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Close Up Video: ADAM LAMBERT Makes Surprise Appearance at BROADWAY BARES 23, Sings National Anthem

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 25, 2013


tea said...


Anonymous said...

It just struck me that Adam would not have gotten any more audience applause and cheers, if he had come out stripped, .

Anonymous said...

@ 9:38 AM but no one would have listened to the song. Lol And I bet the cell phones and camera's would have come out at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Could listen to that voice every minute of every day.

Anonymous said...

He has a great voice but as a man his turned into a real jerk.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:20, don't forget he is a good looking, kind and loving jerk, but a jerk all the same. I haven't heard of any other performer who has a fabulous voice and personality, just throw it all away, just to prove a point, that gays will be accepted everywhere. He took on this challenge, but the lifestyle of gays will never be accepted. They can be respected for being human beings, but NOT for the lifestyle. One man by himself will never change this country, or the world.

Anonymous said...

Jerk?Huh? Obviously we aren't talking about THE Adam Lambert! He is no jerk to me.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Anon: 10:36AM !!!

Love Adam fo being Adam:) enough said!

Anonymous said...

some of these commenters, where do they all come from?

Anonymous said...

they come from under rocks?

Anonymous said...

10:20am ... Pray tell, what has Adam done to now classify him as a jerk?

And 10:36 ... What are you talking about?! It is precisly your thoughts on this subject - "respectied as human beings, but NOT for the lifestyle." that need to advance. Just how are gays supposted to live a life true to themselves and be happy, a right they and all of us are accorded under our constitution? Your thoughts come close to falling under the notion that being gay is a choice. Please try to stand in their shoes. Read the "Born This Way Blog". I guarentee it will open your heart and mind.

Gays are fighting for their civil rights and Adam is one of the figures on the forfront. It IS important! This IS Adam's life and truth. If you are a fan of his, take the time to explore what it really means to be gay.

I remember watching Adam perform with Kris Allen, David Cook and a stage full of musicians on Good Morning America. I looked down the line of men and realized "He can get married, he can get married, he is married," and so on. But when it came to Adam, the most talented, beautiful, kind-hearted man on the stage, we as a society say he CAN'T get married. It struck me then how bizarre it was. Hopefully, California will join the growing number of states that have legalized same-sex marriage.

Adam is a shinning light for equality, not just a stunning talent. He has a lot on his shoulders, let's try to help him out.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

11.29 that was very good. Adam Lambert is as far from a jerk as any person I have ever known. He sticks up for what he believes in that does not make him a jerk, he very smart and brave person. I doubt you people are fans just wanted to get your ignorant homophobic remark in. Maybe if people like you would read something in the subject educate yourself you may think before you post such stupid things. Please do.. So sick of wasting what bit of energy I have on fighting baseless stupid remarks, that have no merit. I will always try and do it because Adam is a good man and deserves it. Sue

choons said...

@10:20, 10:36
Who's the jerk here?

Anonymous said...

Let me think a minute - - straight jerks - - Chuck Norris, Hulk Hogan, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Rush Limbaugh,Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Richards, and of course Ted Nugent. And that's just guys!

Anonymous said...

This man's voice and vocal control AND presentation is phenomenal! Recently we are seeing him mainly in gay venues which is "branding." I am happy that he is courageously standing up and in for the gay movement but I will be even happier when his "branding" is simply "Adam, one of the greatest voices and performers of this decade." I am much more intrigued with Adam's musical gifts than I am his lifestyle and personal life. So I thank Brian May for interjecting the fact that Queen and Adam are in discussion about another collaboration. I hope Adam is collaborating with other great musical talents so he can continue to thrill the world -- and I hope he sings the National Anthem at the Super Bowl -- and I just LOVE "Runnin'" so I hope he gets around to singing that wonderful song -- maybe with Queen; it seems like a Queen song...maybe they'll put together an arrangement for Adam! Beverly

tess4ADAM said...

@Sue ... you go girl! ADAM is far from being a 'jerk'!! A 'jerk' only thinks of themselves ... makes 'stupid' remarks on message boards ... & sets themselves up as both judge & jury of any and all of anything remotely related to ADAM ... then comes here on this site & SPEWS their BS to stir up the TRUE fans on it!! I'm sick of reading all of these posts by these JERKS & I too will stand up for ADAM until my fingers can no longer TYPE!! You are not alone sister Glambert!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

10:20 and 10:36, Until gays are no longer ridiculed, ostracized, prohibited from many human rights, even beaten, bullied and killed, brave activists like Adam will continue to put themselves out there to try to help. If this is being a jerk, then we need more of them.

As to the "gay lifestyle," what about gay people who have never had sex with anyone in their whole lives? Are they leading a "gay lifestyle?" Are they never to be accepted, too? To say that their "lifestyle" will mever be accepted is a very defeatist attitude. Maybe you yourself will never fully accept gay people, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't be enlightened and accepting. Some people will always choose to live in the dark ages, and that is their choice. Being gay is not a choice. It doens't just "go away." If you're gay, you're gay, whether you are sexually active or not. Same with being straight. So, just what is this unacceptable "lifestyle," anyway? I guess it's just being HUMAN.

To say that just one person can't possibly bring about major changes in attitude is also very defeatist. You have to start somewhere. Very often a major social movement is helped tremendously by one person's brave act, for example, Rosa Parks. Seems like some on this site don't mind if Adam is gay, but they just don't want him to ever ever act gay or work for gay issues. Pretty contradictory, if you ask me. He is so much more than just a great voice. He is one of the most fascinating people I have ever followed in the media.


Anonymous said...

Well I tried to take break but this whole NA brought me back... had to see what was being said .... I found out that I miss all of u.... Tagged and tag less ....I got up yesterday feeling a little better who knows how long it'll last .... when your crazy u gotta take things one day at a time ....anyway.... bravo to u laura ox....don't believe anyone could have put it better .....hello Sue...u know I'm always with u girl .....Tess ditto hope we can all be sister's for ever in support of our Adam.... I wrote this a while back for Adam thought it might be apporiate now
Gracious is the man , that stands
Alone in the spot light .
And strong is the man , that turns his cheek
And refuse the fight .
Brave is the man that , champions
Are diversity, then stands proud
Of who he is , for all the world to see .
Rich is the man filled with love ,
And doomed is he who that hates
Blessed is the man who understands
Life is what u make .
Rare is the man whose beauty
Extends to his soul, whose voice
Is like an angel , and whose heart is made of gold,
Whose smile would light the heavens
And whose spirts soars above ,
Whose message is a simple one,
Fill the world with love........peace rosepetal

Anonymous said...

More comments about Adam's SSB at BB:

Just read a discussion of this performance. They were chatting about how it's difficult to sing higher notes on an "e" vowel because of the way the muscles etc are arranged to create that sound. BUT Adam actually sings a High C note during the word "free" in this performance. This means he is not human.

Just unbelievable!! This is the hardest song on earth to sing and when it's done right, wow, it sends shivers up your spine. What a statement! We can all be different, we can all have different opinions, but we are all Americans and proud... stay brave Adam.

IMO Lambert is already the greatest vocalist of all time, Whitney, Aretha, Freddie, MJ you name them all of them. Their are singers who can hit 5 octaves like Adam, Freddie and Whitney but his ability to maintain resonance and to articulate the lyrics with emotion, and his low to high range is especially is just phenominal. Cannot think of an pop star alive today who comes anywhere near Lambert, with time he well become the biggest male solo star on the planet.

Adam was my mother's favorite. She died exactly two weeks ago in a car accident. I'm sure this one would have been in her favorites tab. One of her 'daily' viewers. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful sweetheart RosePedal hope you feel better, think we are both having quite the struggle, I miss you alway's when your not hear. You said that very well and I agree with you a lot. Sue

Anonymous said...

More comments:

"Perfect. Period. The song is written for a "diva skills" voice - one of the most difficult songs to sing ever written. And his version perfectly fits into the context of the rest of the show. It was an amazing moment."

"I agree totally with jrmartine. Think about how difficult a song it is to sing even in its original version. Add to that the fact that this was a theatrical/Broadway crowd, now multiply the intensity of a "cold walk on" to a Broadway-like stage and factor in an acapella rendition of THE most well-known, beloved patriotic song in the United States. It was a Herculean feat that would have left many (most?) performers quaking and in shambles. Lambert is ridiculously talented! Bravo! Standing O!"

"I don't know if people who post here are truly idiots or just work hard at pretending to be. The show is an outrageous over the top tour de force. It's for a good cause and is every definition of the word theatrical. People should really research before they open their mouths and show just how stupid they are. This was a fund raiser. The theme of the night was the military hence the star spangled banner. How Adam sang it was not only appropriate but necessary and no one could have pulled it off like he did."!/entry/51c97e2cc5f0cf15b377bf2e

Anonymous said...

Tess4Adam seems like it is a never ending battle to fight the jerks, but he deserves our having his back and glad you too are united with the true fans here doing that, it not easy for me at all right now to fight these people but will always do it. As far as the branding thing sometimes you have to be yourself and stand up for what you believe I hope that does not brand anyone. Don't worry Adam will cont. with the music with Queen and on because how could anyone with that great and he loves to sing not do it. Thank you again Tess4Adam for your kind remarks I totally with you. Sue

Anonymous said...

Cool fansite:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back, rose petal. And LOVE your poem! It's perfect and true and totally Adam. I cannot give up this man and his journey, with all its ups and downs, the love as well as the hate. It's really an incredible life to be following. I think he will become a very significant person when all is said and done.


Anonymous said...

Who is calling ADAM a Jerk????

It's so funny when people get jealous eh!:) They attack their own flesh he!he!

Sorry for all the people who can't even experience the love and acceptance.....

You will be alone and rotten in your grave indeed:)



Anonymous said...

After reading this thread the phrase " lifestyle of gays " has really left a bad taste in my mouth. Four of my friends are gay.....two are women and two are men and they are my friends because we share the same values and enjoy similar things. Three of the four are happily married and they all have been with their spouse for a long time just as I have. The unmarried friend is a male and he does frequent gay clubs/bars on a regular basis but that is not all the sum total of who he is. My point is that gay people like everyone else come in all shapes, sizes, talents etc........and to make a generalization such as the gay lifestyle is wrong and very prejudicial.

Anonymous said...

If you read back thru, you will find that nobody critisized His wonderful voice or his rendition of SSB. Or the fact that he is kind and loving or good looking. But he is trying very hard to be in the mainstream media as a pop star, at the same time is going to gay clubs almost every day and drinking with half dressed other guys. Most of this could be avoided with a little common sense. His lifestyle should be kept at home privately. The same with straight guys, if you are going to act crudely save it for your home. Has anyone noticed that the media is ignoring him. It's not because he is lacking in talent, but they have their rules, and they cannot trust that he won't do something spur of the moment, like the AMA. Also during his tours. This is an Adam site, so don't bother naming other stars who misbehave .I hope he doesn't let his chances drift away from him, He should be #1 in the music world, maybe he will be some day.

Anonymous said...

@rosepetal That was a beautiful poem,describes Adam so perfectly. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

10:20 and 10:36 are the same person. Hope so, anyway. The thought that there are two people out there who think like that is more than I can contemplate after a long day at work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He not been ignored in the media. Saw him featured E last week, they talked about looser being new winners. Showed Adam several times. They said when was last time you saw Lee D, RS, David C, one from X factor and the voice, one of winner said not don't think so. Then told winner and she some did better. Also showed some winners from Idol KU, KC. He was in the insider interviewed that was last week. Before week so before fashion police. I read several articles about Adam this week, very nice one about his talent. Adam performed on Idol, they were not worried about some old award show he did but NM did not only one if judges that did not, very rare. Because she has done so many crazy performances, has not hurt her. Every where Adam goes he is followed and pictures taken if him like crazy by pap's. I do not believe that many people are all that scared if an old award sho. The ones that get covered the most in the media are the ones that act up all the time, like AB, Justin B, LL. have not even heard lot about Lady G. Lately she done nothing crazy, sure she will. The crazier you are the more you get covered, when Adam did that media covered him for weeks the media much more interested in the bad stuff or controversial than the good they are not afraid if it and live for it, how they make their money. He done nothing controversial just in the mines if a few. He gone to premiers and Madonna after parties that did not hurt him. People dress that way he doesn't .Madonna lives for the crazy media coverage and controversial, she plans it all that way and it keeps her out there.i know she very famous that's how she got very famous all kinds of controversial stuff, just look at her vids.

Anonymous said...

@10:36 You must be a Tommybert, because otherwise people wouldn't be so nice to you here.

Anonymous said...

5:05, I'm sorry but going out to a bar in NYC with friends is not flaunting a lifestyle and I'm sick of the generalizations on here. so basically you are saying that adam should only do what in public, sing? not see friends, not have a life, not go out, not take $ for appearances, etc. I sort of like that he pushes people's buttons as a wake up call may be needed for individualism.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Anon 6:13PM!!!

Adam is Adam & I LOVE Adam for being real!!!

Anonymous said...

You know The Adam Lambert Connection. I think they wouldn't go anywhere where Tommy isn't. Sad.

Anonymous said...

TALC ladies = The Adam Lambert Connection

Anonymous said...

atta girl rose petal.....glad you popped back in. Also glad to read your verse, writing is such a comfort, whether it's a slow struggle or flows out of your heart so fast your fingers can hardly record it before it disappears. I think it's your soul speaking, whether in praise, joy, misery or just in fancy....JAK
Forever a Fan!

Anonymous said...

We get these jerk comments for two reasons. The first is that people here always have to respond to them. The second is the site owner won't step in and either ban certain IPs or delete the hateful and/or trolling comments.

Anonymous said...

You mean act as a censor? Wouldn't that be a round the clock job? We have soooo many nasties and jerks and reformers. Let's just fight it out ourselves. Admin. is busy. As I understand there are sanitized sites, sometimes I'm tempted but then again sometimes it's fun here. Just step around the piles of s***!

Anonymous said...

It is fun here. Much more fun than twitter ever could be. :)

Anonymous said...

7:39 there are ways to get around the issue of screening comments. Such as registered commenters comments automatically go through and unknown comments sit waiting to be published once they are approved. Blocking the troublemaker IPs would put an end to a huge amount of trouble too. Both are pretty low maintenance. Many other part time bloggers use these methods.

Anonymous said...

@8:15PM This will be a Tommycray site over my dead body if that is what you want..

Anonymous said...

In other words Tommy Joe Ratliff and 1D my arse! LOL

Anonymous said...

8:23, what are you talking about? Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Read the comment again. It's about not having the comments screened live as they come in. About how registered commenters can comment while the unapproved comments wait to be approved. It would reduce the amount of troll and hater comments. But I suspect your IP would end up banned pretty quick for sheer stupidity and rudeness.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:36 am You know, don't you, no one is going to expect you to live a gay lifestyle, so why so concerned? The entire country is not going to break out in tight short shorts or thongs and feather boas. Oh wait a minute, I forgot about Mardi Gras. You know that religious holiday? Some gays are over the top flamboyant, some gays aren't. Some straights where long dresses and white bonnets and some men wear black suits and hats and grow long whiskers after they marry. Some Americans wear saris, some women cover their heads with shawls, there's room for all of us.

Anonymous said...

@9:47PM Why would you think I'd be banned? I'm not a Tommycray. Besides, I've been here since 2010. :)


Anonymous said...

Rose petal! Thanks for sharing, one of his virtues, his beautiful poetry, written since his heart, with pure feelings, everything good and special, that you value and love in Adam Lambert.! HH

HK fan said...

'fans' on here aren't saying Adam shouldn't go out....just that he should only go out with female friends, and only to straight bars once in a blue moon, but never to have an actual drink....cinema might be OK every now and again too...but not too often!!!

Anonymous said...

That is not true about the TALC ladies. Only one of them is a huge Tommy fan and she's not nuts or nasty. BTW, she believes he's staight like most fans. Nothing wrong with liking Tommy. Being assholes on his behalf is a different matter. That is a CRAY.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan 12:46
Ha ha, good one!

Unknown said...

Damn this is the site for fake fans lol They shouldnt have comments anymore