar, the one he is using now makes him look like an idiot. He might think it's funny, but it does nothing for him or his image.

Anonymous said...

5.13 you are the idiot!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen it, the one he is wearing glasses and making a face. If you think it is great, you must be half blind.

Anonymous said...

If Adam has any plans of letting Tommy go, now is the right time before era 3. I agree that Tommy enjoys the attention and feeds his fans with Adommy stuff because he knows that is what they want.

Anonymous said...

Yes seen it its cute and your still an idiot! 6.01

Anonymous said...

Adam on the finale would be a dream come true for all us fans! I hope this is true!!!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

yay I am hoping for Adam on the AI finale in two weeks. I just watched Idol and know who the top three are but won't spoil it for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I think Tommy will hang on to Adams shirt tails for as long as he can. Adam knew him before Idol, Tommy has improved some what and I think he has been taking lessons. Oddly enough I think there are quite a few Tommy fans that would turn on Adam if he wasn't part of the band. Unless Adam uses a different kind of back up music. But I am sure he will have a band for his tours, not much fun for Adam, without them. Adam looks forward to the after parties as much as his own singing, it's all one pkg. His career is definitely Not all work and no play.

Anonymous said...

I will take that as a compliment since you are an imbecile, and that is lower than an idiot. LOL

Anonymous said...

I guess I shouldn't make a comment because I can tell the cray wants the last word, but I will. Freak yeah bring on AI finale with Adam!! woots. I like his silly avi too.

Anonymous said...

The finale will be the 26 of May, I think they have had Adam in mine for awhile. I hope it's true, hope he will do it. Only way I will watch it! We want Adam!! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was the finale will be may 15 and 16 hit wrong key Adam would be 16 if may!

Anonymous said...

The AI finale is in two weeks and I think that falls on May 16th.

lorraine said...

I won't believe it till I hear it from Adam's own words. Don't want to get disappointed by American Idol hype regarding Adam appearing on the finale---but oh, my goodness....

Anonymous said...

Yes I hit the wrong key I meant may 16 hit 2 by accident! Sue

Anonymous said...

TJR didn't know ADAM from American Idol. He never watched the show and heard Adam sing when his cousin mentioned his name. He auditioned and the rest is Glamtabulous history.

Anonymous said...

there's some cok knobbin' right thare.

Anonymous said...

I went back and looked at Adam's appearance on the Early Show that is pictured here. Adam looked terrific...yes, there was an Elvis vibe withthe hair. He performed several songs and did the interview. I suppose when Adam starts work on his new album and has to put a band together hopefully to tour, he will decide which musicians are the best fit. He has done very well in Europe and China with other musicians and backup singers. In fact, I don't remember the country, but he had two male backup singers and they were great. I have nothing against Tommy. Adam just needs the best people with him that make him feel comfortable on stage and do the best job possible with the music.

Anonymous said...

I think we have a 13 yr old writing here and keeps repeating the same dumb remarks. He or she thinks if they say these comments enough it will happen. Get it straight Adam will not fire TJR because they work so well together and respect each other. As far as their private lives that their business.

Anonymous said...

7:49, You're right. Adam did not know Tommy before Idol. Tommy audioned for lead quitar, but since Adam already had Monte for lead, Tommy was asked if he could play bass guitar. This was after Idol.

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter went to see All Time LoW tonight at the Pageant in St.Louis Mo.We all went when Adam had his concert there they all said that worked at the Pageant that they have never had a night like that since or before Adam.He drew the biggest crowd.They want him back there.Tommy was excellent best concert I have ever seen & I hope Adam will be on Idol I have waited for this.

Anonymous said...

where is AL tonite? I bet he's jackin' while Kesha holds the curtain.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha did you mean 13 months old?

Anonymous said...

There's no need to be nasty. It gives Glamberts a bad reputation. Tommy is Adam's friend. Overdue to get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Tommy and Jeffree are all in the same league. How does that sound?

Anonymous said...

Wow! at a glance adam looks very much like Elvis!!!

Nice pic!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy are in the same league, nice guys. Who's Jeffee?

Anonymous said...

Jeffree is Tommy's friend.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hoping to see Adam sing with Nile on the guitar.

Anonymous said...

Neil and Jeffree had once a fight on twitter...

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a average quitarist, not very good or very bad. He will do and is cheap.

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

let's hope that pageant singer Angie Miller DON'T WIN. Kree Harrison for the win.

Anonymous said...

did Jeffree bitch slap Neil?

Anonymous said...

I think it will be a Candace/Angie finale with prob Angie winning.It will be a close.

Anonymous said...

I met LP on drums, he said that Adam is the nicest person to work for. LP also asked me what city they were going to be at next, they were waiting for a electronic part. I suppose it gets really confusing, when traveling all over the USA. This was the GLAMNATION TOUR. Loved every minute of the show. And I saw him at the Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen Minnesota. He was sitting around on a Stoll by a gambling machine. I motioned to his and he came over and talked to me. I was even nervous talking to him.

Anonymous said...

`Tommy`want´s to be famous,but,but, he´s,´Timmy´ one of best:)

Anonymous said...

I had a dream that Adam will be on Idol with Queen for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Damn. Every once in awhile Adam just comes up looking SO Elvis in a photo, it's like a reincarnation...