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Psy's new beer commercial using Adam Lambert's If I Had You

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gets paid well for them to use his voice and song.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty damn cool, love it!


Anonymous said...

wow,you could actually really hear it loud and clear. How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

waaay cool. love it!

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't write the song so he isn't going to get much, just exposure

Anonymous said...

my new beer is

Anonymous said...

Almost unreal, wake me up! If this is real it is OMG : )))) Psy admires Adam, like soooo many people all over the world. This IS GREAT thing!!

By the way it is Pride week here in Helsinki, Finland!
It is also very lovely, hot, green summer here also : )

Lam-my, how are you? I`ve read you have smokey there? I hope you are fine.


Anonymous said...

what country are they showing this commercial in?

Anonymous said...

If it's not for here in the US, Adam won't get squat. They are probably stealing his song.

Adamluv said...

What a fab way to start todays threads!!!!!!! Am so lovin' this as IIHY will always be a favorite of mine. Just wondering how many comments before someone mentions the WHITE pants. Oh, I just did! LOL! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.....they are never far from my mind.....wish he'd recycle them....maybe they belonged to wardrobe, not him!
: (...........JAK

Anonymous said...

I assume the commercial is for whole of Asia. HK would know about this.

Anonymous said...

The white pants, oh dear me! THUD


choons said...

We should start a campaign for Adam to resurrect the white pants - does he even know the effect they have had on us? Probably not his look right now but if he wants to please his Glamberts .....

Anonymous said...

I sure wish he'd get a least a little money from them for using the song even if he didn't write it. Seems only fair. Hope the exposure matters even a little. Psy is a prime example of how just one song, no matter dumb or how much a novelty, can make someone a star and probably a millionaire. One song.


Anonymous said...

Adam lost a lot of weight think there would have to be a lot of taking in on those white pants. That song was big in Asia, and if nothing else give him more positive exposture for his singing. Nice if they use one he wrote, he got party songs on trespassing. This one IIHY does fit the commercial.i to hope he gets something out of it. ad been around PSY a lot, award shows, idol ect. You dot know he did not consult him to use it or his legal people, who knows why always so negative.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this is a real commercial. They would use Psy's music.

Anonymous said...

Adam was asked on Twitter once if he still had the white pants. He said NO. Sigh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are they using adam music to promote alcohol? That's wrong

Anonymous said...

Hey M!
Nice to hear from you. The way you said: "you have smokey there" is so cute! lol! I have no more smokey there or anywhere. lol! It's called the haze. Sumatra winds bring the "smokey" to our sunny shores but the Indonesian government is taking steps to lessen the smokey. Not so bad now; it's also due to the wind direction and at this time of the year, the farmers burn their plantations to prepare for the new crops. It was quite bad last week, seems to be subsiding. The environment watchers are taking notice of the smokey, lol! It envelopes several countries not just us.
Hey how is Super Sauli? When is his tv show starting? Happy he got this huge deal. Adam must be very happy for him. Hope Adam gets invited on one of the shows because even before Sauli came onto the scene, the Finns would queue long lines in the snow to attend his concert. I wrote a comment on that about 3 years ago.
Psy likes Adam; maybe a collaboration will help both of them hit the one billion count. That really will be smokey! lol! I'm not making fun, I just like the way you say it. lol!


Anonymous said...

A Glambert must have subed the real music for IIHY.

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice sounds so great in IIHY!
So cool, if his voice is really being used in the commercial, I hope he will be compensated!///nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

hope psy pay adam for using his song if i had you-

Anonymous said...

this is not a real promo folks.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....too bad about the white pants, even if they were a little big, as the daughter of a seamstress I could have taken them would probably have taken several fittings though...^o^

Anonymous said...

Love me some If I Had You. It's one of my favorite songs ever!!

Anonymous said...

6:54PM Maybe not, but I prefer Psy over Tommy. Get it?!

Anonymous said...

8:17 actually no, I never get you.

Anonymous said...

@8:31 Maybe not, but what's so great being a Tommycray? Tell me.

Anonymous said...

For one thing under The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) people with pre-existing mental conditions can get insurance. Tommycrays could be treated and recover.

Anonymous said...

@9:36PM ILU!

Anonymous said...

Tweets of South Korean fan who watched this commercial on her country's national TV:

@glamisback: SKorean Beer commercial used IIHY for the music.. & I literally jumped up lolol (the model's Psy btw. I remember his face when he saw A lol)

@glamisback: IIHY on SKorean Beer Commercial it's on the right corner. Dunno how to rip that vid tho..

@glamisback: ok I ripped it. lol Psy new Hite DryFinish-D AD (Music: Adam Lambert- If I Had You)

@glamisback: sorry for my flailing twts just now, it's just..feels so weird to hear A's voice on national TV here in

@glamisback: had to intentionally use Psy's name to get hits from Skorean ppl.. now they will post Qs abt what was that song. yayay

@glamisback: *he, HE PICK THE SONG why do I always do this?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for @glamisback's tweets!!!

HK fan said...

I haven't seen this advert playing in HK yet (although haven't watched much tv the last few days), Psy is Korean, so it may just be being shown there. I'll keep my eyes out for it though.

Adams songs have been used on several commercials in HK though, advertising Fox channel, and a sports channel, even advertising the voice, all in the last few months.

Anonymous said...

We'll have to wait for HK Fan to confirm whether this is subbed music.IMHO it probably is. What is with the "Get it?" line? It keeps popping up lately and it's rude.

Anonymous said...


LOL for me (poor me), I didn`t want to blame your country about `bad smoke`, so smokey sounds soft word about me, hahah. But YOU knew what was going on, that makes few thousands of miles between you and me useless :)
In the fall Sauli`s program will need to be remembering this hot, beautiful summer. Sauli is sunny as we know. Waiting for it. I have read his blog and I think he is fine. Also Adam is fine, and busy.

With best regards M

Anonymous said...

I see you write good English as opposed to 'Broken English'. lol! But in this instance, broken English sounds a lot more humourous than proper English. lol! Your intention was to be kind; it goes to show kindness always pays. lol!
